✔︎Chocolate Ice Cream || Dust...

By accio-sarcasm

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"You're sweeter than chocolate ice cream, and that's saying something!" In which Dustin falls for his best fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 011 :)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Will Byers Story

Chapter 14

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By accio-sarcasm


I saw Max's stepbrother's car pull up outside. That jerk nearly ran us over, and I was pretty mad.

"Guys, hide, I'll handle this," Steve said walking outside to deal with the jerk. We hid behind the couch by the window and peered out. Billy gestured to us, and we all ducked.

"Shoot!" Molly exclaimed. Suddenly the door was flung open, and Billy waltzed in like he owned the place.

"Max, I thought I told you to stay away from these losers," he told the girl, and for once, Max looked scared.

"Especially this one!" he yelled pointing at Lucas. Lucas panicked, and started to run, but Billy quickly caught up to him. Lucas screamed, waiting for the contact of Billy's fist, but it never came because Steve ran in front of my friend and punched Billy square in the face, causing blood to leak.

"Oh you're going to pay for that Harrington," Billy threatened, hitting Steve in the face. Steve tried to fight back, but failed. Pretty soon Billy was on top of him, and was punching so much I thought Steve was going to die right in front of us.

I felt Molly grab my hand, and I squeezed it, trying to assure her that we would be okay.

"Dusty," she whimpered, hiding her face in my chest, and I nearly melted at the sound of her voice, despite us being in danger. I swear this girl was going to be the death of me.

I turned away from the goddess that was Molly to see Max shoving the same blue liquid that Joyce used on Will into Billy's neck. The tall high schooler fell to a heap on the floor.

"You're going to leave me and my friends alone, understand?" Max asked, standing over her stepbrother, holding Steve's nail covered bat. Billy didn't respond. "Understand?" Max asked once more, smashing the bat down. If she had taken one more step, it would have hit Billy where it really hurt.

"I understand," Billy caved, and his eyes closed. He was unconscious.

"That was impressive. I'm so proud Max!" Molly exclaimed, hugging the red head.

"Let's bandage up Steve," Mike said rushing to the bathroom for band aids, and ice. We set to work, doing our best to cover Steve's wounds. After Steve's cuts were covered, we all carried him to the couch. He was surprisingly light for his age.

After Steve was in a safe place, we gathered bandanas, goggles, and anything that would protect our faces from the tunnels that held creatures from the Upside Down. We took rope, and tons of gasoline. Steve had his lighter, and we were ready to burn what was hurting our friend.

Max took Billy's car keys from his pockets, and we were off. Max was driving, Lucas was sitting in the front seat, Mike was sitting in the back next to Steve, and I was sitting next to the high schooler, with Molly on my lap. I was a little embarrassed at first, but the blush subsided eventually. Molly was holding ice to Steve's face, and eventually Steve woke up.

"Nancy?" he asked looking at Mike. Mike looked right back at him, confusion written all over his features.

"What happened?" Steve asked looking at me.

"Billy happened," Molly said, still holding the ice pack to Steve's face.

"He kicked your butt, but you tried Steve. You put up a good fight, and just take deep breaths," I told Steve calmly, trying to keep him from freaking out.

"Who's driving the car?" Steve asked frantically.

"Max, but it's all good she's done it before," Molly assured him. He wasn't assured.

"That's illegal! This is crazy!" Steve yelled.

"Shut up I'm trying to concentrate!" Max yelled back.

"Turn here!" Lucas exclaimed, and Max turned sharply. She slowly drove us towards the hole in the ground, surrounded by black vines.

I shone my flashlight at the vines, and they shrunk away because of the heat. We calmed Steve down, and we gave him some protection for his face.

Slowly Steve lowered the rope into the giant hole in the ground, and we all climbed down after him, some of us more gracefully than others.

"Is that everyone?" Steve asked, and we all nodded. "Good."

We began working our way through the tunnel, spreading gasoline all over it. It was absolutely vile in here, but also a major scientific discovery. I looked around the walls, and saw a bulging spore of some kind. I stared at it a bit too long, and it sprayed some sort of chemical at me. I screamed. Molly turned around in horror.

"Dustin! What's wrong?!" she yelled.

"Some got in my mouth!" I repeated over and over again.

"It's going to be okay," Molly told me hugging me close. I whimpered and snuggled closer to her. Molly traced circles on my back, and hummed a little bit. Pretty soon, my breathing slowed to a normal pace, and I stopped panicking.

"I'm okay now," I breathed, and the others, except for Molly, rolled their eyes at me. We continued walking, trying to finally kill this thing.

"Dusty, are you sure that you're okay?" Molly asked interlocking our free hands.

"Yeah, I'll be okay" I reassured her, squeezing her hand.

"Good. I don't want you to end up like Will," she told me and I smiled. I really liked this girl. Suddenly, Steve stopped, motioning for us to stop too.

"Be quiet," Steve whispered, and we followed his line of sight to see a Demo-dog growling at us.

It was Dart. Molly and I quickly walked over to him, and I pulled out some 3 Musketeers from my backpack. I tore it in half, and gave a piece to Molly.

"Hey Dart," I said pulling down my bandana and pushing up my goggles so he could see me. "It's Dustin."

"And Molly," Molly chimed in. She held out her hand with the chocolate in it, palm open, and Dart moved closer. The others moved back. Dart took the nougat from her hand, and nuzzled her gloved hand. She laughed at his actions and I smiled. This girl was perfect.

After Dart noticed that she didn't have any more food, he bounded over to me. I held out the chocolate, and Dart yelped with joy as he took it from me.

"Who's a good boy?" I asked, and Dart yipped just like a dog would. He was still chewing on the bar as we slowly inched towards the exit.

Steve helped the Max, Lucas, Mike, and Molly up, but before he could help me, a stampede of Demo-dogs came rushing by us. Steve and I stuck close together until it passed. Luckily it didn't hurt us.

Steve pushed me up, and right before he climbed up, he tossed his lighter into the tunnel. The whole thing lit up in flames, and all the vines writhed in agony. The vines from the Upside Down were finally gone.

Everyone was proud of themselves. Especially Steve. Mike was doing a victory dance, while Lucas and Max watched hands intertwined. I was putting my stuff in the back seat when Molly ran up to me a enveloped me in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" she said into my shirt.

"I'm glad you're safe too," I told her returning the hug. I smiled, and I could feel a slight blush on my face, but it was okay because the girl of my dreams was here with me.

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