More Heart - Continuation of...

By GemmaBrocato

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More Heart - Continuation of Hearts In Harmony
Hearts In Harmony-The Wedding
Hearts In Harmony-The Wedding Part 3
Chapter 3
More Heart - Chapter 4

Hearts In Harmony-The Wedding

27 0 0
By GemmaBrocato

Chapter 1

Her footsteps reverberated off the floor to ceiling windows as Pippa Sanders crossed the hardwood dance floor. The acoustics were all wrong for the size of event they had planned. Oh, sure, it would be perfect if they’d invited two hundred guests. But Clay had agreed to a small, intimate affair. Family, close friends and a limited number of co-workers. The list topped off at fifty.

“Tell me again why I’m planning a wedding in the largest ballroom at the most expensive resort in Granite Pointe.” Pip turned to face her friend, Malin Eckert.

Malin deposited the box she’d been carrying on the white-draped table closest to her. She lifted a vase filled with gorgeous red roses nestled in evergreen sprays from the container and set it down. “Because, you and Clay decided to get married two weeks before Christmas. This was the only venue that wasn’t booked months ago for a holiday party.” She fussed with the greenery, then propped her hands on her hips. Eyeing the arrangement she readjusted one sprig of holly and smiled. “I was lucky to book this space. The only reason I got it was because the resort manager owed me a favor. They’re starting renovations in here next week and he gave his staff time off. Although, who does that at Christmas. I had to twist his arm to get him agree to pay anyone the day after the wedding to clear the space. Originally, all these lovely tables were scheduled to be moved to storage this week.”

“I still don’t understand what needs fixing. It’s beautiful. Huge, but beautiful.” Gorgeous rosettes marched evenly across the coffered ceiling. Ornate crystal chandeliers descended from the plaster medallions, casting a warm glow over pale champagne-colored walls. 

“The wiring is ancient and so far from code, it’s ridiculous. Renovations to the suites stalled because the electricity isn’t reliable, so they are upgrading the whole shebang.”

“Is it safe?”

“I’m sure it is. They wouldn’t book us if it wasn’t.” Malin walked to the wide French doors overlooking the elaborate fountain in the middle of the man-made pond. She pressed her nose to the glass and squinted her eyes. “Granted, the amount we’re paying to rent the space is a drop in the bucket on this particular budget overrun, but they’ll take whatever extra cash they can get.”

Pippa snorted, the unladylike sound bouncing off the ceiling. “Jack’s mentioned on more than one occasion the contractor hired for this job is just short of incompetent. He and Sam bid the job fairly, but the owners went with the lowest bidder.”

She joined her friend by the terrace doors. Malin owned a floral shop in town and moonlighted as a wedding planner. Desire to walk down the steps and investigate the fountain overrode her interest in discussing the details of her impending nuptials. Grasping the door handle, it turned, but the door didn’t move. She exerted a little more pressure, still no luck. “I hope there’s money in the budget to plane these doors so they’ll fit properly in the jamb. This one’s swollen shut.”

Malin turned, a grin lighting her pixie face. “I’ve dated Barry, the manager. Apparently, the itemized list is long. He was unhappy with ownership’s choices of what got priority. Of course, electrical work had to top the list. When I called to ask about holding the wedding here, he chortled. That’s the only word I can use to describe it.”

“I’ll be sure to...” She paused and lifted her nose in the air. “Do you smell smoke?”

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