The Ruivin Fantasy

By dingdongxiaoman

12.9K 187 68

Rui En and Elvin Ng has always been deemed as the perfect on-screen couple. But what happens when reel life b... More



1.1K 23 2
By dingdongxiaoman





" Elvin!" A loud strangled yell burst out from my seemingly dry throat. I leapt forward anxiously, trying my best to catch him before he falls onto the ground and suffers a head concussion . I could hear the deep pounding of my heart, pumping anxiously at a ridiculously fast rate. At that moment, the only thoughts running through my mind was to save Elvin as well as dreadful scenarios that might happen if he really got injured. I would never be able to forgive myself if harm really befalls Elvin. I really regretted trying to "threaten" him into submission. With all these stray thoughts running amok through my mind, the only thing I could think of and do at that moment was to pull Elvin forward desperately. After struggling and "grabbing air" a few times, I finally managed to plant my hands onto his pants firmly. Knowing I had a firm grip on his clothes now, I then started to tug him forward desperately, not realizing that I was now losing balance due to the excess use of strength. A high-pitched shrill shriek escaped from my mouth when I closed my eye tightly starting to fall towards the carpeted ground rapidly. However, Elvin still managed to swiftly turn me over and let me fall on him as he wrapped his arms protectively around me as we fell.

And at that moment, all I could think of was that I wouldn't mind staying in this position forever, if only I could feel his touch, so close to me everyday. Feeling the bountiful warmth that seemed to be able to spread through me so quickly, listening to and feeling his heartbeat that seemed to be beating as loudly as mine, and at the exact same time too. This moment should have lasted forever.

"Oomph" A loud thud could be heard as we dropped onto the ground. That was when I finally stopped daydreaming in my lala-land and was dropped back to reality. "Agh!" A loud moan could be heard as we fell hard onto the ground.

"You're really heavy you know. If I had known, I would have just let you fall down. It's really high time you start on a low carbs diet. Or stop eating your chicken rice." Elvin grumbled, half teasing and half serious. He supported me up, wrapping his hands around my shoulders and getting to a sitting position....ending with me sitting on his lap.

" I'm not heavy. You're the one who's weak. You can't just ask me to stop eating my chicken rice just because you have no strength at all." I retorted back, slightly hurt by his remark. I decided to swish my hair in his face as a little revenge resulting in him muttering some curses that were way too dirty to repeat. However, he decided to give me some " an eye for an eye " treatment and in turn decided to grab my chin and turn it facing him, intending to tickle me while laughing at my poor tortured face. I had always regretted letting him know I was ticklish during a 'fortunate' encounter while filming, but that's another story. I would always think back to when the secret got let out of the bag and in turn gave Elvin an advantage over me.

"Rui En, this is your on screen partner for your new drama, Elvin Ng. You guys will end up together only in the last episode but all along, he already had a crush on you since he first saw you. He was always there for you since the start so it's a relationship that slowly builds up. Maybe you can give him some tips on how to portray that better as I guess it is a bit like love at first sight. Treat him nicely okay? And please do try to guide him along. He's new to our industry. " the director instructed. I remember shrugging to myself and agreeing with a half hearted yes before I countinued doing my makeup. Makeup had always been a chore to me and I absolutely detested it. Therefore, I would usually 'cheat' a little by only putting foundation, mascara and lip gloss. Since nobody had ever questioned me about it, I had always used this little method ever since I was in this industry. Humming <Freeze> or better known as《 解冻 》--- the drama's theme song that I had sung and penned lyrics for --- I slowly did my makeup. However the peace and quiet I had did not last long as I was soon interrupted by a guy, whom I assumed was the 'newbie' that would be my partner in this drama. He must not have known that I hated getting disrupted anywhere especially during filming, for I needed to focus to give my best in everything to ensure that the production is good enough for television. Well, or at least good enough for my standards I set for myself. Urgh, now I had to play the PR game with him and I did not like that at all. Not a single bit.

I started to rise and decided to give him a greeting at least and then maybe I could get back to my personal business and start analyzing the script. I lifted my hand towards him, the other in my pocket and said " Hello, my name is Rui En and I am your other co-star. Pleased to meet you and goodbye." I sat back down, even before he had a chance to reply. His eyes had widened during the course of my greeting and he was most probably shocked by the short and held back way I introduced myself. Noticing that he did not reach out to shake my hand, I shrugged and withdrew it back, searching for my earphones in my bag. I agree that may have been a little unfriendly, but that was my personality and I am sure not going to change it just for anyone. After all, that would be rather dangerous, knowing that someone had so much power and control over me that he could change my personality and principles that I abided by for twenty over years. Perhaps my attitude towards certain things could be changed, but I know that I will remain true to myself.

" Are you always so hostile?" That was the very first sentence he said to me. I could remember it so well as he was the only one so far that dared to challenge me. I turned to him, slightly surprised at that comment, but noticed that he was actually teasing and did not mean to say it in a crude manner. I nodded my head noncomittedly, symbolizing a wordless "uh huh" to him. He did not seem deterred by the fact that he had been explicitly ignored and persisted in asking me questions. Quite personal ones in fact. One question I clearly recalled was him asking for my number. I was quite taken aback at this as we had only met for five full minutes. And apparently, the reason he gave me for wanting his number was so that he could talk to me more, get to know me better in order for his acting and our chemistry on screen to seem more realistic. My reply was a straight out no, as I kept privacy and respect for me on the top of my list. However, after wheedling with me, pleading with me for a long time, he seemed to notice me becoming less firm and decided to take advantage of this. He wanted to bet with me that if he can make me laugh in the timespan of 5 minutes, he would be able to get my number. I agreed to his request, as I was quite confident that he would not be able to make me laugh but also partially due to the fact that I wanted to end his seemingly never ending questions and topics. After all, I used to have a reputation that was not to be trifilled with. People in my school days had already knew that I was more of an introvert, but well known for my supposed 'death glares'. Elvin excitedly gave a clap of his hands, indicating that the five minutes had started. I glanced at the clock, plugged in my earphones and started listening to music from 王菲 and Sara Bareilles, both beautiful artistes which could make me lose myself into my own personal world. He was shocked from this sudden gesture, but there was nothing he could do about it as he never did state the rules to this bet. Knowing that it was hardly possible now to tell me any jokes, he resulted in making funny faces in the dressing table's mirror, trying to catch my attention. I made a quick glance at him, eyes meeting, and I smirked, seeing how hard he was trying and how much he was failing. I just sat there while he tried his best to make me laugh. Yet on the inside, I was trying to go into another character, creating a depressing story so as to distract myself from the hilarious images showing on my mirror. He seemed to have a sunny personality, a very positive but at the same time somewhat conservative person when it comes to things about his personal life, one thing we had in common.

Something I did find strange though was that he did not try to touch me or do any funny actions to make me laugh. He respected my personal space I wanted to have and was extremely considerate, not even trying to poke me or use my items to do anything he had up his sleeves. "One more minute" I said, glancing at the clock hung on the wall. Taking out my earphones, I swiveled the chair around, meeting him face to face. This was my way to try to give him a chance.

"Oh great, finally! Uh uhm..I have a joke.Some scientists decided to do the following experiments on a dog. For the first experiment, they cut one of the dog's legs off, then they told the dog to walk. The dog got up and walked, so they they learned that a dog could walk with just three legs. For the second experiment, they cut off a second leg from the dog, then they told the dog once more to walk. The dog was still able to walk with only two legs.For the third experiment, they cut off yet another leg from the dog and once more they told the dog to walk. However, the dog wasn't able to walk with only one leg. As a result of these three experiments, the scientists wrote in their final report that the dog had lost it's hearing after having three legs cut off. " Elvin said, laughing and even snorting as a result of saying the joke. " I mean it's like they are scientists, why are they so silly? They've really wasted their education. He continued, seemingly oblivious to the cold stares he was getting from me for his so called " amusing joke". " Okay, so this just means that the scientist were wasting time and money for a useless experiment. How is that funny? " I said, folding my arms and sighing at him. "Don't you have anything more effective? "

"Oh..seems like that didn't work for you.. Okay another 30 seconds, I can do this. Uh...ooh! I've got one! Knock knock. Oh come on...reply me?" He pleaded, furiously nodding his head, trying to indicate that he needed my answer.

"Who's there." I answered, exasperated.


"Daisy who?"

"Daisy me rolling, they hating~"

I remembered raising my eyebrows towards him, as I had not understood his supposedly humorous pun.

"Oh it's a popular song from 2006 you know, original lyrics was <"They see me rolling, they hating."> So daisy is they see....get it?" He clasped his hands, smiling, hoping that I would understand. Instead, I replied with an 'oh', maintaining my ultimate ice queen image and infamous black face.

"Times up!" I said, quite merrily as the thought of me no longer needing to listen to his crappy jokes and silly faces pleased me. " Now can you please go and leave me alone?" I said, even starting to plead him a little. " No, it's not fair at all. You didn't tell me that you had such a strong poker face and control over your laughter. You totally cheated." Elvin pouted and say. And boy was that pout cute. Wait. What on earth was I thinking about? He isn't cute. He is a irritating guy that refused to leave me in peace even after losing. And now he even resorted to saying I cheated just because I had good control over my laughter as well as a splendid poker face for kind of logic was that? Not bring able to resist retorting back, I opened my big mouth, not realizing the consequences of what would have happened and said " It serves you right in a way I guess. I am immune to all this useless jokes and funny faces but I must say I am pretty ticklish myself. If you had tickled me during that duration, you definitely would have won. Hands down." I said, smirking at him. " What? Why didn't you say so? Argh, I wasted such a good chance! If I had known you wouldn't be bothered by me touching you, I would have done that a long time ago. After all, you do seem like the kind of person who would mind other people touching you anywhere even with permission." Elvin said, moaning and putting his head down onto his hands in despair. " Hey, I do mind people placing their hands on my body okay. I just didn't think that you would have been so thoughtful." I murmured.

Well you could say that that was how I first started having a pretty good impression of him...he was thoughtful, sincere and absolutely caring for others' thoughts, always considering from another viewpoint, from someone else's perspective before he gave his own fair judgement. He loved to make jokes which I mostly did not understand. But I think the thing he possessed that made my heart start to slightly waver a bit were his eyes and his personality. Always happy, positive, with shining black eyes, as dark as the night sky, which somewhat made a special connection with mine.

" Well, then I guess it's payback time. " Elvin said, smirking. " Oh my gosh, no. " I said, feeling a little desperate now. What on earth managed to persuade me into telling him that I was ticklish. I must have been delirious.

" Stop moving. You deserve it for cheating. " Elvin continued on, his eyebrows raised high up in unconcealed glee. Reaching his hand, he immediately started to tickle me in my sides, making me double up in laughter, gasping for air. " Stop it! I didn't cheat! It was your own fault. And weren't you the one who issued the challenge first? And now you're blaming it on me? " I said, in between gasps of air.

Hearing this, Elvin was momentarily speechless, so I took this chance and quickly started smacking him without holding back. " Ouch! Why on earth do you hit so hard for a girl? Stop it!" He cried out. " Do you promise to stop tickling me then? " I said, bargaining with him for the freedom of my poor sides that had gotten rentless torture from his demonic fingers in return for me not hitting him anymore. " Yes yes! I promise, just stop hitting me! " He said, holding his hands up high in the air to signify that he surrendered. "Okay fine, I'm not that heartless anyway. Now can you leave me alone? " I implored him. " Okay, but I'm telling you, this won't be the last time I will 'torture' you. And you can count on me for that." Smiling implishly, he quickly ran out of the room before I could do anything to him. But that wasn't the only unnerving thing that managed to ruffled my feathers. Another thing was that I actually spotted myself in the mirror with a thin smile on my lips, as if anticipating Elvin's return. And nobody had ever let me felt this way in a long long time, not after she left us...

" Hey can you stop your trip down the memory lane no matter how pleasant it is? Please note that you're still laying on me and boy are you heavy." Elvin grumbled. Feeling a warm feeling spread across my cheeks, I was pretty sure that at the moment, I was probably blushing as fiercely as a lush fresh red tomato would look like. Shaking my head embarrassedly, I quickly attempted to stand up, only to trip on Elvin's leg, resulting in another shout of pain from Elvin's. Turning to face my head towards his, it was only then do I realized he and I were in very close proximity and if anyone came into my room, they would probably think we were doing something wrong. However, my eyes were drawn to his and slowly without me even realizing, we started to lean towards each other, closing the distance we had. Elvin slowly lifted his hand, cupping my face in his warm gentle hands. Then without a word, he slowly gave me a short peck on my check. Shocked and stunned by his actions, I instantly pushed him away from me and gave him a standard answer that most girls would probably do. That is a swift knee kick in his groins, letting him double up in pain...

- 2949 words-

----- End of Chapter 3-----

Hey readers~

Thank you so much for your continuous support in The Ruivin Fantasy. We appreciate it a lot but do keep in mind that it would be impossible to update daily at the same standard and length we are at now. So do be patient, and wait for the next chapter of TRF :) Just remember to votement? After all, your little actions are what made us motivated to write this story! :D

With much luff,

KX and YT

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