Terrors in Subnautica(Complet...

By fluffybuns77

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I drew the cover photo myself, please don't steal it. I don't own Subnautica or Jacksepticeye This is a Jacks... More

Part 1: A Subnautic Reality
Part 2: Survivors Gather
Part 3: The Floating Island
Part 4: A Brush With Leviathan
Part 5: The Creatures Midnight Dance
Part 6: A Medic in Training
Part 7: A Medic in Training Pt.2
Part 8: The Reefback Mystery
Part 9: A Calm Silence - A Safe Space
Part 11: A Try at Friendship and Worries Shared
Part 12: Opening Up
Part 13: A Girls Day Out
Part 14: Answers
Part 15: A Dance & An Errand
Part 16: Back to The Base
Part 17: A New Revelation
Part 18: Problems Uncovered
Part 19: The Enemy Within
Part 20: Fear & Loss
Part 21: A New Day
Part 22: No Place Like Home
Part 23: Finding Each Other
Part 24: Face to Face With the Enemy
Part 25: The Final Battle Pt.1
Part 26: The Final Battle Pt.2
Part 27: Post Traumattic Night
Part 28: Awakening
Part 29: Y/N
Part 30: Home
Thank You

Part 10: Where To Go From Here

424 20 13
By fluffybuns77


I woke up to a warm glow entering the room, a dim light slowly becoming brighter. I opened my eyes, once again waking up to the blank metallic room; this room still feels so foreign to me. With Seán sleeping a few inches in front of me I quietly sit up to look out at the sea life passing by. I can feel myself smile at the streams of light shinning through the waves and onto both the luminescent sand and the coral surrounding the safe zone. Fish scales shimmering as the sun slowly rises. Looking out into the ocean was peaceful, tranquil. It was easy to feel interconnected with the world around me like this, to feel like I belong somewhere. I'd nearly forgotten what it felt like. If I hadn't been taken here against my will and without any knowledge of why I'd be more than happy to stay. Unfortunately that's not the case here.

I hadn't realized Seán had been holding my hand until he stirred in his sleep, gently gripping for a brief moment. I look back to him and wonder what he could be dreaming about. Home probably, he's got family and friends back on Earth to worry about. They all do, I would think. He looks happy.

I watch as he shifts himself over affectively wrapping his other arm around our hands, I guess I'm not the only one who sleeps better with someone else's presence. Then again, he's probably capable of sleeping on his own before reaching total exhaustion unlike me.

His nose brushes against my wrist and I can feel the heat in my face spread up to my ears. I think if I were able to sleep next to him for the rest of our time here, I'd be happy. I feel like I can trust him to some degree, and he makes me smile. Laugh. I feel safer since we started to get to know each other, though I doubt he'd agree. I don't think I'd be able to ask him to stay with me again if I tried, my fears and anxiety tend to be crippling in times like those.

I gently intertwine our fingers and I lay back down beside him, the only thing between us being our own hands. It's been so long since I've felt anything remotely like this, and honestly it's difficult not to panic. It's terrifying, but I still missed it regardless of all the risks and pain that tend to follow.

His brow furrows and I find myself instinctually closing my eyes knowing he's about to open his. Why is that an instinct? Am I afraid of him thinking I was looking at him? Or that he'll notice I still held his hand when I woke up? Maybe I just don't want to let go yet. I've never been good at navigating my own feelings, so I don't really know which one it is for sure.

I feel his hand brush stray hairs from my face; not knowing what else to do I open my eyes, blinking a few times before focusing on his. I watch his face turn pink as he pulls his hand away and I realize I'm not sure I know how to see his face without smiling anymore.

"Good morning N/N!"

"Morning Seán." I chuckle," You do realize I'm only like 3 inches away right? You don't need to shout."

He scrunches up and whispers back to me.


I laugh at his antics and he smiles brightly at me.

"Should we get ready for the meeting thing?" I ask.

"I doubt anybody else is awake yet, but we can if you want to! I am pretty comfy though."

"Yeah me too, but I really need to pee right now."

"Alright, I GUESS you can leave me here to go pee!" He rolls over dramatically, throwing his arms over his face.

"Whatever you say nerd."

I get up to use the bathroom, glancing back to see him smiling under his arms as I enter the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet and my concerns proved to be accurate, my period started. Fuck!! I've already been bleeding a lot and now I have this to deal with? Wonderful. What do we even have that I can use? I don't wanna do this...

"Hey.. Seán?" I shout uncertainly. I hear him walk up to the door.


"Um.. can you please go get one of the girls?"

"Why? Are you okay?"

"Please just get one of the girls Seán."

"What do I tell them?"



"Tell then it's important but that I'm not hurt."

"Uhh, okay."

I wait a few minutes trying to think of what else could possibly go wrong for me right now when I hear two sets of footsteps coming towards me.


"Amy? Oh good! Can you come in here please?"

She briefly opens the door as she comes in allowing he door to shut behind her. When she looks at my desperate expression sitting helplessly on the toilet I see the understanding cross her face.

"All I know that we could use is pieces of blanket or suit cloth or maybe some of your gauze."

"Yeah I was thinking that too. Could you put together some blanket wrapped in the inner layer from the suit material? That should work like a waterproof pad."

"Yeah, hang tight I'll be right back. I'll make you a bunch of them for the rest of your cycle."

"Thank you! You're a life saver!"

~Amy's POV~

I quickly rush out of her bathroom and over to the the fabricator she has by the door. Thankfully I managed to gather a lot of resources while we've been here and I should be able to make more than enough for her cycle, then whoever has one next will have something to start with.

I see Seán watching me nervously as I start putting in my resources to make what I need, thankfully I can make up to 10 at once. I make 30 just in case. As I pick up the makeshift pads Sean stops me.

"What's going on?"

"It's nothing Seán, she's just got her period is all."

"Oh, okay. Thank goodness, I was worried she wasn't telling me something that was wrong."

"Nah, periods are just weird to talk about you know? Most guys don't want to hear about it."

"I get it. Thanks for coming to help, sorry I had to wake you up."

"It's no problem at all! It's the least I can do for her considering all she's done to help keep us all together and moving forward."

He nods at me and I go back to see N/N.

"Thank you!!"

"No problem, girly!"

After she applies one of the make shift pads she comes up to hug me tight. It's nice having a new lady friend to get to know.

"We should go and see if everyone wants to start that meeting."

"Good idea."

It's interesting how she always has such a confident knowing look on her face. She's always calm and collected and so in control. It's comforting to know we have someone who can affectively be in charge. It's a bit curious though, she's the only one I haven't seen even a little panicked or worried so far, but I still feel like I can trust her. I wonder what she's really been thinking all this time.

I follow her out of the bathroom and watch her and Seán immediately fall in sync as we walk out of her room. It seems like they've managed to really connect over the past couple of days.

It doesn't take long to gather everyone out into the main room. When everyone is seated and awake enough to pay attention Felix and Marzia stand up to speak.

"Felix and I have made everyone 2 spare suits, 2 spare flipper sets, and 2 spare heated knives. I think we're able to improve our O2 tanks now so that should be priority #1 for our resource use. What else do we need?"

"I think we should update our tanks as much as we can and then build the mobile vehicle bay. We're gonna need at least one if not more Seamoth in order to find more blueprints." Chase pipes up.

"He's right," N/N interjects," We're going to need the water filtration system as soon as possible and it won't be so easy to reach."

Beth perks up before speaking," We're going to need pressure suits after we make the Seamoth so we can swim out to get the blueprints before getting crushed by pressure."

"Good idea." N/N replies. The praise making Beth smile widely.

"What else do we need?" Felix asks.

"Honestly," N/N pipes up again," At this point we need to focus on only a couple of things at a time. Focus so we don't panic. O2 tanks, resources for multiple Seamoth, build the Mobile Vehicle Bay, and build the Seamoth and the suits. After that we can split up and search for any blueprints we need. If we don't take things one at a time we could get overwhelmed and it will take twice as long to progress."

We all nod in agreement and understanding. Obviously we have to be smart about how we do everything or nothing will work out right.

After having decided everything we all agreed that after we rest a little more everyone will head out to search for resources as we feel ready. Felix helps Marzia back up the ladder, Sam and Beth have already gone back to they're room. I watch Chase and Tessa wonder back to they're own areas while I wait for Mark to finish making his first tank upgrade.

I look over and see N/N start walking to the exit before Seán catches her arm and asks her to rest for a while longer, and I completely agree with the concern he's got on his face. I've seen her going out of her way whenever she can to help out without really stopping, even after she got really hurt. She needs to rest for a while. I watch Sean basically beg her to stay and rest when I realize something.

I know nothing about N/N.

Everyone else I either already knew or have at least met once or twice, but never her. I know she's a doctor, and I know she's pretty much a badass who's tough as nails but that's it. I wonder what everyone else has learned about her.



"Have you gotten to talk to N/N yet?"

"No, actually. I mean aside from her basically leading us I really haven't gotten to interact with her yet, we've all been too focused on surviving to get to talk with anyone outside of our pairs."

"Yeah, I thought as much."


"I just realized I don't know anything about her. I'm not trying to sound like I don't trust her or anything! I just wonder what kind of person she is behind her leadership skills."

"Yeah, that's a good point actually. I kind of what to know now too."

He looks over at the two of them just as Seán grabs her hand and takes her back to her room.

"Jack seems to have taken to her really well."

"You know if you're not careful they'll see that smirk plastered on your face. You might end up making them feel awkward."

"I just think they're cute is all."

"Yeah, sure. That's TOTALLY all that look is. I agree though, they're really cute when they're together."

Mark offers me his arm and I take it. I'm glad we all decided to rest a little while longer, I could use a nap.

~Seán's POV~

After helping N/N back onto her blanket I lay down next to her, the same way I had last night. I definitely need more sleep since I was awake watching over her for so much of the night. Turns out she has nightmares pretty constantly while she sleeps, holding her close and telling her it's alright quells them fairly quickly though.

I turn to face her and see she's already looking at me, do I have something on my face? I hope not.

"You look tired."

"Yeah, it takes me a little while to get to sleep when I'm in a stressful situation or a new place so you can imagine the difficulty."

"Do you need any help falling asleep?"

"How would you help?"

"My grandmother used to rub my head and sing quietly to me until I fell asleep when I was young. I've found it works pretty well for most everyone to fall asleep fast."

"Wait, really? You wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not. You stayed with me last night, and considering how long I slept you must have kept my night terrors down. It's the least I can do. Besides, you're my friend."

That's the first time she's called me her friend.

"Thank you, N/N. I really appreciate it, though helping you sleep is the least I can do since you've been here for me since I first woke up."

I feel my heart tingle when she gives me that special smile again. She scoots closer to me and starts rubbing my hair quietly singing. I know this song, it's a Celtic lullaby in Gaelic.

I didn't expect her to know 'Seoithín, Seo Hó', she sings it exactly like my mother always did. I wonder how my family is doing.. I can't help but worry about weather or not they're alright back home. I look back up to N/N's eyes and I can feel myself relax, she's definitely got a unique affect on me.

I close my eyes and listen to her repeat the song quietly until I start drifting back into sleep. I don't know where we'll go from here, but as long as she stays with me I think we're going to be alright.

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