Forbidden Love

By Lauren1462001

20.4K 512 102

Their love seemed perfect but Thaddeus had secrets hidden from his beloved. The secret makes their relationsh... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Exciting News
Link to Completed Story!

Chapter 1

6.3K 128 15
By Lauren1462001

"Tell me where you are, now Isilee." my brother growls through the phone as I continue speeding down the dark road, eyes blurry due to the tears running down my cheeks. "Please just give me a break Leifer" I say with my voice cracking showing just how upset I am when I hear him sigh "I'll cover for you just for tonight - stay safe Isi" he says, "Okay" I whisper, hanging up and immediately hearing my phone ping with a text message - one that brings a huge smile to my face.

I pull into the parking lot, getting my mirror and fixing my face, ensuring all tears are gone before I grab my bag and step out the car. My wolf is yipping happily within my mind as I practically run into the bar catching onto Thaddeus' scent and tracing it to a large booth where my dark haired male is sat with a group of other wolves but I see his eyes already staring at me.

I give him a small smile as I see him telling the wolves to mvoe and in a few seconds my male is in front of me, "My female" he growls grabbing my waist with one hand to pull me up against his body whilst the other hand cups the back of my neck as he kisses me.

I can't help but smile as I kiss him back gently but my male bites onto my lip, thrusting his tongue into my mouth whilst his hands quickly descend to cup my behind making me squeak "Thaddeus" I gasp, blushing deep red as I hide my face from him "What? I have missed you Isi" he simply says using his nickname for me, kissing my neck making me turn to the side. As I do, I face his table of friends who are all staring at us curiously "They're looking at us" I whisper, giving them a nervous smile and a small wave to which they only stare back.

He raises his head, turning me away from them and I hear him growl towards them before bringing his arm to my waist and walking us over to a private table; a small booth with nobody near us. He slides in and puts me onto his lap as his teeth nip at my neck, lips going on the sensitive skin and he inhales deeply growling "I love you" he says huskily bringing a bright smile onto my face. "I love you too" I tell him making him raise his deep blue eyes to mine with a soft look but in a second, his expression hardens "You have been crying. Why?" he snarls, all traces of tenderness leaving as he now looks murderous, his body shaking as I feel his claws extend, pressing into my skin and his fangs make an appearance.

I cup his face kissing him slowly, "My male" I sigh not wanting to talk about my heartache, instead I want to simply enjoy myself with him. "Tell me" he grumbles, I lick my lips nervously not knowing how he'd take my words when he quickly steals a kiss "Now Isilee" he demands.

"You know I told you of the suitors my father has for me; all the Alpha males. He has made me visit a particular one a few times now, and I just saw that male today he is acting as if I'm already his-"

"You're mine."

"No, I'm not. Not yet. I have told you that you need to see my father, just tell him what you tell me; that you want us to be mates - I've told him about you but he thinks you aren't committed because you won't meet him"

"I am busy working Isi."

"I know but if you met him he'd let us be together. Don't you want that my male?" I soften my voice trying to appeal to his nature - always males would try to protect females and be kinder especially if we acted more vulnerable than reality; one of the many lessons I had learnt from having my father wrapped around my finger.

I nudge my cheek on his and kiss his jaw softly "Yes" he sighs, his hands pressing my body into his "All you have to do is meet him, that is all Thaddeus - if you are nervous there is nothing to be nervous about" I tell him "It's not fucking nerves" he growls lowly, teeth biting at my ear. "Then why not meet him?" I question, "I can't" he responds "Wh-"

"Stop it Isilee. Not another fucking word about it. We have got such little time together and you want to spend it talking about this shit then you may as well leave now - do not ruin our precious moments" he snarls which lets me know that I should just be quiet - I don't want to argue with him but it's always the same. Perhaps dad is right; Thaddeus may not want to commit to me, he may be only stringing me along.

Just the thought has my eyes watering - all I want is to be mated to the male I love, I want to belong to Thaddeus and for him to belong to me so we can live together as one. We often talked of our future; our house, our pups, their names - everything except how exactly we'd get there. I thought it'd be easy but Thaddeus is making this a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"My female" he sighs, rubbing my back and lowering his head to kiss my cheek "I love you Isi, but drop this, stop talking about it" he says gruffly, wiping my tears away. I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder with a content sigh "I have missed you" I confess, which has his hands rubbing my skin "Not as much as I have missed you" he tells me.

We stay wrapped in each others arms for what feels like only a second before someone's presence interrupts us "Hi-"

"Fuck off Aurelia" Thaddeus growls, sitting up straight, his body tensing as he pushes my head to tuck into his neck, facing away from the female "Please come sit with us, introduce us to this female we want to meet her" the female whines. "Leave us alone" is Thaddeus' reply "I feel bad for taking you away from your friends, you can go sit back with them and I'll leave" I suggest kissing his neck even though I don't want to go, I feel as if I've stolen him from his friends.

His grip immediately tightens "No. You're staying." he demands, "Come over here" Aurelia says, taking my hand and pulling me up as Thaddeus stands as well, keeping his iron grip on my waist and walking over to their table.

His friends stand and Thaddeus slides into the booth, getting to the centre whilst I stand there nervously under the watchful gazes of his friends "Come here Isi" he says, holding a hand out which I quickly take and he pulls me into his side before his friends sit back down, Aurelia right next to me.

They are all silent as they stare at me, my male keeping his arm around me so I'm pressed against him as he picks up his drink that he'd left and takes a few gulps - not helping with the awkwardness.

I feel my hands shake slightly so I hold them together, hating the nervousness and shyness that overcomes me when being the centre of attention or meeting new people. I feel my cheeks flame as I tuck a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear "I am Isilee, it's nice to meet you all" I say, my male's hand gently rubs my hip as he kisses the top of my head to relax me.

"I'm Aurelia" she says from beside me "And this is my brother Atticus" she motions to the male on the other side of Thaddeus who nods my way when we catch eyes. "Hi" I quietly say "I am Dahlia" a dark haired female says, her pale blue eyes a startling contrast to her mane of raven black "Seraphina" the female says from beside her, "I am Jasper, it is nice to meet you Isilee" the honey eyed male says with a slight smile "I am Thaddeus' brother, Dominic" the last male says, his features similar to Thaddeus which has me smiling towards him loving that I have met a part of my male's family but the smile is not returned.

"Your eyes, they're purple so you must be the only Alpha's daughter" Jasper says, eyes burning in curiosity, the mention of my uniquely coloured eyes has a slight blush overcoming me as they all stare at me - always my eyes draw unwanted attention. "Yes" I respond "Alpha Klaus Anttila's daughter?" Aurelia asks which has me nodding - "Didn't Thaddeus tell you?" I question looking back to my male but he's glaring at his brother, his eyes clouded meaning they must be mind linking but I can feel the anger coming from Thaddeus.

I bring my hand to his chest, rubbing over his shirt that has him looking down, lips twitching up into his slight smile as his anger simmers down and he takes my hand in his bringing it to his lips to gently kiss, he dips his head down to my ear "I love you" he tells me softly, another kiss to my cheek.

"No, he's never mentioned you at all" his brother states, immediately hurt blooms in my chest and i see my male rub his own chest as if he feels my pain and glances down at me "Oh" I can only mumble, unsure how to feel as I constantly blab about him to my friends and family but he hasn't told a soul.

"Why should I? You are my female, no one else's business but mine" he growls, canines exposing as he flashes his fangs towards his brother "Stop trying to upset her" he snarls. I grab his hand and hold it on my lap "It's alright, you know I'm too sensitive sometimes" I say blushing as I admit my faults, he shakes his head, pulling me close to him "No, Dominic is trying to cause a fucking rift between us Isi" he growls.

"Aren't you being paired with Alpha's? That is all we have been hearing for months that Alpha Klaus is finding you suitors" Dahlia asks making me shift in my seat and Thaddeus growl "As I'm the only Alpha's daughter ever born, it gives my father more of a chance of an alliance, he wants me to get a position of Luna in one pack and an alliance by mating with an Alpha male." I say "But you are here with Thaddeus - is he a suitor of yours?" Seraphina asks with a small smile to her lips as she glances between me and my male.

"No, but, but i love him and father says that if I find the right male I can mate with him. I've told him all about Thaddeus but Thaddeus refuses to meet him so my father says I need to leave him and find a male who will commit to me."

Thaddeus growls furiously "I have told you to stop fucking talking about this, I love you and that is it. You will have no other male but me." he orders, I notice his friends all glancing between me and Thaddeus curiously, eyes glassed over to mind link - I wonder if it is a conversation about me? What if they don't like me?

"I'm sorry" I mumble, leaning into his chest and kissing over his heart "It's just that I want to be with you, I love you" I whisper as doubts and anxiety begins to crawl inside me concerning our relationship - he doesn't want to commit, that has my eyes blurring with tears. "Are you saying I don't want the same thing?" he snarls, I open my mouth but he just growls "Enough" that one word tells me we need to stop before this blows out of proportion. He wipes away my fallen tears and kisses my lips softly "Don't get upset" he sighs, rubbing my back as he pulls me back to his chest - the table now quiet with no one talking but I can feel their curious eyes on me making me blush.

Jasper clears his throat "Would you like a drink Isilee?" he questions, trying to diffuse the situation which has me smiling gratefully towards him "Yes, but I'll go get us a round in - I feel bad for intruding on your group" I say smiling sheepishly, my cheeks warming as I see them staring over "You're not intruding" Aurelia says as she and a couple of them move out of their seats so I can slide out.

Thaddeus hands me money "Use this" he demands, I shake my head "It's alright I'll pay" I say which has him growling "No, take the fucking money" he snarls, I furrow my brows taking the money whilst rubbing my thumbs over his knuckles to calm him down. "Okay my male" I say softly giving him a small smile to which I see he exhales, sapphire eyes clearing away the blackness of his wolf as he relaxes "Hurry back here my female" he tells me, sipping his drink and keeping his eyes on me making me blush and nod before going to the bar.

When I finally sit back down everyone takes their drinks from the tray, "Here you go" I tell Thaddeus handing him back his money as I had used my own instead. He growls "I told you to use it" he says "You should be happy, the female is saving you money" Jasper tells him whilst he smiles my way and I return the smile gratefully.

"So do you all work with Thaddeus?" I ask sipping on my drink "Not really, he is more of our boss" Atticus says "Boss? So you're not all guards?" I question only then noticing that all of their eyes are glassed over in a mind link conversation. "Yes we are but he's the head guard at the castle" Dahlia says her eyes darting to Thaddeus and I notice he nods to her.

"Head guard? When did this happen Thaddeus?" I ask, turning to him "It was a recent promotion" Aurelia tells me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him "Oh my male, well done! I'm so proud of you" I tell him beaming with pride for him "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him kissing him again "I didn't think you'd want to know" he says, wrapping his arms around my waist "Of course I would" I scold "You are my male" I remind him.

"Surely you'd want an Alpha rather than a royal guard like Thaddeus" Seraphina comments "No. Thaddeus is the one I love and he has a respectable job protecting the Royals" I reply. I squeal slightly as I'm practically beaming with pride "I'm so proud of you my male, all of your hard work has paid off" I say, I kiss his cheek "My strong" a peck to his other cheek "Handsome" then a kiss to his lips "Male. I love you" I tell him which has him smiling at me, nudging his nose on mine "I love you Isi"

The moment is interrupted by my phone ringing on the table "It's your dad, shall I answer" Aurelia asks already picking the phone up and holding it to her ear. I quickly take it from her "Dad?" I say trying to act as if I'm completely confused by his call "Pumpkin, I've sent Julius and Darius to come and get you" he tells me using the nickname he'd always called me "No dad I don't want to see him, get them back - didn't you speak to Leifer?" I ask knowing my brother would've at least tried to cover for me.

"That boy can't persuade anyone. You are here to spend time with your potential mate, he is a suitable male and I think he would be the best for you Pumpkin" he tells me "I don't like him dad" I say "You'll grow to like him, he's a good male" he says "Darius has just pulled up to the bar you're at - I hope you weren't drinking pup" he says. I look through the window seeing my brother's car parked and two males leaving it "Bye dad" I quickly say hanging up.

"Who is Julius?" he asks "He's a suitor - he won't like seeing me with you I need to get your scent off of me or him and my brother will get mad" I panic "Go wash off in the restroom, we'll distract them for you" Aurelia says, I nod standing up just as the two males come in and I rush to the restroom.

I fill the sink up with water and mix in squirts of soap mixing it together and then rubbing it onto my lips removing my lipstick and Thaddeus' scent, washing my cheeks, neck, hands, everywhere I can to try and rid of his scent. Julius was already possessive, he felt he owned me despite me having no claim on my neck - but he was the most favoured suitor in my father's eyes he was perfect, and Julius knew it.

If Thaddeus would only speak to my father I know he'd love him far more than any of the suitors because I love him. But Thaddeus seemed certain on not talking to my father? Perhaps dad was right, he doesn't want to commit to me. That has my heart breaking.

A new story! Comment what you think

I won't be updating this until I've finished Adonis but be sure to add it to your library to see the next chapter when it's released xx

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