
De XharoldsbabeX

192K 8.2K 2.8K

Red-eyed vampires have taken over the world and have captured all humans. Or so they thought. Ellie and her s... Mais

Vacation Styles
Ch. 19 *The Search is On*
Ch 20 *Reading Letters and Lips*
Ch. 21 *Nothing for Me, Something for Her*
Ch. 22 *Three Days*
Ch.23 *Begging for Forgivness*
Ch. 24 *Too Soon*
Ch. 25 *Fights, Friends, Foes*
Ch.26 *Unplanned Escapes*
Ch. 27 *Point Down*
Ch. 28 *Alone*
Ch. 29 *Into the Woods*
Ch. 30 *Brothers*
Ch. 31 *Jealousy Comes From Love*
Ch.32 *Good Terms*
Ch.33 *Black and White*
Ch.34 *No Love, No Life*
Ch. 35 *Sacrafice*
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Very Important
Thirty Eight
Thirty nine
Fourty three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
To be continued...


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De XharoldsbabeX

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"Good choice, Miss Strong." Master says with a smirk on his stupid perfect lips. I frown and watch his eyes fill with humor from my reaction. I tighten my fist and hold back my anger and attitude I surely want to give him. I tuck it inside a box and lock it, throwing the key away never to be found, till I'm out of this place. If I want to stay here I'm going to have to obey him in everyway possible until I find out where Esmay is.

"Tomlinson, please leave... Ellie and I alone." He says my first name slow, so I'm sure to hear him. His smirk grows to a grin, but I still keep a straight face. If he's trying to be charming, it's not working. Pshhh, yeah right. My subconscious taunts me. I shake her out of my head, even though deep down I know she is right. I look at Louis, which I'm guessing his last name is Tomlinson, and he shifts his feet towards the back of the cart.

Wait, alone? Oh, shit. I don't want to be alone with a vampire. Especially the Master vampire. What if he sucks my blood or something. I don't know if I can handle it. I can barley take the pain of a shot and I always get so queasy when I see blood.

"Leave a bandage, please." He added, making me squirm in displeasure. Shit.

"Something wrong?" Master asks and I presume its because of my nervous expression. I watch Louis place something white onto the bed before pushing the cart out the door and stepping out right after. I look back up to the red eyes that always cause mine to shriek. "Answer me." His tone a bit demanding, but thank god he didn't shout.

Yes, you are hot and I'm scared shitless of you. "No Sir." I mumble instead.

"Really, because it seems to me that you look a bit frightened of me." The words that slip out of his mouth always sound so smooth, making my mouth water. Why do I find him so attractive? He's a blood sucker for crying out loud!

"Why wouldn't I be." I challenge and he narrows his eyes. He licks his lips with his slick tongue before biting on his bottom lip. One side of his teeth appears slightly and I see that one of them is pointier than the rest. I swallow hard even though my mouth is completely dry.

He takes a step forward completely closing the space between us. His chest is press to mine, causing it to move up and down faster as my breathing becomes heavy. "Don't worry love. It's not going to hurt."

Hurt? Hurt. What's not going to hurt? Fuck. What the fuck. He's going to eat me. They brought me here so that he can suck me dry. I'm never going to find Esmay because I'm going to die right now. "Please don't kill me." My voice coming out brittle.

The haunting vampire tilts his head back and lets out a small laugh before finding my eyes again, "Oh Ellie." He raises his hand to the strand of hair that once escaped and places it behind my ear. "I'm not going to kill you. You are too valuable." His words calm me a bit, but I'm still afraid.

"I am going to taste your blood though." He adds, making more nerves jump up scared. My body starts to shake in fear and I feel my eyes getting glossy from the tears developing.

I almost scream No and tell him to get the hell away from me, but I know I can't. Instead I stand there out of breath and as still as night.

He places his hands on my arms and starts turning my body to the left and gently guiding me backwards till I hit the wall. "What are you doing?" I stutter as he presses his chest to mine, sandwiching me in-between the wall and him.

"I already told you Miss Strong. I am going to taste your blood." His voice raises and I can tell by the tone, he is a bit irritated.

"Is it going to hurt?"

"Only if you want it to." He says, causing my eyebrows to turn in confusion. What does he mean, 'only if I want it to?' That doesn't make any sense.

"What do you mean?" My voice is shaky just like the rest of my body.

"Vampires have the power to compel you to like the feeling of being sucked." He lips curve into a grin, but I still look at him puzzled.


"Look, it does hurt to be bit by a vampire..." He states and I lightly gasp. "But, I will compel you and tell you to like the feeling, and you will. Trust me. I don't ever bite my slaves without compulsion, unless they have been bad." He says the last part more serious and low.

That's weird, but I'll take it. I don't want him to suck my blood at all, but if there is a way with no pain, then I will gladly do anything to have it that way.

He raises his eyebrows, waiting for a response, but I still stare blankly at him and don't say anything. I don't know what to say. Silence is better for me. Less words I have to stutter out of my mouth. I see annoyance take over his face before rolling his eyes and pushing my shoulders up so I'm straight against the wall. He leans his face closer to me and his nose barely grazes mine. My body jolts and shakes in fear even more.

"I'm going to taste your blood now. Don't be scared." And with that my emotion goes normal and I am not afraid of him anymore. What the hell? His eyes stay glued to mine as he opens his mouth again to speak. "This is going to feel good, Ellie." He states before bringing his head closer to my neck. I feel no fear towards him, but deep deep down, I can still feel the frightened girl banging on bars, trying to break free, but my body won't let me feel scared.

His head gently pushes mine, forcing it to tilt sideways. My neck is now fully exposed to him as he leans in deeper. I feel the breath that exhails form his nostrils fan over my neck. I can't help but be fully attracted to this man. Umm, you mean Vampire. My subconcious reminds me.

I try to push the feelings aside, but being completely unafraid of him isn't helping the case. His lips press a soft warm kiss on my neck before I feel a small pressure. His teeth must have entered my skin, but it doesn't hurt which is weird. It actually feels... good? Oh god. This feels good. I feel blood running mad through my veins and it feels like someone's running their fingers everywhere on my body.

I hear Master hum in satisfaction as he continues to suck my blood. This feeling is so good, I can't even explain. I almost feel like I need more, if that's even possible. My hands fly up to his mess of hair, pushing him further in my neck. I can feel his mouth tighten around the bite, causing a small moan escape my lips. What the hell? Did I just moan from a freaking vampire sucking my blood.

My body and head start to feel light. I push on the blood suckers chest to make him stop. I can't enjoy this, I have to hate it, not love it! This leech is a freaking monster! Yeah an attractive monster that makes you moan when he sucks your blood. I mentally tell my annoying inner self to shut the hell up while Master lets me push him off of me. He takes a step back and my eyes go straight to his lips. They have a bit of blood smeared from his lips to his chin. My sight moves up to his eyes that are already staring deeply in mine, though they look different, they are the darkest red ever. Almost black. They flare their burning red, but his face is unreadable.

"Fuck, you taste good." He groans as he wipes his face clean with the back of his hand. His eyes are still locked on mine. His gaze finally moves away from mine and looks down at my neck. When I feel his eyes not looking into mine, fear comes striking back in my veins. He looks even more scary now with his dark eyes and the blood smeared on his lips and chin.

A small pain develops on my neck and now that I notice it, the pain is becoming worse. My first instinct is to touch it. I raise my hand and cover the fresh wound. I gasp when I feel how wet it is with blood. I wince at the pain when my fingers graze the bite mark.

"Don't." He demands and I flinch as he grabs my hand and pulls it off of my neck.

His eyebrows furrow deep and he almost looks disappointed maybe? I don't know, but he opens his mouth to speak then closes it before any words can leave his plumped lips. He turns around and walks over to my bed. The bandage that Louis left him still lays on it and he picks it up before walking back over to me.

"Take a shower and then put this on. Make sure to clean your bite with the rubbing alcohol that's in the cabinet." He lifts the bandage to my reach as I take in his demands. I don't say anything which I know I should, but I just wish he would stop telling me what to do and leave me alone. Better yet let me leave stupid Shadow, but that won't happen.

"Can you do that Miss Strong?" His voice raises and I lightly nod my head telling him yes. "Cause I will stay here and help you in the shower and putting on this bandage." His voice threatening and I know that he isn't joking.

"Yes, Sir." I say quickly and loud. "I think I can manage to take care of myself." I rudely say and snatch the bandage from his hand. He glares at me and I remember he said that he hates attitude. Shit.

"Sorry. I can do it myself Sir. Thank you." I curtly nod before moving past him and making my way to the open doorway that leads to the bathroom. I turn to look at him and he is already standing by the door. Thank god he's leaving. Before I turn around and enter his voice echoes through the room.

"You will be going to class to learn your duties here and a little background information about Shadow. Be ready at Six O'clock." He says then opens the door and slams it after exiting.

I look at the clock and its four O'clock in the morning. Great, that's just great. Got my sister taken away from me, then I got taken away by Vampos, got my freedom ripped away, got sucked by a vampire that I find attractive, and what else? Oh yeah, now i get no sleep.


I step out of the humongous shower. Everything in this room looks fancy and expensive. I wonder if all the rooms here are like this. Water drips off my hair to the floor and makes puddles at my feet. I quickly run to the cabinet under the sink to see if there are towels. I probably should've got one before getting in the shower, but I needed some sort of relaxation, and I haven't showered in the longest time so I was eager to get one.

I notice in the mirror that my neck is slowly still oozing blood. It doesn't hurt as much as it first did, but it still is lightly stinging. My knees get weak and I quickly look away and bend down to open up the small cabinet doors. To my luck, there aren't any towels.

"It's in that one." A familiar accent makes me jump up from my crouching position. I look over to where the voice was coming from and sure enough Master isstanding there, leaning one shoulder on the wall with his arms crossed and a grin on his face.

My face flushes and I rush to cover by boobs with my arm and cup my crotch, covering it from his view. "What the fuck. Get out!" I yell all too loud, making his expression go angry. Shit. I need to stop making him mad.

He stands up straight, leaving the wall behind him and walks over to me. He hovers over me and I make a loud noise from gulping too hard. He looks down at my hands that are covering up my private areas, and then looks up into my eyes. They don't look into mine for too long, for they move behind me. He leans towards me and puts his chest in my face. I take in his smell. Wow he smells good. Is he wearing cologne? Do vampires even wear cologne? I don't know, but he smells delicious.

I hear something open and close. He backs up taking his yummy smell with him and shows a white towel in his hands. "I will do what I want when I want Miss Strong. And I don't like being told what to do, especially by a human." His voice is low and slow while he unfolds the towel. I hold back the glare I want to give him and nod my head.

"Yes, sir."

He takes the corners of the towel and stretches it out. I look at him for a second and he raises his eyebrows, gesturing me to turn around and place myself into the towel he's holding up for me. I would rather go to the cabinet my eyes neglected to see and grab one myself, but instead I do as told and turn around and throw my body into the towel quickly so he doesn't get too much sight of my butt.

"Lift up your arms." He softly states and I hesitate before actually doing so. He wraps the towel around my body and secures it on. As soon as he takes his hands off me, I drop my hands to my sides.

I go to take a step away from him, but before I could he wraps his arms around my entire body and brings my back to his chest. I squirm from his tight grip as he brings his mouth to my ear. "If I want to see you naked. I will see you naked, Ellie." He whispers in my ear and I cry out telling him to let me go.

"If I want to hold you like this." He says before tightening his grip even more too where I almost can't breathe. "I can hold you like this." He adds, and I get his point now. What he wants, he gets.

"Okay, I get it, I'm sorry." I whimper. A drop of blood runs down my neck and into my cleavage.

"If I want to do this, I will do this." He states before leaving small kisses on my neck. He moves around the part where he bit me. He brings his lips up to my ear and lightly sucks on the lobe. My insides clench and I close my thighs together. Fuck. Fuck. A small moan escapes my mouth when he finds my sweet spot and sucks it.

This needs to stop! I can't like what this, not even human, thing is doing to me! But it feels so good. My innermost cries.

"You understand?" He whispers into my ear and goose bumps ignite my body.

"Y-yes." I breathe.

"Good." He says then kisses my cheek. "Turn around." He demands and I quickly do as he says.

He looks at the counter and grabs the white bandage that I placed there. He peels off the wrapper, making it sticky. He leans down to my chest and runs his tongue from my cleavage to the bite mark, cleaning up the drop that fell. He hums in enjoyment then quickly puts the bandage over my wound before it can leak any more blood.

"There." He quietly says more to himself than me.

I mumble a thank you, then walk past him back into the bedroom. I feel his presence behind me, but I don't turn around to look. My hair has dried up a little bit, but my whole body is still dripping onto the carpet, leaving a trail of water. I walk past the bed and to a door that I'm guessing is the closet.

I walk in and my mouth drops open from the size. It's almost as big as the bathroom. It doesn't have too much clothes though. On one side of the wall is maybe ten white shirts hung up with four pairs of jeans next to them.

"Those are the clothes you will wear when you are working."

I turn around and Master is standing in the door way of the closet. I turn back to my work clothes and nod my head.

"Your casual wear is in here and your fancy wear is in there." He points to wear all the different selections of clothes are.

As usual I nod my head instead of saying anything.

"Please use words Ellie."

"Sorry." I mumble before walking over to where he said my casual wear was.

There are different varieties of clothes, all different colors. They were all mostly tank-tops or plain shirts. I grabbed a navy blue shirt that was a soft fabric. I then pulled open a drawer that had shorts and pants in them. I grabbed a pair of shorts and turned to Harry to ask where the panties and bras are.

He reads my mind and points to a small drawer above the pants. "There."

I thank him before opening it and grabbing a plain all black bra and a matching black thong. I stand up straight and look over to Master and he still is standing there, watching my every move. "Can I have some privacy while I change?" I ask and he narrows his eyes. "Please?" I add, making him turn around. He doesn't walk away out of the door way, instead he leans onto the doorframe.

I want to kick him to the ground and slam the door, but I can't. Ugh.

I guickly drop my towel and rush to put on my panties. I slide them over my butt and they fit perfectly. As for the bra, it is definetly too small. My boobs hang out of the sides and are pushed too close together in the middle from the too small of cup size. This must be a size B because I am a C.

"Umm.. I need a bigger bra." I mumble before grabbing the jean shorts and pulling them up my legs.

He turns around taking in my half naked body and I shriek while covering my half poking out boobs. He's seen my fully naked, but I still don't want him looking at me. "I'm not fully dressed yet." I say as calmly as possible.

He grins before making his way over to me. My head tilts up to meet his eyes that are looking down at me. My subconcious whistles at his hieght. He sure is much taller than me.

His hand moves behind my back and he unclasps the bra in one quick motion. The bra falls to the floor and I cup my boobs before glaring at him. "I'll tell Niall to get you a bigger size. For now don't wear one."

No! What the fuck! I can't walk around without a bra on!

I open my mouth to tell him no, but she stops me. Ah-ah, Ellie remember. Obey, obey.

"Okay." I look down at my feet and turn around to grab the shirt, letting my boobs flop loose from my hands. I pull the shirt over my head and when I turn around to face Master again, I bring my arms up to my chest and fold them.

"Keep your arms at your sides." His voice deep in command.

I slowly drop my hands to my sides and I feel my nipples harden from them rubbing against the fabric. Of course I had to choose and semi silky shirt, so you can totally see the outline of my breast and my hard nips.

"Better." He grins and I squirm in displeasure. His eyes are planted on my chest, but I bend down and pick up the towel before walking past him. As I leave the closet, I bring the towel to my hair and squeeze the access water into it. Bringing myself back into the bathroom, I shuffle through the drawers until I find a brush. I comb it soft then loosen it by flipping it like I'm rocking out to hard music. I flip my head up and feel my boobs flop up and drop back down. I shouldn't have fucking said anything. This is so uncomfortable.

Master has been watching me the entire time in the doorway. Does he always have to watch me?

I bring my hair to a messy wet bun then turn to Master. "Ready." I state and he smirks before turning on his heel. I follow him and we make our way to the door. "Where are we going exactly?" I ask and he narrows his eyes at me while opening the door. "Sir." I add and his face softens.

"I'm taking you to our study. You and other humans that we captured a few days ago will be in there with you to learn about Shadow." He says while swifting his arm to have me exit first.

I don't say anything, but I walk out and he closes the door behind him. I look at the long narrowed hallway. I don't remeber it looking this long before.

I feel his presence behind me and he grips my wrist. He roughly jolts my body with his down the long hallway. We make our way down the hallway and up the flight of stairs that I havent gone up yet. There's another hallway, but it's shorter and wider with only a few doors.

We stop infront of the first door on the left. He pulls out a key and unlocks it. My eyes first she that this place almost looks like a little library. Books cover the walls while there is a bunch of chairs spread out around with tables next to them. We step into the room fully and my eyes blink repeatedly when I see three different humans in here. They are seated in three of the chairs facing Liam, who I didn't notice before until now.

"Hello, Ellie." He greets me and Master loosens his grip around my wrist. "We have been waiting for you to start. Come, sit down and join us so we can begin."

I start to take a step forward, but Master tightens his grip again and pulls my body back till I hit his chest. He brings his mouth close to my ear and I feel his hot breath ignite the goose bumbs again on my skin.

"By the way Miss Strong. You have an incredible body. I can't wait to run my hands all over it." He whispers in my ear and my face pales. He releses my wrist and shuts the door behind him.

Wait, what?

Vote & comment for more! What do you all think!? Oh and i dedicated this chapter to Zaimfeathers cuase she is just an amazing writer and everyone should go read her book Laced!! <3 -Liz

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