WWE-The Challenge-Free Agents

By SinnaMonnBun

47.7K 1.8K 2.8K

What would happen when 30 people get put in a house to compete for the same prize of $125,000? Stay tuned to... More

Author's Notes/Rules
Meet the Cast Pt 1
Meet the Cast Pt 2
To the Thirty!
Challenge 1: Auto Body Rally
Winners and Rumors
1st Nomination
Elimination 1
Challenge 2: Sausage Party
The Viper Strikes
Elimination 2
Paired Up
Challenge 3: Buried Alive
Crying In The Club
Panty Cake
Challenge 4: Curry Up
Im Going Home!
Team Meeting
Elimination 3
The Newbie
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 1)
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 2)/What's Mine is Mine
Alexa vs Charlotte
The Deal
The Proof Is In The Footage
Elimination 4
What Happens In The Backseat Stays In The Backseat
Challenge 6: Too Clingy
Whatever It Takes
The Secret's Out
Elimination 5
Challenge 7- Give Me Some Slack
Separate Ways
Don't Hate The Player
Elimination 6
Challenge 8- Smarty Pants
Truth or Dare
Doing What's Best
Challenge 9: Wrecking Ball
Calling You Out
Elimination 8
Challenge 10: Crossover
What Happens in Chile
Finals- Part 1
Finals- Part 2
Reunion Special: Part 1
Reunion Special: Part 2
Season 2

Fight Night/ Elimination 7

686 31 76
By SinnaMonnBun


Everyone got dressed up and went out to a nightclub to relieve the stress and conflicts that was going on in the house. As usual, they all separated and went about doing their own thing.

AJ, John, Seth and Randy were sitting in the lounge area like a mean girl squad gossiping. Charlotte was sipping on a cocktail by herself. Paige was drinking out the bar while Alexa and Renee were awkwardly standing sipping their drink. Finn and Bayley were at a table talking. Roman and Brie were dancing and Dean was also at the bar drinking his problems away.

John stared at Roman and Brie. He tried not to look but his eyes kept going over to them. They seemed like they were having fun. His hands were around her waist as she slowly grind on him. They both were pretty tipsy and just wanted to enjoy each other's company.

VC-Brie- Roman and I are having such a great time with each other. Not to mention how good of a dancer he is and, you know what they say about guys who can dance, *she smirked *

She turned around and grabbed on to his shirt in a very sexy, seductive way. He bent his head and slowly made his way to her lips. She kissed him with everything that she had. It was one of the most passionate kisses she ever gave. It was intense, wet, wild, exciting. The past few weeks had been quite difficult for her so tonight, she was ready to forget everything and go all the way with Mr. Reigns.

Meanwhile at the bar, Dean was reeking of alcohol.

"You okay man?" The bartender asked him, "This is like your 12th shot."

"I don't care!" he slurred his words, "Im paying you so dont ask me my business!"

The bartender gave him the shot and he took it. As he took it, he dropped his head down on the counter.

"Dean?" Paige called, "You alright? You've been drinking like a madman."

He raised his head, "Where's Renee?"

"She's uh," Paige looked around, "Oh...she's with Randy."

"Randy? Why is she with Randy?"

"Come on, you want to go outside and get some fresh air?"

"NO! Where's Renee? Get her for me!" he dropped his head back dow

Paige grabbed his hand, "Come on! Lets go outside."

She basically dragged him all the way outside where it was much quieter so they can talk.

VC-Paige- Out of all the times we have been to clubs, Dean has never gotten this drunk. I definetly think he's under pressure from being backstabbed by his so called friend and even the love of his life isnt giving a shit about him. I feel for the guy. Its probably not easy for him right now.

He sat down on the sidewalk and Paige sat next to him.

"Are you pissed that Seth did that to you?" she asked.

"Honestly....im not surprised. Im so used to getting screwed over it was a matter of time that Seth or Roman did it too. All I got to wait for is Roman to stab me in the back now."

Paige tried hard not to tear up. She herself was quite tipsy so her emotions were everywhere.

"All my life Paige.....everyone I have ever known ended up doing me wrong and walking out on me. Im not even surprised that Seth did the same." He said with a tired and drunk voice, " It all started with my dad. He walked out on us. My mom...she gave up on me and started doing drugs. My sister was taken away from us by child protection services. Everyone just ends up....leaving me. Why cant I have one person in my life that gives a shit about me? Thats all I need. I dont need money! I dont need material things! All I need is to know that someone is looking out for me y'know? Then i'll be truly happy. I'll have everything I really need."

By this time, Paige cheeks were soaking wet with all the tears that streamed down. Listening to Dean was absolutely heartbreaking. All she wanted to do was cradle him in her arms and tell him everything is going to be alright.

"Renee doesnt even give a shit about me."

"Dont say that Dean." Paige defended even thought she knew it was true.

"I can sense it. Id do anything for that girl but...i know if given the chance she'll walk out on me too. Im a fucking loser. I have nothing! I dont have a house! I dont have a car! I dont have anything!"

Paige saw his eyes getting filled with tears the more he spoke. He was trying hard not to break down.

"Im worthless!" he stood up and kicked down a trashcan "I AM NOTHING! Everything is a struggle in my life!"

Paige grabbed onto his arm, "Stop saying that about yourself Dean. I care about you okay! If no one else cares about you, I do! You're a great person! You're perfect!"

"Stop feeling sorry for me."His voice broke.

"Dean-" she hugged him tightly, "Things will get better. I promise."

He was taken aback. He couldnt remember the last time anyone intentionally hugged him like that.

He hugged her back and rested his head on her shoulder. He realized, this was all he needed. Someone to tell him that everything was going to be okay.

VC-Paige- I could relate a lot to how he was feeling. I havent had the greatest past either. I know the feeling of betrayal and I know how it is to think that its not worth living anymore. Back then, I didnt have anyone to comfort me and tell me that its going to be okay,i had to get over it myself and be strong. Now that I see someone in the same position, I want to be there for them and give them that reassurance that they need. It just disgusts me that Renee isnt here to help him when he's at his lowest point. She is the one he cares about and she just acts like she cares about him. I need to confront her about this and I dont care if it ruins our friendship, you just dont treat people like this.


The party continued even when everyone reached home. They turned up the music and got the drinks flowing. It had been a while since they all went out and let themselves loose so they werent going to stop anytime soon.

Dean tried to have a good time but he still had this major chip on his shoulder-this one thing eating at his conscience. Of course it was the fact that one of the people who he thought he could have trust, stabbed him in the back.

He stood at a table by himself continuously chugging beers. He was basically gone by this time. 

He spotted Seth as he walked outside to the pool area. He followed behind him.

"So thats-thats your plan huh. You screw me over like a...like a bitch!"

"Get over it Ambrose. I did what I had to do." Seth said as he walked to the bushes with the intent to pee in it.

"You are such a pussy! Always looking for the easy way to the top. From the get go you wanted to form alliances because you knew you didnt have the balls to get to the top by yourself!"

Seth turned and began peeing.

"History is full of people like you Seth!" Dean raised his voice and began staggering towards him, "Everyone in this house knows someone like you Seth. A suck up! The kinda guy that would sell out to the stronger players in the house and kiss their ass just to be on top. Face it! You're the house bitch yourself!"

"Ambrose, stop talking like you're actually worth being here on this show. Its because of me you and Roman made it this far! I created this alliance so I had all right to break it down!" Seth pulled his zipper up.


"FUCKING GROW SOME BALLS AND GET OVER IT MAN!" Seth pushed him out of his face.

"DONT....FUCKING...TOUCH ME." Dean's face burned with anger. All the emotions he had been gathering since Nominations were brewing.

"What are you gonna do about it huh?"

The girls started hearing the commotion from inside and gathered to see what was going on.

VC-Bayley-Oh god no. Dean and Seth are arguing. This can be bad. Dean is so drunk right now and we dont know what he'll do. Im beginning to panic.

Dean glared intensely into his eyes as he took deep breaths.

"You dont wanna know what I want to do to you right now bitch."


Dean socked him right in the face and he fell to the ground.

"Oh shit! GUYSS! DEAN AND SETH ARE FIGHTING!" Alexa yelled to everybody.

"Get the guys!" Alicia instructed.

Dean floored him and continued beating the shit out of him by repeatedly delivering blows to his face. He then pulled him up by his long hair and flung him at the wall. Seth hit the wall hard, he got the wind knocked out of him.

He layed on the floor gasping for air but Dean wasnt done.

In the background, the girls were trying to gather the guys to part the fight.

Dean grabbed Seth by his head but Seth fought back. He headbutted him and Dean staggered back. However, he was triggered even more. He ran right into Seth and began jabbing him in the gut and the face.

"DEAN STOP IT!" the producers of the show yelled and called for security.

By this time Roman ran outside to separate them.

"DEAN...STOP!" He literally pulled Dean off of Seth but somehow he managed to get free.

He ran towards Seth, gave him a fist to his face which temporarily messed up his vision at the moment, and began dragging him towards the pool.

"DEAN STOP IT!" Paige screeched between her tears.

Bayley had already burst into tears and was being comforted by Finn who was confused as to why the hell she was crying about this.

Roman, AJ and John pulled Dean away and held him back but he fought back to get loose.

By this time security rushed into the house and restrained Dean by getting him to the floor and putting handcuffs on him.

"WHAT IS THIS!" He yelled as he wriggled around on the floor, "GET THIS OFF OF ME! IM NOT DONE WITH HIM!"

"Yea you are." A security guard said as he lifted him up and escorted him out of the house.

Everyone watched as they put him into a production car and drove off.

"Where are Dean's things?" A producer asked.

Roman led her to his belonging in their room. She began packing up his suitcase.

"Where did they take him?" Roman asked her.

"We took him to a hotel for the night."

"Why did you do that. Thats totally unnecessary."

"It is very necessary. Right now, he's a danger to everybody in the house and has to be separated from everyone until his breakdown is over."

"Will he still be competing on the show?" Renee asked.

"That is questionable. I cant guarantee anything but there is a high possibility that he can be sent home."

Roman's expression changed to worry. Everyone just fell silent and watched as the producer walked away with Dean's stuff.

Meanwhile, some medics and other producers were checking on Seth who had bruised elbows and a busted mouth.

VC-Seth- I hope he never comes back into this house. Yea I sent him into eliminations but he had NO right to put his hands on me. What he did was totally unacceptable and he needs to be penalized.


VC-Renee- So, Dean didnt come back to the house since he got taken away a night ago. We get to the Elimination ground where we all hoped we would see him but still, no sign of him.

Hunter approached the already waiting players with a very stern and serious look on his face.

VC-Randy- Gosh, Hunter looks pissed.

"Welcome to your seventh elimination round guys. But before I tell you about that, lets address the elephant in the room. A night ago, we had what seemed to be a wrestling match at the house. Things got physical between Seth and Dean and as we all know, Dean was taken away and sent to a hotel. Well, he's not here tonight because....he has been disqualified from the show for breaking our policy."

"WHAT!" Paige said in shock.

Roman buried his face in his hands.

VC-Charlotte- Woah. This is.....crazy.

VC-Renee- Aw man. Im gonna miss him.

VC-Finn- I had a feeling this was going to happen. This just sucks for Dean. The house is going to be so empty and quiet with out him.

VC-Bayley- Im going to miss him so much. He was always so eccentric and always making jokes and just goofing around. The house is going to lose its sunshine now without him.

"If any of you read the contract, it stated that if any competitor get into a physical fight, they will be disqualified from the show. We reviewed the footage from what took place in the house and clearly saw Dean was at fault. However, Seth, you did push him first, but that was out of self defense. You also head butted him but that was also to defend yourself, hence the reason why you werent sent home as well. The producers were this close to sending you home but you had some people vouching for you. You guys arent god damn wrestlers okay, you're here to compete for money. If you have issues with people, handle it like an adult or wait until the show is over to pick fights. Dont embarrass yourself on national tv. Randy, Roman, AJ, since you dont have an opponent tonight, you guys are all safe. Go rejoin the cast and when you get home, send Dean a little post card for saving all your asses here tonight. Girls, one of you still has to go home. With that being said, lets begin the drawing of the cards."

VC-Paige- Poor Dean. I feel so fucking bad for him. He was having such a good experience until Seth had to go fuck everything up. This is not how it should have ended for him. I wish it was Seth instead.

Alicia, Brie and Bayley all stepped up to the table that held the cards.

With a deep breath, Alicia placed her hand on the 3rd and last card.

Her fingers were crossed as she flipped it.


"Noooo!" she cried.

VC-Brie- Thank god.

"Well, that was quick. Alicia, you're going up against Renee in a game called, Unlocked. Here's how its going to be played."

-There are four padlocks attached to a rope.

- Players will have to dunk their hands into a bin containing various types of insects to retrieve a key that will unlock a padlock.

- They will have four bins, each containing a key that unlocks a pad lock.

-First person to retrieve all keys from each bin and unlock all the padlocks wins.

VC-Roman- This is pissing me off because I knew if Dean had kept his cool, he could have totally aced this elimination.

"So, you guys want to see what you're going to have to be dipping your hands in tonight?" Hunter said as he pointed to the four bins, each with a black sheet covering it so no one could see what creatures it contained.

Alicia rapidly shook her head saying no.

"Well then. It'll all be a surprise." Hunter smiled, "Good luck guys. Take your places."

VC-Renee- Im not really scared of insects. Yea they make my blood crawl but I wont pass out if I touch one. I think im going to nail this damn thing.

VC-Alicia- I dont even know how im going to make it through this elimination. I CANT when it comes to bugs. Its just a big no for me. God, help me.

Alicia and Renee took their spots standing in front the bin. When Hunter's air horn went off, they pulled off the black sheet to reveal a large, wide, square, glass bin that had loads of cockroaches in it.

Alicia turned around and gagged.

VC-Renee- Well, time to get to work.

Renee sunk her hand down through the layers of live cockroaches and began feeling around for the key.

Alicia stood aside and squirmed as she watched.

VC-Renee- This feels absolutely disgusting. Im elbow deep in that bin and all im feeling are legs crawling around my arm. I even think one of the cockroaches went into my shirt. If you're not a cockroach type of person then this isnt a challenge for you.

"Alicia," Hunter said, "Im just reminding you that each bin contains a creature thats more disgusting than the last. If you cant get through cockroaches then you wont like whats in the other bins. But it doesnt hurt to try."

VC-Paige- Hunter, is that supposed to be a pep talk?

"COME ON ALICIA! TRY IT!"Paige yelled.

Alicia continued squirming but finally she sunk her arms down.

"OH GODDD!" She yelled.

Hunter laughed.

VC-Alicia- This. Is. Horrible. Im over this whole thing already.

Renee got her key and raced to open the padlock. She got it open and went to the second bin.

VC-Renee- Im getting a little scared now. If cockroaches was in the first, then whats something worst that can top that? I bet spiders are going to be in one of these things. Just kill me already.

She unveiled the bin only to see exactly what she predicted: spiders.

"OH NO!" She exclaimed.

VC-Paige- Im glad im not in eliminations tonight.

"Thats messed up." Randy muttered and turned away.

Without hesitation, she pushed her arm through all the spiders and tried to find the key.

VC-Renee- My strategy is trying not to think about it. My arm is in a bin filled with spiders but in my mind, my arm is in a bin filled with...something, just moving it around until I feel something solid. Im definitely not thinking about all the spiders and cockroaches I have crawling in my shirt. Definitely not.

Alicia finally found her key and unlocked her first padlock. When she removed the black cloth from the second box and saw the spiders, she literally ran and hid behind Hunter.

"Im not doing it. Hunter, I cant do it!" she said to him.

"Do you quit?"


"Come on Foxy!" Paige said.

"Nuh uh guys. Nope nope nope! Im done."

"Okay Renee," Hunter said, "Alicia has just forfeited the elimination which means that you are the winner and you're still in the game. However, you still need to complete the elimination."

"What.."a relieved Renee said, "What if I dont. I still won."

"If you choose not to complete it on your own, we can always restart the the elimination round and this time you'll be going up against Bayley."

Bayley's eyes bulged.

"You just like watching people suffer. I'll finish it." Renee said and replaced her hand in the bin of spiders.

In 10 seconds she found the key and unlocked the padlock..

Then she uncovered the 3rd the bin which had ants in them. Her blood crawled at the sight of it.

She got the key in about 30 seconds, unlocked the padlock and moved on to the fourth and final bin.

She uncovered it only to see the bin filled with maggots. She almost threw up at the thought of having to stick her arms in there.

It took her a whole minute and a half to get the key because she kept removing her hand when she got totally grossed out.

VC-AJ- The sound of Renee moving her hand around in that bin filled with maggots is just nasty. You know the sound mac and cheese makes when you stir it around with a spoon? That's exactly how it sounds. Sorry if I ruined mac and cheese for ya.

Finally she got the key, unlocked the pad lock and completed the elimination, proving that she is indeed a fighter.

VC-Renee- * shudders * The texture of each of those insects are just freaking disgusting. This was way too much. I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy. But im so proud of myself that I was able to complete the elimination. Charlotte said that I need to prove that im a worthy competitor and I think I just did. I got two words for you Charlotte, suck it!

"Oh my god burn those things! Throw all of it in a fire or something!" Alicia said referring to the insects.

"No. They're still living creatures." Bayley reasoned.

"I dont give a damn!"

"Well Alicia, its disappointing that you made it this far and had to end up forfeiting your first and only elimination round." Hunter addressed, "Maybe The Challenge isnt for you. If you were freaked out just by cockroaches and spiders then you definitely cant handle what The Challenge has to offer in the future. However, kudos to you Renee. You definitely proved to everybody that you're here to compete. Most the girls, maybe even guys would have ran away from doing this but you sucked it up and did it anyway. Alicia, unfortunately this ends your time here in Hollywood. Take care."

Alicia gave her friends one last good bye and walked away.

VC-Alicia- I know its cowardly to forfeit anything but...i just couldnt. Everyone has their fears and spiders just so happened to be mine. All insects actually. I loved being a part of this show and even though Hunter said The Challenge isnt a place for me, I hope someday I can return and win the game. I was this close to making it to the finals so I think if I do return to this show in the future I can actually take home some money. I wish everyone the best of luck and I really do hope Paige and Roman become Challenge champions and win first place. Til next time everyone. *blows kiss *

"Well this has been an eventful week huh,"Hunter addressed the remaining players, "We're down to 12 now. Half of you that are still here is going to be eliminated. The finals may be closer than you think guys. Your days are numbered. I just want to let you guys know something about the finals, the 6 of you that are going to make it will have to work together at some point to make it to the end of finals. The 3 girls and the 3 guys will have to pair up at a point either male and male, female and female or male and female, and at other times you guys will be competing by yourself. So when it comes to alliances, make sure the people that you want to run the finals with are easy to work with as well as good competitors. When you have to pair up with someone, you want that person to be a strong competitor. It'll just be better for you. That's just a little advice for you guys. From here on out, every decision you make must be made carefully. With that being said, get outta here."

VC-Charlotte- That was a major curve ball that was thrown at us. I didnt know that we're going to be pairing up with people for the finals. Now I have to rethink everything and maybe start to form alliances with people I dont even like.

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