By LoverOfLoki18

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What would you do if Tom Hiddleston boarded the same plane as you, and took the seat next to you? Would you f... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Airport
Chapter Two: BFFs
Chapter Three: Oh, he's real all right.
Chapter Four: Alchohol
Chapter Five: Meeting The Man
Chapter Six:Textinnn
Chapter Seven: Date Dress
Chapter Eight: Told You So
Chapter Nine: The Date
Chapter Ten: Tweet tweet!
Chapter Eleven: Thinking on thoughts.
Chapter Twelve: Cinema anyone?
Chapter Thirteen: Inside His Mind
Chapter Fifteen: Chili's
Chapter Sixteen: Loki's Death
Chapter Seventeen: Coffee
Just a quick hello.
Chapter Eighteen: I love you.
I've let you down.
Chapter Nineteen: Panties
Chapter Twenty: Rehearsal
Chapter Twenty One: Sky's Wedding
Chapter Twenty Two: I'm Not Leaving You
Chapter Twenty Three: So Cliche
Chapter Twenty Four: Special Question
Chapter Twenty Six: Marriage
Chapter Twenty Seven: Honeymoon
Chapter Twenty Eight: The End.

Chapter Fourteen: A Little Bit of Loki

3.9K 123 44
By LoverOfLoki18

Wow so I'm back guys XD

Sorry it took so long to update, but today was the first day of summer for me (praise the gods), and so I just now got a moment to breathe, and actually be able to think about what I wanted to write. God, finals were so stressful. Ew. I hate school. This next chapter is dedicated to two of my friends who, in reading this story, I have successfully converted into Hiddlestoners. XD

But really, they have read my book and loved it, and been very supportive of it. One came up to me every day in our History class and said she almost cried from fangirling over Tom. XD so thank you both Misty and Treyla. I love you guys💕

Alrighty, here's your next chapter!


Tom and I decided on some European film that he had heard of, but I hadn't. He assured me it would be good, but honestly, I could care less about the movie. Heck, we could be out picking up trash on a sidewalk, and he'd probably make it enjoyable. He's such an optimist, and I admire it so much.

After the lights dim completely, Tom pulls off his cap, which he had on in case there were a lot of people here. There weren't too many, but enough, so he put it on. Tom takes my hand in his, which I believe is becoming a regular spot for his hand to go, but I don't mind one bit. The movie starts, and I'm actually quite interested in it. More than I thought I would be. As the movie starts unfolding, I'm hooked. I thought Tom would be as well, but as I look over to get a handful of popcorn, I find Tom looking at me. He quickly looks away, but there's no hiding it.

I chuckle, leaning forward, a kernel of popcorn in my hand. Tom glances over at me sheepishly, a small blush on his slender cheeks. I smirk, sliding my tongue out and eating the kernel slowly. Tom swallows.

Raising an eyebrow, I say, "You want some?" Then I take another kernel and press it against his lips. He smirks, opening his mouth, taking it, his tongue passing over my fingertips slightly.


Tom catches my wrist, pulling me closer. I'm thankful we are on the back row where no one else is sitting or I would be mortified. I blush, and Tom grabs my other hand, pulling me onto his lap.

"Tom!" I whisper. "We are in public!" I try to escape, but Tom only pushes me against his chest, his hands on the small of my back, and in my hair. He leans in, whispering deeply in my ear. "You shouldn't tease me, then." And I swallow, almost melting into him. I shiver. Tom chuckles, kissing my neck gently, then releasing me. I blush even more, and scoot back into my seat, slowly eating popcorn and staring at the screen, even though I'm not registering what's going on anymore.

Soon, the credits start to roll, and Toms hand has found mine again as we stand. He plops his cap onto his head, and we walk out. As we are making our way back to his car, we hear, "Tom! Oh my god, you're Tom Hiddleston!"

We both turn, and Tom grins, squeezing my hand, then letting go, walking over to greet two young girls who appear to be fans. He takes a few pictures, and talks a bit, and then they say goodbye, one girl in tears, and the other almost hyperventilating. I have to laugh at this, because I wanted to do the same thing when I first met Tom.

I must've laughed louder than I thought because they turn and look at me. One smiles, and waves, and the other doesn't really do anything but stare. Their attention turns back to Tom as he says goodbye politely, and walks back to the car, opening the door for me. He waves back at them once more before sliding in next to me, and pulling off his cap. As we pull out, I say, "You're fans really love you, you know."

He glances at me, nodding. "Yeah, I know. I'm very grateful." He smiles, intertwining our fingers. I grin right back, squeezing his hand. Tom flips on the radio, and starts singing along. I laugh as his singing grows louder, and when we pull into the parking lot of Skylars apartments, he unbuckles his seatbelt, and turns, facing me all the way, singing very loud to me. I laugh, trying to escape his ever tightening grip on my forearms. He only laughs, pulling me closer. I fall into him, and we laugh together. As we quiet down, a slower song comes on.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. OH MY GOD SLOW SONG.

Tom notices as well, and finally realizes how close we are, and blushes, pulling back. I don't know how he's blushing about this though, considering how he was during the movie. It's cute though, so I smile up at him, tapping his nose with my finger. He smiles, kissing my hand. Then he pulls my face up to his by my chin gently, and slides his lips onto mine. His lips are cool, but I like it. And he smells soooo good. He's wearing that freaking cologne again. I sigh, knowing he wore this for me, and push into the kiss, one hand on his chest, the other at the nape of his neck.

He makes a small noise, and wraps one arm around my shoulders, the other on my cheek. We pull away, and lean our foreheads together, eyes closed a bit. "You smell so damn good."

He laughs, kissing my nose. "For you."

I grin, and pull away.

"I had fun tonight, Tom." He nodded. "So did I. Would you like to have a movie marathon sometime? At my place? I have loads of movies, but no one to watch them with."

I laugh, and nod again, kissing his cheek. "Yes, I'd love to. Just text me about it sometime. But, just letting you know, I'm not watching Thor: The Dark World, or War Horse." I say sassily, stepping out of the car. Tom gets out as well. He looks confused.

"Why not?" And he joins me, walking up the stairs. I don't answer until we get to the elevator.

"Because I don't want to see you die, okay?"

He grins, looking over at me as I stare ahead. "Why? Do you...cry?" He steps closer as he says the word 'cry', and chuckles. I don't say a word, but glance at him.

"Aw, you do! It's not real, darling! It's only a film." He says, laughing a bit, and slides an arm around my waist.

I roll my eyes, leaning my head against his shoulder. "Well, yeah, I know, but it still makes me cry."

"Well then that's what we're watching first. Those two." He says matter-of-factly as we get out.

I scoff, walking down the hall. "Why?! Do you want me to ball like a baby?"

I turn around, my back to Sky's door. Tom is closer to me than I thought, and he moves closer, both arms snaking around my waist, his lips trailing down my jaw. I place my hands against his firm chest, and gasp slightly. "No, but it does give me an excuse to hold you, doesn't it?" I shiver for the second time this evening, and make some sort of noise between a small moan and a choke. Tom smirks, leaning back, kissing me once, but lingering, and then pulls back, walking back to the elevator. Before he walks in, he stops, looking back at me. "Goodbye for now, Mackenna."

I nod, waving. "Bye.." And then he's gone.

God, he makes my knees weak.

Finally, I get back inside, and I find Sky asleep on the couch. I smile, sliding a blanket onto her and register just how tired I am myself. I just throw on some pajamas and plop into bed, checking my phone once more. Tom has tweeted something.

It says:

"@twhiddleston: Wow. "

I laugh, shaking my head. Oh, Tom.

I finally put my phone down, and curl up in bed, my thoughts wandering to Tom, as they usually do. I finally drift off, into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.


Well, I hope you're satisfied! I'm happy with this chapter. Tom let a little bit of his Loki show this time ;D

Mhm. Hot.

Tom is sexy okay. Wow.

So I think I might start working on another piece tonight, so you might check it out!


Have a lovely evening.


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