
By Lava98

22.6K 1K 337

Wanting to be a superhero and becoming one, are two completely different things. But becoming the opposite? T... More

Character Description
Saved by the Deranged Duo
Training from the Queen of Crime
Training from the King of Crime
Episode 5: Schooled
Monkey Business
Date with Kid Flash
Baby Justice (Day 1)
Baby Justice (Day 2)
Genderbend (Part 1 of 3)
Genderbend (Part 3 of 3)
Parental Instincts (Part 1 of 3)
Parental Instincts (Part 2 of 3)
Parental Instincts (Part 3 of 3)
Bye Adults
Happy Birthday, Richy!
Christmas Concert
Haly's Circus
Secrets Revealed
The Battle Won
Officially a Family
To The Future
Year 2012
Wayne Charity Gala
Epilogue: Letters from Aura

Genderbend (Part 2 of 3)

558 23 12
By Lava98

If I were a boy
Even just for a day
~If I Were A Boy ~ Beyoncé~

...October 7, 2010...

I left the mall that day and locked myself in my room at the cave, knowing I couldn't go anywhere else. I haven't left the room, at least not the way anyone could see, while absorbing electricity for energy. The voice is still in my head. Currently, I'm sitting up on my bed against the wall, playing on my phone.

A knock resounds throughout my room.


"Go away, Robin," I huff.

"Let me in," comes Robin's muffled reply. "You haven't eaten in 3 days."

"I've eaten."

"We haven't caught you coming out of your room on any of the cameras."

"That's cause I'm too fast for them."

"This door hasn't been opened."

"I vibrate through it. How else would I go pee?"

"I have food just let me in," Robin groans.

"I don't wanna talk."

"You're talking now."

"Still not letting you in."

Suddenly the door opens and a smirking Robin is revealed. "That's alright, I'll let myself in."

"That's cheating," I pout, crossing my arms and turning away.

He walks over to sit next to me on the bed, placing the food beside us. "Eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"Don't make me shove it down your throat."

"That's what he said," I mumble.

He sighs. "At least you're still acting sorta like you."

I look down to my hands. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?"

"I didn't mean to... to threaten the guy... t-to k-kill him..."

Yes, you did.

"I know. It's alright. You got overprotective."

I shake my head. "I could've killed him."

"I don't believe you would kill anyone."

My eyes lock with his cornflower blue ones. But I have... "I..."

His face turns to concern. "H-have you been crying?"

I turn away. "No."

"Bolt, your eyes are all puffy and red. I can even tell through the sunglasses. Why were you crying?"

"Robin, I'm... turning into someone I don't wanna be, but I don't have a choice. I can't stop it."

"You always have a choice. There's always another choice. You have friends who will help you find another way." He reaches up, cupping my cheek and rubbing his thumb back in forth for reassurance.

No, you don't. Your friends are fake.

I wince, moving away from Robin's hand. Hurt crosses his features. "Some things are better to bear alone."

"And most things aren't." He places the food in my lap. "Please, eat."

I sigh, complying. "Happy?"

"Not until you take a shower, get dressed, and come hang out with the rest of us genderbent teens." I chuckle and he smiles. "There she is. Welcome back, goofball."

"I'm not the goofball, and it's he now. I'm a giant tall guy with an excessively large dick."

"Jeezus Bolt!" Robin shouts, throwing his hands up in annoyance.

I snicker as I finish my food, speeding through my shower, change into new clothes, all before Robin stands up. "Done."

Robin smiles as he shakes his head. "Come on, the others are waiting to see you."

He leads me out to the living area, and I'm immediately locked in a hug with Megan.

"You're okay! We were so worried about you!" she confesses.

"You guys are acting like you haven't seen me in years."

"Feels like it," Artemis says, side hugging me.

"I've missed my racing buddy," Wally smiles.

"It is good to see that you are well," Kaldur admits.

"Yeah, what they said," Conner mumbles.

They're lying. They don't care about a murderer like you.

I jerk my head back and forth, trying to rid the agitating voice. "So, what are we doing today?"

"Batman wants us to go out and train with our new bodies to get used to them in case there's an emergency before we can be changed back," Wally answers with an annoyed scoff.

"Sounds practical," I nod.

"More like annoying," Wally scoffs. "I don't wanna have to get used to this body."

"Team, report to the mission room for training," Batman's voice announces.


After training, Black Canary pulls me aside.

"I was glad to see you were out and about today, Bolt," Black Canary voices. "I heard about what happened. I just wanted to let you know, if you want to talk, I'll listen."

Until she learns you're a murderer.

"I know you will, and I'm just not ready. I don't think I ever will be," I respond.

It's just you, me, papa, momma, and all the other villains.

"We're here for you," Canary continues.

I nod. "I know."

You don't belong here. You're a villain at heart.

No, I'm a hero at heart.

Keep telling yourself that.

We return to the living room to watch tv. A few hours go by before my phone begins to vibrate. I look at the caller to see papa. I quickly answer, adjusting my voice to sound somewhat girly. "Hi, papa."

"Where are you?"

I look around at the stares from the group around me. "Hanging out with friends."


"You're missing school. We just got a call."

"Yeah, I'm gonna need another doctor's note for this week," I murmur. "I'll get my work completed fast, you know I always do."

Shuffling is heard. "Little Monster, you can't keep skipping school," momma says.

"I know. I know. Anyway, I thought you said that you two were away doing something top secret."

"Yeah, we're in Metropolis getting some things. Why do you still sound funny?" momma asks.

"I think I might actually be coming down with something..."

"My poor baby! Puddin', we need to get home to take care of our sick little monster!"

"I gotta go, bye!" I quickly end the call, smiling at the team. "Uh... Sorry about that."

"Your parents just get you doctor's notes whenever you ask?" Artemis asks.

"Not without consequences..." I sigh.

"Do they still not know about your powers?" Conner asks.

Only the half that you don't know about. "No..."

"You should tell them," Robin says.


"Why?" Megan asks.

"They don't like superheroes. If I told them I was, they'd probably lock me in my room forever."

"How can anyone hate superheroes?" Wally asks.

"They bring danger, they say. They endanger others. They can do whatever they want. What if they all decide to kill us, they have the unstoppable power to," I lie. "The list goes on and on."

"No offense, but your parents sound like horrible people," Wally scoffs, immediately getting smacked on the back of his head. "Oww! Artemis! Why do you always have to smack the back of my head! Oww! Quit!"

I smile evilly. "You have no clue."

That's the evil side I know.

"I need to do something," Conner groans. "I'm tired of being cooped up here."

"Agreed," Robin says.

"Alright, so I have a question that's been keeping me up," I admit. "If one of you got pregnant, what would happen to it when you turn back?"

Wally screeches in disgust.

"Really?" Artemis sighs.

"What? I'm curious!"

"Curiosity killed the cat, Bolt," Robin groans.

"Ah, but satisfaction brought it back," I retort.

"That's gross! Why would you even think of something like that?!" Wally shouts.

"It's a valid question!" I huff.

"It wouldn't happen anyway. None of us plan to have sex," Robin says.

"You aren't even a little curious as to how it feels?"

"Bolt!" they all shout.

I shrug my shoulders. "You can't tell me that you haven't messed with yourselves like this. You'd be totally lying."

Nobody makes a sound of protest.

"I can assure you that I have not," Kaldur answers.

"Well, of course, you wouldn't," I huff, rolling my eyes. "Goody two shoes..."

"Team, report to the mission room," Batman's voice answers our prayers.

"Oh thank God!" Wally cheers and races off to the mission room.

The others follow at a normal pace, arriving to see KF standing before Flash and Batman.

"We're very close to getting you all along with all the civilians that were turned the opposite gender back to normal," Flash says.

"But there are some ingredients that we need to make the antidote," Batman continues.

"Ingredients that are difficult to obtain," Flash admits.

"We're splitting you into 3 teams to get three different ingredients. Team Alpha composed of Robin and Bolt. You two will be getting the Lunar Poinsettia." He pulls up a picture of the flower.

"We need the whole flower so collect as many as you can," Flash says. "This flower grows in large bunches on top of Mount Coonowrin in Australia. They bloom at night. That is the only time you can pick them. You'll have to keep the flowers in a dark and sealed container or they'll be useless."

The two of us look at the picture with disbelief.

"You'll take one of my private jets," Batman states.

"What?! Really?!" Robin squeals.

"Don't make me regret it."

"Team Beta will be Artemis and Kid Flash," Flash says. "You two will be getting the night-blooming cereus. We need it's nectar. Again, as much as possible."

"This flower also blooms at night on a cactus called San Pedro. It's located in a few places, but we'll be sending you to the Andes Mountains in Peru," Batman finishes. "Finally, Team Gamma will be Aqualad, Superboy, and Miss Martian."

"You three will be getting the glowing sap from the glowing clovers of the Amazon Rainforest," Flash says, pulling up the picture. "You'll have to wait till nightfall as you can't see the glow until then. They're typically found in large patches on cliff sides."

"Teams Beta and Gamma will be taking the bioship. Gamma will drop off Beta before heading to their destination. We'll send you all the rest of the information."

The two teams nod and head off to get everything ready.

"Australia? That takes a full 24 hours to get there!" Robin huffs.

"We're zetaing you there using the Watchtower satellite," Batman says, heading to the zeta tubes.

"You can really do that?" Robin asks.

"Yep, Bats tried it on me," Flash pipes up. "Then stole the pretzel I was eating..."

We give the two side glances before letting out a small chuckle. Flash remains behind as the three of us zeta to the Batcave.

I look around with wide eyes. "Wow! This place is so cool!" I zoom up to his collection of different villain possessions. Just as I move to touch the giant dinosaur.

"Don't. Touch. Anything."

I pout. "Party pooper."

"You're lucky that I even brought you here."

"No, that makes you lucky to be in my presence in your Batcave," I retort, continuing my self made tour.

"We're not here for sightseeing. We're only here to get the private jet and get you two to Australia," Batman grunts, moving over to it.

I ignore him and continue to look around. "So, I can definitely hear the bats. Are they like your pets? Do they like help attack villains?"

"No and no."

"That's disappointing," I mutter, loud enough that he could still hear it. "I bet I could get them trained to do that if you'd like." I make a few squeaks like a bat to call one down. A few fly down, landing on my shoulders. "How cute!"

"You really shouldn't mess with the bats, Bolt," Robin says. "They could have rabies or some disease."

"Don't worry, none of the bats have diseases," I say.

"How do you know?" Batman asks as he and Robin load the jet with multiple crates for the flowers.

"I talked to these two," I say. "Didn't Robin tell you I could talk to animals?"

"He might've mentioned it before when I wasn't paying attention much," Batman replies.

"Gee, thanks," Robin sarcastically remarks.

"I don't blame him. You constantly talk about a lot of random stuff," I admit.

Robin gives us both gaped looks then crosses his arms in a pout, causing me to giggle.

"Now, the flowers you're looking for are incredibly rare. You need to be careful and stay on alert. Others may be hunting for them since they cost big money. For one flower the minimum is around $1,000."

"Whoa, for real?" I ask. "I figured out my new job!"

"These flowers are usually within a cave or in dark places. The uses of these flowers are almost limitless. Now go. I'll contact the Watchtower to zeta you," Batman says, moving over to his large computer.

We board and get in our seats, Robin in the pilot seat and I beside him.

"Bay doors are open," Batman says.

"You sure you know how to fly this thing?" I ask Robin.

"It'll be on autopilot," Robin reassures. "But if there's an emergency, I can handle the controls." He presses a few buttons to get it started and out of the cave.

"Transportation in 3... 2... 1..."

We reappear somewhere near Australia.

"I think I have jet lag..." I grumble, holding on to my dizzy head. "You have everything intact?" I reach over to grab his boobs. "Looks like you're good."


I chuckle as the jet goes into camouflage as we descend on the mountain. "Couldn't help myself."

We slowly drift to a stop near the top of the mountain. It lands in a small clearing a few miles down from the peak.

"We're going to have to climb the rest of the way, and once we find the flowers, the jet will move up to help us pack the flowers easier," Robin says. "We're going to have to wait until nightfall though."

I look at my phone and head to the weather app to read that the sun has just risen here. "Robin, the sun just came up. We're just going to wait here for 12 hours for it to go back down?"

"Good point, how about we visit the city," Robin says, pulling a credit card from his utility belt. "I've got international credit."


He starts up the jet, and we head to an opening near the town, still in camouflage mode. He lands, and we both change into civvies.

"It's 5am, so typically nothing will open till about 7am. We have a few hours till then, so we have to entertain ourselves with something else."

I smirk, moving behind him, without him noticing, and wrapping my arms around him. "I could think of a few ways to entertain ourselves."


"You nervous?" I snicker as I lift him up and move to the back of the plane, kicking open the door to the bedroom. I leave the lights off as I close the door.

"Bolt! We're too young to do this! Especially when I'm the girl!"

I pull him down on the bed, holding him in my embrace. "We're just going to take a nap. What were you thinking about?" I snicker.


I cackle as I get us covered with the blankets. "I haven't gotten much sleep lately, so I'm kinda tired."

"I am so not being the little spoon!"

"You can be the big spoon when we're back to normal," I respond.

"Good." He pouts. "Wait!"

I laugh. "Let's just go to sleep."




youngjustice Got a picture of Robin and I asleep. #cute #sleep #genderbent #Robin #Bolt


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