Depressed / Larry

By duckychanniee

104 1 0

Harry is depressed and goes to a therapist. One day his original therapist isn't there, instead there's beaut... More



85 1 0
By duckychanniee

Harry walked through the door to his therapist's office. He hated being here, he would rather just stay home and do nothing.

Harry had been suffering from depression for almost a year now and he knew that it wouldn't get better. It all started when his mom died last year. His dad left them when he was just a baby and his sister couldn't stand him doing nothing and just laying in bed all day so she left him. He was all alone. He started cutting himself and it became so bad he almost tried to take his own life but his best friend Niall stopped him before he could do anything. Niall made him go to this stupid therapist called Mr. Woodward and he hated it.

He sat down on his usual place in the waiting room, waiting for Mr. Woodward to finish his talk with another patient. The door to Mr. Woodward's office opened. Out came the patient following a beautiful brown haired boy, Harry couldn't take his eyes off him.

"Excuse me, you must be Mr. Styles", the brown haired boy said.

"Yes,please just call me Harry."

"Okay, Harry, I'm Mr. Tomlinson but you can just call me Louis", he said.

Harry's whole stomach twisted when he heard him say his name. Louis looked at the boy in front of him trying not to stare too much, he was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, he just wanted to kiss him.

"Should we start?" Louis asked opening the door more for Harry to walk inside the room.

Harry didn't answer and just walked inside the office and sat down on the couch in the middle of the room. Louis closed the door after him and sat down on one of the chairs in front of the couch.

"Where is Mr. Woodward?" Harry asked.

"Well he was old and he could barely hear anything so he had to stop working", Louis said.

"Oh, okay", Harry answers.

"Anyway, tell me a bit about yourself."

"Don't you have everything in my files?"

"Yes, but I like to start of fresh with my new patients."

"Oh okay, well, I've been suffering from depression for about a year now, it all started when my mom died a year ago, my sister couldn't take me being sad and doing nothing all the time so she left me all alone."

"What about your dad?"

"He left us when I was just a baby."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

Luckily Harry was the last patient for the day cause he and Louis talked for hours about how Harry felt and Harry also got to know a few things about Louis.

"I think we're done here", Louis says as he stands up. Harry tries to stand up too but that doesn't work so well cause his legs has fallen asleep. He starts falling but before he hits the floor Louis catches him.

"Sorry about that", Harry says as he quickly stands up and tries to find his balance.

"Oh it's nothing, I know the feeling", Louis says as he laughs.

"Anyway, see you in two days for our next appointment", Louis says.

"See you", Harry says as he walks out the door trying not to smile like an idiot so Louis can see it.

More appointments and hours of talking goes by and Harry finds himself totally falling in love with Louis, the thing Harry doesn't know is that Louis is doing the exact same thing. Finally comes the day when Harry gets enough courage to tell Louis how he feels.

"That should be everything for today Harry", Louis says as he starts walking towards the door to open it for Harry.

"Wait!", Harry basically screams.

"What?", Louis says as he turns towards Harry.

"There's something more I want to say", Harry says as he pats on the free space beside him in the couch.

Louis walks to the couch and sits down. It's now or never Harry thinks to himself. But before he can say anything Louis leans forward and kisses him. Harry's so shocked he can't do anything. Louis stops kissing Harry as he notices Harry isn't responding the kiss.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it's just that I've completely fallen for you Harry", Louis says as he turns away from Harry.

"No, it's okay, I kinda have feelings for you too", Harry says as his cheeks turn red.

"Aww, you're even redder than a firetruck", Louis says as he starts laughing at Harry.

Harry quickly puts his head in his hands to cover his face.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's cute", Louis says as he reaches out to grab Harry's hands.

Harry looks at Louis and just smiles like a complete idiot.

"Oh, I have a question to ask you Harry."

"What is it?"

"Harry Styles, would you give me the honour and be my boyfriend?"

"Gladly", Harry answers with a huge smile on his face.

"Great", Louis says as he kisses Harry.

It's been a week since Harry and Louis got together and they've basically spent every second together and Harry has felt so happy, he haven't cut himself at all when they've been together. They've been watching movies, walked on the beach and cuddled. It has been great.

"Harry!", Louis shouts from his room upstairs.


"Niall's calling."

"Wait, I'll be upstairs in a sec."

Harry walks up the stairs and into Louis room.

"Hi Niall", Harry says as he answers the phone

"Hi Harry, are you with Louis?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Cause I have big news, put on the speaker."

Harry does as Niall says and puts on the speaker.

"Hi Louis."

"Hi Niall,so what's the big news?"

"So, I kinda signed Louis up for America's got talent."

"You did what?", Louis and Harry says at the same time.

"I signed Louis up for America's got talent" Niall repeats, "if he sings as good as Harry says this could be a great opportunity."

"I can't believe you Niall", Harry says.

"Wait a second, where have you even heard me sing?", Louis asks Harry.

"You sing pretty loudly in the shower", Harry says as he grins at Louis.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that", Louis says as his cheeks turn pink.

"I'm still here guys", Niall says.

"Oh, sorry", Harry says as he giggles.

"Anyway, the auditions are this Saturday."

"THAT'S IN TWO DAYS NIALL", Louis screams out.

"Oh, yeah, I guess you better get ready then", Niall says as he laughs.

"You think so?", Harry says in a sarcastic tone.

"Anyway guys, I gotta go now, work is calling."

"Niall, you don't even have a job."

"I know, I meant I gotta go eat dinner", Niall says as it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Of course, I should've guessed that", Harry says as he and Louis starts laughing.

"Bye guys."

"Bye Niall."

Harry put the phone in his back pocket and took Louis hand and dragged him to the front door.

"Where are we going Harry?", Louis asked as he started laughing at Harry.

"Well, since it's only two days left we need to get you an outfit to wear to the auditions so we're going shopping."

"Okay, can I just get my jacket first?"

"Yeah, of course, I don't want my baby to get sick."

"Aww, but one more thing."


Louis puts his hand on Harry's cheek and smiles, "thanks love
", he says before he leans in and kisses Harry.

"No problem love", Harry says as he takes Louis hand and starts walking towards the car.

6 hours later the boys return home, hands filled with shopping bags and with smiles on their faces. They struggle to get the front door open but after a while they walk inside and drops all the bags on the floor. Louis walks straight to the living room and drops himself down on the coach.

"Why do you have to be such a shopping freak? We were supposed to buy me one, and only one outfit for the auditions, not the whole mall" Louis says Harry who just entered the living room.

"You can never have enough clothes, just think about it, what if you get into the competition and need something else to wear, then you already have a hand full of outfits to choose from."

"More like ten full hands" Louis says while laughing.

"Okay, I might have went a bit crazy but you have to agree with me, we had fun." Harry says while sitting down on the couch beside Louis.

"I always have fun when I'm with you Harry" Louis says as he kisses Harry's nose.

Harry smiles as he places his head on Louis chest and closes his eyes.

"I love you Harry" Louis says as he looks down at the beautiful boy he's proud to call his boyfriend.

"I love you too Louis" Harry says as he slowly starts drifting to sleep.

A few minutes they are both sleeping peacefully on the couch, hands intertwined.

"Louis wake up, we need to go in like 10 minutes!" Harry screams as he jumps on top of Louis who is still in bed sleeping.

It's the day of the auditions and of course Louis had to oversleep today, Harry rushes out of the room and into the kitchen where he's quickly pouring up a cup of coffee to Louis just to get the boy to wake up a bit faster.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Louis says barely eyes open but on his feet trying to put on his clothes.

"We have no time to discuss this now, get dressed and get to the car" Harry shouts while taking their stuff to the car.

An hour later and they are finally inside the arena ready to take a break and just breathe before Louis has to go up on stage. At least that's what they think , they barely get to sit down before they hear Louis number being called out to go up on stage.

"Good luck Louis" Harry says as he gives Louis a quick hug.

Louis walks up on stage, introduces himself and starts singing. After the song ends basically the whole arena, including the judges are up on their feet and the whole arena gets filled with applauses. Harry smiles at the sight and looks at Louis as he smiles back at him.

The judges say their opinion and after that it's time to vote. Harry waits patiently.

"It's a yes" the first judge says.

"A big massive yes" the second one says

"I don't have any words, this is literally the best audition in a really long time, I think there's nothing else I can do" the judge says as she gets up on her feet and presses the golden buzzer.

Both Louis and Harry are really shocked, Harry runs up on stage and hugs Louis really tight. Louis hugs back but is still in shock.

"Thank you so much" Louis says as the judge gets up on stage to give him a hug. "This means a lot to me".

It's been a few weeks since Louis audition and it's only one week left until the finals. Louis is really looking forward to it and so is Harry.

"I'm still so shocked that I'm going straight to the finals" Louis says as he tries not to jump up and down on the floor.

"So am I" Harry says with a smile on his face.

"I can't wait" Louis says.

It's been over a month since the final and Louis has barely been home since then. Sadly he didn't win but came second place but right after the finals ended he got a call from a record label saying they wanted to give him a chance to show his talent elsewhere in the world. He thanked yes of course and ever since that he's basically been busy with planning an album and a tour. Harry has tried calling him but he's always too busy to pick up or even text him to say good night or how his day has been. Harry is slowly sinking deeper and deeper into his depression again, he started cutting again which he haven't done since the day him and Louis got together. One day when Harry was getting ready to go out and go grocery shopping he got a call from Louis.

"Omg, I'm going on tour" was the first thing Louis said, not even a hi or an apology for not answering or calling back.

"That sounds awesome" Harry said, trying to sound happy. He was happy for Louis, he really was, but Louis going on tour would just mean Harry wouldn't see or get to talk to Louis for even longer.

"Yes, it is, I'm leaving in 2 days"

"In 2 days?" Harry asked, quite shocked at how soon he was leaving.

"Yes, I'm on my way home right now to pack my bags and then I have to go to the studio and rehearse the set and everything a last time before leaving."

"Oh okay, I will probably not be home when you come here then cause I'm about to go grocery shopping" Harry said with a sad tone in his voice.

"Oh, okay, well I just have time to pack fast and then I gotta go right away so maybe it's good that you're not home so I don't get distracted" Louis said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, probably"

"Anyways, I need to go now, the traffic is horrible but I'll call you later" And with that Louis hung up.

Tears started forming in Harry's eyes as he thought about what just happened. He left the house without a word. He just wanted to get out before Louis got there, quickly so he didn't have to face Louis and show him how sad he actually was about Louis leaving.

It's been 2 weeks since Louis left for his tour. Harry has just gotten worse and there's not a day without him making another scar on his body. It's come to the point where the only time he leaves his house is when he needs more groceries. But today was different, he knew Louis had a day off so he thought he would've called Harry by now but that wasn't the case. Little did Harry know that Louis was actually in his car on the way home to surprise Harry. But Harry was fully convinced that Louis had forgotten all about him and that he was too busy with his life as a celebrity.

Today was different, Harry didn't leave the house to go get groceries, he left the house to go to the nearest bridge, which was the bridge him and Louis had actually met up on to have one of their first dates. Harry went to the side of the bridge and looked down, the stream would take him away as soon as he hit the water since it was so strong. He started climbing up on the railing. Little did Harry know that at that exact moment Louis would drive over the exact same bridge and see Harry. Harry heard a car break and not even a second later someone screaming his name for dear life.

"HARRY!" screamed the voice, which Harry soon recognized.

"HARRY DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING JUMP!" Louis screamed with tears flooding from his eyes.

"Why not?" Harry quietly asked.

"Why not? Why not!" Louis screamed. "Well first of all I would never be able to forgive myself if you jumped, second of all you have so much in life to look forward to and lastly but not least, because I love you, and I didn't fly all the way from Canada to England just to see the love of my life jump off a bridge" Louis said while reaching for Harry's hand.

"Wait, did you just call me the love of your life?" Harry said with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Yes, I did"

"But, I thought you hated me, you have been ignoring my calls ever since you left" Harry said, now eyes filled with tears.

"How the hell could I hate you, I don't even deserve you, you're so much better than me, you're nice, you care about everyone and last but not least you are together with me, a complete asshole" Louis says while grabbing Harry's waist and pulling him back onto the bridge.

"It's me that doesn't deserve you, all I am is a crazy depressed idiot" Harry says while staring at his feet.

"But you're my crazy depressed idiot" Louis says as he puts his hand under Harry's chin to lift his head up.

"I love you" Harry says while staring into Louis eyes.

"I love you too" Louis says as he pulls in Harry for a hug.

"Oh, there's one more thing I wanted to ask you" Louis says as they finish the hug.

"What is it?" Harry says while giving Louis a small smile.

"You know I love you to the moon and back, and to show how much I really love you I have to ask you one question" Louis says as he's pulling something out of his back pocket. He slowly gets down on one knee.

"Harry Edward Styles, will you marry me?" Louis says while opening a box containing a ring.

"Yes, Yes I will" Harry says, tears forming in his eyes again, but this time because of happiness.

"I love you Harry" Louis says while putting the ring on Harry's finger.

"I love you too Louis" Harry says while pulling Louis in for a long hug.


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