The Duke and the Deal

By __lizamatthews

86.8K 3.5K 799

"She was a rare beauty that he couldn't resist." "He was a handsome devil that she couldn't avoid." *... More

00. Introduction
01. Attending the Grand Ball
02. Duke of Westland
03. Caught and the Announcement
04. The Proposal
05. Stranger
06. The Deal
07. Maids and a Dark Red Rose
08. The Contract and Wedding Gown
09. Mixed Emotions
10. Pride or Die?
11. Battling Conscience
13. Intense Encounters and The Rauffes
14. Wedding Day Aftermath
15. Lola and Amos
Author's Update

12. The Engagement Party

3.7K 153 26
By __lizamatthews

~ Not Edited ~

Ella stared back at the unrecognisable figure before her. She was propped, pampered, and well indulged to the desires of those above and beside her. Her long locks were fixed to perfection with much dedication. Her features enhanced delicately with appropriate and suitable assets bringing out more of her beauty. She was dressed in a soft pink, royal gown that hugged her petite figure with accuracy. The gown was accompanied with white crystallised patterns running along the rims of her dress, escalating towards the breach of her waist until reaching the straps that hung elegantly for support on either side of her arms, leaving only her chest upwards barely foreclosed from any revealing and desirous inappropriateness to a much wider crowd. She was of astounding perfection, or so she thought.

They both stared into each other's eyes and what Ella noted that did disrupt the perfection of the beauty before she was the gleam in her faint green eyes that seemed too long for a different destination, a different purpose other than the fate she was forced with.

"You look more beautiful this time around, Ella," Freda ushered gleefully behind Ella as she also took in Ella's perfection and beauty.

Ella only sighed when she realized that the figure before her was only herself displayed in an orientated, full-length mirror.

"Everyone will be astonished once they see you, especially the Duke," Freda continued.

The Duke.

Ella had almost forgotten that she was getting married to the likes of him.

It has been four days since their last encounter in his study and Ella was quite glad she didn't have to see him again, until unfortunately soon for their engagement party. Although, quite glad she still wasn't glad that she was forced into a death threat deal to marry and become the so-called Duke of Westland's wife. It was still a thought she has always regretfully reappraised every now and then. But never gave away to the thought of her family's welfare and safety especially knowing the Duke's capabilities.

Ella finally turns away from her reflection to face Freda with a concerned look of wariness.

"How has the Duke been?" Ella asked forcibly precautious to the way she sounded just by asking about the Duke.

Freda smiled, "Still predictably cold, arrogant, and fully occupied with his own business."

Nothing I don't know, huh? Ella thought loosely.

"Hmmm . . ." Ella replied nonchalantly whilst looking the other way.

"It'll be ok, Ella. You're a special girl," Freda compliments wholeheartedly, reassuring and reminding Ella of her capabilities and talents.

Ella looks toward Freda and is heartened by her compliment.

"Thank you, Freda," Ella smiled. "I'm grateful to have an amazing friend like you," She said before giving Freda a surprising but warm-hearted hug which Freda returns acceptingly.

Meanwhile, three knocks sound at the door which causes the pair to retreat from their enlightened moment as Freda proceeds to attend to the person behind the door.

"Oh, Tim. Please," Freda gestures inside.

"No. I am only here to deliver His Grace's gift for Miss Pearson," The butler which now Ella knows as Tim, expresses towards her and Freda as he hands Freda a small, black rectangular box.

Freda thanked Tim and closes the door after he bows and returns.

Curious Ella is summoned towards Freda's presence. Handing Ella the box, Freda takes a step backward whilst urging Ella to open it and find out what gift this might be that the Duke has to give for Ella.

As though taking a deep breath before confronting anything involving the Duke, Ella proceeds in taking one huge breath before opening the mysterious gift.

Slowly yet gently opening the box, there inside lies a beautiful pearl necklace along with two pearl earrings.

Ella was curious once again but only ended her curious suspicions with a typical conclusion for the meaning of the precious gift.

It's part of the deal. Ella internally concluded.

Nevertheless, she never dismissed Freda's presence so she only pretentiously marvels at the sight of the pearls.

"Wow . . . I am . . . honestly speechless. They are so beautiful," Ella expresses marvelously well to her pretentious act as she places a hand on her chest to make it more effective and believable to believe at all.

"Oh dear me," Freda intends joyfully along with Ella's expressive tone. "Let me," She said as she proceeds to retrieve the necklace and put it on Ella followed with the earrings.

"There. You are complete," Freda said proudly while taking the time to admire Ella's appearance with the addition of the precious pearls.

Ella only smiles while thinking:

I beg to differ.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

As once before, the ballroom's orientation was magnificently exquisite; however, it was more transfigured. There were more decorations, more delicious delicacies, more people, and surprisingly more chandeliers if it were possible they had added more than previously presented.

Nevertheless, it never changed how Ella felt towards wealth, power and specifically nobility. She still felt like every bit of it that surrounded her, especially that night, was drowning her senses which were also quite obvious to her presence at that moment.

"Smile," Amos coldly commands in between his fake smile while nobly linking arms with Ella's as he noticed her convenient frown.

It was only moments ago when they finally saw each other once again, which was plainly cold. Amos held his usual cold demure and Ella with her ignorant and despise towards the Duke. With their arrival being announced at that perfect moment:

"Now for the moment you've all been waiting for, please welcome His Grace Amos Knight and his lovely fiancée Miss Ella Pearson."

As the couple arrived before the stairs that Ella once came to descend from her first attendance in the castle, Amos whispered in his same tone of voice as previous towards Ella:

"Any last decisions?"

Ella only gripped her arm around the Duke's harder as she replied:

"Not unless you want to review the contract again?"

And so it was left at that last comment as they made their grand entrance before the crowd. If it were real and true, the crowd definitely believed the couple's cunning act. They descended elegantly and lovingly without any fault visible in their appearance as the crowd roared in applause and cheer. They were performing perfectly than expected of them.

Arriving at a halt midway from descending the stairs, Amos took the moment to say something of the spectacular significance of their engagement party.

"Thank you, thank you," He urged expressively as the crowd died down to pay attention. "Thank you all so very much for attending our engagement party," He puts his arm around Ella's waist and grips tightly causing Ella to be summoned forcefully closer to Amos's hard physique. "I only intend to express my feelings to my beautiful fiancée here tonight," He said looking at Ella with a cold glint flickering in his eyes while grinning pretentiously. "To you my love," He retracts from his stance as he grabs Ella's hand and steps a few steps lower from her. "I only wish the best for our future," He shortly concluded as he kissed the back of Ella's hand elegantly sly with his gaze transfixed towards hers.

Expecting just that, Ella only smiles. Not truly nor pretentiously but just a nonchalant smile that is unexplainable. But it can relate to the night of Ella's unfortunate turn of events which a series of horrific memories began to invade her mind boldly and fiercely.

Amos returns back to Ella's side as he presses forward towards the crowd; however, Ella, on the other hand, is not at all to whatever means that was sincerely occurring at that moment.

"Now, let us all enjoy ourselves before the night ends!" Amos exclaims ferociously.

The crowd roar once again in cheer and applause for the beautiful couple whilst music began to arise in jolly acceleration. People returned back to dancing, singing, conversing, and so forth of what they were eagerly enjoying before.

"May I excuse myself?" Ella ushered fearlessly towards the Duke.

"Yes, you may," He replied gladly.

Ella began to descend the rest of the stairs as she headed for her paradise as expected of her. Finally, arriving before her paradise she immediately munches on the first delicacy she set her eyes on; chocolate filled croissants.

She wistfully had munched away one, and then another one which was then followed by having at least three of each of the delicacies that laid before her until she finally muttered aggressively through her full cheeks:

"Oh, dar-rn rabishts! I rove you all sooo mush buh is not right!" Ella muttered incoherently between munches.

Swallowing the last bit of her food in her mouth she then said to herself:

"Cruelty. That's all you are giving me. Divine cruelty."

"Explains your hapless state," A deep yet smooth voice uttered from Ella's side.

Ella turned towards the coming of the voice and was met with a strong physique with dark brown curly hair, smooth face, and hair faintly visible across his jaw, mouth, and chin. He had a strong nose, round lips, and blue eyes like the day sky. He looked to be the same age as the Duke but how he was dressed said something else as though nobility was beyond his usual.

Ella thought she had seen him or had heard his voice somewhere before but couldn't quite depict where.

Noticing Ella's confused expression and knitted brows, he urged onwards:

"Sorry. Where are my manners," He smiled as he fully turned towards her. "Abraham Alvord," He leaned forward to bow respectfully as he introduced himself. "Please to meet you again, Ella," He ushered as he grabbed Ella's hand and gently left a kiss on the back of it.

Ella? Again? Ella thought as she recalled that no one she didn't know ever called her informally like that unless she knew them. Also, wondering what he meant by meeting again.

As if reading her mind, he said once again:

"Sorry, to startle you. But your expression conveniently displays a thought of misunderstanding and curiosity that convey my addressing toward you," A sly smirk formed on his lips. "If I may, I'd very much appreciate a thought or expression of gratitude for saving your life the other day," He merges wilfully which caused Ella to recall back that day.

Ella . . . Ella. A flashback of her savior's voice recalled.

So it was him who saved me? Ella internally questioned herself with a look of astonishment obvious through her expression which earned a soft chuckle from Abraham.

"You? –"Ella began unsurely which she was cut off by Abraham before she could continue.

"Yes, I," He said boldly, enjoying Ella's reaction.

Swallowing the unexpected lump in her throat, Ella is taken back for a moment before she gained her senses in replying surely.

"I don't know what to say," Ella said truthfully.

Indeed, she was at a loss of words because she clearly was determined to find out who saved her a few days ago but only got lost in her present associations or rather troubled situations with the Duke and the engagement party that she forgot about it in a flash of lightning. Which also explains her astonishment to see that her one savior that she was indeed grateful for was standing right before her in an angelic stance that uttered 'Here I am, your savior'.

"Thank you would definitely work as something to say," Abraham beamed bemused at Ella's response.

"Yes, sorry. Just a bit startled to finally meet the person who saved me," Ella said with a genuine smile. "Thank you for saving my life the other day," She finally said honestly and gratefully.

"Not at all. A beautiful damsel as yourself who was in much of a distress dearly called for my saving. And I not only mean it in the physical sense but rather emotional and mentally too," He expressed informatively as if knowing exactly how Ella felt.

"Please, don't flatter," Ella chuckled towards his compliment of her being a beautiful damsel. "But if I might ask, how is it that you address me informally?" Ella asked curiously, knowing the same fact that not knowing him before did not make sense to how he addresses her out in the air.

Smirking he replied:

"I'm not one to be formal with anyone. But to answer how I knew your name when we haven't exactly met before," Abraham leaned closer towards Ella which Ella found intimidatingly unusual. "Let's just say, we've known each other for a long time," He said oddly reaching for an apple behind her which he then took a massive yet slow bite of it.

Ella only felt a churning feeling occur within her abdomen as he said those words. He was very strange and yet casual that she felt comfortable. But not as so.

Taking one step backward, Ella responded:

"I see," Ella said casually acting as though she really saw what he was stating which she did not. "Tell me, are you of noble status?" Ella asked although she had quite an idea for his answer.

"No, I am not," He laughed. "I must say though, how did he succumb to your charms? You are truly beautiful but the Knight I know is not one for a serious relationship, especially marriage. So, why now? Why you?" He asked curiosity laced between his words but with sharp venom wanting information than expected.

Trust me, I've asked those questions myself. Ella wanted to say but only thought about it.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? He should have the answers you're looking for especially seeing that you know him or whatnot," Ella responded fiercely knowing she did not have an answer to his questions.

"Ella," His familiar voice hard yet warm with emotion stated from behind Ella.

An abrupt Ella turns around to meet a stone cold Amos with eyes flaming with intense fire and a hint of agitation visible through his features which Ella found odd of the Duke.

"Ah! Speaking of the devil," Abraham exclaimed gleefully. "It's been a long time, Knight," Abraham hissed devilishly sly with a smirk in tow. Also, taking another bite of his apple.

Ella looked at the Duke only to see him glaring suspiciously yet angered towards Abraham as though their last encounter was not pleasant at all.

"Alvord," Amos coldly said as he begins to walk towards Ella.

Ella was only engulfed in between an awkward yet intimidating atmosphere as the two exchanged harsh glares. She did not want to be involved but had nowhere to escape because of the intensity that was emanating from the two which trapped her in suffocation.

Ella could only imagine as the two, which seemed to be an eternity, exchanged their cold and venomous glares:

What could possibly worsen? 

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Ah! Speaking of the devil, Helllooo there!

MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!! Have a jolly time celebrating a beautiful celebration! THANK YOU ALL SOO MUCH once again!! Dedicated to @nakaysia !!

Yours sincerely,

Miss Riah

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