Cherry Wine {lex luthor}

By angelicivory

80K 2.6K 208

How do you repay someone who has given you everything? {will contain violence, mental health issues, and stro... More

photobook and playlists
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
christmas eve
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three

christmas day

845 41 1
By angelicivory

I floated through the rest of the party on a cloud, barely listening or caring about the people around me. Whether it was the alcohol or the sheer happiness of being safe, of being alive and loved and happy, I couldn't tell.

I talk in a daze, I walk in a maze
I cannot get out, said the starling

The snippet of Nabakov's poem stuck in my head, repeating over and over. It wasn't until I was in bed, hair tousled and face flushed that I came crashing down-and even then, it was more minutes until I was sleeping peacefully in Lex's arms.

Christmas morning dawned bright and clear. The sun sparkled on the fresh fallen snow, unearthed even by animal tracks. It sent an unearthly white glow through the shades, waking me. I stirred, my mouth dry and eyes gummy. There was a trace of a hangover headache and I rubbed at my eyes.  I lay for a moment, warm and content.  Lex was still sleeping next to me, his arm still pulling me to him in his sleep. I felt as he shifted, the light waking him, too.

"Morning." I said. He blinked blearily at me, taking a second to fully come to consciousness.

"Mmm." He said, leaning over to kiss me.  I covered my mouth with my hand, laughing.

"Morning breath!" I said. "You smell like whiskey."

"And you smell like champagne." Lex stretched, sitting up. "Do you want breakfast?"

"Just coffee." I smiled. "Stay a moment longer. I'm warm."

Lex lay back down, nosing into the crook of my shoulder. I giggled as his breath tickled my neck.

"Merry Christmas." He murmured.

"Merry Christmas." I said.

Christmas had never been a big deal in my household. It had only ever been the three of us celebrating together, and so there were never many gifts to open or guests to cook for. Mostly we just took the day to sleep in and lounge around eating cookies. Some years we didn't even have a tree up. There was no point. My parents worked late most days, and I would either be at the office with them or at school. Christmas, this Christmas, today, felt like a liminal space-like I was in a whole different place.

"Coffee." Lex said, pulling away. "And presents."

"No!" I yelped. "I don't have anything for you!" A wave of guilt washed over me. He had done so much for me, and I had been unable to get him anything.

"I told you last night. You being here with me is gift enough." Lex kissed my forehead. "Don't move."

I didn't. I sat up, pulling the battered copy of The Chrysalids out from under my pillow, delving into it. There were words circled and underlined, and little notes in the margin that Lex had written over the years, little comments and questions. Reading them was almost as interesting as reading the book itself.

I curled in around the book, the world around me fading away as I was absorbed into it.


I jumped, clutching a hand to my heart. Lex was standing over the bed, juggling two mugs. I took one, setting the book down.

"Sorry." I said. "I didn't hear you come in."

"You're reading The Chrysalids?" He looked at the cover. "I loved that book when I was your age. The idea of abominations in the eyes of God is fascinating."

"No science talk on Christmas." I chided him. "Talk about something festive. Like....snow angels."

"You're my snow angel."

"That was the worst thing I've ever heard." I smacked him on the arm. "You're being weird. What's going on?"

He was being weird. He was cheerful and a nervous energy was radiating off of him, more so than usual. This was not the Lex I was used to. This was not the cocky business Lex, or the terrifyingly powerful vigilante Lex.

"Well. Hold on." He stood again, opening the closet, shoving aside the suit jackets, revealing an old wooden box. He turned, his back blocking my view, and opened it, withdrawing something.

I set my mug on the bedside table, trying to peek and see what he was doing. Lex stepped out, a little red-wrapped box in his hand. He crossed to my side of the bed, and handed it to me. He perched next to me on the blanket, watching as I looked at it. The paper was heavy and thick as I carefully pulled it away, revealing crushed blue velvet.

"Lex..." I said, as I lifted the lid. Nestled inside was a golden ring, topped with a translucent green stone. The ring looked old, the gold slightly battered and bent.

"It was my mother's, from her grandmother." He said. "I replaced the stone, but otherwise it's intact."

I pulled the ring from the box, handling it with reverence. The green stone seemed almost to glow in the dim morning light.

"What stone is this?" I asked. Lex took the ring from me, and held my hand.

"Kryptonite-the last shard left in Lexcorp." He slid the ring onto my ring finger on my left hand. I stared at it. "It's a promise ring."

"What am I promising?" I whispered.

"To stay safe. To stay with me." Lex said. "It will protect you."

"Okay." I flexed my fingers, the ring shimmering. The weight felt alien on my finger, but also right. "There's no tracker in this one?"

Lex bit his lip and wrinkled his nose, his eyes flashing to the box where I kept my gold chain.

"No, not in this one, although I do wish you would wear the chain I got you and not that cross." He gestures to my silver cross.

I clutched at it, the gold on my finger clinking against it.

"I love it." I changed the subject. "The ring."

"My mother gave it to me to give to the next girl in the family before-mmm. It was always meant for you." He cut himself off, and I knew by now not to push it. "What do you want to do today?"

I brought my knees up under my chin, a giddy happiness filling my chest.

"Stay in bed and read." I said. "You can read to me."

Lex sat back against the headboard, and I tucked myself into his side comfortably.

"Sounds like heaven to me."

A/N: sorry I couldn't resist because I'm a sucker for softness!!!!!!! Hope y'all had a merry Christmas and if u don't celebrate I hope you had a wonderful day and that whatever you do celebrate was/will be full of light and joy ❤️

- ivory faye

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