Immortal Mortals

By moosesforgooses

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She is the Immortal worlds most powerful High Goddess. He is the Immortal worlds most powerful War God, and... More

An Unfortunate Meeting
Early days
A Mouthful of Wine
Mortal love
Tai and Meili
Family of Four
Growing Awareness
The Unveiling
The Unveiling 2
The Break
Blue Belt Vine
Days of Ease.
Days of Ease 2.
Playtime 2
The consequences
The Grand Kowtow
Days of Grovelling.
Wedded Bliss
The Potion
Revenge 1
Revenge 2
The Count Down Begins
Love Hurts
A Shattered Calm
Facing the Truth
The Preparations
Tai and Zhou Ru
And then there was one.
The Pearl
Meili and Chiang Gui
Past Futures
Last Days
A New Beginning
Mount Cang Wu

The Past Returns

1K 30 5
By moosesforgooses

"Tai?" Ai asked, as her head went back to look at the boy that was clinging desperately to her body.  "What did you say?"

His hand was still shaking at the air in front of him but his eyes though bruised and swollen, were full of fire and loathing, and the grimace on his face which was now showing his bared teeth, had her also lightly shaking.

"He is the Dragon mother.  I saw him in the forest before he changed into the Dragon.  Both Meili and I were there, and we saw him." he said as his hands clenched tightly.  

Suddenly her mind emptied.  Not a single thought passed through her head as she forced the boy from her body and turned to faced Mo Yuan, who was now looking at Tai in shock.  "You had best leave." she said very softly, but the pain and anger in her eyes were enough for Mo Yuan to know, this was not the time to be discussing that day.

 Bowing slowly, he nodded, but looking once more at Tai he could not help but offer some words of comfort, after all their children had suffered so much, and even now, going by the state he was in, they were still suffering.  "I am sorry." he said softly as his hands came up to bow at him. And he truly was.  The pain in the boys eyes hurt him deeply, a pain he felt he could never heal no matter how much of himself he gave or how many years were to pass.

Pulling Tai back into her arms, she forced the boys head down into her shoulder before her shaking body turned slightly to address him.  "Do not talk to my son, you have no right to talk to either of my children, I suggest you leave right now before I kill you myself." she said softly.  Every bone in her body was aching to tear his eyes from his face and rip open his throat right there and then, but only hundreds of years of self control held her back.  Though if Tai had not been with her and in need of urgent care, she may well have done just that.

And Mo Yuan could clearly see those thoughts in her eyes as she moved to turn herself away from him.  Never in all the thousands of years he had lived, had he ever felt so helpless, he had no words for either of them and no idea how to mend his sons broken heart or the hatred that had boiled below the surface.  He had done everything in his power to bring some measure of safety and comfort to their children, but he had no idea how to mend this.  But he would go, because she was right.  As Mo Yuan, he had no right to even look at either children.

Bowing low one last time he turned his back on them.  "I hope that we can talk about what happened, I have tried my very best to correct the mistakes I have made, I can only hope you will allow me an opportunity to explain this to you." he said softly as he instantly disappeared causing several people who had been passing by to notice.

The screaming, running and panic that followed, had Ai quickly moving Tai out of the way, as the people around them began to draw weapons.  They themselves were in no danger as many of the towns folk had not actually seen what had occurred, but panic breeds panic, and with that in mind, she forced Tai to walk so they could put some distance between themselves and the melee that was brewing up around them. For an Immortal to so brazenly appear before them was against the laws of the Immortal world, but to use magic in front of them was punishable.

She knew it wouldn't last long, not when most of them had no idea what they were panicking about, but for her sons safety, she kept him moving until they were well and truly out of harms way.


Three Days Later.

Tai, lay in his bed, while his sister fussed endlessly over him.  The moment they had arrived, her tears had started and yet, three days later she was still crying over him.  And nor did the questions stop.  He had explained what he had happened numerous times, but no matter what he said to ease her tears, she wouldn't stop, that in the end, he had to threaten her.

"Meili, do I have to leave for good?  Because your crying is driving me insane!" he almost yelled at her, bringing her to an instant stand still at the side of his bed and though the sobbing had ceased immediately, the tears continued to rain down her face.

"But Tai, you could have been killed!  she screamed at him as a fresh wave of tears started.

"That's enough Meili, go and help Chang Li with dinner, I can finish in here." Ai's soft voice said as she entered and gently led the girl from the room.  Then patting her lightly on the head, Ai gave her a quick hug.  "Tai will be fine Meili, but crying like this will only make you unwell and I don't need both of you bedridden." she said firmly before wiping her tears away with her thumbs and planting a kiss on both cheeks.

Watching her run off back to the kitchen, Ai took a deep breath before entering the room and shutting the door.  Since they had returned, she had not had a chance to talk to Tai about the events leading to their hurried departure from the docking station, but since Jie had not yet returned, she could no longer hold back the questioning.  

There was something else he had held back, something she had seen very clearly in his eyes when he had faced Mo Yuan, and that had her wondering what else he had seen but had held back.  There had been a look on his face, a brief flicker before he had pulled it back, and it was one she had seen the first time she met him on the beach, whatever it was about, she wanted to know.

Moving to sit down beside him, Ai took his hand and smiled down at him.  "Do you want to talk about what happened at the docking station Tai?" she asked softly, but the sudden glint in his eyes that he quickly pulled back, had her wondering if perhaps she should have waited for Jie, she suddenly had a feeling that perhaps she was not ready for what he had to say, it was the same look.

But he knew he needed to say something, he had held it all in since that day, and this woman who was holding his hand and loving him as much as his own mother had, suddenly had him wanting to release it all.  He knew she would be able to handle it, he knew how very strong she was, so he did not hold back.  But if she thought she was prepared for what he had to say, she was not.

"That day, when the Lion arrived and began to attack out town, Meili and I were at the dining table eating lunch with our parents.  Father had just returned home from work for a bite to eat, and mother was preparing Meili for new dresses.  It had been a happy day, full of laughter and happiness.

Then the fires came when the Lion began to attack us all.  Our house was one of the first to be hit, but because we were all in the middle of the house, by the time we realized what was happening, it was too late to escape.  The houses around us were also going up in flames, but our father, who desperately tried to get us outside could't because the doors were blocked with falling masonry and burning wood.  Instead he threw us both through the only window that was free from the fires.  He screamed at us to run to the forest and he would meet us there." he said as the tears began to flow and his head fell against her shoulder.  But he continued.

We were both too frightened to run, so we stayed where we were, waiting for him to collect our mother, but............." the rest he could not finish, and Ai did not push him to, instead she waited as tears of her own began to fall for their parents she never knew but wished she had.

Then regathering his thoughts he continued.  After our parents ..... left." he said unable to describe their passing any other way.  "A kind woman came and led us both into the forest to hide, and it was there that we saw the Dragon and the Lion fighting.  But when he hit the ground, he turned back to human form briefly, before once again returning to his Dragon from, that is how I know that man you were with was the Dragon.  Both Meili and I saw him clearly, he was the only one not running.  His face is one I will never forget." he said quietly, and though he had explained to her how he knew Mo Yuan was the Dragon, there was something else he was holding back.

"Tai, I am sorry you had to go through such agony, no child should ever have to suffer as you have both done.  But both Jie and I love you very much, and I know, that were they still with you, they would be very proud of the man you have grown up to be." she said softly as she pulled him closer against her.   "But, I know you well, and there is something you are holding back, and since we have come this far, why not go all the way.  Tell me." she said a little more firmly than she intended, but if he noticed, he didn't show it, instead he took a deep breath before looking up at her.

"That day, when we reached the forest, we saw you there. The Dragon and the Lion were almost directly above us in the sky fighting, and there was fire everywhere. You took our hands, and told us both to run to the caves, but everyone was running in confusion, we didn't know which direction to take, it was chaotic, people were scattering in all directions, in the end I pulled Meili into my arms and we stood there watching as you ran towards a group of trees." he said as his voice began to lower to a whisper.

Suddenly Ai began to feel very uneasy, she knew what was coming, but she was not prepared for it.  Lowering her head, she waited.

"I had pulled Meili against me, so she did not see you transform into an Immortal, but I did." he said before lowering his head and saying no more.


Leaving them both at the Docking Station, Jie had fled straight to the Peach Tree Woods.  He had at least 3-4 Mortal days left, which was the equivalent of an hour or so, and having just been found out, he needed help and thankfully Zhe Yan was still there when he arrived.

"She knows you're the Dragon?" he asked stunned.

Nodding to confirm, Jie explained what had happened and the condition that Tai was in, which was another reason why he had returned, he needed strong pain relief for the boy and maybe a balm to hasten his healing as well as the Peaches that Bai Qian had left behind.

"You're going to have to tell her everything Mo Yuan, you will have a much greater chance of gaining forgiveness, than keeping it from her.  At least that way, she will come to realize how much you have given to make up for the damage you caused.  But if you don't she definitely won't forgive you, in fact you will face her on Mount Cang Wu." Zhe Yan said in no uncertain terms.  He fully spelled it out for him.

"You know why I can't tell her.  The moment I do, she will throw me out of the house and ruin the family unit.  Those children have already been hurt beyond words, I cannot allow them to hurt any more than they have.  Tai will be marrying soon, and maybe the year after that Meili will marry.  I will not be telling her, until the children are safe in their own marriages and fully protected.  Tai needs to find work to support his family and this is something I have already discussed with him, until he is fully on his feet and Meili is in a safe and happy marriage, then I will not be saying anything." he said firmly.

"Alright, I understand you want to protect the children, they do of course come first.  But then what?  Will you actually tell her?" Zhe Yan asked suddenly leaning forward, his eyes narrowing at him as he waited.

"Yes, I will tell her.  In the meantime I will continue to help out where I can.  I have been so busy with the house and family, I have not had a chance to offer my services to the town again but I know there is still a lot of work to be done, especially in the forest, this I will continue to do now that the children are a little older.  Also, Ai has expressed a desire to return to work, and that I can also help her with." he said.

"And your Immortal marriage?" Zhe Yan asked.

Shaking his head, Jie began to frown.  "That I do not know.  It is up to Bai Qian." he said sadly, knowing he had failed grandly in his quest to bring both of their worlds together, when he should have just left well enough alone.

"Alright, but whatever you do, when Meili leaves to live her own life, fix it.  This marriage must go ahead Mo Yuan." Zhe Yan said firmly gaining a scowl in return, before picking up the balm and potion Zhe Yan had given him and the bag of peaches Bai Qian had left behind.  Then turning to go, he looked back once more at his friend.

"Zhe Yan, if it doesn't work out, help her through it."   he said softly turning to leave before he could reply.

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