Dragon's Calling

RedPurilla tarafından

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Something strange is emerging in Hiccup. A power that will lead him down an unpredictable path. It will be up... Daha Fazla

Calls of The Forest
Becoming A Prince?
Lies for Protection
Returning Home
Life is A Precious Thing
New Home
Walking with Death
New Body
Pay Back
Flips and Traps
Means To Escape
Born Again
Distant Memory
Lovers Once Again
Home is Calling

Training Til The End

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RedPurilla tarafından

He turned to his island as the moon settled in the sky blending perfectly within nightly hour. Carefully he landed himself on the beach tail still swirling within the ocean's tide. He looked to his form feeling like his old self. His eyes returned their childishly curious nature, but deep within those emeralds a leader slumbered. Waiting for the right moment to shine through. His eyes caught a slight change, thinking he was the same size as before, but his wings show the change perfectly. 

How do I change back?  He wondered, the ocean answering his untold question.

Streams of water swirled around him, encasing his body, soothing him enough to close his eyes. Within the water his body shrunk down and Hiccup returned to the earthy world. Tan as ever and hair remained hobbit like. He took a breath loosing his balance for a moment coughing up the water he accidentally swallowed. His eyes caught his reflection starting to touch his face. His freckles...they became darker. He somehow felt taller, stronger, he felt like the Viking his father always wanted.  And yet. He looked the same, in a matter of speaking, the same old Hiccup. The wind, harshly cold, bright his mind to one fact. 

One embarrassing fact. 

He was naked. Completely and utterly naked. He quickly tried to cover himself, to have a scrap of dignity left, but he was really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. 

" Great.... " He muttered to himself, bashful. " Just great. " 

" Hiccup! " 

He stiffened to the call, backing into the freezing salty water. Better that then be caught naked. " Oh, the gods hate me. " He grumbled shivering. 

" This is where you where?!  "  Toothless yelled, furious. " You know how much everyone was worried! " 

" What? I was only gone for a few hours. " Hiccup comely replied. Toothless huffed moving closer to the ocean's sandy line, pushing him out with his head. Then noticed the lack of clothes on the bank then looked to his brother. 

" Hiccup. "  Toothless called looking between the two. " Where are you clothes? " He asked, terrified of the answer. 

" Well.... " Hiccup reasoned, trying to grasp as to why he was missing clothes. Simply coming up with " It's a long story. " 

Toothless huffed " Then make it short. "  He snapped. 

" A Skrill helped heal me. " He shortened. " I feel better then ever! " He cheered, excited. " Only.... " 

" Your clothes didn't transfer with you? "  Toothless snorted. He rolled his eyes pushing Hiccup further out of the water covering the boy up with his tail. He was able to get Hiccup back to the cave with out any embarrassing conversation with the other dragons. Luckily it was night out so everyone was resting. Toothless finally had enough pushing Hiccup towards his room. " Now put some pants on! "  He ordered, standing guard. 

Hiccup chuckled, amused swirling with his embarrassment, getting dressed as Toothless ordered. He looked around for a shirt frustrated when he couldn't find one. He held up the item exclaiming his happiness to find it before slipping it on as well. Adjusted the pieces finally able to join his brother's side with some decency. With Hiccup by Toothless the boy could clearly see the anger written on the black scales. He chuckled nervously ready for the scolding of a lifetime, but nothing, only silence. It was worse then being scolded, just deafening silence, incredibly acquired as well. Hiccup just wanted something. Anything! Toothless continued to ignore him eying the stars with mild interest. Hiccup gave up. He plopped down and tucked his knees into his chest: moping. Never had simple silence made him feel completely abandoned and alone. The silence tore at his heart. It started to crack seeing Toothless actually abandon him for the village. He could hear it's cracks start to splinter ready to shatter his human heart, but Toothless returned with Inferno. If Toothless wasn't going to scold him Inferno most currently would. Hiccup slowly looked up his hair shielding his eyes. Body ready for the harsh words of worry. Ready for Inferno; again, he was met with nothing. Hiccup could see the rage swirling in Inferno's eyes. He never seen such a bright color within the dragon's eyes before, but there was something within them as well. Something Hiccup couldn't figure out. Sadness? Regret? It didn't look right, if anything Inferno looked at peace. The dragon noticed the change within Hiccup, how bright Hiccup's own eyes shimmered against the moon light. The scolding would wait for another time. Within his mind something troubled him more, and he must tell the boy. 

" This way prince. "  Inferno gently ordered. Hiccup didn't hesitate to follow them. Their little walk was met with more silence. Occasionally Hiccup would look up seeing a focus look expressed on Inferno. The lad looked back down to the ground wondering what the purpose was for their late night visit. " I understand you ventured beyond this island. "  Inferno finally spoke to him. 

" I did... "  Hiccup replied. 

" I can sense that you experience a change as well, the connection between you and your dragon soul. It has finally become apart of you, but your human side. "  He lingered, not understand the shift. " It's weaker then when you first arrived and it was never my intention to rid of the balance within you. So you care to properly explain? "  

" A Skrill from before took me to a storm for healing. " Hiccup started. " I didn't want to go, but they promised I be back before dark. So here I am.... I didn't mean to cause so much trouble for everyone. " 

" Young prince. "  Inferno softy called. " It's been two days since we last saw you. "  He explained the situation. 

Hiccup took a step back from the new not understand the time difference. " No. " He muttered. " That's impossible!  It was just past noon when we left. "  His hands combed through his hair trying to explain it. " How? " He questioned himself. " How as it been two days?! " 

Inferno sighed to Hiccup's confusion, they all were, but it didn't matter. Hiccup was back and healthy. " There is a place within the sea. "  Inferno informed. " Where time is irrelevant, but there is a catch. Only dragons that were chosen, by battle or shear luck, could freely come and go from this place. It seems this place understands that you inherited royal blood. That it courses through you as if born with it. "  He carefully explained. 

Hiccup shook his head still not understand. " Its impossible! It took me a matter of hours to come back to this island. " 

Inferno nodded in understanding, can continued. " To you it may seem like hours, but it has been two days since you ventured into the forest. There's a reason we dragons don't venture too far from our homes. While other's are free and enjoy the travels, and for this very free spirited reason is why we must continue your training by through other means. " 

" What do you mean? " Hiccup questioned. 

" It seems that the will of  a dragon strongly burns within you. Its something I overlooked given you human appearance. "  He grimly paused. " That way my mistake. I only taught you simple things so you would not forget your human side, and pushed you too harsh to learn our way. The dragons way. I understand now by learning what it means to be a dragon, a true dragon, has made you forget what it's like to be human. I apologize...but this will be our last session together. "  He took a breath looking Hiccup in the eye. "  When I deem you ready we will part ways, and you will have to choose. Remember these words young prince. " 

Hiccup backed away slightly worried, and depressed; just what was Inferno going on about? Normally Inferno was stern, but this...it sounded like a final goodbye. Inferno was a Monstrous Nightmare. Know for their hot-headed attitude, blunt and in depended nature. They were a literal nightmare to deal with...they don't do goodbyes, seems like he learned another new thing form this dragon. The lad swallowed a lump in his throat thinking rationally about Inferno's decision. He couldn't and turned to Toothless seeing the dragon wasn't confrontable with the idea of this new lesson, but Toothless didn't say anything against it. 

What Hiccup couldn't see the ora emitting from or how his eyes turned fierce under the moon. Hiccup could see his shadow growing from under him and continue to intimidate while his eyes turned. Any dragon would quiver to the size of the beast within the shadow, and even Toothless fought back a shutter. There was just something about Hiccup's eyes. They didn't belong to the boy he met in the forest, nor the one that called himself a 'fishbone', or helped him regain flight. This was a cold hearted leader. Just like the Red Death, but this leader....this leader was willing to do everything to protect his own. Toothless wasn't afraid of Hiccup, he was afraid of what was to come. He was afraid that Hiccup would grow into this role and lose all sense of himself. He's seen it before with the Red Death, how she lost herself in her own power, and he new if hiccup really desired. If Hiccup was emotionally compromised. 

There's no imagination to what the world would become, but there would be no world to save. 

- Four Years Later - 

Hiccup grow into a young, vibrant, man. The god were kind, seasons were refreshing, during the years. Training on the other hand. That was a hold other prayer, there was no breaks, rain, snow, even within forest fires, Hiccup trained. At first Hiccup thought Inferno was kidding he would learn from desperation, now he feared for his life every time he see the dragon. Still, he got to hand it to the stubborn dragon for pushing him outside his comfort zones. Dare he say he even found some of them to be trilling. Maybe it was the delusion talking, or the concussions...who knows. With each new experience he gained more knowledge of himself, but that wasn't it. He noticed every time he return. His memory of the dragons. It was disappearing. He caught himself asking for dragons, he should already know, names. Even Toothless found it hard to remember exactly who was on the island, and the island itself became a mystery to them. Then Toothless found it hard to remember the importance Inferno was, his mind slipping and Hiccup often caught Toothless growling to the other dragon while he slumbered. Hiccup was the only one to remember the aged dragon for what he was, and how important Inferno truly was to his life.

Today there was no training. Inferno stood in front of Hiccup, and Toothless curled beside Hiccup. Inferno's eyes no longer held their youthful fire. Slowly burning out. Yes, Hiccup was having a hard time keeping himself in check when a father figure like Inferno was slipping through his fingers. 

" Young prince. "  Inferno called, voice ever so weak. " I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you, but I'm sure you already figure that something isn't quite right with this place or it's dragons. "  He chuckled, like an elder telling an old job only they understand. "  In truth I am drying...rather I am returning to a time in which I originated. A time beyond this one where I lay next to my lovely mate. "  His tone coated in such devotion and care. Glistening eyes fondly thinking of his mate and the times they danced in the stars while their little ones lived out their lives within the clouds. " When the queen asked me to help you I jumped at the chance to see you once more. Before everything started, and to see how your grew. I thought I was the reason for your greatness, one among many within your changing life, but I understand. I know better. It wasn't a magnificent dragon that caused you to be great nor the teachings that all of us will and have taught you. It was you young prince. You marked your own path through our teachings turned it into your own, and you must do it again. " 

" W-What are you saying? " Hiccup stuttered, tears swelling within his eyes. Watching his teacher crumble away. The elderly dragons body already turning to ash. 

The dragon only smiled warmly welcoming the ash. " Never stop traveling. Don't stop being yourself, and never change who you are for some one else. Hold on tightly to those you care about, and listen with an open heart when times are hard. Remember.... "  He paused the ash moving closer to his face. " Before everything gets better, when the darkness grows, sometimes the one you're willing to protect the most may be used against you. Stand tall. Do not let the darkness take control. Use all the knowledge we gave you. All the love you received on this island, and those around to have the heart to forgive your foe. "  The last of his body covered in ash fire filled veins marked out his frame. A toothy smile frozen in time within the ash. " This island served it's purpose. So it's up to you. Just as I said in the beginning you maybe return to the life you once had or continue down this pay you can not see. The choice is yours, and no matter what happens. " He crumbled away. " Your brother will always remain by your side. "  His voice soft and faint as it carried within the breeze. The island quacked below them, and other forms of ash joined with Inferno's. 

Hiccup quickly mounted Toothless watching the island return to the sea. His home for five years gone in a matter of seconds. Everyone that was kind to him. Took care of him. The place of their brotherhood. 

All gone. 

" Come on bud. " Hiccup whispered, turning Toothless in the opposite direction of Berk. 

" Are you sure about this? "  Toothless asked. " You can see them again. I'm sure there waiting. " 

Hiccup smiled at the thought " Somehow bud. " He replied, taking one last look to where the island once was. " I feel like I'll see them no matter what path I choose. but this one feels right. I feel if I return I would lose everything I worked so hard to achieve. My dad understands this best. I'm alive, and the dragon are already marking Berk as their home. It's more than what I can ask for, they're safe. " 

Toothless smirked " Just making sure. " 

Hiccup patted Toothless neck. " Let's see... " He lingered. " Where to next? " 

" Hopefully an island filled with fish. " 

And Hiccup's laugher filled the skies and they set out on their next adventure. 


Tired and cold they stopped along an icy mountain. The world offered many new places to call their home, but Hiccup kept going just as Inferno told him. Toothless followed him. he wanted nothing but a warm place to land, but where in desperate need of food and proper rest. Hiccup got off of Toothless listening. Toothless could hear it as well. 

A royal call. 

One that didn't belong to any queen, but a king. 

They turned to each other already knowing their next course of action. Toothless lowered himself and Hiccup hopped on flying inside the structure. Listening to the call having it guide them. He was amazed by the amount of dragons within the ice, the life that blossomed from the cold. He sniffed the air another scent mixed within the dragons, it was faint but unmistakable. A human lived here as well, another rider. Before he could explore a boned cared staff wrapped around his neck. Toothless growled turning towards the attacker surprised by what he saw. The other soothed his anger enough to roll over. Completely relaxed. 

" State your business here? " A women's voice questioned. " How did you find this place? " She continued to press her questioned. A free spirited women, from what Hiccup could tell, and she was concern over the dragons. 

Hiccup removed his helm, showing he meant no harm. " I followed the call. " He answered. 

The staff wavered before lowering the women's green eyes met his own. She looked with the same startle expression as him. Moving closer, and closer just a dragon would. Her finger tracing over the tiniest of scars on his chin. Her eyes narrowed slightly seeing if he was really the person she thought of him as. 

" Hiccup? " She asked, unknowingly. 

" S-Should I.... " Hiccup shuttered, not understand how the women new him. " Should I know you? " He fired back. 

" No... " She dejectedly responded. " You were only a babe. " She continue, lost in her own mind. " But a mother never forgets. " 

He stumbled back by her statement. His mother? He had a mother...and she was alive. After all those years of loneliness and she was here. Learning from dragons. Just how much had he taken after her? She smiled, gently touching his cheek.

" After all this time and you took after me. " She happily expressed, moving towards the other dragons. " I can show what I've learned from them. " She excitedly explained. Moving form one to the next. Hiccup found himself smiling to her movements following her, watching the other's bow their heads slightly with respect to his title. He nodded back listening to his mother's rants about dragon. Meeting a stopping point in his path. 

A Bewilderbeast. 

King of all Dragons. 

The last of few to survive. The mate of the queen that started him on this path. Ironic to find him so close to the end. Hiccup marveled at the size of the dragon eyes judging him just as his own judged the king. Not like he had the right to. 

Hiccup waited for the king to speak first seeing amusement shimmer in those eyes. " Welcome home young prince. "  He warmly welcomed, blowing a puff of frost towards Hiccup. 

His mother laughed lightly at the gesture as he shook himself free of the frost. He could only smile at the world around him. To the 'fatherly' figure that will help him become something great like the Bewilderbeasts own kind. 

" I'm home. "  He whispered.

Okumaya devam et

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