Malec Contest (One shot)

By Faty_crazy

615 14 13

For the Freaky Friday Contest and a Very Merry MAlec Christmas by @MalecLovely Hope you like it. First st... More

1. Stop fighting
2. Consequences
3. Forgiven
A Very Merry Malec Christmas
1. Shadowhunters like to read
3. Merry Christmas

2. We fight demons and we make friends

38 2 0
By Faty_crazy

All of then agreed to go to Taki's. They began to walk and unlike another times, they didn't received strange looks. They had so many clothes that their runes were hidden, that was weird, but after all, it was snowing.
Jace's phone began to ring.

"In the middle of the highway?" He asked to the person in the other side of the line.
"Okay. Yeah, we will be there in seconds."
Jace hang up the phone and said to his friends:
"That was Maryse. There is a battle of demons in the I-78. We have to go"

"Really? Only two days before Christmas!" Izzy complained.

"It seems demons don't respect festivities. Come on, guys" Magnus said while raising his hands with blue sparks to create a portal.

It was a complicated battle. They had to take off the warm clothes to be able of moving gracefully. The snow was ruthless. And they were fighting not only with the demons beside them, but with the roughness of the weather too.

Izzy was leading the demon's attention to her, then Jace appeared and with a whisper to this seraph blade he stabbed the demon. He disappeared but he wasn't the only demon.

Alec made fly an arrow, it crossed the demon's skin and he made a sound that could be called a groan. Then, beautiful blue flames flew across the air and hit the demon. In that moment, Clary stabbed another demon. Then, Magnus, Alec and Simon killed their demon.

They continued fighting and they won the battle but they could still hear the screams, the sirens and people continued blowing the horn of their cars. Traffic was terrible because of the demons and snow but a quick spell made the disaster looked like a crash but the snow helped the Shadowhunters, mundanes couldn't see anything.

A quick iratze solved little injuries and everyone made his way through the cars in the highway wearing a glamour.

But in his way, Magnus saw a little girl crying. He couldn't help but got closer and he saw her nose was bleeding. Mom and daughter opened the window of the car and Magnus saw she was Anastasia Grey and her family.

People in the cars were shocked so Magnus took the advantage of it and let the glamour slipped off. Getting closer, Alec saw why he had done that. All of them went to the other side of the highway and let their glamour slipped.

They went back just to be able to watch Magnus talking to Anastasia.

Ana was cleaning her daughter and when Magnus saw Alec he told him to go for swabs. He knew Magnus was going to appear a first aid kit somewhere and he just nodded.

Alec came back with it in his hands and Magnus said:

"Isabelle, dear, could you help us?"

When she was no longer crying she smiled. "Thank you..."

"I'm Izzy and he is Magnus, my brother Alec and they are Simon, Jace, Clary."

"Well, you know me, call me Ana. My husband is trying to call someone but it's difficult but get inside, it's freezing."

They entered in the van. "So, what are you doing here? Did something happened to you, guys?" Ana asked.

"Well..." Alec began but Magnus interrupted him.

"We were on the other side of the road and we saw the crash so we decided to come here and see if we could help."

"Was it a cars crash?" A boy in the back sit asked.

"Yes, darling. What's your name?" Clary asked.

"I'm Theodore, but you can call me Ted. Only teachers call me Theodore."

"And this is Phoebe." Ana introduced.

"Oh, it's impossible. I don't have signal and when I got it for a couple of minutes nobody answers the phone." Christian said and sighed. "I guess we are stuck in here but I'm worried."

"And impatient and you are bad dealing with it." Ana said, smiling.

"Yeah. We'll figure this out." Then he stared to the visitors and smiled tired. "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Christian Grey and thank you for helping my daughter."

"No problem. But why are you in here?" Magnus said.

"We had a flight to Seattle but with the storm, it was cancelled so we rent a car and were about to leave New York and then we are in the middle of this accident. It happened so fast, Phoebe got hurt by the force of the brake." Ana explained.

"And now we are all stuck in here." Christian said. "We were trying to leave New York to be able to go home and spend Christmas there but now..."

"Oh. I'm very sorry." Magnus said.

"Well, thank you. I don't know what to do now. Even if this road is empty...I don't think we will make it." Christian said.

"It's just...we wanted to spend Christmas at home...our family was going to be there and the kids were excited about that." Ana said, looking at his husband.

"Does that mean Santa isn't going to bring presents to us?" Ted asked.

"Oh, no, sweetheart, he will know where are you two." Ana said to her kids.

They seemed to be happy with that sentence.

"Do we have to stay here?" Ana asked to Christian.

"I don't know yet." He checked his phone. "Wait. I have signal." And he was out of the car in seconds.

A man in suit entered in the driver's seat. He was surprised to see the other passengers and he introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Swayer, the bodyguard."

They all said hello and introduced themselves.

"It seems the line of cars is endless." Swayer informed.

Christian came back and he looked even more desperate.

"So, that's it." He said. "We're staying here. For Christ's sake, it's freezing outside."

"Can't we go home, daddy?" Phoebe asked.

"No, sweetheart, it's better to stay here. The weather isn't going to get better."

"Is it dangerous?"


"We are not seeing grandma and grandpa."

Clary's heart broke by the sound of the voice.

"I know, but we have to stay here." Ana said and both kids nodded.

"Do you have where to stay?" Clary asked "You could stay with us."

Jace could have pointed out there wasn't a place to stay...they couldn't let them at the Institute but he stayed quiet.

"You are very kind, but we do. We own an apartment in New York, and actually, I'd like if you come with us."

They were caught by surprised but then smiled.

"It'll be awesome. We'd like to thank you for helping us with Phoebe." Ana said.

"Then it's all said. We accept. And don't worry, you put the house, we take the food." Magnus said.

"Wonderful." Ana said while applauding.

"I guess the only thing we can do now is wait for these cars to move."

"We..." Simon began to say.

"You can come with us, we have a car on the other side of the road." Magnus said and all of them had to hide their smile. By now, all of them were used to Magnus's abilities.

"I'll wait in the car." Sawyer said.

"Where were you? I mean, why do you were in the opposite side..." Ana began to ask.

"Long story..." Alec said. "Come here". And they began to walk to the new car which had appeared with a movement of Magnus's hands.

Izzy only smiled because of the good taste of her brother-in-law.

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