
By IBKalaiyo

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This book is a motivational book written to expanding the ideas of it's readers. More


75 2 0
By IBKalaiyo


In this book I am going to tell you about the three kinds of people who succeed in life;

They are the

1. Opportunity Takers

2. People who make opportunity for success.

3. People who where born into opportunity.

Opportunity comes in different forms and ways, Just like the wind unpredictable, swift and can blow right past you within seconds.

But unlike the wind, opportunity requires certain keys/tools to be identified, seized and explored.

Before I go any further let's understand what opportunity is all about, because only when you have understanding can you really know what to find.

What is opportunity?

1. Opportunity is a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

2. It is a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.

Now you can find these descriptions in just about any dictionary.

In this book, I am going to dive in deeper into the understanding of opportunity not as a dictionary word but as life. During my research I discovered opportunity to be

a collection of a person's life growth. I use the word growth because man is always in a stage of becoming... in other words, we are created to grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

As a result of the growing factor in the life of man, we are exposed to various opportunities almost every day of our lives.

Most people will say, Mr. Tom Kalaiyo you speak of opportunity for everyone but I never got mine. If I was to reply that, I would say, "that is because you didn't know". Not knowing comes with certain amount of fear and confusion. That is why people run away from that they don't understand, rather they get comfortable with nothing.

To see and own your opportunity, you need to be aware of your present, past and future choices. If you are not willing to make a firm choice to have our become, then you stand a victim of lost. We are defined by our choices, whether to the path of righteousness or that of destruction, we draw the lines with every choice we make.

How our choices helps us see our opportunities, let me elaborate more:

The past: "Experience"

When you think of the past, you refer to those things that had happened to you in life at some point in time. Some of which you are proud of and some you would rather keep to yourself. Your past is regarded to as your experience, which comprises of knowledge, skills or memories of events gained through exposure.

Most people loose great opportunities because they lack the experience to identify and skills to hold on to that opportunity.

Some people will be asking right about now how does having skills sum up to experience. It is simple, to have is to possess and to possess is to be prepared. Most of you are already conversant with the biblical parable Jesus told about the 10 virgins in the bible, "Matthew 25". To have is presumed to have acquired.

"Yesterday I learnt, today I know". Experience is made up of your past.

The present: "Motivation"

(I sometimes call it vibe)...

Motivating can be defined as the driving force that cause a flux from desire to will in life.

What is a flux?:

A flux is a series of change, a continuous change...

That's to say motivation has the ability to change the mindset of a person from a mideocal thinking to a mind of great thoughts, it creates a hunger and thirst for change, for growth and increase.

Only when a person can see himself wanting or rather in of increase can that person stretch to reach the height they solely crave.

In other to identity and fully maximise the best of opportunity, a person has to be hungry for that opportunity.

Note these words "driving, climbing, striving, flying, craving and all the ings you can think of". These words represent the present continuous tense.

Now i want to point out a little detail about life which is... life is a present continues tense, it goes on with or without you.

If life is a road, are you driving or standing?

If life is a race, are you running or staring?

If life is an ocean, are you sailing or drowning? Things to think about.

To take charge of your opportunity, you have to be in a present continuous state of readiness. You must be convicted in heart, body and soul of what you want to achieve.

Now there is no limit to what a motivated mind can achieve. It is like giving a handicap a chance to have that which they have lost, you can literally see the hunger in their eyes as they grab and hold onto it. It is like a mama bear seeing her cub being snatched away from her, she will scratch and tear every thing that falls on her path. That's what motivation can do to a person, it gives you a reason to fight and hold on for so long.

Motivation is as pumping life into a week body, it leaves you energetic and strong to withstand anything. With the right motivation, you will be able to unlock potentials you don't even know you had. Think of it like the adrenaline in your body that helps you fight and flight when you fear, motivation is your adrenaline to facing life.

The more you throttle, the faster you go.

The Future: "Dream"

Martin Luther king Jr. Said "I have a dream".

The sentence when analysed simply means he is holding on to something. "I have", to pose. It sounds more like a prize.

What does it mean to have a dream?

Note this, only people that are convicted of who they are can dream. People who see themselves occupying more space than what the world has offered them can dream.

Every great idea emerges from a dream, it is the exploration of the human mind.

Dreaming is not reserved for the night only, the kind of dream I'm talking about is not just when you close your eyes and go to sleep. The dream I'm referring to is the desire to create, the hunger for self satisfaction, the belief to be that which is meant to be, the faith to outstanding.

Sadly, at some point a lot of people has lost that dream.

A man without a dream with an opportunity in his hands, is like a child with a diamond stone. It's value is equal to that which his mind has perceived it to be. It probably will be snatched from him like taking a candy off a baby.

A mind open to dreams is a mind open to ideas, dreams allows you to see the possibilities around you. It sets the mind in motion for something, it prepares the mind for acceptance. Whether consciously or unconsciously, dreams registers the mind towards a task or purpose.

I like to think of it as the revolution of the mans creativity.


When you have all the three values (the past, present and future), you will be energetically fit to handle your situations and turning it into the right opportunity you want.

Opportunity of the day

When you wake up from bed, you have the opportunity of the day. You claim that oppurtunity, life and health is the greatest oppoutunity given to man. Sadly a lot of people don't utilise this opportunity, they go through their day not achieving anything. Opportunity of the day is rather a gift to man, something to be thankful of.

Each day comes with an endless possibility, and where there is possibility there is opportunity. The key is patience.

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