[✔️] Across The Years | Seulr...

By zhenaerys

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Falling in love with someone is a crazy feeling. Whether it's forbidden, complicated, or secretly then can't... More

Ch. 1 - An old photo
Ch. 2 - The box
Ch. 3 - A new job
Ch. 4 - Is she or isn't she
Ch. 5 - A spider's web
Ch. 6 - Possibilities
Ch. 7 - Groovy
Ch. 8 - Happy birthday, John
Ch. 9 - Never pass up a chance to see Freddy
Ch. 10 - End of a long road
Ch. 11 - Roughing it
Ch. 12 - Upstairs/Downstairs
Ch. 13 - Not in our stars
Ch. 14 - One day down
Ch. 15 - Breaking character
Ch. 16 - Knock knock
Ch. 17 - The ride
Ch. 18 - Another outing
Ch. 19 - A little peek
Ch. 20 - The garden
Ch. 21 - The moment (Part I)
Ch. 22 - The moment (Part II)
Ch. 23 - Too little, too late
Ch. 24 - Running down the clock
Ch. 26 - Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Ch. 27 - Remember me
Ch. 28 - A new world
Ch. 29 - Stranger in a strange land
Ch. 30 - Trouble in paradise
Ch. 31 - Who's the villain
Ch. 32 - Out in the open
Ch. 33 - Catching up
Ch. 34 - Fate or chance
Last Chapter - Wraparound

Ch. 25 - The circle

9.4K 483 653
By zhenaerys

[A/n: The photo that made me ship them— hard lmao.]

No One's POV

With a broken heart, Seulgi quietly slipped out of the church in the confusion caused by 8 separate women fainting all at once.

"It's the best way," thought by the Korean rebel sadly. "We're from different worlds and in any case, she doesn't know the real me anyway. I completed my mission, stopped the marriage and destroyed Mark. He won't hurt Baechu or anyone else for that matter. It's best to simply return home and mend my broken heart."

Then suddenly, Seulgi heard a female voice behind her, calling her name. "Seulgi!"

For an instant her heart leapt as she thought that it may be Irene coming after her, but her spirits fell again when she see it was only her fellow servant, Emily, running up to her.


"Oh Seulgi, I can't believe it. I thought that Mark was such a good man but instead he was stealing money and all that. It's a miracle you were able to stop the wedding before Miss Irene married that blackguard."

The Korean-American smiled weakly, "He fooled lots of people. The only person he ever cared about was himself. I merely exposed him for what he was."

"More than that, I've never seen a woman do that to a man before. Certain it may be a sin, but I enjoyed watching you make short work of him. I think you could teach my brothers a thing or two about fighting. Where did you learn that?"

"Back home, which reminds me. Could you do me a favor Emily— actually two favors?"

Emily nodded, "Of course."

Seulgi pulled a letter from her bag, "Could you give this to Mr. Ferrer the next time you see him? It's my resignation letter. I'm sorry to give such short notice, but I've learned that my mother has fallen ill and I need to return home immediately. I'm going to pack and leave today."

With a shocked look on her face, Emily took the letter. "It was a pleasure to know you Seulgi. I'm sorry your mother's ill."

Seulgi nodded, "Thank you, and it was a pleasure to know you as well. But before I go, there's something I wanted to tell you. I don't think you've noticed but, Michael Turner? The farmer's son who delivers the milk every morning. I'm pretty sure he likes you. I've chatted with him once or twice. He seems like a decent sort, you should talk to him sometime. Maybe you'll like him back as not all guys are like Mark."

Emily's eyes went wide, "He's so handsome, I didn't know. Thank you ever so much Seulgi. What else did you need?"

Seulgi then pointed to her horse, "I borrowed the horse from the stables and I rode him pretty hard and he's tired. I'm going to walk home through the fields and take the long way. If you could have Robert take him back to the stables, that would be great."

"Of course. Thank you, Seulgi. I'll miss you."

She smiled, "Take care, Emily."

With that, Seulgi turned and began the walk home. She could have taken the horse, but she just wanted some time to walk and think. That and she wanted to cry her eyes out.

The no longer to be held wedding, soon broke up and the various guests exited to return home. Today's incident would be spoken for some time; how a mysterious Korean-American exposed Mark Tuan as a thief and charlatan on his wedding day. Then when he insulted the bride, she proceeded to beat him senseless.

Irene who had been revived, was still somewhat in shock and had to be helped to the wagon by her father and Mrs. Bailey.

Mark on the other hand was dragged out of the church semi-conscious and dumped into the back of Constable Hill's wagon. He had a pair of shackles so as to keep his prisoner secure and locked him up until they could reach the county jail.

A few minutes later, all the wagons departed and headed their different ways. It was about a 2 miles down the road, when Constable Hill heard Mark starts to groan.

Ignoring it at first, Constable Hill soon heard the groans getting louder.

"Aieeshh... It hurts."

"Nah, be quiet." The constable snapped back.

But Mark kept groaning louder and louder as if he was in great pain, "I think she broke half my ribs. Please, look at it. Urghh... I- I think I need a doctor."

"Alright," said Constable Hill as he brought the wagon to a halt. The constable quickly got off the front and got in the back where Mark was curled up in a ball on the floor of the wagon looking like he was in pure agony.

"Alright now, let me look at it." Said the constable as he walked up to him.

That's when Mark, though shackled, hopped up and kicked the constable in the groin. Before he could even react, Mark jumped on top of him.

Unaware of what happened to the constable, Irene and her father arrived home a short while later. Still very upset and in shock, Mrs. Bailey helped her out of her wedding dress and into bed for a rest. Irene barely knew what to think, she had honestly thought that Mark was a decent upstanding man. She had been so angry at Seulgi for accusing of him being a thief and the Korean rebel just might had done it out of jealousy.

But today it became painfully clear that he was a thief, liar, gambler and a womanizer. Not to mention it was obvious he didn't care of her in the slightest. Another thought happened to her as she lay in bed. Where was Seulgi?

Emily who had arrived a short while later in a second carriage, with Mr. Bailey and Robert, sought out Mr. Ferrer right away.

She found him in the upstairs hallway.

"Mr. Ferrer, Sir."

"Yes, Emily?"

Emily handed him the letter, "I saw Seulgi outside of the church. She told me to give you this. "

"I wanted to speak with her, and what is this?"

"She said it's her resignation letter. She said her mother is fallen ill and needs to return home right away. She apologizes but said she needs to leave as soon as she may. She will be leaving this night."

He opened the letter and read the contents without expression.

"Thank you, Emily." He said quietly as he put the letter down on a table in the hallway.

Mr. Ferrer was quiet perplexed by the recent turn of events and frankly didn't know what to make of them. Leaving the letter where he put it down, he walked to his study to think.

Irene had fallen asleep, but slept fitfully. After about two hours she awoke and went to find her father. However as she walked into the hallway she spotted a piece of paper. Curious, she picked it up and read;

"Dear Mr. Ferrer,

This letter is to formally announce my immediate resignation. I am truly sorry to not be able to give more notice but I have gotten word that my mother has fallen ill and must return home immediately. I will be packing my things and leaving as soon as I can. Thank you very much for giving me a chance to work in your household, I found it an enlightening experience.

Seulgi Kang."

Irene read the letter with disbelief, then read it again. First, Seulgi swoops in and saves her from marrying Mark then she simply quits and leaves. She couldn't have that, she had to see Seulgi. Her heart would not allow this to go unresolved.

Putting the paper down, Irene quickly put on a dress, closed the door to her room and left. No one saw her leave.

Not more than 2 minutes after she left the back of the house, there was a knock at the front door. Being nearby, Mr. Ferrer answered to find it was Mr. Buckland, one of the townspeople.

"Mr. Ferrer, Sir. I have urgent news. That Mr. Tuan Mark, who was to marry your daughter until he was exposed as a thief, has escaped."

"What?" Exclaimed Mr. Ferrer, suddenly looking very worried.

"He beat poor Constable Hill, nearly half to death. Must have tricked him or something. Even worse, Mr. Howard the farmer who lives near there, reported that someone broke into his house while he was out. Some money and a pistol was stolen. We're organizing a search party to find Mark Tuan and apprehend him. In any case, we're warning everyone to stay indoors until he's caught."

Mr. Ferrer took a deep breath and in an urgent tone said, "I'll get my pistol, Mr. Bailey, Robert and I will join you. Wait here."

Rushing into the house he encountered Mrs. Bailey, "Mrs. Bailey, that rouge Mark has escaped from Constable Hill's custody and nearly beat him half to death in the process. He also stole a pistol and is now armed. Now, Irene is sleeping up her room, so leave her there. I'm getting Mr. Bailey, Robert and we're joining the search for him. You lock the house and stay indoors until we return, that is an order. I would advise you and Emily to stay in your rooms. Understood?"

Mrs. Bailey nodded quickly, "Yes, Mr. Ferrer, Sir."

Mr. Ferrer quickly rounded up Mr. Bailey, Robert then set out with Mr. Buckland for the search. As requested, Mrs. Bailey locked up all the doors and windows. She was tempted to check up on Irene, but decided to leave her alone and retire to her room.

Seulgi had taken her long tear filled walk home and upon arriving immediately, was changed into her traveling clothes and began to pack. She had seen no one in her long walk through the country and was not aware of Mark's escape.

Finally, Seulgi had all her things packed and just wanted to get going. She wanted to get back to London and then back to 2018 so she could at least try and get on with her life. To only see Irene again would make things harder, Seulgi just wanted to go.

She had packed all her things except for her modern devices which she left sitting on her bed. Having to go to the bathroom, Seulgi went to the outhouse, and glad that this will be the last time she would ever have to use that smelly horrid place.

Just after she entered the outhouse, a now frantic Irene ran by towards the cabin. She was so afraid she would miss Seulgi.

Irene then burst in the cabin, "Seulgi?!"

But there was no answer. Afraid she had missed the woman who so stirred her feelings, she quickly ran into the bedroom to see if her bags were there.

Much to her relief, Seulgi's belongings were sitting on the bed. A seconds later, she spotted some other strange looking objects which sitting on the bed.

Curious, Irene walked to the bed and picked one up. It was small thin and rectangular with a dark glassy like surface on one side and a strange covering on the other.

There was a small hole on top and a notch at the bottom. On the side were, what appeared to be buttons.

There were two words printed on the front. At the bottom next to a mark it said, "Verizon," while near the top of it said. "Motorola."

"What is this?" Irene wondered as she examined the object.

In all her years she had never seen anything even remotely like such an object and had no idea what it did. She had no idea what those words even meant.

Even more curious, she pressed one of the small buttons on the side. Much to Irene's shock, the glassy surface lit up and she could see something on it. There was some numbers; 3:17 and below that what looked like a picture of a small padlock.

Startled, Irene quickly dropped the item on the bed. After a few seconds, the glassy surface went dark.

Irene as afraid but still curious, she then picked up the second object, which was thin and a bit larger than the first item.

This item was oddly shaped. On the back was a symbol of what appeared to be a piece of fruit. On the front was another glass surface with a circular depression near the bottom. Just like the other object, it had a small hole at the top and a strange notch at the bottom. In the circular depression, there was some strange symbols and one word;


"What are these things, what do they do?" She asked to herself, putting the second object down.

The third was the largest and was a very thin rectangle about 8 inches by 5 inches. It had a hole at the top and a notch at the bottom. Like the others it had a glassy like surface. A word was stamped at the bottom;


It was then Irene pressed something and the glassy surface lit up brightly. As before, she promptly dropped it and this time let out a small scream.

Looking at the object, she noticed something familiar. On the glassy surface was her handwriting. Quickly, Irene picked it up and looked at the surface.

"October 2nd 1867.

It rained today, all day. I so wanted to go riding but today like yesterday it rained. Father's uncle Samuel will be visiting us tomorrow. I so look forward to his visits. He is such a friendly type and tells such wonderful stories..."

Irene didn't have to read further as she knew what it said. She had written it some 2 years ago. She didn't know what it meant, but somehow Seulgi had gotten a page of her private journal inside this contraption. The only conclusion Irene could come up with it was that the Korean rebel has stolen it. Had Seulgi betrayed her as well? To Irene it most certainly looked that way.

It was then Irene sensed someone in the doorway. She turned to see it was a surprised looking Seulgi.

She held up the Kindle as her face turned red, "I came here to speak with you, only to find out you have stolen a page of my journal from my room and placed it in this infernal contraption. For once I thought you were a good person, but you're no better than Mark."

"I can explain, Baechu, please." Seulgi uttered out, her voice filled with panic.

"Yes, Seulgi, please explain how you stole my journal, ripped out a page and placed it in your evil device. I. TRUSTED. YOU!" Irene, now very angry said as she slapped Seulgi square up in the face.

Seulgi's worst nightmare had come true, she had been busted. Not just with modern technology, but she had hit just the right button to brink her kindle out of sleep mode. She had been reading Irene's journal earlier and that was why the page came up.

Seulgi pleaded still, not wanting it to end like this. "Please Baechu, I- it's not what you think!"

Irene would hear none of this and ran out of the room and out of the cabin. Seulgi realizing she was about to be exposed, knew she needed to get the hell out of town and fast. She quickly tossed her modern items in her bag and grabbed her gear.

But there was that part of her that wanted to explain, wanted to be with Irene just one more time. So carrying all her gear she ran after her. She caught up with the fleeing Korean-Latina a hundred or so yards down the trail to Irene's house.

She then grabbed Irene's hand and pleaded some more, "Please Bae— Irene. For God's sake, let me explain. Just please give me 5 minutes to explain who I am and where I'm from and I promise I will walk out of here and you will never see me again.

Unexpectedly, Irene stopped and turned to her with a cold look. A moments later she walked over to a large rock, sat down and crossed her arms with a very skeptical look. "Okay then, explain. But if you touch me, I will thrash and scream."

The Korean-American put up her hands and back off sitting on the ground a few feet away.

"Irene, I am not what I appear to be. But to put certain fears to rest, I am no devil, demon or agent of hell, nor am I some angel from heaven or a witch or sorcerer. I am an ordinary woman, but one who has traveled a great distance to be here."

Irene held up her chin, "I already know you are not what you appear. What are you then?"

"Okay, this is an age of invention; new things are being invented all the time. Wonderful things, the steam engine, the telegraph, the ability to take pictures. Things that were undreamed of a century ago, are now commonplace. Do you follow?"

The Korean-Latina nodded.

"In the years to come, men of science and knowledge will continue to invent new things. Inventions beyond anyone imagination, that will enable man to travel faster and farther, do amazing things. One of those amazing inventions will be one that will enable a person to travel across the years as easily as one would cross a room. Give the user the ability to see another age. Perhaps see the building of the pyramids in ancient Egypt, or the birth of Christ."

She paused for a reaction but Irene just looked to the side for a moment as if she was thinking of something, then wordlessly turn to her.

"That machine that will allow a man to travel through time itself, will one day be a reality. I used that device to travel here, to this year."

"So you come from a different year?" Asked a skeptical looking Irene.

Seulgi nodded, "I think you are getting it. Yes, you were born in the year 1850. I was born in the year 1995. I traveled to 1869 from the year 2018."

"2018," spat Irene with an expression of disbelief. "That cannot be so."

Seulgi then reached in her bag and pulled something out, "If you allow me, I'll demonstrate a device from another year. Something yet undreamed of. Let me assure you, it's an ordinary device that was made in a factory. It's nothing evil. It is a device, like a steam engine. It has a purpose."

Irene looked to see it was the oddly shaped object. Plus she was holding what appeared to be a long string of some kind. The Korean-Latina watched as she put one end in the hole at the top.

"What does that do?"

Seulgi stood up and took a cautious step forward, "Nowadays, you can take a picture of a person or a landscape. Record it and look at it later. In the future they will be able to record not only sight, but sound. A person can record a person speaking or singing and then play it back at another time so it can be heard again."

Irene nodded understandingly, "I will allow you to demonstrate this supposed device."

A part of Irene still wanted to believe Seulgi. So that's what she did, believe her even if doubt still creeping up to her, waiting for her string of faith to falter.

Seulgi approached and held up one of her ear buds from her iPhone, "Okay, I will put this in your ear. It won't hurt you, I promise."

Irene looked at the small thing and warily nodded.

Carefully, Seulgi placed it in her ear and held up her iPhone. "Okay, this is a device that can hold music that has been recorded. It's a bit like a book of sorts but for sound. Now close your eyes."

Irene obliged, closed her eyes and a moment later she could hear the first bars of a grand symphony. Stunned by the full music filing her ears, she sat there transfixed.

"Beethoven," She said amused a few seconds later.

Her father had taken her and Suzy to see the symphony some years ago. Now she was hearing it again. Though a bit scary, Irene was amazed by the sound. It was as if she was in a concert hall.

"Yes, this is a recording of the London symphony Orchestra performing Beethoven's 5th Symphony. It's like a picture, but of a sound."

Irene then removed the ear bud and handed it to her, "Okay, I believe you are from another year, beyond tomorrow as it were. But that still doesn't explain how you got my diary and why you are here. Explain!"

Seulgi sat down at Irene's feet, "Okay, my name is really Seulgi Kang. I am from the City of Los Angeles in California. A few years from now a small college will be built in Herford. In the year 2018 I was attending that college studying to be an actress. I was in an old antique shop one day looking for things to decorate my very small apartment when...

On a table I saw your picture for sale. It was the one you took last week for your wedding. I was told, it was found in the basement of the old Tuan Mansion that was being torn down. It had been there for many years and was forgotten...

As you guessed I was nursing a broken heart and I was instantly enchanted by your beauty. I bought your picture and took it home. Wanting to know more about you, I went back and they had a box that was with the same stuff they found in that basement...

In that box was some of your personal things and journals. Remember they were forgotten in a basement and had been there for many years. Do you follow?"

It was a disturbing thought for Irene, for her things to be forgotten in musty basement. "Yes, I follow."

"I read your journals and already enchanted with your beauty, fell in love with you. I do love you. I read the story of your life. How you grew up, how you preferred women and eventually married Mark, thinking he would make you happy."

"But I did so not marry Mark."

"No but imagine your life, like a story in a book. I read the story. I read how you married Mark but instead of happiness he brought you loneliness and misery. He cheated on you and treated you terribly. I was heartbroken to see such a wonderful, beautiful person treated in such a fashion.

So I had access to the machine that would allow me to travel back to this time. I then inserted myself into the story and rewrote the ending. I altered what was going to happen. That marriage would have brought you only misery.

Your journals are in your room. What you saw was a picture essentially of the copy that I had. It is kept on a device that stores pictures of pages of books."

Irene frowned, "So you know what I've been writing these last few months."

Seulgi shook her head, "For some reasons I don't understand. The diaries that I have are of the version of the story before I inserted myself in it. Your journals make no mention of me at all. Here let me show you."

At this moment, the two women were not alone. Mark, whose life was now in ruins, wanted to get revenge on Seulgi more than anything, was creeping up on them. He came to her cabin first, but found it empty. Walking through the forest he heard voices and quietly began to creep up on them.

Seulgi pulled out her kindle and brought up a page from Irene's honeymoon, describing what the weather was like. "Here look."

Irene looked and read a few sentences of what looked to be her own journal and her own handwriting but it was not her words. It gave her a chill and she handed it back to Seulgi. Then she stood up and crossed her arms.

"I am not sure if I understand fully, but you came here to save me out of love and devotion, from an unhappy marriage. But you took me to bed under false pretenses. Said you were someone else. I fell for you, but that you is not real." Irene sighed and closed her eyes for a moment.

"You are indeed a good actress as you had me fooled all along. Did you enjoy seducing me?" Irene asked, sounding hurt.

Seulgi abruptly stood up and faced her, "Baechu I messed up, yes. But I just wanted to be with you. I lost track of what I was supposed to be doing and I'm sorry. I love you Baechu. I adamantly do."

Irene despite the complex nature of the situation actually managed to grasp what was going on. That didn't change the fact that Seulgi had lied to her and presented herself as something she wasn't. Already burned by Mark, she felt now just as burned by her.

Irene shook her head, "You say you love me, but you were going to sneak out of town without so much as a word."

The Korean-American bit her lip and looked to the ground, "I came to the conclusion that we're from different worlds and maybe it was the wiser course if our paths departed. You have a chance at happiness. I assure you it wasn't an easy decision to make."

"And you expect me to believe that?" Irene said bitterly, "Perhaps that is the wise course. You just leave and let me live my life. Perhaps I'll meet someone that will be honest with me for once. You say you love me, take me to bed and lie and I'll tell you, that you lie so much more convincingly than Mark ever did."

Seulgi now felt like a total shit. Irene was right, she said she loved her and did nothing but lie. Granted, she had a noble purpose, but they were still lies. "Look Irene, I never meant it t—"

It was that instant, Irene happened to look past her to the bushes just behind her. Much to her horror, she spotted a furious looking Mark. More importantly, he was aiming a pistol straight at Seugi's back and at that distance she knew he wouldn't miss.

The thought of not doing anything, never occurred to Irene. Though very hurt and upset with Seulgi, she didn't hesitate for a microsecond to save her.

Seulgi was still in the middle of her sentence, when Irene suddenly lurched forward with a shout;


Before she even knew what was going on, Seulgi felt Irene shove her to the side, as an extremely loud bang suddenly filled the air.

She hit the ground a second later and looked up to see a rather stunned looking Mark standing in the bushes only a few feet away. She could also see a smoking pistol in his hand.

"YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" Seulgi screamed, as she pulled herself off the ground.

She moved forward, only to have Mark drop the gun and run off. Furious beyond belief, Seulgi picked up the gun and fired at him. There were only 5 shots left in the gun. The first 4 she fired missed, and the fifth she could see it hit his arm. He yelped in pain, but kept running further into the woods.

"Holy shit Baechu, that bastard nearly killed me. I swear to God if— hey are you alright... I- Irene?"

Not getting an answer, Seulgi turned her around.

Irene was now lying on the ground. But to her horror, Seulgi couldn't help but notice the ever growing circle of red spreading out across the front of Irene's blue dress.

Blackguard is an old fashioned name for a scoundrel or a bad guy.

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