His Other One

By starlily1

44.5K 3.1K 315

Follow Taylor as she maneuvers in a new world where vampires inhabit, secret roams and danger is never far be... More

edit notice, check for cast update
1|Blue Eyes And a vist
2| The Blue Pact And A Scare
3|Silent forest And The Encounters
4|Emese And A Revelation
5|Rites And A vision
6|The Fake Queen And A Maid
7|The Portraits And A History
9|Lupines And Black Horses
10|Fae Magic And A Dying King
11|A Sad love Story And A Cabal
12|The Blossom Key And A Grand Ball
13|The Dead Assasin And A Banquet
14|A Peculiar Memory And A Cause for Alarm
15| Nine days And All Kinds Of Hunger
16|The Charge and A Good Laugh
17|A Hunting and A Prize
18|A clash of answers
19| Olanda And Her Faerie
20|The Request And An Interrogation
21| The Outburst and A Garden
22|Olivia's Plea And The Dungeon
23| An Exchange And A Consumation

8|Two Seasons And A Kill

1.8K 124 2
By starlily1

Taylor wasn't sure what to make of what had transpired between them neither of the way he suddenly turned cold after what she said. Had she been too forward, said the wrong thing perhaps?

He had ordered her back to her room not a minute later, using the words
"Your Izolare continues tomorrow" to dismiss her, leaving her with no explanations or second glance
He confused her, this man.

"Mistress, you're back early" Olivia said in a startled voice when Taylor let her self in. She was in the middle of lightning the bed side candles and looked like she had been caught doing something wrong. She curtsied

"I have drawn you a warm bath and prepared your dinner too"

"Thank you Olivia" Taylor mumbled.

"I'll go get your tray" she said, walking out.

Taylor walked in to sit on the bed. Though he called it their chamber earlier, it didn't seem like Anghel had any plans of sharing it with her. She should be glad.

She needed to clear her head. To rethink and revalue. After all the things she learned today, it occurred to her the situation wasn't a joking matter. She was not in a fairytale where the prince charming would sweep her off her feet to his castle and live happy ever after.

Her prince was a vampire and all he wanted from her was children. If having one didn't kill her first, that is.
Was this worth it? Sacrificing her life to carry a child for Anghel, who didn't even remotely like her.
She had to escape all this. She had to swallow her pride and admit she had bitten more then she could chew. She would bid her time and figure out a way to escape. To be far from this madness.


She was back there again. The beautiful forest....but something was wrong. She could feel it, the air reeked of malevolence.  Such that it made her skin crawl.
Then the shadows came like an herd of locusts. They consumed the bright beautiful forest and polluted everything.
She was crying, refusing to be comforted. Her heart ached in anguish. she was too late! She couldn't save them.
She saw them now, their bodies littered the waste land, wingless, soulless, dead.
Her family, she had failed them

Now she was in a dark chamber. Hatred burned in her heart as she watched the sleeping form of a man shrouded in the darkness. He would pay for what he has done, they would all pay. One by one, starting from him.
The dagger flashed and was imbedded in his heart.
He shifted and she saw his face.
It was Anghel.


Taylor shot up, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.
It was a dream.
A confusing nightmare.
She hardly ever had nightmares but ever since she got here, it had become a regular occurrence.
Nightmares she didn't understand, it was like she dreamt for another person. Another person who wanted Anghel dead.
Even her dreams were complicated!

God, she needed a drink.
The room was lighted only by the scented candles on the bedside table. She picked one and walked quickly to the adjourning room where Olivia slept. She knocked but received no answer.
Taylor opened the door gently, the small room had a closet, drawers and a twin bed...which was empty, still laid with no sign anyone had slept on it.

Taylor was puzzled. Where could the girl have gone by herself so late at night?
And how was she to locate the kitchen in such a big, strange place?
Her parched throat prompted her to brave the dark unknown territory of the house in search of water.
With a hand protecting the fragile flame from draught, Taylor left the room with careful quiet steps and controlled breathing. The house was as quiet as a graveyard, still and dark.

She managed to the stairs landing without any mishap. Just as she was contemplating which of the corridors led to the kitchen, she heard the front door sneak open.
She stiffened, half terrified of who or what was sneaking into the house.
There was nothing to use as weapon anywhere around her, so she tiptoed to the direction of the door, with the intention of screaming bloody murder if things went south. Taylor was confident Anghel would appear in seconds.

Taylor watched, hidden behind a pillar, as the hooded figure closed the door as quietly as he or she could. Taylor knew her candlelight would give her away but she was not the guilty one here.

When the figure turned, Taylor let out the breath she was holding. It was Olivia.

Olivia stiffened when she saw the reflection of candlelight coming from behind a pillar. Taylor didn't see the discrete way Olivia made the package she was holding disappear into the folds of her cloak.

"Olivia!" Taylor called in surprise, stepping from her hiding place to meet the other girl.
"Mistress" Olivia replied quietly, curtseying.
"What were you doing outside so late?" Taylor questioned in a hushed tone, afraid their voices would carry to Anghel, wherever he was.
"I wasn't feeling well, I took a walk to clear my head and refresh myself. What are you doing up so late mistress"

Taylor knew she was changing the topic....but she didn't see any reason to doubt her words.
"I had a nightmare and wanted a drink to calm my nerves"

"I'll get you the drink. You should go up and rest"

"I'll come with you. I have to start familiarizing myself to this place anyway"
Olivia hesitated for a moment then gave her dimpled smile.
"OK Sam, this way"

"Your nightmares might be caused by the new environment"
Olivia suggested when they returned to the room.
Taylor perched on her bed with a sigh.
"It might be true. They started when I got here" Taylor liked that she could talk to someone, that she had a friend who would listen to her. She liked Olivia and wished they would form a very good friendship bond. Maybe....just maybe she could help her escape.

"Tell me about it. My grandma used to say talking about bad dreams took the bad away and they become just dreams"

"What happened to this your wise grandma?" Taylor asked lightly

"She was murdered. Tell me about your dreams"

Taylor fidgeted, she wanted to say more but Olivia had obviously dismissed that line of discussion.

"The thing is I don't understand them. I have had two and they have been  a puzzle. It was my dream but I don't think I was the person in it. I am not making any sense am I"

"Go on" Olivia prompted, giving Taylor her complete attention.

"I...I really don't know how to put it into words. I dream about a beautiful forest I've never seen and strange fairy like people. That has never happened before. I don't know..."

"Its okay Sam. I might have something that could help" Olivia said standing up "if you'll let me get it, I'll be right back"

Taylor nodded, grateful and curious. Olivia dashed to her room and true to her word was right back .

"This is a Revgade. Its like a mobile dreamcatcher, it was given to me by my grandma when I used to have nightmares and wearing it stopped them.  I want you to have it" Olivia held a silver necklace with a diamond shaped pendant towards her.

"No. I can't take that. It must be precious to you!" Taylor exclaimed in surprise.

"You need it more than I do. I don't have dreams anymore and If there is anyone I want to have it, its you, mistress. You have been so good to me"

Taylor hesitated, could she really accept it? She watched the necklace and the sincerity of the person who offered it. It would hurt Olivia if she refused such goodwill.

Taylor bunched her hair up with one hand and gestured for Olivia to wear the necklace for her. Though she wasn't much of a superstitious person (which her recent encounters are already messing with) she didn't want to offend her new friend.

"Wear it at all times. It also has protective abilities"

"Thank you Olivia. I'll cherish it" she wanted to say more, give her something in return but didn't know what so she squeezed her hands instead, hoping her gratitude would relay.

"You are welcome, its the least I could do" she beamed then begged, "And please mistress, don't tell anyone I gave you a gift. Its not proper, and I might get punished for it"

"I wouldn't let anyone touch you Olivia. But if it makes you feel better, I promise I won't tell anyone about the necklace. And please when we are alone, you can stop calling me mistress"

Olivia grinned
"Okay Sam. You should go to sleep now. It would be dawn soon"

"Goodnight Olivia"

"Goodnight Sam. Sweet dreams"

Taylor's last thought as she drifted to sleep was how grateful she was to have a friend in a strange place and the resolve to tell her new friend her real identity the next day.

From the bed where Taylor was fast asleep, the pendant on the necklace resting on her chest emitted a bright eery blue-white glow, illuminating the sleeping form, then slowly faded away.

After a light breakfast and a warm bath, Taylor was dressed and waiting at the foot of the stairs for Anghel. She didn't wait long before he emerged from one of the corridors, wearing his favourite all black attire complete with a thick, long black coat.

"Good morning" Taylor greeted timidly, not sure what his mood was this morning.

"Follow me" he replied shortly, not even sparing her a second glance. Taylor rolled her eyes behind him. What a Prince.

This time around they rounded the corner and emerged at the front door. And to her surprise he unlocked the iron door and walked out to the warm sunlight.

"Aren't we forbidden to step out from the Izolare?" Taylor inquired, unsure. She was certain Emese said so.
He turned to look at her, his eyes a brilliant blue,
"Here, I choose what is to be forbidden" he replied, a mischievous glint lightning his face.

Taylor stepped out too after a little hesitation
"Isn't sunlight supposed to hurt vampires though?" She remarked grumpily. All she thought she knew about vampires seemed to be faulty so far

"I am a dhampir Taylor, it'll take more than sunlight to hurt me, besides nothing in Ardelean can hurt vampires. Now are you coming along with me or still contemplating what would hurt me?"

Taylor made a sound in her throat close to a scoff as she followed his long stride into the surrounding path-less woodlands

"All I need is a stake" she retorted whimsically then tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear in nervous habit, suddenly aware he might not appreciate her sense of humour.

Anghel paused mid stride making her almost run into his back. She went uh oh in her mind and when their gaze collided, her stomach dropped at the furious look in his eyes. She was about to take a step back in apprehension when his expression changed to an amused one

"Well I think I am totally safe" he countered with a smug smile tugging at his lips. Taylor's mouth hung open in shock . Did he just....? So the big bad intimidating vampire did have a sense of humour, she thought, inwardly pleased.

"Where are we going?" She asked as they continued to maneuver the eerily silent woods.

"Somewhere we might never reach at this rate" He replied. He stopped and got on a knee. He gestured for her to come closer. Taylor widened her eyes when she realized he wanted to piggy ride her.

"I can walk perfectly well!" She retorted in embarrassment

"And I move perfectly fast."

"I am not getting on your back" she elucidated

He sighed and got up. He walked decidedly towards her and with every step he took forward, she took one backward. But she must have miscalculated somehow because when she blinked, he had her in his hold. And without much ado, he lifted her bridal style into his arms.

Her eyes grew saucer round in shock. She didn't resist or object, she could only stare, stupefied, up at his face. He looked down at her and her heart skipped two beats, then went into override

"Hang on tight" he breathed in a whisper. She was still wide eyed when he broke eye contact then she squealed when he moved....flew....flashed? She couldn't tell, they moved so fast that all she saw was a blurry of green

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face firmly into his chest. She couldn't do more than hold tight for dear life as Anghel eat the wood grounds like some human cheetah.

Taylor had her eyes shut throughout the accelerated transit. Her arms though growing tired, held on tightly and at a point he shifted her to a more comfortable position so that her face was  tucked snugly to the hallow of his neck, his chin resting on her tussled hair.

It was hard guessing which it was that made her feel so excited, the speed they moved or the fact he was holding her in his arms. Taylor finally agreed it was both and scolded herself inwardly for her childish fantasies. She wanted to escape Ardelean and didn't that also mean leaving Anghel? She shouldn't get attracted or attached to him.

Taylor noticed they had slowed down and soon he achieved a jogging tempo before he finally stopped.

"You can open your eyes now"

Her eyes shut open and the first thing she saw were his electrifying blue eyes. She was  immediately aware of the close proximity of their faces and felt her face grow hot. She squirmed, struggling to release herself from his hold. He lowered her to the ground and in her hurry to be free she moved too fast and her legs gave away, motion dizzy.

She gasped, waiting to hit the ground but black sleeved arms caught her up in time and she found herself in another unsettling position, this time his hands were wrapped around the small of her waist and their bodies an hairsbreadth apart.

"Thank you" she rushed, looking anywhere but at him. She willed her legs not to betray her before she broke contact, carefully this time. She tucked her hair behind her ear, falling on her face in front of him wasn't in her agenda.

"Don't move" his tone was low,  dangerous. Taylor froze, wondering if he was bipolar. But then realized he wasn't looked  at her, but behind her.

It was then she noticed her surroundings and gasped in surprise. They were on a sort of hill and below them was winter in its full glory, as far as the eyes could see. Taylor was standing on a green hilltop that seemed to be the border for two distinctively different seasons. What other surprises was Ardelean holding?!

Slightly hidden by a snow dusted thicket right under the hill was a figure in a hooded red robe, bent over a frozen stream. There was a bow and a small dead animal beside the person.
Taylor couldn't tell if it were a man or woman from where she stood but she was drawn to the figure for no apparent reason.

"Wait here."  Anghel ordered in an hushed tone, his dark gaze still fixed on the oblivious figure some miles away. Taylor could feel the animosity like it touched her. She looked at Anghel who was watching the Scarlett robbed person like an hunter did his prey and immediately felt frightened.

"What do you plan to do!" she asked in a small voice.

"You wanted to know what it was being a blue blood vampire's mate? Watch"

Taylor watched in frozen trepidation as Anghel left her side. She watched outside her body as he moved with that familiar speed, jumping down the hill and landing on sparkling snow with no sound. She watched him sneak up on Scarlett robe, watched him attack in a fluid, flawless motion.

She felt more than saw the figure go still, he didn't put up a fight under Anghel's choke hold. Like he knew he never had a chance. She couldn't tear her gaze away, she could only watch.

Then Anghel plunged his head down and bit on the exposed neck. It was then the struggle began. The body jerked, spasmed and lurched trying to escape, all futile.
Blood spilled from the pale neck and soaked into the cloak making a dark trail under the mellow sun. The snow under their feet began to spot dark red blotches
Yet Anghel did not stop nor relent.

Taylor felt her breath stop. The hood had come off to reveal long locks of raven black hair.
It was a woman.

Anghel was killing a defenseless woman in the middle of the forest for no good reason.
When that thought stuck, her paralysis left her and without a second thought ran the opposite way.

She didn't know where she was going or if she was going the right way. All she knew was she wanted to be far far away from Anghel. From everything. And her adrenaline led her.

How did she miss the signs? How could he be so cold hearted? How could he murder a woman in front of her without any scruples? How did she end up getting married to such a person, vampire or not?!

Her adrenaline didn't lead her very far as she began to feel her muscles spam in exertion. It were time like this she cursed her weak heart. She stopped to catch her breath under a canopy tree.

It occurred to Taylor she was hopelessly lost and might end up dead sooner or later if wild animals were roaming free .
She was still trying to breathe when she heard the deep, menacing growls from right behind her. 

She turned slowly, her heart in her throat then her eyes widened in pure terror.

It was the monster animal she encountered on her first day in Ardelean.
This time, it had a partner, and their snarls and growls drove chills down her spine.
Her heart lurched, they had begun to circle her.

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