The Mystery Behind Keller City

By Gulallaimangal

14 1 0

A death has happened. A mysterious one. Trevor. Trevor White. This horrible event happened on the wretched da... More

Part 1: The Mystery Behind Keller City

14 1 0
By Gulallaimangal

One night, Bella and Trevor were arguing at home, until their parents rushed into their room to see what was going on. Bella was accusing Trevor of stealing her phone. Trevor disagreed. Bella couldn't find her phone and since her only sibling was Trevor, she would obviously blame him. You see, Bella and Trevor both had an older sibling. She was 21 years old. Kaila. Kaila White. She was beautiful and had a 4.00 G.P.A. She had dark shiny, black hair with big hazel eyes. Her smile could make anyone's day. She was a combination of great things. One day, she was at the club and got drunk. She was driving home and was dizzy. She couldn't see the road and crashed her car. She was rushed to the hospital and was put on life support for 1 month. She later died because of the alcohol in her blood. The White family is still trying to get over this sad experience. The death of Kaila was horrible. Keller City threw a huge funeral for her. Bella and Trevor finally stopped fighting and finally found her phone. Bella called her best friend, Kenzie, to tell her what happened meanwhile, Trevor was laying in his room when he got a text message. The text message said, " well, well, well, Trevor White, your the next human in my game........ you got ten days,.. follow my instructions if you want to live, and if you want your family live." Trevor laughed and threw the phone on the ground. Trevor was a heartless man. He didn't care for anything, he was the quarterback on the football team at Bella and His school, East Coast Adams Academy. It was a school for rich kids like the White family. But even more rich was the Kenzler family. They owned 820,000 acres of rich land. The whole family had a bunch of respect but they didn't care for the people that cared for them. They were heartless just like Trevor but even worse. Their children's names were, Eliza and Eli. Eliza was a popular mean girl. Her platinum blond hair perfectly curled draped over her shoulder. Whenever she sashayed away she would say "Girl Bye'' and her hair would slap you In your face as she walked away. She had 2 minions, Sasha and Julia. Sasha was a party girl, Julia was a shy girl, she never said a word. Eli was a benefit guy. He only picked girls that matched his description. They had to be 5'1, brunette eyes, seductive arch eyebrows, thick lips, blood dark hair, 103 pounds, slim waist, calves have to be in line with waist, legs skinny as twigs, arms skinny as strings with no hair, hair has to be curled on special occasions at school and straight for a normal school day, outfit has to be from Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Gucci, Michael Kors, or Chanel, and most importantly they had to be rich as hell. This description made every girl sick except the girls totally crushing on him and willing to workout and change their hair color for him and change their whole life for him. Eli was a jock that dated another mean girl but this one was worse than Eliza. Sarah. Sarah Hadid. They dated for a year before Eli decided to move on bigger and better things. Sarah got so mad she invited Eli to her house and drugged him to make him her boyfriend again but Eli tried so hard to stay strong so that the drug barely worked on him, sure he was dizzy but he didn't do what Sarah told him to do. After that night Eli told their principal, Mr. Smith about what happened and Sarah was expelled, never to be seen again. Now present day, it was the morning after Bella and Trevor's fight, as Trevor drove to school with Bella, he told her a couple jokes to settle her mood and it worked. They got out of the car and walked to class. Since Bella is in freshman year, she has lunch at per. 5 and Trevor was a sophomore so he had lunch per.6. You might find this weird but their academy had 9 periods since they had school at 5;30 am. Yeah weird right? But its an academy not a regular school so they change things up a bit. Bella was in chemistry when the lockdown drill rang. The principal came on the speaker and said THIS IS NOT A PRACTICE DRILL THIS IS A REAL LOCKDOWN KEEP YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS CLOSED HIDE SAFELY. Bang. A gunshot was fired. A scream was heard.( Bella's POV ) my heart was thumping out of my chest as I was hiding in a corner with my BFF holding my hand by my side. It was quiet. Too quiet. Then.... The doorknob rattled. It shaked and rattled like someone was trying to open the door. Someone started banging on the door. We tried to remain calm while me and my Kenzie switched hands on each others mouth's to stop each other from screaming. Sirens were heard. A window broke like somebody was trying to escape. The police knocked to open the door. The police didn't tell the students what had happened but a boy named Zack overheard the police talking and told us what the police said, "so this man is named Oliver Nesser and he is mentally ill. He escaped from the nearby mental hospital and came here. Lets talk about who was shot outside, Officer Howard." He told us every word that was heard and spoke. After that, parents were called to pick the teens up. Bella was in the office waiting for her parents when suddenly they came rushing through the office door, crying, broken. (Bellas pov) My dad was trying to calm my mom down. I asked," why are you crying? Trevor and  I are safe. When her mother, Abigail, said that Trevor was shot and taken to the hospital. (Bellas Pov) Shot. That word cut through me like a knife. "We got to get to the hospital!" said Bella. So the family rushed out of the school, into the car, and to the hospital. When they got to the hospital, Urgent Care Center, they asked the receptionist which room he was in and they told us, HE WAS IN A OPERATION. My mother started yelling at the receptionist for not telling them earlier.. A few hours later..... the receptionist told us that he was taken out of surgery, and we may see him 1 at a time. My parents went first and stayed for about 20 mins. After they came out, they told me Trevor was in a coma. I went inside to see Trevor. There he was laying down peacefully. His face was pale. I looked at him. I started to cry, I was so sad that I was fighting with him. I wiped away my tears because I knew my brother would not want me to cry. It was time for us to go home so I gave Trevor a little kiss is on the head and left the room. My mother stayed in the hospital to stay with Trevor and my Father and I went home. The next day, it was 8;30 a.m. on Saturday. I had nothing to do so I called Kenzie and my other BFF, Madison, and asked them if they wanted to go to the mall. Yes you might be judging me by going to the mall when my bro is in the hospital, but you got to live right? Kenzie said she couldn't and Madison said she could. I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My dad was not a morning person so he wasn't awake yet. I whipped up some pancakes with some fruit, and a blueberry bagel. with some organic orange juice. Yes I pick my meals healthy so don't judge me. I ate all of my food and quickly washed the plates and glasses. I wrote a short note about where I was going to my dad and left it on the dining table. I heard a honk outside so I opened the door and there was Madison with her mom in their black Honda. I quickly slid on my sandals and got in the car. We drove to the mall while I told Madison what had happened. She was really sad because they had a history.......  He was dating Madison. He broke up with her because he started to like Sarah, the rest is history. Madison was heartbroken. She knew she would never be as pretty and amazing as Sarah. 30 minutes later, we reached the mall. Madison's mom, Sidney, told us she would pick us up at 11;00. We said ok and went inside. The first store we went to was the store UGG. It was a store that sold boots. We were told that the company was going to restock and they only had combat boots. I already had combat boots but Sarah needed some so she bought some and we walked out of the store. The next few hours, we killed by going to shops. It was 11:00 and we walked outside to Sidney's car. I got dropped off home 30 minutes later. My dad was watching baseball when I came home. I grabbed a granola bar and went up to my room to watch Netflix and chill. I loved horror movies so I put on the movie Jigsaw. (you guys should watch it if you like blood and disgusting stuff!) I chilled in my room from 11:30 to 3;30. I had to visit Trevor with my dad. I changed from my other clothes to a baby- blue military shirt and some velvet jeans. I put on a necklace and some perfume. We drove for about an hour. When we got there, Trevor was awake, out of his coma. I was shocked and thrilled. I ran to give him a hug. My dad asked my mom why she didn't tell us sooner and she said because her phone ran out of charge and she didn't bring her charger. We talked to Trevor for about an hour and 30 minutes before my dad and my mom switched roles so my dad would stay at the hospital and my mom would go home with me. We drove home in silence. When we got home it was 6;30 p.m. and I had nothing to do so I reviewed and finished my homework. My mom had to go to the grocery so I was home alone. I was in the den when I heard a knock at the door. I was surprised because my mom just left. I opened the door and no one was there. I figured it was just a ding dong ditch. I sat back in the den and turned on the television. I was watching Riverdale when I heard a knock at the window..... I looked at the window and there was in a black hood. I screamed. I grabbed my phone and ran outside to the neighbors house to call the police. I was lucky as he was on the other side of the house and the front door was on the other side. I rang the doorbell on our neighbors house, Mrs. Clark. She opened the door and she let me inside. I told her what happened and called the police. They arrived 15 minutes later. I also called my mom. She came into Mrs. Clark's house crying. I told her what happened and I had to give my statement to the police. My mom and I decided to stay in a hotel. You might think this is unnecessary but the police told us we had to stay somewhere else because they think that the man had planted something like a bomb or and explosive drug. The police still haven't found the criminal so my mom and I are still scared.  We stayed in the Marriott Hotel. The next day..... my mom and I grabbed some breakfast down at the cafe and went to see Trevor. When we got there, Trevor and my dad were sleeping. I sat next to Trevor. I went on Instagram until he woke up. 30 minutes later, a nurse came in named, Elena Walker, and she was Trevor's nurse. She introduced herself and told us she had to give Trevor a shot for pain relieving. He was still asleep so we had to wake him up. She gave him a shot and left. My family talked for what seemed like hours until visiting hours were over and I had school tomorrow. Oh and we also told dad and Trevor what happened at the house about the criminal.                                                                                                                

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