The Meet & Greet - Jerrie (Co...

By nicole26horan

160K 4.7K 1.1K

Jade Thirlwall is a 21 year old British pop star, known all over the world. She loves her fans more than anyt... More

The Meet & Greet ( Jerrie )
Chapter 1 - The Show
Chapter 2 - A Dream Came True
Chapter 3 - Beach
Chapter 4 - Feelings
Chapter 5 - The Signing
Authors Note
Chapter 6 - Lovely Days
Chapter 7 - Birthday (part 1)
Chapter 8 - Birthday (part 2)
Chapter 9 - Moments
Chapter 10 - Strong
Chapter 11 - Safe
Chapter 12 - Towers
Chapter 13 - Back Together
Chapter 15 - Dream
Chapter 16 - Over Again
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 19 - Mistake
Chapter 20 - Sleepover
Chapter 21 - I know what you did last night
Chapter 22 - Double Date
Chapter 23 - Promises
Chapter 24 - Last day of the break
Chapter 25 - The Tour: Day 1
Not an update
Chapter 26 - The Tour: 1st Meet & Greet
Chapter 27 - Seperation
Chapter 28 - Did she make it?
Chapter 29 - Clubbing
Chapter 30 - Rumors
Chapter 31 - Reunited
(Final) Chapter 32 - The Surprise
Thank you!

Chapter 18 - Midnight Fun

3.4K 111 37
By nicole26horan

Jade's POV:

"Thank God you came in time Niall!" I smiled, hugging my friend.

Niall smiled back at me, hugging me lightly, "What can I say! I'm a hero!" he chuckled, "Liam's such an assh-".

"I know, I know! Can we not talk about him? How is Perrie" I asked, cutting him off.

"Um...She just faded so I took her upstairs..."

"Alright, want a drink" I asked him. Should I worry about Perrie? I checked on her like fifteen minutes ago. She must be fine.

Niall nodded, "Yeah, sure! Oh! I called Sam and Jess they are coming over".

"That's great! You can stay for the night if you'd like to! Now do you want a beer"

"Yeh beer! I...I don't wanna stay and be an extra p-"

"Shut up Ni! You know I asked you to stay right? It's all good, I love your company" I smiled.

Niall flashed me an adorable smile, "If you insist! Now, my beer please!".

"There you are! I'm gonna check on Perrie, make yourself like home"

"Kay!" Niall replied, hopping on the sofa.


Perrie is just like she was I last checked on her. She needs to wake up...I miss her. WHY WON'T SHE WAKE UP?

"Pezz wake up, I need you! P-Please..." I said, between sobs. I go and sit on the bed next to her, placing my hand above hers. For some reason, the whole situation is inspiring me. I've just came up with an idea for my new album. 

"I... T-This for you! I hope you like it baby...You're all that matters to me, ain't worried about nobody else, if I ain't with you, I ain't myself... You make me complete... You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah, what's a king bed without a queen... There ain't no "I" in team.... You make me complete...You're all that matters to me, Pezz.."

Perrie's eyes shot open, "You are all that matters to me too...".

"PERRIE!" I screamed, throwing my arms around my girlfriend, thank you God, thank you!

Giggles escape her mouth, "JADE!", she mimicked me. I roll my eyes and lean so that my head is inches apart from hers.

"Just kiss me already" she whined and I smirked, cupping her face with my hands pulling it closer to mine.

"Hey! Are you okay because...Oh! I'm sorry...",  I was just about to close the gap between our lips but Niall ruined our moment. "I...Uh continue, I'll be downstairs.." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

I chuckled, "It's all good Niall, thanks".

"You can stay if you want to" Perrie teased him.

"Nah, thank you Perrie" he blushed. Aww my best friend is embarrassed, yay!

"Nope, he can't stay because we better get ready for that friends' night in" I said, smiling.

"Umm that's a great idea but..Who's coming" Perrie asked.

"Jesy, Sam and Niall's already here so yeah. Them. You can call your friends too if you'd like" I told her.

Perrie smiled wide, "Thank you Jade! I'll call Leigh and Katherine, is that okay".

"Sounds great" I smiled, "Now let's get ready! Niall, could you.."

"Yeah I uh...Get ready, you know where to find me" he said, then went downstairs.


"Perrie you look so pretty" I cooed, admiring my girlfriend. She's wearing blue jeans and a green t-shirt with no makeup on. I love make up free Perrie, she looks stunning without it.

She blushes slightly, "Thank you babe you too". I'm wearing a white blouse, PARIS written on it with gold characters and black shorts.

I grab Perrie's hand, "Let's go downstairs, our guest will be here soon".

"Okay" Perrie smiled as we headed to the kitchen.

"Perrie w-"

Ding Ding Ding

"I'm going!" she squalled, letting go of my hand.

"Hi Perrie" Jesy's accent filled the house.

"Hey Jesy, come in" Perrie said politely.

"POOPEY!" Jesy yelled jokingly, opening her arms for a hug.

"JESMINDA!" I mocked her, hugging her tight.

"I missed you!" Jesy whined.

"I missed you too!" I smiled.

"Hello Jess" Niall greeted her and she smiled.

"Niall! Oh my God! I missed you terribly! How have you been!" Jesy said, sitting next to Niall.

"Well...I've been good, what about you" he asked.

"Yeah me too, modeling goes great!" she smiled, "So Perrie, how are you".

Perrie grinned, "I'm great, it's lovely meeting you!".

"Same! I've heard lots of stuff about you..." Jesy smirked and Perrie blushed. Thankfully the doorbell rang again.

"Will you go Pezz" I asked and she nodded.

"She's gorgeous!" Jesy whispered when she left the room.

I nodded, "Trust me I know!".

Perrie entered the room with a smile, with her best friends following her, "Jade, Leigh and Kat are here an-" the doorbell rang, cutting her off.

"I guess I'm going again" she chuckled.

"Nah, it must be Sam so I'm going" I said, exiting the room. I opened the door and yes, it was Sam!

"Here, come on in!" I smiled at my friend.

"Thanks Jade" he smiled back and followed me inside.

"Well now that we're all here we should introduce ourselves, then watch a movie or whatever" Perrie suggested and everyone nodded. I sat on the couch next to Jesy and Perrie came to sat next to me. Her friends took a sit on the other sofa, next to Sam.

Jesy cleared her throat, then smiled, "Hey girls, I'm Jesy".

"I'm Katherine but call me Kat" Perrie's friend smiled.

"I'm Leigh, nice to meet you Jesy" Leigh Anne smiled.

"Hi I'm Sam" Sam smiled and the girls smiled back.

Niall  smiled, "And I'm Niall, nice to meet you".

"Hello Niall, nice to meet you too" Katherine grinned.

"Now that we know each other, we should play truth or dare!" Jesy smirked.

Leigh Anne nodded immediately, "Yeah! Let's play!".

"It's fine with me" Niall said with a grin.

"Okay" Katherine and Sam chorused.

"Perrie? What about you? I'm in" I smiled, turning to face my girlfriend.

"Yeah sure! It's gonna be fun!" she replied, "Who's starting".

"You!" Jesy let out a devilish laugh, "Truth or dare hon".

Perrie's POV:

"You!" Jesy let out a devilish laugh, "Truth or dare hon".

I smirk, "Dare".

"Are you sure" Jesy asked me, obviously wanting me to worry about what she's going to tell me to do.

"Yup, go on"

"Take off your blouse"

"But...Then...I'll be in a bra only"

"Exactly" Jesy winked at me. I rolled my eyes and I turned to face Jade. She looks so adorable oh my God! She must be jealous because her face is red and she's glaring Jesy for some seconds now.

"Jade are you okay with that" I asked her, squeezing her hand lightly.

"Yeah, all good, go on" she replied, forcing a smile. I took of my t-shirt, I'm only with a bra now.

"You can leave your hat on, dun dun dun" Niall sang jokingly, Jade sending glares to him too.

"Jade, can you please come upstairs with me for a second" I asked, grabbing her hand, "Excuse us, we'll be back in a blink of an eye".

"Oh okay" Katherine said, looking disappointed. Why would she look disappointed?

"Uh yeah okay! My turn now!" Leigh squalled.


 "Jade! There's no need to be jealous" I told her, as soon as we entered our bedroom.

Jade looked at the ground, "But Jesy and Niall are flirting with you Perrie..".

"No they don't! At least not Niall...Not even Jesy! She's only doing it to tease you.." I said, then kissed her cheek, "And even if they're flirting with me...It's a shame because I only have eyes for you".

"Aw Perrie, I'm so sorry..." Jade whispered, throwing her arms around me.

"It's okay baby! Now let's go...Our guests are waiting" I said with a smile, interlocking my Jade's fingers with mine as we started heading downstairs. I enter the living room smiling, Jade following me, "Hello again! What have you-OH MY GOD LEIGH!!". WHAT THE...!!


Helloooooooooo :)

How are you all!? Did you like that chapter? ^-^

What did Leigh do??? :O

Also, I don't think that I will update soon if my grades are not good (4 days left to find out OMFG)


Vote, Comment and yeah, love you all!!

I'll try to update ASAP :) X

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