By abbie_ms

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I have only ever had one meaning in life TO KILL, but that all changed when I turned 18. I met the love of my... More

Chapter 1- New Family
Chapter 2- The Vampire King
Chapter 3- Other Packs Arriving
Chapter 4- Rouges
Chapter 5- The Alpha King
Chapter 6- The Birthday
Chapter 8- MINE !!!!!!
Chapter 9- 'Brothers'
Chapter 10- The Truth
Chapter 11- Leaving Him
Chapter 12- The Vampire Queen
Chapter 13- Leaving
Chapter 14- Alpha Camp
Chapter 15- Finding Gamma
Chapter 16- 4 Years and I'm Back
Chapter 16- 4 years and I'm Back
Chapter 17- The Meeting
Chapter 18- The Unfinished Punishment
Chapter 19- Taking Back The Throne
Chapter 20- Mason Knows the Truth
Chapter 21- The Announcement and The Challenge
Chapter 22- Hell Is Where He Goes
Chapter 23- I Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 24- The King and Queen
That's it

Chapter 7- The Ball

135 0 0
By abbie_ms

I rolled over to whack my alarm clock when I missed it I picked it up and threw it at the door and it shattered into millions of pieces. I realized that I had to go to school today Nooo I hate it. I went to wake Mason up but he was gone but he left me a note

'Hey Princess,

I'm sorry that I left early I had to do a skype thing to check up on the castle, thanks for last night I had fun with you and getting to know you even better. Anyway, I will see you soon because I am taking you to school because I have to do a few things there anyway. See you when you wake up ;)

Mason xx'

Omg, he left kisses and I decided it had to look nice for school so I shower and straightened my hair applied mascara and winged eyeliner. I then grabbed a black belly top that said NYC across the front and black high waisted skinny jeans and black ankle boots. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs. I was happy, Octavia was going to school with me because she decided to join her packs to the palaces defence force and Dad decided that he would eventually adopt her too I was so happy. I was also happy because Mason himself was going to drive me to school, just me and him because dad was going to drive Octavia to make sure that she is put in all of my classes.

Anyway I was walking past the library when I was pulled in and my back closing the door, I closed my eyes not wanting to see who it was. Whoever it was leaned so close that I could feel their lips on my ear, they then said "Good Morning Princess" I opened my eyes to see Mason smiling from ear to ear I punched him and said "MASON... you scared the fucking shit out of me. Why would you do that" "because you were with the fairies" "whatever I am hungry so I am going to breakfast" I decided to pretend that I hadn't read the letter "oh you won't see Octavia and I today because we are going to school today" "great plan princess I know you read my note" "what note you left me a note" he looked hurt that I didn't look for him "so you didn't look for me this morning and you didn't see my note that I wrote to you" "no why would I do that" he looked really hurt by it and I started to feel bad so I the said "of course I did ahaha" "watch your back at school princess" I walked back towards the door when he slapped my butt "no you did not just do that" "do what princess" "I hate you" "sure you do"

After I ate breakfast I said to dad that I would see him later and I then turned to Octavia and said that I would see her at the front office. I walked out to see Mason standing in front of a black Ferrari "omg its black" "yeah it is" he opened the door and said "Princess" "Mason" once we were in the car I asked Mason "so what do you have to do at the school" "well if you must know I have to talk to some classes about business things and I have to talk with the principal and a few other things" "okay sounds fun, will I see you at all today besides from now and at the end of the day?" "Yeah suppose, I could have lunch with you if you want" "yeah that sounds great meet me at my locker at lunch?" "Yeah"

We were nearly there when I asked Mason "hey, do you smell that?" "Smell what?" "I don't know it smells like berries and chocolate I smelt it yesterday when I was out training" "dunno" "that's helpful" well five minutes after I asked he said, "Abbie do you smell strawberries and vanilla?" "Nope, why?" "because I smelt it yesterday and I smell it again" "dunno" "smart ass" "I learnt from the best" when I reached out and pushed him sightly I felt these tingles so I quickly pulled away and grabbed out my phone and pretended to be busy on it until we got to school.

When we pulled into the parking lot everyone stared and I mean everyone. They use to do it to me when I would pull up in a limo, anyway, Mason opened my door for me and grabbed onto my hand felt those tingles again so I decided to ignore it and just go with it. Well since it was a werewolf school we didn't have to hide our nature so as soon as Kassie set eyes on him and recognised him she runs up to him "Hey alpha wanna come with me and I can show you around" she then winked at him I then growled but it wasn't loud enough for them to hear it. He then laughed loud enough to catch everyone's attention, while he is still holding my hand he says "First of all it is Alpha King Mason to all of you, and secondly you little hoe I don't need a 'tour guide' because I already have one. So why don't you open your legs to some other poor cunt and leave us alone...okay?" she huffed and then stormed off "are you okay princess?" "shouldn't I be asking you that" "just show me your locker" I let go of his hand well as we walked passed all the hot boys at school and guess what he did he slapped my butt yeah he slapped it and then laughed when I spun around are whisper yelled "MASON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING" "not much princess what about you" I ignored him and showed him where my locker was and he walked off when the bell for homeroom went. When I walked into homeroom I saw Octavia sitting in the corner with some guys around her. I walked up to them and let out a very deep growl, one of the guys turned around to me and said "yo slut what you want" "I want you to get the fuck away from my sister" "she isn't your sister" "yes she is now back the fuck off you horny horn dogs" they walked away and I sat next to her, after homeroom we walked into business studies and we had a double of this argh I hate it but dad said that I have to because I will be queen one day. Anyway, we have someone coming to our class to talk to us about their business and what a day at the office is like. "Hey O, I wonder who is coming to our class to talk to us." "I don't know but I heard a couple of girls talking about it and they say he is fucking hot!!!" "Well as long as I pass that's all that matters to me" she raised one eyebrow at me "oh fine and if I get a bit of eye candy hahaha" "that's what I thought" we laughed for a bit when Mr Duke said "okay students, here is Alpha King Mason Night." Oh shit no, no, no, no he can't be here teaching our class. When he walked in he looked directly at me, and smirked I blushed and dropped my head. "Abbie, what's wrong? Are you sick?" "No O, I'm fine it's just hot in here" when Octavia looked she saw Mason and then she whispered "Abbie, what has happened between you and Mason" "nothing I swear" "okay" I turned my head back to the front when suddenly I could smell this amazing smell it smelt like berries and chocolate this is the third time that I have smelt it. It is so addictive I decided to take a deep breath to smell as much of it as I could at once. At this time I didn't realize that Mr Duke was in front of me asking me a question. Octavia nudged me and I snapped "WHAT!!!" I snapped "I said what did Mr Night say" "I don't know," I said in a duh "don't get smart with me young lady you know what my punishment is for students or should I say Bratz like you are" I rolled my eyes at him. That's when he grabbed me by my hair and said in a deep voice "that's it you have done it now" Mason let out this deep growl that vibrated the whole building. So while the teacher was distracted I grabbed the hand that was on my hair and flipped him over so that he was on the ground I just started to punch and punch and I couldn't stop, Sapphire was wanting to come out and I was so sick and tired of trying to hold her back so I let her out and she took control, but this time she didn't push me back. I could still see what she saw the teacher was screaming and crying in pain. I was then pulled off the teacher by Octavia she was saying "Abbie, um I mean Sapphire stop please" "no he was disrespecting me, I am fucking royalty nobody does that to me. I don't usually pull the 'I'm royalty card' out often but I am and he needs to be taught to respect me. Do you know what he does to students who disrespect him, he rapes them and he has nearly raped me before so like fuck am I going to let him do it ever again" I reached down and grabbed him by the collar and before I could do anything Mason walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder and said "Princess it's okay calm down okay... just breath" for some reason it worked and I was back in control I felt Sapphire retreat and my eyes change back to normal. I looked back at him and said "I'm calling my dad he can come and deal with him, but for now just continue your presentation" he looked at me with I worried face I nodded at him to tell him that I was okay. I picked up Mr Duke tied his hands together with zip ties and sat down in my seat I texted my dad and told him what happened and he said he would be shortly with some guards. I told Octavia what was happening while Mason continued to do his presentation.

After that class, I had recess with Mason, Octavia and a few others. When Kassie came up and said "so the slut decided to refuse the attention from Mr Duke. Ha, that's a first. I heard that you went all wolfy on him. Oops sorry didn't mean to let everyone know that you open your legs even for your dad " I stood up from my seat "What the fuck did you just say " my eyes were going silver and she just laughed at me and said "you are a slut and you have pulled the wolf's fur over everyone's eyes for too long and its time everyone sees you for who you really are" "you fucking little harlot how fucking dare you bring my father the Vampire KING into this" "ooo defensive much" "I can have you ripped to shreds you know and I will even do it myself" "I am so fucking scared of a pathetic werewolf like you" I took a deep breath I let Sapphire take control again my eyes where now silver and she Sapphire told me that she wouldn't push me too far back, it would be like last time in class. I opened my eyes I looked at Mason, Octavia and the others. Octavia then said "Kassie for one shut it if you wanna live for the rest of today and secondly I suggest you move back don't set her off even more" "why don't you shut it you stupid fucking slut, I bet you haven't even found your mate yet, it would surprise me if you hadn't because you are fucking ugly" Octavia then stood from her chair and yelled "I am the fucking Alpha of the Blue Moon pack and you will show me some fucking respect" "you are not an alpha, do you know why because there is no such thing as an Alpha female" Octavia's Beta and Delta stepped forward and said to Octavia "Alpha, is everything okay" she used her Alpha voice and said "yes everything is fine" Kassie still laughed at her. I balled my fist's and turned I grabbed Kassie by her collar and threw her up against the wall, while I was still holding her collar I said "You will show her some fucking respect PUP!!!" she laughed again. The whole cafeteria was looking at us I the pushed her further into the wall. I held her up with my left hand and punched her 5 times with my right hand after the second punch I heard a crack I figured it must have been her nose. My father had only just arrived and he vamp sped into the room and tried to pull me back but instead Sapphire growled at him it was so loud that I shattered the windows he then took a couple of steps back. Octavia yelled "Sapphire stop please just FUCKING STOP" I yelled back "SO YOU WANT THIS FUCKING PUP TO BE ALLOWED TO DISRESPECT YOU, HUH I DIDN'T THINK SO I AM JUST GIVING HER WHAT SHE DESERVES. DID YOU EVEN HEAR WHAT SHE SAID TO ME, THAT SHIT ISNT ALLOWED AND I WILL KILL HER IF I HAVE TO" Octavia then said "Mason you calmed her down last time try it again" "I don't know" "oh mason just grow some fucking balls and do it please, it's for Abbie for crying out loud you know what she is like even if we won't regret it she will still feel something and you are the only one who can calm her done at the moment" "argh fine" he walked up to me slowly as I continued to punch Kassie she was screaming and crying at me to stop. Mason walked up to me put his arms around my waist and whispered into my ear "Princess stop, you have to calm down okay" "but I don't want to I want to kill her" "I know, I know but you can't not just yet okay" he started drawing patterns on my revealed skin I felt tingles from his hands drawing on my waist, I felt then from his chin on my shoulder and from his lips when he kissed my neck. I threw Kassie across the room and my eyes changed back to purple I turned in Mason arms and looked at him I then asked him while panting "how did you do that nobody had been able to calm me down like that in years" he shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know I must have the touch" "touch my ass" "mm yes please" we laughed he then went to pull his arm away but I quickly grabbed it and hugged him and whispered "thank you" "no problem princess" I kissed his cheek and pulled away. The bell then went I grabbed Octavia by the arm and pulled her with me to our lockers and then went to our next class and lucky for us because it was a triple of P.E. I loved doing P.E and a triple of it was easy it killed most people but not me, sometimes I barely break a sweat. Anyway, I put on a black sports bra and a grey loose Nike belly top with black Nike shorts and Black Nike sneakers while Octavia had a pinks sports bra on a grey Adidas singlet and black Adidas shorts and blue Nike sneakers on. We both pulled our hair into ponytails and walked out, we had to run 25 km and then do 200 push-ups everyone except me and Octavia groaned. We laughed I then said to her "this is going to be easy hey" "hell yeah it is, let's go" we paced ourselves to a fast jog, and we were in front of everyone. On our way back I smelt the berries and chocolate smell again, I glanced towards the grandstand and saw Mason sitting there watching me. I looked forward and said to Octavia "hey race ya to the end" "what about the push-ups, first one to finish them has to do the rest of the lesson in their sports bra and lick dirt" "fine by me" okay the three" "two" "one" "go" so I sprinted as fast as I could and I did my push-ups so quickly and I won " ha I won take that shirt off Octavia" "fuck I so thought I was gonna win" we laughed and she took her shirt off, the boys all stopped what they were doing at looked at her I felt bad so I took my off as well "Abbie what are you doing it was part of our deal" "I am not letting this happen to you by yourself you are my sister and we don't ditch each other" as soon as I threw mine onto the ground and so did Octavia all the boys started wolf whistling at us. Out of nowhere there was this massive growl literally shook the whole ground. I knew exactly where that was coming from it was. Mason. I turned around to see Mason storming this way with his eye an electric blue colour I knew his wolf was in control. When he reached me he grabbed mine and Octavia's shirts and said "put them back on NOW!!" I then said "Mason what's wrong" "it's not Mason anymore its Jace his wolf" "oh hey Jace" I touch his shoulder and his and his eyes went back to the green that I love he looks me in the eyes and touched my cheek. Suddenly I am over Mason's shoulder and he was walking away from the oval "MASON PUT DOWN NOW!!!" "And why would I do that princess"

I must have passed out because when I woke up I was in the library and Mason was sitting next to me asleep, so I decided to annoy him "mason" poke "mason" poke "mason" poke "Abbie what do you want" "mason" poke "what do you want" "nothing I am bored, hungry I want to go home oh and I am did I mention that I am also hungry" he looked at me grabbed me hand and said "come you have to go home and get ready for the ball" "oh shit I didn't even find a date dad is going to kill me I will be the only person without a date" "I will be your date... if you want me too" "are you sure" "I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure" I kissed his cheek and said "thank you, you are a life saver this is the third time you have saved me today" "that's okay princess" we walk to the car and get in, he starts the car and we take off back to the castle. When I got there Octavia run up to me and said "what happened I was so worried" "nothing I am fine let's go and get ready"

I had a long shower, when I got out I blow dried my hair and put on winged eyeliner and mascara, I put on nude lip gloss. I then put on blue Victoria secret bras and undies I then walk in to walk in robe and look at the dresses I have I found and red one, a silver one, a purple one, and a light blue one. I decided on the sliver on that has a slit that goes all the way up to mid-thigh I then put on sliver strap on heels and diamond necklace and sapphire earrings and amethyst rings. I left my hair down. I mind linked dad and told him to tell the speaker guy that I was ready. Once my bedroom door opened I walked out and stopped at the top of the staircase, Mason was waiting for me at the bottom and he looked stunning he was wearing a silver suit. Nobody has noticed that I was there until the trumpet blew and the guy said "Presenting to you all Princess Abigail Drankvo daughter of the Vampire King Dimitri Drankvo and will be escorted by" "um princess who will be escorting you" he whispers I then whispered "the alpha king mason" he the said "and will be escorted by the Alpha King Mason Night" everyone bowed their heads at me and clapped as I walked down towards Mason. He held out his hand and I took it, my father then walked up to us and placed my tiara on my head and Mason's crown on his head. My father the turned and walked towards the stage we followed and on the way there Mason whispered into my ear "you look gorgeous, wait no words can't even describe how beautiful you look tonight" I giggled and said "thank you but you didn't have to say that. Oh and also you don't look half bad yourself" he shook his head and laughed as we walked up onto the stage my father then said "I would like to thank you all for coming to my daughter's birthday ball, it means a lot to us both that you could take time out of your busy schedules to come and help us celebrate her time before she will start her reign as the new ruler of the Vampires. I have not officially decided when she will start but it will be so I promise you all. Now the Princess would like to say something" nodded at my father and walked to the front of the stage I took a deep breath and said "I personally would like to thank you all for coming it is such a pleasure it be in the presence of all of you, when I reign I promise to listen to all your ideas and take them on board, I will try and help you with your problems if I can, I will go into battle knowing that I lead you proud, I would lay my life down for the vampires and the werewolves knowing that I can ensure their safety, I will put all your needs in front of my own, I vow to stay loyal to you as your Queen, as a leader and a friend. I hope that you guys will follow me into battle knowing that if we come out of it alive that you will be rewarded, but if you happen to be one of those people that loses their life serving me and the throne then I promise you that you will never ever be forgotten. So please enjoy tonight and have fun because when I reign there will more nights like this every time we have a VICTORY!!!! So please raise your glass to the best night of our lives and to my birthday" everyone clapped and cheer, soon they all started chanting my name. I walked back to my dad and Mason, my dad then said "wow that was one hell of a speech I have never ever seen you talk with such power in your voice I am proud of you baby girl" he kissed my head and walked off to mingle and this left Mason and me alone on the stage. He broke the silence and said "so should make a profession out of given speech and maybe you could give me pack a pep talk one day" I giggled and said "yeah maybe just maybe" he then said "yeah maybe just maybe" we walked down off the stage and started to mingle, I walked away from Mason to get a drink of Pink fruity Moscato wine. I turned and saw Mason and a girl flirting and I felt a sudden wave of jealousy hit and all I wanted to do was rip her throat out, I let out a loud growl which I didn't mean to by the way, anyway everyone turned to look at me and when I saw everyone I mean, everyone, even the music stopped playing so. So I then pipped up and said "Did we say that you could stop playing the music" Mason look at me and our eyes connected, we stared at each other like this for 5 minutes, five minutes straight. He then pushed the other girl off of him and started to walk over towards me so I walked away and started talking with some people.

I was tapped on the shoulder, I  think that it was Mason I turned and snapped "Omg Mason I don't want to talk about it so fuck off, omg I am so, so sorry Lincoln I have no clue that it was you" "well hello to you to ha-ha and Nah don't sweat it babes" so Lincoln is one of my best friends from kindy and we haven't always kept in touch. "so what are you doing here" "well as if I would miss this big ball and the women and free food and drinks, hahaha Nah I am here with the alpha king" "why are you here with Mason?" "Why wouldn't I, im his beta" "ah royal beta Lincoln hey" "shut up" I then hugged him and said "it is been so long since we hung out" "I know"

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