By abbie_ms

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I have only ever had one meaning in life TO KILL, but that all changed when I turned 18. I met the love of my... More

Chapter 1- New Family
Chapter 2- The Vampire King
Chapter 3- Other Packs Arriving
Chapter 4- Rouges
Chapter 5- The Alpha King
Chapter 7- The Ball
Chapter 8- MINE !!!!!!
Chapter 9- 'Brothers'
Chapter 10- The Truth
Chapter 11- Leaving Him
Chapter 12- The Vampire Queen
Chapter 13- Leaving
Chapter 14- Alpha Camp
Chapter 15- Finding Gamma
Chapter 16- 4 Years and I'm Back
Chapter 16- 4 years and I'm Back
Chapter 17- The Meeting
Chapter 18- The Unfinished Punishment
Chapter 19- Taking Back The Throne
Chapter 20- Mason Knows the Truth
Chapter 21- The Announcement and The Challenge
Chapter 22- Hell Is Where He Goes
Chapter 23- I Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 24- The King and Queen
That's it

Chapter 6- The Birthday

144 3 0
By abbie_ms

This morning I woke up in my Pj's on the forest floor, just then I remembered everything that I did. I can't believe that did that, I hurt my best friend, the King and my dad. I got up off the ground and walked back towards the castle. Once I stepped a foot in the castle the guards escorted me to my room. I opened what was left of my door and stepped in to find it trashed from myself. I walked in grabbed some undies and bras, black skinny jeans and a black singlet with black ankle boots. I went into the bathroom the one thing that wasn't trashed, I stripped and turned on the shower. Once I was finished I blow dried my hair and got dressed I stared to walk down the stairs to the dining hall, decided on the way to the dining hall that I will not apologise to my father or the Alpha King I will only say sorry and make it up to Octavia she is like the sister that I never had.

Once the guards open the doors for me I walked in with no care in the world and sat at the head of the table like normal, my dad was eye balling me, and I glance at him once and went back to eating my food. Suddenly one of the guards come rushing through the doors and yells "Abbie and King Dimitri come quick, its Octavia." They didn't have to ask me twice I run to the infirmary with my wolf sped and I busted through the doors to see her laying there, I ran to her and started crying at her side. "O, I am so, so, so, so, so sorry please wake up. You are my sister I need you please don't leave me please" I just cried I felt my father's presence behind me "dad, I can't lose her, I just can't" he picks me up and pulls me into a hug "it's okay baby it will be okay" "I did this I hurt you, her and the Alpha King I hate myself, she was only trying to do the right thing and I could've killed her, I have lost so much in my life. When will it stop, dad make it stop please" "shhhh its okay baby I got you. Come on let's go" "Nooo I can't leave her and I won't not until she wakes up" "okay baby I will let you rest in the chair now, I don't really wanna leave you here but I have to go to an important meeting. Oh and also I am so sorry about yesterday I hope that you can forgive me" "dad I will always forgive you" "well thank you and also Happy Birthday" "thanks... dad" he turned and walked out the door. It was nice and quiet so I decided to take a nap.

When I woke up I was being poked at, and I could hear someone giggling at me stirring in the seat, now there is another to laughing one was definitely a girl so that means that the other two are males. My eyes flutter open to see Octavia awake and with no scarring on her face, I up jumped up and ran to her and hugged her as tight as I could "O, I am so, so, so sorry please oh please forgive I would be able to live knowing the one person that I class as my sister doesn't forgive me oh please" she just laughed at me "what are you laughing at" "you silly, of course I forgive you how could I not forgive my own family" I started to cry when I heard laughing, and it sounded like they were in hysterics. I turned my head to see my dad and Mason. As soon as I looked him in the eyes I drop my head and say to Octavia "so when are you allowed to come out I really need a run" "well they said that they need to do some tests first, so maybe in a day or two" "whatttt really, oh and also sapphire says that she is really sorry" "that's okay I forgive you both, so how is your wolf anyway?" "Well to be honest she hasn't spoke to me at all since this happened" "oh well maybe she is having a holiday hahaha" "yeah maybe" I turn to look at my dad when I glance at Mason I drop my head again and say "oh, um... well I should get going so I can do some training I have missed a few days so I um have a lot to catch up on" "Abbie you don't need to train and exercise every day you are not fat" "um at the moment I am and also yeah I do have to otherwise I will put on weight that isn't needed" "okay if you say so" so I left the room to go and get changed.

Masons POV

Once she left I asked Octavia "why isn't she looking and talking to me anymore?" "it is because she hurt you, and you also made her and her wolf really fucking angry, she told me she can't remember the last time Sapphire has been that angry" "then why does she exercise so much?" "it is a stress reliever for her" "why doesn't she just change into her wolf form and run for a couple of hours like a normal wolf does" "for one she is far from a normal wolf" "what do you mean?" "You saw her eyes right?" "Yeah, who didn't the where fucking silver" "Well have you ever seen another wolf will those coloured eyes?" "no" "well she is one of the 12 children that the moon goddess had" "no way I thought that was just a werewolf myth" "well it's not, and the last time the other Alpha's and I saw a similar situation like that was when she took down a whole pack of rouges Mason" "by herself?" "Yes, Mason all 250 wolves, all because they threated King Dimitri and the other Alpha's and I, she can't control her anger that is why she trains when she is mad, it is her only outlet. She doesn't shift because her wolf would take control and attack the person that they angry at like the other night when her wolf took over. We are lucky she didn't hurt the Vampire King or someone else." "Holy fuck that is like... I can't even explain it" "yeah that is why she is the way she is" "Mason she also is addict to it, and it is really bad for her. If she exercises too much she can die" we turned and looked at Dimitri when he said "when she was a kid she was so sweet until one day she witnessed something that she shouldn't of" I then said "what was that? May I ask?" he took in a deep breath and said, "Well, it all started when we were playing chase in the throne room Abbie would have been about 11. I heard a loud crashing noise I told Abbie to run up and hide in-between the book shelves above us because that we were the library was. So she did, suddenly a man walked in threating to kill me because I had a werewolf daughter, she was so angry at him that when he hit me she ran down the stairs and started punching him, she punched him so hard that she knocked him to the ground, he pulled a knife on her but she had very quick reflexes. She grabbed the knife and stabbed him 5 times once he was screaming in pain she told him that if he didn't shut it that she would shut it for him. Well he didn't so she kept her promise, she walked up to him grabbed the back of his head, tilted it back brought the blade to his throat and slit it slowly. And ever since that day she has become this monster that is so full of anger towards anyone that she cares about" "OMFG she did that at age 11?" "yep, and when someone would disrespect me she would threaten to either kill them right then and there or she would threat to take them down to the dungeons and torture the shit out of them" "your joking right?" "I wish that I was, but I am not and it got worse when she shifted at the age of 13" "she shifted early" "yes and I was the only person that could calm her down, but now nobody can but her mate, and I hope that she finds him soon. Maybe he is at her birthday ball" "so what happened to her real parents" "that is not my story to tell she will tell you in her own time when she trusts you enough, but I will say this that they died on her birthday so go easy on her, she is most likely to be feeling a lot of emotions at the moment, she blames herself for what happened to her parents that day. She hates a part of herself because she thinks that if they didn't go out into the forest for her birthday that they would still be here with her today" I didn't know what to say so I nodded my farewell to Dimitri and Octavia, and walked out. 

Abbie's POV

Once I put on my Adidas short and a black singlet and black and white Nike sneakers, I then put my hair up into a ponytail and walked outside to my training area. I was feeling so many emotions I had to train to get them off my minds. I decided to run 50 km. I ran in human form the whole way,  as I was on my way back to the start line I could smell this amazing scent I smelt like berries and chocolate it was addictive and suddenly sapphire said in my head 'MATE IT'S OUR MATE GO FIND OUR MATE!!!!!!' 'So you do talk and you are alive' 'OMG Abbie just go and find him please' 'no I am busy leave me alone' 'fine whatever oh and by the way happy birthday' 'thanks now go please I have to concentrate' I kept running back to the start line when I saw Mason working out on my set so I sprinted over to him and yelled "OI, what the fuck do you think you are doing" "um what does it look like I am working out duh" "not on my set you're not so fuck off" fuck I could smell that smell again and it was stronger."your set" "do you know what jam it up your fucking arse' I stormed off and went up to my punching tree this tree has only lasted 1 year so far. I walked up to it and started to beat the fucking shit out of it until I heard two cracks, it was my hands so I cracked them pack in place and did it again. I did this 20 times until I couldn't move my hands anymore. I walked back inside my hands were black, blue, purple fucking green and yellow. Suddenly my dad accidently bumped into my right hand I screamed out in pain "omg baby are you okay what happen did I hurt you" when he saw my hands he picked me up bridal style I was screaming at him to put me down "DADDDDDDDDD put me down I am fucking fine they are just a little sore" "no you need to stop punch that tree" "no it helps me when I am fucking angry so back off" I pushed myself off and out of his arms and ran up to my room with him yelling for me to come back once I reach my door I ripped it open to see Octavia there she looked me up and down and when she saw my hands she screamed and said "Abbie when the fuck, what did you do to your hands" "I was angry so just drop it I am fine now and I need to take a shower" "well when you are finished we will be having a pack birthday dinner so dress in that red dress in your wardrobe with the red heels with your hair in a loose Dutch mermaid braid okay" "yeah whatever O"

I did what she said and walked down the stairs, to the hall my hands had stared to heal and they weren't as sore as they were. As I got to the door the guards opened the door and said "Presenting Princess Abigail Drankvo Vampire Princess and Daughter of the Vampire King Dimitri Drankvo" after he said that everyone stood from their seats and stared and waited for me to walk through the doors. I took a deep breath and started to walk through the doors, I turned and looked at everyone that was looking at me I smiled at all of them. As I walked past them they bowed in respected, once I got to the top of the table I turned and faced everyone again and said "I would like to say thank you to you all for making time out of your busy schedules for me and my father. I would also like to apologize to you all, the way that I let my wolf take over me was wrong I shouldn't over let it happen. I am also sorry for ruining your dinner. Now let's forget the past and have some fun tonight and eat this fucking amazing smelling food that the cooks have prepared for us. So without further ado let's feast" I sat in my seat with everyone whistling and screaming my name. I dug into my food when I looked at the other end of the table I saw Mason looking at me and he smiled at me so I returned one. After everyone had finished eating my dad, Octavia and a few others disappeared and returned with a big chocolate and strawberry cake it was massive, it had blue, purple and teal icing with a with wolf in to howling. "guys what is this" my dad said "well you only turn 18 once so we thought we should have a big cake" "hahaha okay I fine that's what helps you sleep at night" he laughed and cut the cake he gave me the wolf and a big piece of cake. Once we were finished I said to my dad "hey dad I am just gunna go for a walk okay" "yeah, just be careful... Please" "okay dad I promise" I walk over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek and thank everyone again.

I walk out the front door of the palace, the slit in my dress pushed the dress back behind me as I walked down the stairs, I was walking over the grass when I said "Mum, Dad I wish that you guys were here with me on my birthday, I need you. Well, at least I think that I did. I miss you guys so much. I love you" "well that was beautiful" I froze where I was standing I slowly turned around to see Mason standing still in his silver tux. "Oh, um thanks" "I forgot to tell you happy birthday" "Oh thanks" "so um you look gorgeous tonight." "Well compared to me you don't look to bad" I giggled "nah I you look pretty good yourself Mason" I smiled and I blushed he took a step forwards and I took two backwards. "so Mason did you want to take a walk with me since you are already out her with me" "well yeah sure, as long as you are sure" "I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure so come on"

We walked around the grounds in silence when he asked me "so what's your favourite colour?"

A-"my favourite colour is red, oh and black"

M-"why are they your favourite?"

A-"because both are the colours of power, what about you what is your favourite colour?"

M-"I can't tell you, you would laugh at me"

A-"I promise that I won't laugh"

M-"mm fine is purple and Black"

A-"why those colours?"

As I asked him we sat under my parent's willow tree, I had Mason's jacket over my shoulders because he didn't want me to catch a cold, little did he know i can't catch colds but it was still a nice gesture.

M-"well black because it helps to radiate the power that I hold duh. And purple because they are the colours of your eyes"


M-"I could get lost in your eyes"

A-"Mason, your eyes are this amazing green I should be saying that to you. Every time I stare into that I feel like I am being pulled into this trance that I can't be snapped out of"


A-"yes really"

M-"okay another question than"

We asked each other more questions but this one really shocked me when he asked me.

M-"okay um are you... you know"

I had no clue what he was talking about

A-"Mason what are you talking about"

M-"um...are you a virgin?"


M-"I mean have you lost your virginity "

A-"I know what you meant, and yes I am. Even though it isn't any of your business. What about you, are you are a virgin?"

M-"no I am not. I was planning on saving myself for my mate but I just got too impatient, I am 23 years old and I have no mate. I just got too impatient I guess"

A-"well look at it like this Mason, when you do find her at least you will be experienced and know how to use it"

We looked at each other and then cracked up laughing. We laughed for the next 5 minutes.

"Mason, I am tired I think that I should go to bed now because its 3 am as well" "did you want me to carry you?" "Nope I am fine" I took off my heels and as soon as I stood up and took two steps I feel down. I braced for impact and when it didn't happen I felt myself being lifted up into the air, I opened my eyes and looked at Mason he laughed and whispered "it's okay princess I've got you" he kissed my forehead and I snuggled in. once we got upstairs he took off my dress he then put on my shorts and my top. He tucked me in and said goodnight "Mason?" "What ups princess" "will you stay with me please" "I don't know..." "Please for me on my birthday" "okay, only because it's your birthday" I moved off and rolled onto my right side he took his pants and shirt off. I felt the bed dipped and him pulling the blankets up after 5 minutes I rolled over and gave him a kiss on his cheek and whispered "goodnight Mason" "Goodnight Princess" I laid my head on his chest, he stiffened at first but then relaxed, but he kept moving his hand as if he was debating whether to wrap it around he so I huffed and grabbed his arm and put it around my waist. "Abbie, what are you doing?" "Well you kept moving your arm so I solved it" "mmm I am sure that's what you were doing" "argh would you just go to sleep mason" "and why would I do that" "argh goodnight mason" "Goodnight princess" I went to roll over when he tightened his grip on me I smirked and stayed where I was. It wasn't long till darkness consumed me.

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