By abbie_ms

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I have only ever had one meaning in life TO KILL, but that all changed when I turned 18. I met the love of my... More

Chapter 1- New Family
Chapter 3- Other Packs Arriving
Chapter 4- Rouges
Chapter 5- The Alpha King
Chapter 6- The Birthday
Chapter 7- The Ball
Chapter 8- MINE !!!!!!
Chapter 9- 'Brothers'
Chapter 10- The Truth
Chapter 11- Leaving Him
Chapter 12- The Vampire Queen
Chapter 13- Leaving
Chapter 14- Alpha Camp
Chapter 15- Finding Gamma
Chapter 16- 4 Years and I'm Back
Chapter 16- 4 years and I'm Back
Chapter 17- The Meeting
Chapter 18- The Unfinished Punishment
Chapter 19- Taking Back The Throne
Chapter 20- Mason Knows the Truth
Chapter 21- The Announcement and The Challenge
Chapter 22- Hell Is Where He Goes
Chapter 23- I Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 24- The King and Queen
That's it

Chapter 2- The Vampire King

175 1 0
By abbie_ms

So I am 17 now, my birthday is in 3 days and Dad is planning me a massive birthday party for me, all the Vampire clans are coming he also said that he is inviting all the werewolf packs so that I can be around more of my own kind. I told him that it wasn't necessary but he wouldn't have a bar of it. Ever since I came here 11 years ago he has treated me like his own and he has made me the princess which I didn't mind at the time but it just gets so annoying. I and my wolf Sapphire don't get to run around alone anymore since I became a princess because apparently there are people out there that wanna hurt me, but I don't remember who would want to hurt me nowadays. So my wolf is pure white the only other colour that I have on me is black and it is on the tips of my ears and my tail.

It is Thursday morning about 9:30 and I decided to take a bath, I grabbed my bath bombs and put one in as the bath filled up. Once the bath was full I grabbed my iPhone and plugged it into the dock station and played some music, I decided to get out of my bath at 10:15. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself, I walked out of the bathroom and into my massive walk-in robe. It was painted silver with golden borders. I grabbed a matching set of Victoria Secret bras and undies, I pulled them on and dropped my towel on the ground. I then grabbed a pair of black high waist shorts and a black singlet. Once I had my clothes on I chucked on my black converses and walked into the bathroom grabbed my phone I then put it in my back pocket and walked downstairs into the dining hall where I eat my breakfast with my dad. "Morning dad" "hey sweetie, how are you this morning" "well I took a bath that was absolutely amazing what about you" "well that's good, and it just got better because the Alpha King had accepted my invitation to your birthday. He also said that he can't wait to meet you" "W-w-w what, isn't he like the most ruthless, vicious werewolf that lives" "yeah he is why are you so surprised by this, everyone and I mean everyone in the supernatural world wants to meet my darling daughter" when he said that I immediately blushed and turned my head away. "Love don't be shy because I am only speaking the truth" "thanks dad, I don't say this very often but I am very grateful that it was you who saved me that day in the forest. Because if you didn't I don't know what would have happened let alone know if I would be here today so thank you and I love you" "oh baby girl you don't have to thank me I would do it over and over again if I had to, now please eat your breakfast and don't think what would happened okay" "yes dad" I wolf down my food after I excused myself I walked towards the double doors as I placed my hand on the handle my dad said "oh and love" "mmmmmmm" "I love you to now go and have some fun" "yes dad"

Everyone thinks that the Vampire King is a heartless monster that will kill you just for the fun of it, but he is nothing like that. When he found me he looked after me so well, every day we would play games after he had finished some work, when I was 12 I shifted for the first time and he was that one that had helped me through it. I know, I know that your mates are supposed to be the ones that help you but because I shifted early he had to help me and he was so supportive towards it all, sometimes we go for walks in the forest, and no it's not like when you walk your dog at home, it was like he talk while we would walk and I just listened. He knows that even if he talks about boring stuff I am still interested because he makes boring things in life fun.

As I walked through the castle I bumped into something it must be a wall but when I looked up I saw a person a vampire to be exact and he was HOTTT. Out of the blue I then blurted out "OMG I am just so sorry please forgive" he looked at me like I had a second head, he then said to me in the softest voice ever "no, no please it was my fault and I think that I should be the one begging for your forgiveness..........Princess now please let me make it up to you" "oh um you don't have to" "no please I insist" "oh um okay" me and this Vampire walked around in silence for a little when I decided to ask him "so um what's your name" "oh how rude of me, my name is Cole Minchin. What is your name...Princess" I blushed and said "oh my name is Abigail Drankvo the Vampire King's Daughter" he looked at me shocked when I replied to him "oh um Cole are you okay?" "Oh um, I didn't actually realize that you were the actual princess or the fact that you are the daughter of the King, but how, I mean how old are you" "I am 17 turning 18 in 3 days. What about you" "I am 25, wait how can you be the Princess the King doesn't have a wife" "I know, he um actually saved my life when I was 6 years old for Werewolf hunters" "wait you're a werewolf" "yeah, why? you got a problem with it" I snapped at him "well MUTT!!!! I actually do and I will tell everyone that you are a werewolf and the Vampire Kings daughter this will ruin him for good" he then grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me behind him "AHHHHHH stop you are hurting me" "Good" what he didn't know what that I was the best warrior the vampires have ever had in human and wolf form and that I could protect myself. So when we stopped and he pulled my head up, I grabbed his face and head-butted it. I heard a crack, the head butt must have had some power behind it because he let go of my hair I then jumped on him and started punching him in the face once I had knocked him out I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder and ran into the castle and up to the throne room where my dad and all the other important people would be. Once I ran up the stairs to the throne room I pushed the doors open not even bothering to knock. Now my dad is a nice guy, but when I interrupt his meetings he gets a little pissed at me, but this time I had reason to.

"D-d-d dad" "Abigail what is it? You are interrupting a very fucking important meeting, it better be good or important otherwise you are going to be in deep shit" he looked stressed and angry, but before I could reply the guy on my shoulder grabbed me and flipped me over so that he was straddling me "I have you now you slut of a mutt" I glanced over to my dad and he was furious that someone could be hurting me. He then stood from his chair and said in a very angry and deep voice "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER... RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" when Cole was distracted with looking at my dad I grabbed Coles head and head-butted it again, this time he looked straight at me I then punched him 7 times in the face and pushed him off of me, I then leaned down and grabbed him by the hair and tilted his head back so I could slice his throat open when my dad yelled "Abigail, no. what is going on and who is there piece of shit" "Dad this is Cole and when he found out that I was a werewolf and your daughter he was going to kill me and try and out you, and before I could explain to him that everyone already know about it all he grabbed me by the hair and started to drag me deeper into the forest so I fought back and brought him here because he disrespected you and me, he was trying to harm you and I, he also put my life in jeopardy. So instead of killing him on the spot I decided to bring him so that you can deal with him, also I would like to apologize for just bargaining in here, sorry or disrespecting you all" once I finished talking bowed in front of them and threw Cole to my dad. He nodded his head and I walked away and out of the throne room to my room, so you remember when I said that my dad isn't a monster, well he isn't like that with me but he is a monster whenever someone puts my life in danger.

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