Heat: A Mafia Doll Retelling

By xoDiamondxo

226K 6.5K 1.1K

What happens when one person makes a different choice? Kimberly Riley gave birth to a beautiful baby girl nam... More

Phase 1: Fear
Chapter 1: Heat
Chapter 2: Time
Chapter 3: Smile
Chapter 4: Poker Face
Chapter 5: Inferior
Phase 2: Bliss
Chapter 6: Boss
Chapter 7: Pieces
Chapter 8: Promise
Chapter 9: Princess
Chapter 10: Sincere
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: First Impression
Chapter 13: Push
Chapter 14: Years
Chapter 15: Pain
Chapter 17: Rival
Chapter 18: Won't
Chapter 19: Glass
Chapter 20: Almost
Chapter 21: Chocolate Cake
Chapter 22: Lisa
Chapter 23: Locked
Chapter 24: Addict
Chapter 25: Consume
Chapter 26: Past
Chapter 27: Girlfriend

Chapter 16: Chance

6.5K 216 14
By xoDiamondxo

(Not edited... just need to let you all know... like always)

Brooklynn rushed out of the car, running straight for the building that they had been driven to.

It was a well-equipped clinic that her dad had set up for the Family. It was never wise to go to a real hospital where it would be very suspicious to show up with bullet wounds and various injuries that would be questioned by the staff.

It was for that very reason that her father had set this place up and hired doctors to keep this place in perfect condition.

The guards didn't hesitate to let her pass through.

Brooklynn knew the clinic well.

Most of the injuries she had ever sustained as a child were taken care of there if she was with her father. Her mother usually took her to the normal emergency rooms where she had to sit around and wait. Of course most of the time, Damiano also used the clinic he had set up because he didn't want to give Kimberly, Brooklynn's mother, any reason doubt his parenting skills. Especially back in the day when Kim was a lot more guarded with Damiano and Rita about Brooklynn.

Franco and Damiano hung back.

"Do you think he'll die?" Franco asked Damiano bluntly.

Damiano sighed as he walked forward towards the entrance, "He can't... at least for Brooklynn's sake. If the kid dies... she'll take it hard."

"She's strong," Franco countered.

"I've always known that... but this, this might be her unraveling. There's a certain level that we tend to keep. From the display we saw earlier I don't know if actually want to know what she's capable of if she begins to mourn," Damiano admitted.

Franco looked forward.

Could he be right?

He shook the thought away and instead decided to do something else to keep his mind off of it.

"I'm leaving," Franco told The Boss.

"Leaving? Now?" Damiano inquired.

He was extremely confused as to why he would want to leave right now when Brooklynn needed support.

"I need to go find the bitch that caused this," Franco seethed.

Damiano chuckled, "I told you the minute I saw her. Women like that... they can't ever bring you anything good. She was a whore, Franco. There's a reason Rita loathes them, we've all seen first hand what women like them can do. Find her... and get rid of her."

"No. No, I can't. Brooklynn-" Franco began to protest.

"Brooklynn won't have time to deal with her right now. She's going to spend day and night with the boy. I suggest you get rid of her while she's away," Damiano told him.

Franco was conflicted.

Taking out Kaitlyn without Brooklynn would surely anger her.

He knew as well as she did that she needed to be there to administer their own twisted sense of justice.

His mind was made up.

He wanted to get his hands on Kaitlyn himself for the danger she could have put Brooklynn in. But he would make sure to allow Brooklynn a chance to get her own anger out, she had proven more than capable of handling her own business.

"I can't Boss... she needs to be there," Franco told Damiano. He had a feeling he would be skinned alive if he tried it any other way.

Damiano gave him a half-smile, "You know what you're doing. Go find the whore. But I suggest you lock her up and come back. Brooklynn is going to need you."

Franco nodded and returned to the car.

This time he grabbed the keys from one of the driver's hands and took off by himself back to the city.

Brooklynn ran through the place until she bumped straight in Dr. Cassandra Lauren, one of her dad's hired specialists.

"Brooklynn?!" Dr. Cassandra squealed as both she and Brooklynn fell to the floor.

Great... Brooklynn had just gotten her fiance hurt and now she had also hurt a doctor. It wasn't the best track record.

"I'm so sorry," Brooklynn apologized before helping the doctor off of the floor.

"You can't run inside of a medical facility... you never know what kind of crazy shit is happening," Dr. Lauren joked in attempt to force the forlorn look off of Brooklynn's face.

Brooklynn only managed to give her a half-smile, "I'm sorry, I'm just in a hurry, someone was brought here, Stefan-"

Dr. Lauren nodded, "Yes, I was told. He's being patched up right now. I helped with his x-rays and his MRI."

Dr. Lauren had to deal with a lot on a daily basis, especially with Don trying repeatedly to make her go out with him. One thing she didn't expect however, was to X-Ray the non-affiliated fiance of her Boss' daughter.

"How is he?" Brooklynn questioned immediately.

The grim look on Dr. Lauren's face caused her immediate distress, "They're working on stabilizing him. From what I could see he had some swelling and bleeding to the brain. He's in surgery with Dr. Kendall and Dr. Esposito right now. We won't know anymore until he's out."

Brooklynn sighed, "Okay. I'll just wait in the lounge, I guess."

Dr. Lauren gave her a sad look, "Come on, join me for a cup of coffee. I need it before I have to fix anymore bullet wounds tonight."

Brooklynn reluctantly followed her.

There was nothing she could do until Stefan came out.

Franco sped through the highway, not caring about anything, his head was focused on one thing and one thing only. Finding Kaitlyn.

He knew where she was.

It only took a short call to Don to find out. After all, Don enjoyed fucking some of the whores regularly. He was always hanging around Uncle Vitali's houses.

Don had told him the exact address of where the bitch currently was.

As he sped through the highway on his way back to the city, he noticed a pair of blue lights flashing behind him. He growled in irritation before pulling over.

He didn't have time for this shit.

Fortunately he was close enough to the city that he knew the cop was on the Boss' payroll.

He tapped his foot impatiently while rolling down his window.

"License and registration-" The cop said the moment he got to Franco's window.

"How much?" Franco questioned.

The cop looked at him in shock and pulled out his flashlight to get a good look at Franco's face.

His eyes widened when he recognized the man.

"I-" the police-man tried to say.

Franco didn't pay attention and instead pulled out a stack of cash from the center console of the SUV he was driving and handed it to the officer.

The man's eyes widened as Franco began speaking once more, "Delete this encounter from your cameras. You never saw me, you understand?"

The police man gulped and quickly nodded. He pocketed the money, the large stack of cash felt foreign in his hands but he wouldn't pass this opportunity up. He needed the money and he hadn't had an encounter with one of the Segreti Family members in a while. .

"Yes, sir, have a nice night... there is a couple of more police cars disguised up front," He warned Franco.

Franco smirked, "What's your name?"

"Aaron McKeon," he said.

"I'll make sure you get a something extra in your paycheck this month," Franco told him.

Officer McKeon grinned, "Good night, Sir."

Officer McKeon stepped back and watched him drive away, he knew it wasn't morally sound to let people like him go free. But he preferred to be on their good side. Especially since he got rewards when he had an encounter like this.

As the officer had promised, Franco caught sight of the other police cars and made sure to avoid them, he didn't want to waste his time by getting stopped again. The traffic inside of the city was trash as always because of the people leaving clubs all trying to get home.

Eventually, Franco made it to the house Don had told him Kaitlyn was in.

It wasn't as large of luxurious as some of the other whore houses Vitali kept, but there was always around ten girls living there at one time. Some of them newbies in the Mafia world, hoping to find a man to get them out of their shitty life, others more experienced that just liked living there because they paid no rent. As long as you knew one of the girls already inside, Vitali didn't make much of a fuss of who lived in his houses. The old man had plenty of money and was too busy fucking his favorite of the week to bother caring.

His guards were the ones that actually screened the girls being brought in to make sure there was no rats or undercover cops coming in. They had been ordered by Damiano himself since he was worried about the amount of new girls, that kept coming in and out of Vitali's houses.

That and Damiano also didn't want to catch some kind of case with any underage girls.

Franco arrived at the house close to two in the morning.

And yet the lights in the house were still on which meant some of the whores had just gotten back from clubbing.

He knocked on the door roughly and glared at the door until someone finally opened it.

It was Lisa.

She was a pretty little thing, Franco fucked a couple of time some time ago before Kaitlyn bound herself to him like a leech.

"Well, well, well... look what the cat dragged in," Lisa smirked, "I didn't think you'd be showing up around here, Franco. Looking for a good time?"

Lisa placed her hand on her waist and stared at him seductively.

She was wearing a tiny strapless party dress and still had her heels on. She had obviously just gotten home.

"Still partying on weeknights, I see," Franco said as he pushed her aside and walked into the house.

"Always. Do you want a drink-" Lisa began.

"Where the fuck is Kaitlyn?" Franco asked, interrupting her.

Lisa pouted and brushed back her jet black hair, "You're here to see her? That bitch isn't worth your time, you know?"

"Where is she?" Franco asked once more beginning to lose his patience.

"I thought you had some amazing girl you always wanted? Isn't that why you always seemed distracted while we fucked? Why settle for a bitch like Kaitlyn?" Lisa asked.

"Lisa I just need to-"

"Franco?!" Kaitlyn squealed before running to him immediately.

Lisa rolled her eyes as she watched.

Franco's eyes narrowed and Kaitlyn stopped in her tracks when she saw the murderous look in his eyes.

"You fucked up, Kaitlyn. I was willing to let you live," Franco said not caring about the fact that Lisa was right there looking at him in shock.

It would be a good lesson to the other girls.


"But instead you decided to sell me out to a peice of a shit in another Family," Franco growled.

Lisa gasped, "W-what?"


Kaitlyn had committed treason and now she was going to pay for it.

Lisa turned around and left the foyer. She rushed to the living room where most of the girls that were still awake were, and rushed them upstairs. Lisa had no intention of being a witness to what Franco would do to Kaitlyn. She had been around the Segreti Family since she was eighteen, she had been brought in by another girl after her junkie parents kicked her out. The Segreti Family was like her family.

A lot of the men trusted her because she kept her mouth shut when she saw something and warned them when she knew anything dangerous about the other "whores".

She had seen enough to know when it was time to leave.

"F-Franco I-" Kaitlyn began.

Franco didn't allow her to continue.

He grabbed her roughly by the hair and pulled her head up roughly, her head stung with the hard tugs of Franco's fingers. She gasped in pain.

"I told you to move on, but you just had to keep going with your bullshit didn't you?"

Franco kept his grip on her hair and dragged her to the car, throwing her in the backseat.

Kaitlyn bounced roughly on the dark leather seat and was jostled around when Franco got in the car and pulled out of the house like a maniac.

"Pl-please Franco! I- I did it for us! I love you, I didn't want another bitch to-" Kaitlyn tried to say.

"I don't give a fuck what you want, you wanted my attention so bad. You're going to regret ever wanting it," Franco seethed.

Kaitlyn trembled at his tone of voice.

Had the guy she found actually manage to kill the bitch Franco was with?

"Is she dead? D-Did he kill her?" Kaitlyn asked.

Franco's eyes turned deadly as he looked back at her through the rearview mirror, "No. If she was dead... I would have killed you on the spot."

Kaitlyn felt rage rush through her body, every single motion she was holding finally burst, "Who the hell is she?! Why the fuck is she so important to you?! Why couldn't you fucking love me?! Why is that bitch so fucking special?! I could give you everything-"

Suddenly, Franco began chuckling.

Kaitlyn's anger grew, "I could! Whatever you want! Anything!"

"I'm done listening to your bullshit," Franco finally growled. He reached into one of the compartments of the car and pulled out a gun, "Speak one more time and I'll have to use this to blow your fucking vocal cords out."

Kaitlyn wanted to protest.

But she knew it would be in her best interest to stay quiet.

Even though she had no idea what Franco's plans were for her.

It took all of thirty minutes for Franco to drive to the warehouse. It was a place owned by the Family... where Franco spent a lot of time in the last few years torturing rats or just general enemies of the Family.

He knew it well and he had earned everyone's respect on the inside.

Franco pulled into one of the former loading docks of the warehouse. There were guards stationed everywhere to ward off anybody who got curious and wanted to nose around.

Franco didn't bother to park the car, he wouldn't be staying for very long. At least not for now.

He quickly stepped out of the running car and walked to the backseat door to pull out Kaitlyn, whom had no clue where she was or where she was being taken.

"Di'Angelo! Who you got this time?!" Paolo, one of the guys who was in charge of the warehouse, called. He had come as soon as he saw the car pull up on the security cameras.

"A special one," Was all Franco said. He jerked Kaitlyn out of the car almost making her lose her balance on the way out. Paolo's eyes widened who he realized who it was. He had seen the very same blonde girl at the Family parties hanging to Franco's arm like her life depended on it.

"Isn't this your woman?" Paolo inquired.

Franco's lip curled in disgust but he held back on yelling at Paolo, after all, it had been him who brought this bitch to the Family parties as his date. Most of the time, not voluntarily.

"This bitch sold my number and address to one the Agostinelli workers."

Paolo's eyes widened, "I didn't think the whores were that clever."

"This bitch tried to be. I want her tied up and primed," Franco told Paolo, throwing Kaitlyn roughly into his arms.

"You want us to get started on her, Di'Angelo?" Paolo asked.

Kaitlyn trembled when things started to click and she realized what was going to happen to her.

"No. Not until I return, someone else wants revenge on this bitch and I have to wait until she's ready to come," Franco told Paolo.

"Who? What exactly did she do?" Paolo asked.

Kaitlyn looked between both men, hating the fact that they were having a conversation like she wasn't even there.

"She made a deal with a low level worker from the Agostinelli: information on me, for the death of a person in an apartment this whore had followed me to... She gave that pezzo di merda the address to Princess' fiance's apartment."

"Oh shit!" Paolo chuckled, "This whore gave him the address to the Boss' future son-in-law?!"

Kaitlyn's eyes widened.

No, no she couldn't have done that... no... she had followed Franco there many times. He was always in there... why was he always there?!

Color drained from her face.

He had been visiting Brooklynn Abbatelli.

If Brooklynn Abbatelli had been there when Ottavio came...

What had Kaitlyn done?!

"The Princess isn't hurt is she?" Paolo asked.

"No, if she was... if she was I would have have this bitch bleeding and begging for her life... but she is pissed. You know the kid isn't apart of the clan. He's a fucking dove. The kid is pure and Brooklynn watched him get his head bashed in with a steel toe boot. Brooklynn wants revenge, you should have seen her, man. She went bat-shit insane on the fucker from the Agostinelli to get the information. Even the Boss was shocked," Franco proudly announced to Paolo.

"I always knew the Princess had it in her, did she kill the fucker?" Paolo asked.

"She left him in a pool of his own blood to finish bleeding out on his own. She shot him up the legs and up the arms," Franco smirked.

Paolo grinned, "Savage. Some of the elders have told me the Boss use to do something similar... damn. I never thought the Princess would follow in his footsteps. But Rita did help raise her... and Rita is scary as fuck man. I get chills whenever she's around."

Franco nodded in agreement before turning around towards the car, "I need to go back to the clinic to be with Brooklynn. Like I told you... tie the bitch up in the dungeon. It might take a few days for me to return with Brooklynn, just make sure she doesn't die."

"You got it, Franco!" Paolo called after him as he watched Franco drive away.

He chuckled when he looked down at a trembling Kaitlyn, "You really fucked up you know that right?.. I bet you do. But even though Brooklynn is going to be help torture you... it's going to be Franco who's going to kill you. You know why, little slut?"

Kaitlyn's voice wavered as she whispered, "Why?"

Paolo smirked, "Because Franco has had it bad for the Princess for a few years... you almost got the woman he loves killed."

Kaitlyn's eyes snapped up at Paolo.

He only laughed at her reaction.

"You must have been blind not to notice. Everyone in the Family knows not to mess with the Princess unless they want their heads blown off by Franco... since you're going to be around for a while let me tell you a little story since i'm in a good mood. Around two or so years ago..."

... Luciano licked his lips, "I think I have a fondness for these... root beer floats now."

Brooklynn smiled.

Around thirty seconds later all Brooklynn saw was a large hand pull Luciano up by his button-up.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Franco asked angrily.

"Franco!" Brooklynn said standing up and roughly pulling his hands from Luciano's clothes, "What do you think you're doing?! He did nothing wrong and I won't let you bully him!"

Franco seethed with anger at the fact that she was defending him.

He didn't wait one more second, he grabbed her forearm and began dragging her away from Luciano and the table they had been sitting at.

"Let me go!" Brooklynn whisper-yelled angrily.

Franco grunted back in response and he didn't stop until he dragged her back to his car...

"And that, my little whore, was when everyone in the Family knew not to fuck with Franco's girl. Because trust me, even though she's engaged or whatever, she is still Franco's girl, right fellas?!" Paolo yelled out at the guards standing against the walls.

They all yelled back in agreement.

Paolo chuckled at Kaitlyn's reaction, he could see from the expression on her face that she finally understood. She never stood a chance.

Only a few hours had passed... but for Brooklynn every single one of them was hell.

Dr. Lauren hadn't been able to give her a good time estimate and she soon had to leave to attend on of her Dad's drug dealers who had been shot in a deal gone wrong.

Her father had left a few hours ago and she had no idea where Franco was.

She sighed and kicked off her shoes in the middle of the waiting room. She lifted her legs and pulled them against her body. She didn't care who walked in and saw her. Besides, it wasn't like there would be any outsiders inside of this place.

Brooklynn almost liked being alone.

It gave her time to think.

Time to figure out what to do and how she was going to resolve this problem.

Suddenly, around six in the morning, a Starbucks cup appeared in front of her. She looked up and realized that it was Franco.

"Have you heard anything?" He asked as he took a seat next to her.

Brooklynn shook her head as she took a sip of the coffee, "No, not since I got here at lease. Dr. Lauren told me he had some internal bleeding and couple of broken bones. He's unconscious and no one has even told me when they think he's going to wake up."

Franco sighed momentarily before looking forward, "I'm sorry."

"I wish I could blame you. It would make me feel better right now... but I can't. I enjoyed when you visited me at Stefan's apartment," Brooklynn whispered.

He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips.

"Did you find her?" Brooklynn asked.

Franco kept her hand tightly in his before nodding, "She's in the warehouse. Waiting for you."

"When Dr. Lauren left I started thinking, I kind of freaked myself out because I didn't know I was capable of something like that. It was so... easy. It was like flipping a switch," Brooklynn admitted to Franco.

"Of course it is, that's just the way it works for us," Franco reminded her.

Brooklynn sighed and pulled her hand away from his, "I feel like crap... I thought I could keep him away from all of this. We didn't even get started on wedding planning and this happens. This was on me and I fucked it up."

Franco didn't get a chance to answer because Dr. Kendall showed up and immediately addressed Brooklynn, "He's stable."

Brooklynn shot up out of her seat, almost spilling her coffee, "He is?!"

Dr. Kendall smiled momentarily, "He is... but he's still unconscious. He thought it best to keep him under to give his wounds some time to heal. We estimate he'll wake up sometime in the next two to five day."

"What were all of his injuries?"

"He has three broken ribs, a broken tibia, intense bruising, his skull was a few more impacts away from being fractured. Thankfully there was no injury to the spinal cord or his nerves. One of his arms has a fractured bone that should heal up in a few weeks... he's going to have a lot to deal with once he gets up. It's going to be difficult to explain, but, perhaps a car accident report can be filed with minimal questions. I believe your father will take care of that later. He's in the sixth room if you want to see him," Dr. Kendall said before leaving.

Brooklynn sighed, she hadn't even begun to think about how they were going to cover this up.

A lot of people in Stefan's life were going to ask questions and they of course couldn't be told the truth. He would have to be transferred to a real hospital for the sake of making his injuries less shady.

"I'm going to go see him, I need to be with him right now. I'll see you later, okay?" Brooklynn said without looking back.

Franco watched as she left him behind.

He would be lying if he said he was completely sure of what the outcome of this would be.

He had no idea what Brooklynn was going to do once the kid woke up.

YO! Sorry for the late updates. I have been busy with Christmas decorating because guess who's family are terrible procrastinators.... THIS GIRL! Three day before Christmas and my tree isn't decorated... whoops.

Anyways, I really hope you all enjoyed! Tell me what you think, and all that jazz in the comments. My Snapchat will also be down below. I'm going to try to post more on snapchat. I feel like it's an empty follow unless I actually post more stuff on there.

I'm updating the Pure Ones right after this so if you haven't checked out that story I reccomend you do! I think you might like it! And yes, I know like the summary sounds kinda like the Hunger Games but with Vampires... it's not. Trust me, Lol.

Have an awesome night/day you guys!

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