A Far Cry From

By VegetaBreigh

31 5 29

How far would you risk your life to attain comfort? To find home? Some would go through the greatests lengths... More


Chapter 1

15 2 5
By VegetaBreigh

Daiko's P.O.V

Day 3,811. It's been ten years now. Since I had been so thoroughly motivated to find a new life that is. I hate it. Nonetheless, I learned "English", rather than the unnamed gibberish I spoke of before. Apparently the human's universal language, along with some of their Mathematics, Sciences and Writing thanks to a dear friend. I had spent the whole night wandering through the forest for food, but my chances haven't been so well.
Given up, I climbed up a tree with ease, hung a large black leather bag I had stolen years ago and wrapped my tail around a thick branch, sleeping in such a position related to what the humans call "bats". The forest looked odd upside down. There was a small gravel road underneath me but I gave it no attention. Birds had just begun to come out of their nests.
... Along with my non-existent food for the day. Regret lingered worse than the stench of a dead corpse for having gone hunting last night.

Thick overgrowth blocked the sun's sharpening rays and the wind blew firmly through my hair. After a few minutes, my senses faded away and I went limp, finally having fallen asleep. I had no dreams this time, again. I haven't had any since the year my ginger-haired friend had disappeared in a flurry of tension, screaming and sirens going off.
I don't know how or why he disappeared, I just know that he had a really exhausted look on his face. I couldn't blame him though. The years before were rough and probably torturous for both of us. I never knew his name-- he only told me little about me. How great my parents are. The life I am living now. But nothing about him, or where he even appeared from.
A small rumbling echoed into my ear, so I groaned. Before I knew it, a loud screech followed with a crash came across. The branch I hung on flung me onto the gravel with a sharp thud; I could only hiss as everything moved quickly. I rolled on the ground. Another body carried the same motion not too far off.
"THE HELL?!" I cried out, rubbing my sides. A girl shot straight up from the ground when she finished rolling. She seemed shorter than me but she had iridescent white skin and navy blue hair, which if I remembered correctly was not normal. She had gotten into a defensive stance, glaring at me.
"Who are you?!" The teen shouted, seeming to have a thick foreign accent. Not one that i'd heard of before either.
"Who are you?" I retorted as soon as I got up. Seems I was right. The girl stood an inch below me at five feet.
"My name's Sudachi, what about you, monkey boy?!" She spat at me, beginning to overreact.
"Don't call me monkey boy, blue hair!! The name's Daiko!" I spat back in return, my tail beginning to lash side to side.
"Well, 'Day-koh' why are in a tree?! Taking a nap?" Sudachi smirked before quickly assessing her motorcycle's collateral damage, a scowl replacing the smirk. I stiffened at her question before glaring at her.
"As a matter of a fact, I was. Until you decided to crash into my tree." All I could do was cross my arms in irritation and look away. Making an enemy was clearly not a good choice.
"Well i'm sorry..." She crossed her arms too. I noticed she began staring at me. A little too much. It continued with a heavy silence before she spoke again.
"Um, well then, Daiko. Do you have a place to stay tonight?" Her tone lightened up, even sounded a bit nervous to me. But I was still holding my temporary grudge with a tight grip.
"No." Which only made me sound saltier than I really am.
"You can stay the night at my place. I guess I owe you." She kept staring, having completely dismissed her motorcycle. I felt like the offer was a bit shady. After all, every other home I had ever stayed in these past ten years either led me to shit or tortured me.
"I guess you do. Sure." But I suppose I needed a real place to sleep in for once. Rather than denying, i'd have to think of an escape plan if anything fails. I hadn't noticed Sudachi's smile, who seemed to be delighted by my answer.
"Perfect!" She kneeled down to the wreckage and capsulized it, making me silently gasp in awe at such technology. I had no clue as to how it worked, other than at the single press of a button, any material could be compressed into the size of a pill bottle. I grew serious again as soon as she stood back up from the mess though.
"Grab on, i'll fly you there!" A ki user. She foolishly handed her hand out, only to realize I had gone into the air before her.
"I'm good." A smirk slipped by as my own joy came out. People like her weren't common-- other than having extremely white skin, blue hair and blue eyes that is. "Ki", also known as "chi", "prana" or "the Great Spirit" is life's energy that can be harnessed from the body and expelled as any shape or form. It flows throughout the body naturally, but only few ever get to harness its true power, or tap into the surplus we all carry. I had been trained ever since I woke up on the glass platform; by my ginger friend so I could defend myself that is. It came out as my greatest downfall though. It was a power used by others; my body used as a weapon of control...
While Sudachi lead the way for me, I couldn't help but stare off, imagining how such a gentle-looking girl could've gotten around to using ki. She glanced back at me with a smile, continuing to fly over homes and grasslands.
The skies were clear, not a cloud in sight. Sudachi flew close to the ground, I myself following behind. I counted the seconds in my head, growing worried about where she'd take me.
"So, where do you live again?" I watched the last cluster of houses fade away into the distance, looking around for any other communities.
"O-oh, just up ahead." The teen mumbled, just barely audible as the roaring wind partially deafened me. Just on cue, she followed up the private road stretching into the massive property.
"Sorry, mom decided to build the house far from anyone." After she finished speaking, a singular house closed in. Sudachi slowed down and landed gracefully, I myself following behind. Without expecting me to have been behind her, she walked to the front door and pushed it open.
"Mom, i'm home." The blue-hair let herself in casually, motioning me to join her.
"No need to take your shoes off, Daiko." I stiffened as she saw me politely removing my boots, and awkwardly slip them back on. I guess they wanted dirt all over their floors... But damn. These people must be rich! They have a huge entryway, everything looks cleaned to perfection, and...
"Welcome back love!" A woman with dark brown hair and unique violet eyes cheered at Sudachi as she finished reading some records of some sort.
A super kind lady. This place is paradise! Or a trap... Oh god it could be a trap.
"Vegeta, Suda's back!" The mistress shouted into another room, where a man by the name of Vegeta was. Though barely seen from the other room-- the kitchen I assumed, the male looked up from a large platter of food and grunted, glancing over the entryway carelessly. His gaze softened once he made eye contact with Sudachi but once again sharpened once he saw me.
"Who the hell is that?!" He hissed, his eyes looking as if they could burn right through me from his fury. I already noticed the evil look, shivering in pure fright from the man's obvious potential to murder me.
"I-I'm... My name is...-" Woo. There I go making things worse by talking in the first place!
"His name's Daiko, I owe him, so he's spending the night." Sudachi quickly blurt out blatantly. The brown haired woman got up from her seat, walking over with her hands firmly placed on her hips. A sly smile crept up before she spoke.
"So, is he a friend? More than a friend?" She winked teasingly. It caused me and Sudachi to blush deep red from the hopeless comment.
"NO!" In sync, we shout at the woman, making her laugh.
"I was kidding you two!!" She waved her hands in front of herself frantically.
"Anyway, Daiko, do you like washoku? It's a traditional Japanese cuisine if you've never heard of it." Her voice softened. Now thinking about it, she'd never told me her name yet. Though I guess Sudachi could fill me up on that later. The woman seemed very hospitable and kind at first look, and those looks lived up to their standards it seemed. I remained silent, observing small features before chiming in quietly.
"Sure. That sounds nice." I surprisingly didn't force myself to smile. I felt more relieved than earlier actually. Though before I could make my way to the woman, a pair of cold hands grabbed mine. Sudachi. She tugged me away in some other direction.
"Where are we going now?" I snort, confused as to why I was technically her new doll for play. After all, she kept dragging me around like one.
"Guest house," She chirped. "The property's huge, so you can have a space of your own. Ma' can I set up a capsule house?"
"Sure thing!" The mother shouted from the kitchen, preparing the fish for the washoku. "Make sure it's on even ground!"
The pristine white girl lead me to a nice flat patch of grass near the main house and another building not too far off.
"If you know how to fly, you have the ability to harness ki, therefore you can fight!" She exclaimed happily as she went up to set up the house.
"I can't wait to spar with you some time!" I couldn't help but note her personality as I stood off awkwardly. She moves so quickly. Quicker than me at least, and energetic enough for it.
"Thanks again, Sudachi." I mumbled, going over and helping her clear out the land.
"No problem." She smiled up at me brightly, her rich blue eyes maintaining contact with my own for a split second, then resuming her work.


After all was said and done, we set up the guest house to my comfort, ate washoku and got to know these new people better. But now, it was time to let me relax in my new bedding and let all this information sink in.

Eleda, Sudachi's mother was a genius, a fantastic cook and amazingly kind. She had brought her father's company back from the grave, and had successfully made it once of the most successful companies in the science and medicine industry. She even managed to get a partnership with the renowned Capsule Corporation. Bulma Briefs, the CEO of the company was seemingly a long time friend at it. As for Vegeta... He was honestly terrifying. Though he had similar features to mine, a humongus widow's peak and an everlasting, soul-crushing scowl widened the gap of how we could ever be alike. His skin was somewhat lighter than mine anyway. Probably spending more time inside lazing away.
The millisecond he saw me walk through the front door, his eyes narrowed and a cold expression took over, proving a lot. On the other hand, her mother, Eleda was very welcoming. Though I assume she implied on some kind joke which I didn't understand. Which also made it all the more uncomfortable for the both of us.
Alas, they seemed like good people, and after a decade of aimlessly roaming, withstanding even the most painful of roads, and the worst of all storms, I actually felt... At peace. Though, my silent pondering soon ended as my pearly-white skinned savior with eyes bluer than the deepest ocean and hair to compliment her eyes peered right at my own in wonder.
"Have you ever heard of the world tournament? Where the strongest under the heavens fight?" She had a hopeful gleam to her eyes as she spoke up bravely.
"No, not really. How come?" I sat up from my bed, using my arms to stay in place.
"You should join me in it! It's a month from now!" Sudachi tugged at my arms, dragging me off.
"Which means we should train for that day!" A giggle of happiness escaped her lips as she managed to heave me behind her. I couldn't help but copy her chorus of laughter as she carried me along, finally regaining footing and helping myself after her.
I guess I have no other option. I wouldn't ever want to see the fury behind telling her no.
Thus, we exchanged through fighting, a seemingly common skill between us two. Her graceful footsteps, swift throws and jabbing kicks were much more sophisticated than my own rough punches and multiple leaps of despair as I attempted to run away from her various times. She was inevitably fast, but whenever I landed any blows, she'd be down complaining from how much it hurt.
I got this little feeling in my stomach too. Like what they call "the butterflies"? But that's impossible. If anything, I wasn't to trust this person, even after the first day. But it felt right. Like she was the one. But maybe I was just being a desperate fifteen year old.

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