The Perfect Scandal

De harperlbrennan

657K 23.9K 10.9K

After two years of mixing drinks at a local bar and serving caramel macchiatos to the stereotypical, teenage... Mai multe

Coming Soon
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Final Regards
New Developments
Deleted Scene I

Chapter Twenty-Seven

13.2K 571 164
De harperlbrennan

With ten minutes left until six, I couldn't contain the excitement in my bones. Mallory had, basically, promised me an orgasm after work. That meant she'd play with me. And that meant aftercare. And aftercare meant laying in bed with her.

I packed my things up quickly and sat back in my seat, staring at Mallory as she finished her work. I watched every movement—every twitch of her lips and flicker of eyes. The sight of her, so concentrated, created a mixture of lust and gratitude deep in my bones. I was beyond appreciative of the fact that this bitchy goddess had chosen me, even if I was an easy target. I truly felt as if she helped me discover a portion of myself that I hadn't known existed. Plus, it was a part of myself that I liked. There was no chance in hell that I'd shout my enjoyment of bondage from the rooftops, but I would, most likely, feel comfortable sharing this with close friends.

What about Kalob?

Oh shut up.

Stop being a pussy and tell him you're not marrying him.

"Perhaps you should take a picture, darling," Mallory drawled, her voice husky. "It certainly would last longer."

I just hummed in response, taking a page out of Mallory's book and leaning further back into my chair. An almost unnoticeable smile graced her lips as she continued to work, and my stomach swirled in excitement. She thought I was funny, or that's what I was assuming, and it made me giddy.

I waited in my seat until Mallory was ready. I helped her file away documents, grabbed our coats off the sofa, and held every door open for her. Thinking of myself as her personal knight in shining whatever, I flashed the woman a cheesy smile once we reached our cars. She rolled her eyes and unlocked the doors via her key fob.

"Where are we going?" I called out, unlocking my door and tossing my things in the passenger seat.

"Ted's home."

Jealousy burned in my stomach, traveling up my esophagus like acid and burning my throat. It wasn't the fact that her husband was home, but that she said it so casually. It reminded me of who I was for her—a dirty mistress, and the pun wasn't intended. Would I be anything more to her? Would there be a time where I would be able to lay some kind of relationship claim to Mallory? Ted has that, and I want it.

"Oh." I deadpanned.

Instead of waiting for her response, I got into my car and buckled. I pushed my key into the ignition, started it up, and changed the radio to our local rock station. Shifting into reverse, I was ready to pull out when my window was tapped. I put my car back into park and looked at Mallory, not willing to roll my window down. Blue eyes threatened me, but I held my ground, at least until she walked around to the passenger side and got in. Wordlessly, she buckled herself. I glanced at her, about to say something before I realized that arguing with her would be stupid and futile.

I shifted into reverse again, muttering, "Where are we going, Miss Daisy?"

I didn't expect Mallory to laugh, but a throaty chuckle interrupted the current song playing.

"You're very witty today, Miss Holland. One would think that you're a slut for punishment."

Stopping at the red light, I drummed against the steering wheel, completely ignoring the question. Sparing a glance to the brunette, though I didn't necessarily want to, I noticed how little attention she was really paying to me. Her fingers actively moved against the screen of her cell phone, long legs crossed over each other. A small smile graced her lips, and her eyes, at least what I could see of them, held a certain sparkle in them, and I couldn't help but wonder what made her smile.

"So," I drawled, "really, where are we going?"

Mallory pipped up, never looking away from her screen as I accelerated. "Were you not wanting an orgasm a matter of hours ago?" Her tone was clipped, straight to the point and almost harsh. "Being a woman of my word, I assumed that you and I were on the same page as to what was going to happen after office hours. Clearly, I was wrong."

I wanted to slam my head against the steering wheel, but figuring that we would crash if I did so, I decided against it. "My god," I exhaled, exasperated with the back and forth that was Mallory Morgan. "I wasn't fucking sure, okay? I can't read your mind."

She was silent for a second. "No, you can't."

"Right, that's your husband's job."

Finally reaching my street, I pulled into the community parking lot. I wasn't sure why I had to include that piece about Ted, but it felt necessary despite the dread that was filling my stomach. Perhaps my statement would cause Mallory to think different of me: different in a good way. Perhaps she would express feelings of attraction for me, rather than that of just lust.

To my surprise, the older woman didn't respond at all. She simply sat in her seat, typing away and ignoring me until I parked. Silence continued as we walked up to my apartment, and even as we entered.

I tossed my things on the sofa and headed straight to the kitchen, leaving Mallory to shut the door herself. I didn't care if she would use this against me in our play. I needed a drink.

Pulling a can out of the refrigerator, I pulled the tab and relished at the hissing sound. As soon as the liquid touched my tongue, I moaned in absolute satisfaction but stopped quickly, remembering that I wasn't alone.

Leaning against the counter, I stared at Mallory. She was just standing there, phone still beneath her fingers. Her jacket was still on and her purse still dangling in the crevice of her elbow. I withheld the desire to snort at the front she was putting on. She had made herself comfortable with my home at various times in the past; today should have been no different.

"Miss?" I called out expectantly.

She hummed, staying in the same position that she was already in.

I put my beer down and shifted out of my clothes as casually as possible, allowing them to pool on the floor. Greeted with a cool breeze, I shivered, but continued with my mission. Moving behind my mistress, I grabbed the straps of her purse, sliding it off her arm with little resistance and dropping it on the sofa. Continuing with Mallory's coat, I laid it near her bag and moved to kneel in front of her.

As soon as my knees hit the floor, I shifted, trying to ease the discomfort from the pebbled strands of carpet that dug into my skin. Glancing up at Mallory, I waited expectantly, hands on my thighs and chest pushed out. Sooner rather than later, the older woman noticed me in her peripheral. Her lips drew slowly into a predatory grin. She tossed her phone to the sofa and began unbuttoning her blouse, ocean eyes locked on mine.

"Lead the way," she mused, shucking her blouse off and letting it fall to the floor.

Confused but obedient, I stood and ambled towards my bedroom. I was silently thankful that I had maintained a fairly clean bedroom as of late; it was one less thing Mallory had to criticize me about. She followed behind me, my back burning at her gaze until we stepped foot into my room. I pivoted and watched her awkwardly. I hadn't been nervous about having sex with Mallory in quite a while, but being in my bedroom--knowing what this could potentially mean--caused anxiety to stir my intestines.

Blue eyes appraised my bedroom, lingering on the photo-adorned walls before focusing on me. Her lips curled into a satisfied smirk, fingers making quick work of the rest of her clothing. "On the bed,  Miss Holland."

Obedient, I settled onto my mattress and sat on my knees, watching as Mallory's pants and bra fell to the floor. Leaving her navy blue panties on, Mallory crawled up and towards me, her dark hair wild and blue eyes smoldering. My breath caught in my throat as soft hands and harsh nails made their way up my legs, stopping at my thighs before digging into my skin. She came face to face with me, her nose inches away from my own. I could feel her breath against my lips, warm and enticing.

"Miss," I exhaled, darting my tongue out to moisten my lips.

My eyelids drooped, and as soon as they shut completely, soft lips crashed against mine. I dragged my nails up her sides, and tangled my fingers within her hair, pulling her closer. Mallory hummed against me and crawled forward, forcing me on my back. She straddled my hips, grinding herself on me.

I pulled one hand away from her hair and let it fall back down her body, appreciating every curve and fold. Mallory's lips continued dancing against my own, her serpent tongue darting in and out, teasing me, but I was content. Tweaking one nipple, I felt the vibration of the older woman's moan and smirked.

Knowing that she would protest soon, I made quick work of sliding my hand down further and into her panties. I groaned at the soaked and warm heat that greeted my fingers. I ignored her clit and plunged two fingers into her, desperate to see her come undone.

Mallory's lips unlatched from my own. Her blue eyes caught on fire, and before I could react, she sat up on her knees and began gyrating. I watched as she tossed her head back, dark hair bouncing with every move she made on my fingers. I couldn't do anything besides watch, completely mesmerized by the look she was giving me, the way her breasts bounced, the enthusiastic gasps that she made, and the feeling of her cunt clenching on me. I could feel my own cunt flowing with arousal, weeping for an orgasm of my own.

"Fuck yes!" She wailed, one hand splayed on my stomach while the other palmed a breast.

Velvet walls grasped at my fingers, tightening, spasming uncontrollably. Her thighs shook against my own, and her head fell forward. The tips of dark tresses tickled my skin. I slowly withdrew my fingers, one at a time, making sure Mallory was comfortable and sated enough to give me the same attention.

When she looked at me again, her eyes hadn't lost any of the fire, but her grin was lopsided. "One more," she breathed, crawling up until her thighs straddled my head.

I obliged, sticking my tongue out and tasting, my eyes now closed. The flat of my tongue caressed every fold, slurping up every drop of arousal that I could. Mallory's hands dug themselves into my scalp, ever so slightly adjusting my head, which in turn, adjusted my tongue. I could hear her echoed moans, and my clit throbbed.

My lips wrapped around her clit, sucking and pulsing the tiny nub. I was greeted with a tighter hold of my hair and a sharp gasp, only spurring me on further. Cracking my eyes open and looking past white spots, I watched as Mallory's chest heaved, now flushed pink with straining nipples. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her jaw slack. When I flicked the tip of my tongue against her clit, her lips came together, pursing out with a strained noise. Muscular thighs spawned against my head. Strong hands pulled me closer, straining my neck and forcing me to drown in Mallory's cunt until she finished.

She came down quickly, pushing my head away almost reluctantly with a harsh breath. She threw one leg off of me, settling to my right and running a hand threw her hair. "Tell me.." she paused, catching her breath, "what have we not done that you were curious about?"

I forced myself up, licking the leftover arousal off of my lips. "I don't know."

Her blue eyes flared at me, skepticism on her face. Before she could reprimand me, I tried responding again. "I know what we have done..." When she looked intrigued, I continued. "There's been toys, and canning? Where you were hitting me with that switch-looking thing. Is that what it's called?"

Mallory nodded.

"You sitting on my face, multiple times. And tying me up, multiple times, again." I hummed, relishing in the memories of the jute against my skin.

As soon as I was ready to continue, I noticed a look forming on Mallory's face, almost as if she were thinking, so I stayed silent and waited until she spoke.

"Do you have any candles, Miss Holland?"

I nodded. "There's one in the bathroom."

"Get that," she grinned, barring her teeth," and a lighter, please."

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