daddy issues ~ sophia lillis

By billtomybev

2.7K 97 32

"My father's like a grenade.," she spoke softly. "You never know when he'll explode". [possible fack] [wyatt... More

~a blue dress~
~locker 117~
~a laugh~
~it's a beautiful smile~
~i ran~
~shut up finn~
~a few texts~
~Chamber Of Reflection~
~a boy's house?~
~jesus this was a weird day~
my first heartbreak
~it hurts~
~a phone call~

~quiet boy~

117 3 1
By billtomybev

It was so cold outside, which I didn't mind too much. The walk to school felt longer than normal. I started thinking about Wyatt, and remembered last nights live stream. I laughed aloud, replaying Jaeden's fall over again in my head. I wondered what was going on with him, Jaeden. Why he was so quiet, never smiled or laughed. He didn't even smile for photos, not anymore. He used to be so happy. I guess Finn took his place of being the loud one. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I read through my notifications;

-Username1 is now following you

-MillieBobbyBrown commented: "what the hell is up with noodle head's hair lmfao"

Username2- is now following you

Username2 commented: "Found you on Wyatt's stream last night, love your hair!"

Jaedenlieberher is now following you

I smiled and clicked on Jaeden's username. I'd been friends with him since the beginning of last year, and never even knew he had an Instagram. I followed him back and decided to stalk him.I scrolled down his page, and stopped walking. I tapped on a picture that caught my eye.

JaedenLieberher: sucks.  

Liked by MillieBobbyBrown, ChosenJacobs, and 437 others



ChosenJacobs: Woah, are you doing okay, Jae?

Username1: that's hot

Jackdgrazer: jae, text me

JaedenLieberher: nothing @FinnWolfhardOfficial

FinnWolfhardOfficial: nothing my ass @JaedenLieberher

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I looked at the date of when the photo was taken. September 9th, it read. It was recent. I shook those thoughts away and put my phone back into my jean pocket and started walking to school again. 

I sat in science, not paying attention at all. I just wanted lunch to come already so I could talk to Jaeden in private. I then jumped and smacked whoever's hand it was when I felt someone tap on my shoulder.

"Woah," Wyatt whispered. "Your jumpiness is getting worse, my friend."

"Sorry," I whispered back.

"Don't be sorry," he replied. "Are we still going to the park after school today?"

"Yeah! Of course" I smiled. "Do you want to invite anyone else?"

"I was thinking we should, I'll ask the guys at lunch".

I nodded in response.

"Hey," I began.


"How's Jaeden doing.."

"He seems fine, he's a quiet one, but seems fine," he said. "Why?"

"I think something's going on with him," I whispered. "Truth is, he's never been this quiet. He used to be the 'loud one' of the group. Something's different with him this year, he's gotten quieter, only smiles when he's with you or when Finn says something dumb. Whenever I ask him to hangout he always says he's busy". 

"He smiles more around me?" he asked, completely missing my point. 

"Wyatt, I'm serious, I think something's wrong," I spoke firmly. "At lunch I need you to ask him if he can hang out at the park for me. I know he'll say yes to you."

"Why would he say yes to me, and not you?"

"He- I'm- Uh- never mind". I turned back around in my seat, facing the front and I heard Wyatt laugh.

I spun around, raising my eye brows in anger.

"What's so funny?" I asked angrily.

"Nothing," he said smiling. "You're just cute when you're mad".

I laughed a little through my nose and turned around again in my seat.

~time skip~

I immediately found Wyatt in the lunch room, talking to Jaeden, who had an emotionless look. Wyatt was doing all these weird hand signs as he spoke. He wasn't speaking sign language or anything, just weird hand movements. I couldn't read what they he was saying, but whatever it was, it made Jae laugh. I missed that. 

"Hey Wyatt," I smiled as I approached them. 

"Hey!" He smiled back.

"Jaeden said he could come to the park after school today".

I looked over to Jae.

"Cool!" I said.

I then felt something smack my back. Hard. I screamed and dropped to the ground covering my head. I felt tears streaming down my eyes and I closed them as tight as I could. 

~flash back~

I twisted my arm, forcing him to release his grasp from it. I stood up from the floor, where he held me and ran as fast as I could, unlocking my bedroom and swung the door open. I could hear his footsteps as he chased me down the long hall to the living room.

"DAMN IT SOPHIA!" my father screamed at me, still chasing me through the house.

 I ran towards the dining room table, and tried to protect myself behind one of the chairs.

"Don't-" I choked, out of breath. "Don't touch me". 

He let out a short chuckle as he picked up the TV remote from the couch, and started tossing it back a forth between his two hands. 

"You know what you are?" he asked, licking his lips, grossly. 

I just stared at him, still panting. My hands clenched tightly around the fold-able chair I hid behind, getting ready to throw it.

"YOU'RE A BRAT," he screamed at the top of his lungs. He chucked the remote at me,  just missing my shoulder and leaving a dent in the wall.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed back, as he quickly headed towards me. I started to pick up the chair. Before I could throw it at him, he grabbed both of my arms making me drop the chair. I felt small bruises forming. I pulled as hard as I could, screaming trying to get him to let of me. He let one arm go and I tried running. Before he finally let go, I felt a sharp pain on my back. It wasn't until after he walked away from me when I realized he had smashed a beer bottle on my back. 

~flashback over~

"I didn't mean to hurt her! I just missed the catch, I'm so sorry!" I could barely hear a boy say in front of me.

I sat on my knees, back leaned over a little, hands covering my face as I screamed and cried. 

"Just get the fuck away from her!" Jaeden shouted at the boy. 

"I just want her to know I'm so sorry!" I saw his feet start to walk toward me.

"I SAID GET AWAY-" Jaeden screamed. I heard a thump, and the boy dropped to the floor. I could feel Wyatt on my side, hugging me. I looked up, and screamed in fear.

"JAEDEN!" I screamed as he pinned the boy I didn't recognize down, throwing his arms at him, now starting to draw blood from his face. I jumped up and pulled Jae off from the other guy, who was crying in pain. 

"Holy shit!" Finn screamed, and helped me get Jaeden off the boy.

"Jaeden what the fuck!" Finn yelled. 

"HE DID IT ON PURPOSE!" he tried attacking the boy again, but we held him back. 

"JAEDEN-" Finn was cut off.

"HE DID IT ON PURPOSE!" he repeated. "HE DID IT ON PURPOSE! HE DID IT ON-" he was now crying and screaming at the same. Wyatt took my spot, from trying to hold Jae back. I just back away and watched as his legs became weaker, no longer screaming. He was lowered to the ground by Finn and Wyatt. Jaeden was now on his knees, just staring at the boy he just attacked. 

"Jesus, he's insane," Millie whispered to me. 

I ignored her. She would only make things worse. 

this got weird. - Kira

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