Street Fighter and Quiet (BWW...

By KittenWoman99

419K 17.1K 4.1K

"Why are you always hiding behind your hoodie?" He pulls my hood off and laugh, "Stop please. It has nothing... More

I'm Just Quiet.
Stay Away From Me.
Favorite Diner.
Quiet New Friend.
I Promise.
She's All Grown Up.
I Finally Smiled.
I Like The Blue Dress.
Why Do I Even Drink?
Who Isn't Hungry?
Don't Be Jealous.
Call Me When You're Crying.
That's All I Wanted.
Unknown Number.
I Want Your Body!
The Bigger Person.
Did You Do It?
You Just Called Me Cute.
Kiss Me?!
I'm An Ugly Crier.
I Learned A Submission Hold!
Fake Smiles.
You Wanna Come Or Stay?
Stop Being Uptight.
I feel Like A Third Wheel.
Is It Bad That I Love Your Eyes?
Hell Yeah!!
Make Sure I Hear You Cheer.
Our First Fight!
Challenge Accepted.
Timothy Cooper.
Nobody Can Replace You.
I'll Wait Patiently.
You Can't Live Without Me.
Let's Start Over.
I'm So Sorry, Hazel!

Special Gloves.

6.4K 294 74
By KittenWoman99

Hazel POV

I am in Lily kitchen getting something to drink. We are about to leave and head to Underground for Owen and Ian fight.

Ian walks in and smiles at me, "I actually got you something." He pulls something out of his pocket, my eyes widen and I shake my head quickly. "Ian I'm not taking that, you have a whole girlfriend. She's going blow up if she sees that you gave me a ring."

He laughs and rolls his eyes, "I gave Lily the same thing, so calm down." I look at him with an arched eyebrow and slowly take the ring. I put it on my right ring finger and smile. "Thank you, it's really pretty."

We walk out of the kitchen and head outside. "Is this your first time seeing us fight?" I look over at Owen and see him talking to Matthew, "It's actually not, I've seen you two fight plenty of times."

I walk up beside Owen and he puts his arms around my shoulders, "We taking two cars?" He looks at me and nods his head, "Yeah, I'm driving one and Austin is driving one. We're waiting on Megan." Shane starts groaning, "Where is this hoe?"

We all look at Shane and Lily starts laughing, "You been around Lily too much." Mason points at him and Shane puts his head down with a groan. Austin walks up to me, "Who invited her to come along?" I point at Ian and he scratches the back of his head.

"Hannah told me to and I really didn't feel like arguing with her. There go Megan now." They all groan and start getting in the car, "Shane and Lily get in the car with me and Hazel. I refuse to see Austin get in an accident because Lily starts attacking Megan." Lily looks at Owen and laughs, "You know me so well."

Owen rolls his eyes and gets in the car. "Sorry, I'm late." We all look at Megan with wide eyes, "Did you just apologize?!" Lily asked while pointing at her, "Yeah I did. Is that a problem?"

She looks at me and I flinch a little, "Hazel I'm sorry for doing all those bad things to you. I know you can't forgive me, but I just want to get this weight off my shoulders." We once again look at Megan with wide eyes, "I'm too old to be treating you like your nothing. I know you all hate me and I am truly sorry for all of it. I don't blame you if you want to punch me in the face."

"You damn right! I should punch you in the face. You put Hazel through hell and now you want us to forgive you. Like hell that's going to happen!!" Lily starts walking towards Megan, but Shane holds her back.

Megan looks at me and I sigh, "I can forgive you, but I can't trust you right away." I show her a small smile, "Let's start off slow." She smiles back at me and nods her head.

"Ah Hell!! Now I can't get in the ring with this hoe!! Let's go before I kill a cat!!" We all get in the cars and head to Underground.


We arrive at Underground and the first thing we see are cameras everywhere. "Why are there so many people with cameras?" Owen looks at me and smiles, "Me and Ian are the best fighters as of right now. Everybody from all over wants to see us."

We park and go in through the back. Owen goes to get change and we talk amongst each other while we wait for him. I look over and see Megan looking at us with a small smile, I walk over to her.

"Why aren't you talking with us?" She shrugs her shoulders, "They all still hate me, although I did those things to you. You forgave me, but they haven't." Before I could say anything Mason walks up to us, "Who said I didn't forgive you? I forgave you, but just like Hazel I can't fully trust you yet."

He smiles at her and wraps his arm around her shoulder. Her face turns red and Mason laughs, "Now let's get over and hype Owen up." We walk back over to everybody and Owen comes out of the bathroom.

"And now I pose." He starts posing and Lily joins him. We all start laughing.

"Ian!!" We all turn around and see Hannah running towards Ian with a smile on her face. She jumps in Ian's arms and he spins her around and kisses her, "I've missed you so much!! Thank you for the necklace!!"

Ian laughs and kisses her forehead, "Once again you're welcome." Owen wraps his arms around my shoulders, "Three, two, one."

"You gave this hoe a necklace?! Y'all haven't even been dating for a year yet!" I start laughing after I realize Owen was counting down for Lily outburst. "Lily don't start, just deal with it after the fight."

Lily looks at Shane and then glares at Hannah. I look at the necklace around Hannah's neck, it's a heart necklace. It's really pretty on her.

"I have to go ahead to my corner. Y'all follow Stanley so he can take you to your spots." Owen walks off and we follow Stanley.

As soon as we get in the front of the ring the announcer announces Owen name. We all start cheering and screaming for Owen.

The referee signals for the bell to be rung. Ding Ding Ding.

After Owen fight

"Your winner and still undefeated, Owen Badge!!" We all run in the ring and I jump in his arms. "You did it!! You won!!"

He puts me down and seconds later Lily jumps in his arms, "You beat that man ass!!" He carried Lily out of the ring and we follow him to the locker room.

Mason, Shane, and Austin give him a pat on the back, "Can y'all not hit me so hard? I did just get done fighting." Ian shakes his hand and smile, "My turn to win."

Ian walks off to go get change. "You did good out there." Matthew smiles at Owen and Austin looks at Matthew, "Don't tell me you're going to leave me for him!" Matthew's face turn red and he glares at Austin.

We all start laughing, "Why the hell would I leave you for him?!" Austin smiles at Matthew and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. Matthew's faces turn even redder, "I know you won't leave me, I just like teasing you." Matthew walks up to Lily and groans, "He's going to kill me before I'm thirty."

Lily rubs Matthew back, "We told you from day one, there is never a dull moment." Matthew continues to groan and we all laugh. "Y'all are funny, I love how well y'all get along with each other." We look at a laughing Megan and Lily walks up to her, "You might as well get used to it yourself."

We all stare at Lily with wide eyes and let out a breath we didn't know we were holding. "Would you all calm down. I can be nice when I want to be nice." Megan smiles at Lily, "Thank You."

Ian comes out and the first thing I see are the gloves I got for him. "You really don't have to wear the gloves." He holds his hands out and looks at them, "I'm considering these gloves as my special gloves." He winks at me and heads to his corner.

We all go back to the ring and the announcer announces Ian name. "Wooo!! You got this Ian!!" Shane shouts.

The referee signals for the bell to be rung. Ding Ding Ding.

After Ian fight

"Your winner and also another man with an undefeated streak, Ian Cooper!!!" We all run up to him and just like last time me and Lily run and jump in his arms.

He catches us and hugs us tight. "You and Owen kicked ass tonight!!" Mason shouts as he pulls Megan closer, Megan smile at Ian, "You did good. You and Owen both."

Ian smiles at her and carries me and Lily out the ring. He puts us down and gives Megan a side hug. We walk back to the locker room. Hannah goes up to him and gives him a kiss on the lips. She whispers something in his ear and he smiles at her.

I look at everybody and smile, "Do y'all want to go to the diner?" They all nod their heads, "Hell Yeah! We eat there for now on after every fight, no matter if we win or lose!" Owen shouts as him and Ian do a handshake.

We all start walking towards the back, "I'll meet y'all at the diner." Hannah kisses Ian and walks off somewhere else.

We arrive at the diner, "We won!!" I start hitting Owen and Megan starts hitting Mason, "Why the hell did y'all start racing?! We could have gotten pulled over or we could have gotten in an accident!!" Lily starts hitting Mason also, "Asshole, Megan is not used to us yet! Why did you do that?!"

Mason and Owen start laughing, "I thought I was going to die." Megan slowly starts walking in the diner with her hand over her heart. Mason walks after her and laughs, "You go and apologize to Megan." Owen mouth drop and I hit him once more. "Okay! Okay! You didn't have to hit me."

I roll my eyes and walk in the diner, "Where's Ian, Matthew, and Austin?" Owen and Mason points outside, "Ian and Matthew are throwing up and Austin is out there making sure they don't pass out."

I shake my head and sigh, "I don't understand you two sometimes." They both start laughing and Lily hits them on the head, "Go out there and apologize to Matthew! He's not used to us yet either!" Mason and Owen glare at Lily.

Lily smirk, "Keep glaring and I make sure you won't glare again." They both look away from her and walk outside to apologize to Matthew. I start laughing, "Why is Ian throwing up?"

We look and see Hannah, "Mason and Owen started driving crazy on our way back." Megan answers her and then look back at the menu.

Minutes later the boys come in. Matthew comes to sit beside me and puts his head on my shoulder, "I thought I was dead." I let out a soft laugh and rub his back.

"Ricky not here?" I direct my question at Shane, "No he's not. Him and my aunt are still on vacation." We order our food and talk about everything.

We stayed at the diner until it was time for it to close. Owen drops me off and I hurry in to avoid my mom.

My phone starts ringing, "Hello."

I look at the caller ID and smile, "Goodnight Ian."

"Goodnight Quiet."

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