The fosters: life gave us the...

By TiffanyRoss142

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Stef foster divorced meets the woman of her dreams Lena Adams they fall in love and decide to move in togethe... More

Family struggles
Big changes
Life situations
Life aint easy
Tough decisions
Tough love
Finding acceptance
Where you belong
Precious moments
Forever home
Love at first sight
Lean on me
What is love???
Sex talk
Adoption day
Disobeying orders
Mixed reactions
Love and support
Family moments
Road trips& the past
Talent shows&dinner dates
Glory days
The news
Partnering up
Night outs&suspicions
Reliving the past
Childhood memories
My babies growing up
Memories that remain
School issues
Peer pressure
Protective warnings
School dance
Cafes&new interests
Wedding day& honeymoons
New year
Trusting hearts double dates&fighting battles
Carnival fun
Midnight concerts&roadtrips
Go kart dates&lazy days
Family night
Girls day&picnic dates
Long drives&plays
Bro time& family plans
Family secrets
Family divided
Hesitations& heartfelt talks
Rough patches&mending hearts
Cabin trips& heart to heart moments
Mother daughter moments&under pressure
Suspicions& irrational decisions
Providing reinsurance&dinner nights
Artwork displays peprallys&battling inner demons
Therapy sessions&jail visits
Welcome to the family
Preparing for baby&frat parties&life struggles& future plans
Life changes&experiences
Someones little sister gig& special moments
Camping trips & lifelines

New material&nights out& romance discussions

186 3 4
By TiffanyRoss142

Callie's pov
As three weeks finally passed I was sitting on the bed with Maya as she was working on new material for her art as I was trying to work on new material for my music as I couldn't think for the life of me as I remembered overhearing a conversation between moms and Lauren 3 weeks back

"I'm sorry mrs. Adams fosters for betraying your trust by bringing drugs and alcohol in your home it won't happen again and for being a bad influence on your daughter I'm going to try and chance that and be a better person and best friend" Lauren said regretting as her eyes were full of tears as she took full responsibility for herself and me

"Sweetheart we want you to use better judgement if you ever want to hang out with our daughter Callie again or you won't be allowed too maybe it's best if you guys part ways for a while so you could find yourself but I'm warning you their will be hell to pay if you get Callie into trouble again you hear me" stef said raising her voice trying to give a girl a pep talk hoping she'd get the message

"Yes mrs. Adams fosters I understand and maybe it's what's best I'm sorry I let you and your daughter down I regret causing you this much trouble in short amount of time that I've known you and your daughter maybe sometime a way it's what's best" Lauren said in understanding as she agreed

As my heart broke for lauren she has no one as I thought back to Lauren and I conversation 3 weeks back before she left

"I don't want to be the type of friend who gets you into trouble maybe your parents are right im bad for you and I'm bad to be around maybe some time apart will do us some good it will give me some time to think and to find myself"Lauren said with tears in her eyes as she was saying goodbye to me partly because she has no one else in her life that cared about her like I have

"Your not believe me I made these choices myself I have my own voice I could've said no if I want too and this in anyway is not your fault I chose to drink I chose to smoke and you weren't the reason behind it and their was a real reason behind it I'm going to share it with you right now so I want you to listen you remember the Foster brother I told you about Liam olmstead the one who raped me well their parents saw me and were saying really horrible things too me saying I ruined their life and it's my fault their son is in jail and you decided to cry rape how I'm a whore I led him on that encounter is what led me to drink and smoke with you it's what caused me to be so reckless i don't want you to leave me or part ways for a little while I need you you mean so much to me please don't go" I said getting frustrated with everyone putting the blame on Lauren and now Lauren is also blaming herself as tears fall as I tell the story about olmsteads

"That still doesn't change the fact about the whole ditching thing it was my idea I led to some of these things I provided the beer and alcohol even though I didn't force you or anything I still wasn't a good influence for bringing it in the first place maybe sometime is for the best but all think about you everyday Cals I'm not giving up on us or our friendship it means so much to me your the first person to care and support me I can't lose you and I'm sorry that you had to go through that with the olmsteads it must be tough and you shouldn't go through it alone or keep it bottled up inside talk to your parents or siblings about it you'll feel better when you do all see ya soon Cals don't worry all still see you in school" Lauren said in between sobs as they shared a heartfelt hug before she left as I started to cry uncontrollably this can't be happening I thought as my heart shattered in a million pieces

As I another thought fled through my mind as I thought about the conversation between me Mariana and Maya 3 weeks back after the exchange between Lauren and I

"Is it true that what you said about running into the olmsteads" Maya said with love and compassion as her heartbroke for Callie

"Yeah I did they degraded me saying that I was an attention seeking whore that it was my fault that their son and their lives were ruin blaming me for their sons problem because I'm the issue right" I said exploding into tears as I was upset and pissed off with everything up to this point

"Their wrong cals they just don't want to admit their son has a problem you are definitely not the one with the issue he took advantage of you and that's not ok and he deserves to do time and you deserve your justice and you never asked for this so don't go blaming yourself for his mistakes" Maya said headstrong and passionate wasn't going to let Callie go down the path of self blame and destruction

"And you shouldn't feel an ounce of shame for any of it he should and don't let their words get to you because you aren't any of those things you are brave strong kind and the most caring person I know and you have the most selfless heart I've ever known always sacrificing happiness for other people and taking a stand for the less fortunate you should be proud of yourself for all you've done and you were never an issue you just wanted a home and family and he wanted one thing let him rot in jail and their just going to have to face the fact that their son is a pedophile don't do the crime if you can't do the time" Mariana said in her usual sassy tone

"Thanks guys it's nice to know I have sisters I could always count on I love you" I said so incredible touched and heartfelt

"Love ya too cals" Maya and Mariana said simultaneously as they wrapped me into a hug

As I came back into reality as I heard Maya talking to me

"You seem lost in thought Callie anything I can help you with" Maya said with such love and concern

"I just spaced out I'm fine actually I'm trying to write new material for my music and I'm stuck and you seem busy with whatever your doing so I don't want to disturb you" I said shrugging it off

"I'm actually stuck myself I'm trying to work on new material for my art and I literally got nothing maybe we could help each other out" Maya said with a warm smile as I gladly returned it

"Ok all help you out first what are you trying to portray in your art give me an idea" I said in a sweet tone

"Some kind of message you know some kind of story behind it like a background so the viewers could have a better understanding you know what I'm saying" Maya said with a warm smile as she explained what she was trying to do

"No I understand what your trying to do what better way to do that and describe the artists life starting up a family which you were craving for since your father wasn't apart of your life at the time and it was just you and your mom and how things change and how your relationship with your father changed so the understand the artist a little better" I said with love and understanding

"I like it how a broken family was brought together through the struggle of an absentee father and a single mother raising a daughter meets woman of her dreams who also has two kids of her own then we take into two other kids who happen to be twins grow closer and become a family thanks cal I love it" Maya said with a bright smile loving the idea of the family who brought so much happiness in her life

"Anytime it's what sisters are for" I said with a loving smile

"Now it's my turn to help you with your little writer block problem the key of writing a song is by jotting down feelings and thoughts things weighing on in your mind like love oh my god you should write a love song about your relationship with Aj that will be so cute" Maya said giving me advice as her face lit up at the mention of Aj as a blush crept up on my face as I smiled widely as I agreed with the idea

"I totally should he's weighing in my mind right now and I can't stop thinking about his smile his laugh the safety in his arms he's like the oxygen I breathe" I said in a daydream tone

"That's it oxygen should be title of your song then go from their then everything should be like magic on a page all let you work on it and then you could play it for me when your done and all show you my art work" Maya said with such love and passion at helping her sister with song lyrics she just adored music and songwriting so much it was her life and art was also a close second

After an hour later I finally finished as I told Maya as she was excited and couldn't wait to hear it as I started to play the song oxygen to her

As Maya clapped excitedly as she complimented me telling it was beautiful as she showed me the art of the daily struggle of a single mother and a daughter finding happiness in a bigger family and how it got together as I cried emotional tears as it was the most beautiful masterpiece I have ever seen and I made sure she knew that as I was grateful for Maya's help as she was for mine

"Things work out better when sisters work together" Maya said with a smirk as I nodded my head in agreement as we fist bumped

Marianas pov
As Jesus Jude and I were downstairs sharing romance stories about our loved ones

"Connor and I snuck into an r rated movie once" Jude said with a smirk as Jesus and I were shocked at his confession

"You did didn't know you had it in you so badass" Jesus said with a smirk and a look of proudness as he fist bumped Jude

"Looks like our little judicorn has been holding back from us this whole time he has a wild side so what happened" I said in my usual sassy tone wanting all details

"Let's just say our eyes weren't just on the movie they were but I think you know what I mean without the extra details" Jude said with a smirk

"You made out that's all you did right" I said still shock with these confessions our little Jude is definitely growing up

"We didn't have sex if that's what your implying and if it ever came to that I would want it somewhere private and special not in a roomful of people" Jude said with a warm smile

"If you did it would be a real eye opener for everyone their who came to watch a movie and got a porn show instead and by the way Real settle Mariana" Jesus said with a smirk

"What it's not uncommon I once heard someone made love in a stall at the movie theater anything is possible" I said in my usual sassy tone

"Moving on Jude still young doesn't need to hear these things what other kind of dates have you both been on" Jesus said with a smirk

"We once had a date at the park playing sports as I showed him my skills that's not the only skills I've showed" Jude said with a smirk as we were shocked again at this Jude

"My man has got moves" Jesus said with a smirk as he high five Jude

"All show you some pointers" jude said with a smirk as I couldn't help but let out a laugh at that comment

"Shut it wise guy we share a room I could still get you for that comment" Jesus said with a smirk as it was dropped

"I must admit you got some moves how about you and Emma Jesus spill" I said in my usual sassy tone

"It's nice to have a girlfriend who's into all the stuff I'm into like sports ice skating go kart races and the one in the picnic was really fun" Jesus said with a smirk

"Ooh tell us about that one what happened" I said wanting to know every last detail

"Well at the picnic we had a water balloon fight which was suppose to be me and Emma against each other Lucas made a comment about them being legends or whatever and we were fighting about who's skills were better so we worked against Maya and Lucas and we won so had against them since they were more drenched it was epic man" Jesus said with a smirk

"That is so lit dude did you make out passionately after" Jude asked with a smirk

"Yeah after I spun her around and another great date was when we went ice skating I was scared but she calmed my nerves and we held hands skating together and enjoyed some hot coco together it was great" Jesus said with a smirk

"Aww so cute" I said with such love and emotion

"You got skills bro" Jude said with a smirk

"How about you and jess you both have gotten pretty close" Jesus said with a smirk

"Well sneaking out too the midnight concert literally was the best feeling in the world getting into the vibe on our way their to the Bruno mars concert and their playing his hits and then our dirty ass conversation on what our song will be if we decided to have sex Versace on the floor is going to be our song doe our first time" I said in my usual sassy tone

"That's lit" Jesus said with a smirk

"And what about 3 weeks ago with you know you and jess" Jude asked with a warm smile as I smiled back

"He came over for a predate since I couldn't make our movie date and decided to watch movies together here and he snuck into my room and moms literally freaked out but he's still sticking around saying it's worth it" I said in a loving tone

"Yo mat my bro be macking hard he literally got moves" Jesus said impressed as he flashed his signature smirk

"I'm happy for all of us we found some really great people to spend our life with how about we watch some scary ass movies together" Jude said with a warm smile jesus and I agreed with him

"All let you both pick but it better be scary and shit or they'll be hell to pay" I said in my usual sassy tone

"We should watch conjuring 2 unless you both our afraid you can't handle it that you might wet yourself or poop your pants" Jesus said with a smirk

"We could handle it right Jude" I said in my usual sassy tone

"Yea do your worse" Jude said in agreement

As we put it on and after it was finished we watched horror movies for the rest of the night it was a really fun night with my siblings

Lenas pov
As stef and I decided it was for our best interest to take a night out after all the stress the kids have been putting us through a night out was the best option for both of us before we rip their heads off

"What do you think is going on with our kids stef the acting out is it us" I ask with a sigh

"It is most definitely not us we did everything we possibly can we showed unconditional love and we're strict we parent them in the best of our authority but kids our still going to test it especially teenagers this is no way our fault" stef said with such love and compassion

"I don't know what more we could do stef their driving me up the walls with their shenanigans the fighting the sneaking out not following any of our rules" I said frustrated

"I know love I've done quite a few even worse when I was a teenager and I've turned out alright and I've Gave my mom hell and bunch of gray hair it's part of growing up it has nothing to do with parenting we've disobeyed our parents many times especially when they found out about us" stef said with a smirk

"Yeah your right the stress of the kids is making me lose it their lucky their not in the morge and nothing could keep us apart we're destined like Romeo and Juliet but with a more happy ending" I said with a warm smile

"Well instead of worrying about our kids problems lets have some fun time how about we watch some movies with some pizza and wine then we could make love into the night we get one night lets make the most of it" stef said in a loving tone

"Let's do it and all settle for one of those romantic saps and for being in your arm it's all I need" I said in a sweet tone

As we watch dear john and then had the best sex ever and it was all worth it

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