One Love

By ceracalayag15

761 23 1

It's about a California girl moving to London, England with her aunt, uncle, and cousin. While she is there s... More

Chapter 1: the intro
Chapter 2: new school
Chapter 3: exploring London
Chapter 5: ChristmasEve disaster
Chapter 6: Christmas Day
Chapter 7: "Cera, what's wrong? Are you ok?"
Chapter 8: "Who? Who got shot love?"
Chapter 9: Kendall's awake
Chapter 10: XFactor auditions
Chapter 11: Swim meet
Chapter 12: Dun dun dun...
Chapter 13: Surprise
Chapter 14: Oh no.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19: The end.

Chapter 4: stage fright

35 2 0
By ceracalayag15

It was time for the second day of my new school, it felt just like the first because the unusual schedule. I got my bum out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. I felt too lazy so I left my hair with its natural and I put my contacts in my eyes. Then I walked downstairs to get some breakfast, I grabbed a bowl and poured some Captain Crunch and milk into it. Cera finally came down and we headed to the garage so we could go to school.

            I backed out of the drive way and drove towards school. It took us five minutes to get to the school parking lot and park the car. I just remembered that it was the Friday and that after school we would be on Christmas break for two weeks. Once I got out of the car the bell rang for the first class of the day, I had music.

            Once again I got lost looking for the class, when I got there everyone was there and I saw six familiar faces sitting next to each other.

“Finally cousin, what took you so long? You do know you are late, right?” Cera said.

“I got lost again.” I let out a sigh, “What are you doing here? I thought we didn’t have any classes together.”

“They changed my schedule and I guess I forgot to tell you.”

“We should really get you a map of the school Kendall.” Harry said while laughing.

“I think that would have been really helpful a few minutes ago.” I smiled and saw Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn sitting there too.

“Maybe I should walk you to your classes so you won’t get lost again.” Louis chuckled.

I laughed and said, “That’s a good idea.”

            I took a seat in between Louis and Cera. Since my cousin and I are new the teacher had us give him a sample of our singing, but I have horrible stage fright so I had Cera go first. She was amazing; everyone clapped as she walked off the stage. When she sat next to me she saw the look on my face, it looked like I was going to throw up.

“Kendall you don’t look so good, is it because of your stage fright?” She said to me.

“Yes, I can’t do this you know how I get when I get in front of people.” I said.

She turned me towards her and said, “You have an angelic voice, you have nothing to worry about. Just keep your eyes on me, do not look anywhere else.”

“Ok.” I said getting up nervously.

I stood at the front of the classroom, I tried to keep my eyes locked on Cera but I couldn’t help it I knew everyone’s eyes were on me. I ran out the door and down the corridor. My eyes were filled with tears making my vision blurred and I dropped to my knees. I heard a familiar voice but I didn’t look, I just wanted to disappear.

“Hey Kendall are you ok?” the familiar voice said sitting next to me.

“Liam what are you doing? How come you aren’t in class?” I replied wiping tears from my eyes.

“I needed to know you were ok love. What happened back there?”

I looked up at his eyes and my eyes started tearing up thinking about what just happened, “I have horrible stage fright, I can’t handle people looking at me perform and embarrassing myself in front of them.”

“Kendall, no one will judge you and if they do don’t listen to them. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you it is about what you think about yourself.”

“Thank you Liam.” I said and gave him a hug. “I-I want to try again.”

“Are you sure you don’t have to do it today.”

“I have to do it today because if not I will think about it during break and it would ruin my whole break.”

“That a girl. Let’s get back to class then.” He said while putting his arm around me and walked me back to class.

We enter the class room and I talked to the teacher and told him what happened and the reason why I stormed out of the room. He said he understands and lead me to the stage. I started singing with my eyes close then looked up to the row where the guys and my cousin were, looking at each one of them. When I finish all of them stood up and clapped while I walked to go sit down. The bell rang and it was time for English and Louis walked me to class so I would get lost again, Zayn came along because we had class together.

“So Zayn, you are the quiet one of the group huh?” I asked him.

“Sort of. I’m just shy and don’t really open up unless I really know someone.” He replied.

“I think we are going to have to change that.” I said laughing.

He just laughed and continued listening to the English lesson. To tell you the truth English isn’t really my best subject but Zayn is really good at it, he said that the wants to become an English teacher so he helped me whenever I was confused. Then the bell rang for lunch.

            I met up with Cera at our usual lonely table. We started eating and then my phone started vibrating in my bag.

Unknown number:

Hey Kendall where are you girls sitting? Louis xx


Louis, how did you get my number? We are outside sitting on the patio.


Why are you guys outside? I got your number while you were putting your clothes away, I texted myself when I saw your phone on the bed. xx


We are outside because it is crowded inside. You guys should come outside with us.


Ok :) xx

They came out and joined us. We talked until the bell for next period rang, but I have a free period so I decided to go home early. I walked Cera to her last class and told her that I would come back to pick her up when school was done. I was walking to my car when I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.

“Guess who it is.” The stranger said.

“Umm…” I said putting my hands on top of the hands over my eyes trying to pull them off but they would budge. “Who is it?”

“Come on love you have to at least attempt to guess who I am.”

Finally I recognized the voice, how could I have been so stupid, “Louis?”

“See was that so hard?” He said smiling at me as I turned around.

I playfully smacked him on the arm and said, “Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

“I am sorry.” he said with the cutest smile on his face, “Where are you going? Do you have a free period as well?”

“Yeah I have a free period right now and I was going home.”

“Well would you like some company? I was just about to do the same thing but there is seriously nothing to do at my house.”

“Sure, my car is just over there. Maybe we could go get some milkshakes on the way.”

“Lead the way.” He said gesturing towards the direction of my car.

            First we went to Milkshake City which is now my favorite place to get milkshakes, Louis tried on some of the apparel they had there. He suggested that we got matching sweaters so I picked the black crewneck, I can honestly say we are best friends just like Cera and I. After that we went to my house and talked until it was time to pick Cera up from school. She said she was hungry so we decided to go get something to eat.

“So Louis, where shall we eat?” I asked while driving away from the school.

“Erh… Why not come to my house and I will cook something up for you two?” He said

“I’m in, what are about you CC?” I said and looked at my cousin in the rearview mirror.

“Umm…” She looked back at me, “I don’t want to be a bother, and you can just drop me off at home.”

“Are you sure Cera? You wouldn’t be a bother, I don’t mind.” Louis said to her.

“It’s ok I just remembered that Peter invited me to dinner so I need to get ready. Thank you anyways Louis.” She said to him

“Aww my little sister is growing up so fast.” I mocked her making her blush.

“Shut up!”She said embarrassed.

            We dropped Cera off at home then headed to Louis’s house. He started on making dinner, it smelled so good. He made Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken and garlic bread.

“Lou you are such a good cook, where did you learn to cook?” I asked him

“Well when my mom and dad got divorced I had to learn how to cook for myself when my mom went off to work.” He said with his hung.

“Are you ok Lou? You don’t have to say anything. I sort of know how you feel.” I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

“I’m fine lets just enjoy this dinner and have a good time.”

            I knew the divorce between his parents was a touchy subject so I decided to let it go and have a good rest of the night. I can relate to his pain because my parents death is still very sad and unbearable after seven years since the incident. Once I finished eating we watched a Hangover, and then when it was finished I decided to go home.

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