My Guardians

By jacquelynleigh

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"'They can't possibly be interested in me, can they?' I muttered to myself. I don't want to get to close to... More

My Guardians
Mini Pity Party
Almost good day
Can't catch a break
Finally a Good Day
Pizza and Happiness
First Dates and Consequences
Face Off
Do you want to meet our parents?
The Plan

In Need of Constant Distractions

16.7K 552 6
By jacquelynleigh

Chapter 3

Waking up the next morning was brutal.  My whole body ached and I didn't know if I had enough make up to cover up the damage done to my already weakened body. 

 So many times I considered skipping school, but I knew that I couldn't miss the first day of my other classes.  I didn't have to be at school until 10:30 so I was grateful that I could sleep in.  After falling asleep yesterday at about three in the afternoon I only woke up at about one in the morning cause I had to use the bathroom.  After I did my business I limped back to my bed and drifted off soon later.  

And that brings us to now.  I'm currently standing in my bathroom trying to figure out what to do about the bruises on my neck.  I've tried covering them up but there still partially visible and I really don't want people thinking that a boy gave them to me, even though technically a guy did give them to me, its not like I wanted them! Even though it was pretty warm outside I guess I could just wear a hoodie, it'll cover my neck good enough keep me warm in the chilly classrooms.  After I applied some make up I walked to my dresser and pulled out my favorite stussy hoodie from the third drawer and a pair of black leggings.  I changed my clothes and grabbed a pair of socks and the boots I wore yesterday. 

I was feeling really sad today so I grabbed my headphones from the drawer in my nightstand by my bed thinking that some music could distract me while I walked to school.  I'm really nervous for my upcoming classes today, more so than I was yesterday.  I just have a bad feeling and when I usually have a bad feeling something bad happens.  

My walk was peaceful and lightened my mood a little.  I finally made it to the biology/culinary arts building known as Gouaux Hall.  My lecture is in room 102 which happened to be right by the main entrance of the building.  I snagged a seat off to the side towards the back.  My teachers name was Jane Carlson and she was the size of a stick.  I thought I was skinny at 103 pounds but I'm positive she has me beat.  There was about 120 other students in this class so it took a while before the papers she passed out to get to me. 

"This syllabus is your guide to the course, all of your test dates are on here, on Thursday you will have a quiz on this information.  Make sure you all have purchased an iClicker from the bookstore as you will only be able to hand in one paper quiz.  That's all for today but be prepared for our next meeting.  Have a nice day!".  

Well that took me way off guard, I was looking forward to get started with the material.  It's pretty sad that I constantly need a distraction.  Before long thoughts of what waits for me seep into my mind and I really do not want to go home.  I don't have another class for the day, so what else am I supposed to do?  

Maybe I could take a look around campus, they're supposed to have a nice coffee shop here, Jazzmans was the name I think.  People all around me are shuffling out of the rows to leave the classroom.  I felt like a complete slow poke when I noticed I was the last person to leave the empty room.  I couldn't help it.  I was in a good deal of pain from yesterday.  I was walking in the halls when a hard figure knocked me into the wall causing me to hit my marred thigh and yelp out in pain .  

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you, are you alright?" A deep voice asked me.  

I looked up to answer them.  Grey eyes met my hazel ones and I was at loss for words.  He was so beautiful, extremely tan and tall with broad shoulders and a strong jaw line.  He looked really familiar.  And then it hit me that I hadn't said anything to him. 

 "I, It's okay." I looked towards the ground. 

 "Hey, Jordan there you are!" Another voice said.  I looked up to see no one other than Professor Booth.  I knew the other guy looked familiar, they have to be related or something. 

"I accidentally knocked Katie in the wall here." Jordan said nodding towards me.  "I-I have to go I'm sorry." I quickly walked past them, ignoring their pleas for me to stop.  I needed to get home.  Blood was starting to coat the front part of my leggings from when I hit the side of the wall.  I could tell it was bleeding badly as it was nearly all the way down my thigh when I started to feel really dizzy.  I grabbed the nearest thing to me, which happened to be the wall.  

My vision started to fade as I heard voices calling my name.  I started to fall, but  someone picked me up before I hit the ground.  Before I could slip unconscious, I opened my eyes to see Jordan staring at me with a worried look set upon his face.  "Can you stay awake for me Katie?" He spoke in a soothing voice. The only thing I managed to say before I passed out way,

 "How do you know my name?"


My eyes opened and took in the sight before me.  I was lying on a sofa in an office type room.  Where the hell am I? Then it all came back to me.  I passed out from blood loss.  I panicked at that thought.  What if they knew about me cutting?  My breaths were becoming shallow when I saw them sitting at a computer desk doing some type of work.  They don't know that I'm awake yet; maybe I can slip out of here before they notice.  

I really don't want them to ask questions right now, especially when I can't think clearly when they're around.  I slowly got up and turned my back to the door so I could watch them.  I spotted my schoolbag on the floor and tried to pick it up as quietly as possible.  I reached for the door handle behind me and slowly turned the handle and opened the door, still unnoticed.  When I was out of the doorframe I closed the door and took in my surroundings.  This building looks completely foreign to me and I don't know how much time I have before they realize that I'm gone and come looking for me. 

How do I keep getting myself in these situations? 

I saw an exit to the building to my left and tried to walk as fast as I could.  I hope I wouldn't be too late getting home or else dad will be furious.  It was still sunny outside so I still had hope.  I slammed into the door with all of my strength to push open the door; these things were heavy.  Once I made it outside I tried to pinpoint where I was, feeling a bit safer that I wasn't in the building with them anymore. 

 The building where I had my math and English class was to my left so that meant that the way to my house was on my right.  Walking to a secluded area under some trees a few feet away, just incase they came looking for me, I dropped my schoolbag to the ground so I could dig out my phone.  When I finally found I pressed the lock button and the clock read: 3:58 PM.   That leaves me about an hour until my dad Is supposed to be home.  Before beginning the 15 minute walk to my house I check my surroundings to see if there was anything suspicious and when I came to the conclusion that I was safe for the moment, I left. 

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