The New Girl

By Kathy202

485K 12K 4.8K

Allie is the popular girl who says and gets what she wants with the snap of her finger. She's the most beauti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
10 years later

Chapter 21

13.6K 359 33
By Kathy202

(Allie's POV)

"Now you can't leave." I said whispering in her ears. And in response she shivers, but then slowly pushes me off.

"I came here to talk." She says walking past me then sitting on a bed. I followed her and sat right by her.

"What about?"

"I want to apologize for the way I was acting and-, I cut her off. "No I should be the one apologizing, ever since you moved here I've been acting like a bitch to you and your friends and that was uncalled for. But ever since I got to know you and started to develop feelings for you I've been trying to change and be better for you and not be that person I once was. So I hope you can forgive me." I said looking down and messing with my fingers.

I look back up and she's sitting their smiling a beautiful smile,"of course I forgive you, she said hugging me, but on one condition." I look at her worried, "which is what exactly?"

"You have to apologize to my friends too and promise to not hurt me again." I smile at her,"ok , but only if I get a kiss from you?" She blushes and looks down and then quickly pecks my cheek. "Nope a real one I said pointing to my lips." Her face is,beat red, she leans over and pecks my lips, but I grab her and deepen the kiss, causing sparks to fly.

We get interrupted by the nurse who clears her throat," well i see you're feeling better." I look at the nurse then back at her whose blushing like crazy. "I think we're gonna go."

*-*-*-Fast forward*-*-*-*-*

So it's been a couple months since the fight and I still haven't seen Ash around. I still think about what he said every now and then, but I try not letting it get to my head. She, sometimes notices me zoning out and asks if I'm ok, in which I respond with I'm fine then continues to ask about the fight between me and Ash, which I try ignoring and dodging the question. She eventually quit asking, but I knew I would have to tell her someday.

I did end up apologizing to her friends, they didn't care too much at first, but they slowly came around and now we're on good terms.

I'm currently waiting inside her house, to go on a date and it's kind of nerve wreaking since her parents are eyeballing me. I forgot to mention that She did introduce me to her parents and they didn't like me to much, but they're slowly coming around. Slowly.

I'm sitting there looking around and then check the time, I told her to dress casual what's taking her so long. "Where do you plan on taking our daughter this fine evening?" I look up and saw Mr. Davis looking at me with his arms crossed.

"I'm just gonna take her out to eat then we're gonna go see Christmas lights." Did I forget to mention it's almost Christmas, well it is.

He looks at me with squinted eyes,"ok but no funny business and she has to be home at 11 o'clock not a minute later."

I shake my head ok then I hear, "I'm ready." I look over and saw Her in the most beautiful clothes ever. I told her to dress casual, but she out did herself, I look like crap compared to her.

I take her hand and we head outside to my car, yeah I know this time I'm gonna be the one driving her. Before getting in I hear her dad yell," remember 11 o'clock no later." Then her mom yells, "and be save." I nod my head to both of them then get in the car and we head to a restaurant called, The Villa.

Dinner went by smoothly we talked and had fun and all she thinks is that we're just eating, but she doesn't know we're gonna see lights.

I told her to keep her eyes closed until we get there. Once there I told her to open them. I bet you can imagine her face when we get to the lights.

We get out of the car and she quickly grabs my hand and starts dragging me everywhere. We have some hot chocolate, ride in carriages and ice skate for a little bit, even though we fell multiple times.

This evening was fun. Now we're just sitting in the snow making snow angels not caring if our cloathes get cold and wet.

"This is the best date yet." She says laying in the snow and looking up at the stars. I look at her then lay down in the snow too, holding her hand. This takes me back. I then look at her and she looks at me and smiles and leans in. I close my eyes and lean towards her thinking were gonna kiss, but instead I meet a snowball in my face. She starts laughing, gosh her laugh is so intoxicating, she gets up and starts running away. I get up and start chasing her. I quickly catch up to her and tackle her to the ground and pin her down. "Now you're gonna get it." I grab snow making it into a ball form and drop it on her face. She shrieks,"how could you?" "You started it," I said rolling off her. We lay in the snow once again looking at each other in the eyes smiling. Gosh she's so beautiful. Without thinking I blurted out," Spencer I love you." I widen my eyes and cover my mouth and look at her. She's still laying there and I faintly hear a sniffling noise. "Are you ok?" "I'm great. I just can't believe you said my name for the first time and to top it off you said you loved me." I sit there thinking, its the first time I've said that to anyone because i was too afraid of getting close to anyone, but she- I mean Spencers different.

I move the hair out of her face," Spencer Davis, I love you with all my heart." She sniffles again then kisses me," I love you too Allie Cowell."

We laid there kissing and staring up at the stars. Can this night get any better. Like on cue I hear snow crunching behind us. I sit up and see a dark figure about 20 feet away from us. If you're wondering how I heard it, its because its dead quiet outside. I stare at the figure for a while. "Hey what are you looking at?" Spencer asks. I look at her then back towards the figure, but their gone. "Nothing." I check the time and saw it was time for me to take Spenc home. We get up and head to the car, I'm making sure Spencer is close to me just in case something happens. Once we get to my car, we get in and I check the backseat making sure no ones in here then head to Spencers house.

On the way there the only thing I could think the figure could've been was Ash. I guess he's still not over all this yet.

I drop her off and walk her to the door. Still feeling uneasy about earlier I ask of i could stay the night. Her parents were hesitant at first, but let me anyways, as long as nothing happens and they would be checking on us, every now and then. Her parents can be intimidating at times.

I follow Spenc up to her room. Once up there I lock the door behind me, then we change and crawl into bed.

We lay in bed talking and kissing until Spenc falls asleep. Once she's asleep I quietly get up and make sure her windows locked and close the blinds then walk to her bathroom and lock the door then I double check her room door and crawl back into bed cuddling her and holding her close to me. I guess you could say I'm a little paranoid, but I love Spencer and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

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