the new world By Keiandre lee

By KeiandreLee

140 14 2

AFTER a terrible war and the planet was run by sin, the 12 Great gods destroyed the world and made it new the... More

The Awakening
Second power released
Author's note
Found baby
Authors note
THE Gift
We killed a god
The new TIME GOD.
The goddess of death's sword
gift from the gods and where they dwell

chapter 13

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By KeiandreLee

It December 20th and all through the land present are being wrapped for family and friend.
At 12 midnight a sneaky santa clause broken to a beautiful decorated home

With mal intentions as the sleeping family tossed and turn the mom woke up and heard noise down stairs and woke up her sons. They travelled to the noise as quietly as possible, but her youngest son bumped into a chair and it fell hard santa turned a round hands pointed at the family air started to weave through Santa's hands. The air was being sucked out of the three until they were dead. With her finale breathe she casted her own powers and alerted the cops they were at her in ten minutes, but wasn't quick enough and santa was gone with all evidence of a crime except for the bodies they had no clues so they couldnt start an investigation.
Two days later
The beast assassins are leaving luxzoarium city and heading to grand beach its were the water dragon lives In a sea cave. Jake is scouting head to see if there is a clearing that they can sleep in until morning and Jake got tired so he sent 400 Shadow Beatles out to search the rest of the way a couple minutes later they came back 200 beatles came back telling jake locations of 50 different spots to sleep.
Jake choose the closer and sent a shadow beast to lead the others where to go.
Once jake got there he released the shadow Beatles. The clearing was massive and green with a river.

Jake was finishing setting up when the rest of the group came. Once he seen them settle down he walked into the river to relax and the water started to bubble and turn to ice. Jake swam his hadest to make it out an he did just in time to have the ice snapping at his heel then the ice shattered and spread apart to let through a beautiful blue dragon.

She then spoke " I am Calista who dares step on my land without a show of power "
" hello, calista we're the beast assassins and we came here with the best intention on behalf of furnus
When funus heard his name he sped up to the front looking deep into calista's yellow eyes and spoke channeling is passed life.
" HEY CALISTA what's going on mama im young again Jake turned me back into a baby dragon "
" can he do that to me cuase you know im dying right" asked calista with glee.
" Hell yeah tell her jake" responed furnus
" i could if you want" answered jake
Calista said yes and jake grabbed lesley and pointed at calista his eyes flashed red and calista turned into a baby dragon. Water mark command seals appeared on her arm 

Instantly calista and lesley bonded
There was now two dragons in the group.
For two hours the group slept untill jake was notified that someone was creeping around the camp by one of his shadow beasts. He woke every one up and they ran toward the sound of a tree branch cracking once there they seen a santa clause dress man running across the trees. Suddenly Santa trips and bumps his head hard. The group ran faster but once they got there the santa was dead and the air started to play Santa's last two days. When it got to 20th it showed santa killing a famliy so jake called to Luxzar , captured Santa's memory in a magic mirrior. When Luxzar came there was no flah if light just him appearing jake assumed it was astral projection and started playing Santa's last memory. Jake stop the memory right when it showed the family dying luxzar realizes that the family who died was his mortal family
The dark night turned darker as lightning shot out of the sky then he calls for me. Pulls out Santa's power and placed it in jakes hand and asks him to pick a receiver of this power. Jake choose king and sent Ally a little protection charm until king can fully use his new air power.
With everything set and done luxzar left and the group went on to go back to sleep but jake had never heard of any killing happening ever. So he called to Cara to teleaport him into Santa's mind. Once they got in the first thing that was floating around was Santa's name. It was kane. The secound thing was that floating around was his first kill. His first kill was his brother for their mother's attention. He bashed his brothers head in with a rock all around their bodies were forest no man made anything in sight. Kane's mind started to decay so they had to leave. Now out of Kane's mind they called to Emerald. She appeared with a flash of light and jake asked about the first people on earth. Their names were adam and eve their kids were Kane, Tara, Ra, and Jana. Ra was the favorite son Kane got jealous and killed Ra with glee. Kane and Eve were cursed to stop aging and wander the earth for ever. Eve because she egged her sons on and Kane because he killed Ra. With that info Jake slept a little un easy.

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