Supernatural Preferences

By HPTF2Love

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Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jack, Charlie, Meg, Garth, Benny, Lucifer, Chuck, Kevin, Crowley and Gadreel preferences... More

How You Met
Your Job
Favourite Spots To Kiss + Put Hickeys/Bitemarks
They Tells You What They Are
First Time They Sees You Naked
Last Voicemail
You/They Die
Contact Name
Make Up
Dean Imagine: Foodie
How They Hug You
How You Sleep Together
How They Get Your Attention
How You Spend Christmas [HAPPY HOLIDAYS GUYS!!!]
Songs About Your Relationship:
Kevin Catch Up:
Biggest Secret You Kept From Them
Gadreel : How You Met
What You Take From Them

Break Up

941 12 2
By HPTF2Love

A/N: this ones a bit long since it has dialogue.
Dean - Dean was a notorious drinker. You knew that when you started dating him. One day though, he drunk himself into a stupor and tried to drive. You stopped him, but that was the last straw for you. When you told him he needed to cut down on his alcoholism.
"(Y/N), I'm a hunter. If I want to drink, I think I deserve to!"
"Well, I don't want you to do something stupid and get killed!"
"What else am I meant to do to forget, huh? This job ain't sunshine and daisies!"
"Dean, if you don't stop-... I won't watch you die from something as pathetic as a car wreck like my (family member), because you are Dean Winchester."
"And if I don't stop? Cause you know I won't."
"Then I'm leaving." Like that, you packed your things as he watched in a frozen trance, leaving Dean in the dust.

Sam - Your recklessness: You had thrown yourselves in front of Dean during a hunt and was almost killed. You luckily survived, but Sam hadn't been happy. He scolded you on your recklessness in his worry, and you had said you did it for you and Dean. He yelled he didn't need your help during hunts. You grew quiet and he tried to apologise, put it into better words, but you told him to leave. To not come back. You knew the break up with your fault, but he didn't need you. So you let him go.

Castiel - Castiel was always gone. You knew he had important things to do with heaven, the Winchester and all that, but he could at least put effort into the relationship, make time for you. When you confronted him about it, he simply said heaven was more important in that point of time.
"If heavens more important than me, I understand. That doesn't mean I'll wait for you to come home every few weeks, months even. Instead, I'm going to find someone - someone human - who'll love me the way I need." You left, and he didn't bother to stop you. That hurt more than leaving him.

Jack - You and (BFF) had been playing around when they shoved you a bit too hard. Jack had flared up in protectiveness and shoved them into your bedroom wall. Jack was strong though and (BFF) had broken her arm and leg. Once you got back out from the hospital, Jack had looked at your guiltily.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)-"
"I think we should take a break."
"A break?"
"I mean break up, Jack, stop kissing and hugging each other. Maybe temporarily, or maybe for forever. You hurt my best friend, and now they're in a hospital bed. You're lucky it was as minor as it could be with your powers."
"But...I-I love you? me too, right? I'm sorry, about (BFF), so please don't break up with me."
"I know you're sorry, Jack. It's still a no, though. I need - I need time to myself." You didn't talk for weeks after that despite Dean, Sam and Castiel all visiting to try convince you to forgive Jack.

Charlie - She believed Dumbledore was an amazing grandfather figure to Harry while you thought he was an asshole abuser of Harry. You both broke up in a fit of anger at the different opinions.

Meg - You had a nightmare about demons killing your mum. It spiralled down from there, waking to see Meg. You screamed at her, throwing your pillow at her to get out, that she was a disgusting, murdering demon. In a fit of your sobs, you whispered you never wanted to see her again and she left with soft steps. You cried the rest of the night.

Garth - You were a vampire. Cornered and turned and now you knew today would be your last. You couldn't bare making Garth kill you. So, he went back to your motel room, cleaned up and waited for him to return. He did, and you both sat before you broke up with him. He protested, asking what he did wrong, but you were silent. Your bags were already packed, but you didn't even bother taking them with you as you left Garth behind. The only thing you took was your satchel of weapons. Tonight would be your last after all.

Gabriel - Whenever you weren't together, Gabriel had a habit conjuring up fake women to sleep with. Problem was, he didn't see it as cheating since they weren't real. It still made you angry though.
"Dammit Gabriel, can you think with your head instead of your dick for once?! It hurts that I can't apparently satisfy you, to the point where you get fake women to fuck!"
"You're overreacting, Mistress, I love you. You satisfy me quite well, but I get lonely."
"Well maybe you should have thought how lonely you'd be if I found out. It's over, Gabe, go fuck all the imaginary women you want, cause you can't score a real one." It was spite full, but you felt satisfied to see the shock on his face.

Balthazar - It had surprised you when he suddenly snapped at you.
"My father, I hate you! Your whining is driving me crazy and your ugly mug is giving me a headache!" The words had smacked you right in your insecurities, eyes widening.
"Didn't you hear? Or are you deaf too? I! Hate! You! So just leave already!"
"You- You can't talk to me like that! Just the other day, you drunk off your ass like an incompetent child! No wonder God doesn't care about his angels doings!" You tore your coat off the chair in anger. "I hope your happy you're losing the only person who loves you, you French dick!" You left in under five minutes, stuff packed and in the car. Balthazar let himself cry once you were gone, not just because of your words but the fact that you were gone. He drove you away to keep the Angels from hurting you, yet he only hurt you both.

Benny - Benny hadn't had blood in a week due to hunters constantly after them. So when hunters nicked your side while on the run, Benny had lost control. You were frozen to the core with fear when you felt his fangs pressing against your neck, a whimper escaping your lips.
"Benny..." Your voice cracked, and he instantly pulled away, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Are your ears workin'? I said go! I can't - I can't be near ya, not anymore, so leave. I- I never should'a thought a relationship with a human would work out." He ground out and tears prickled in your eyes as you slowly went by him to leave.
"I-I love you?" You tried, but he didn't respond and the tears came hard as you ran away.

Lucifer - (Not a break up per say as you aren't actually dating him, more so if he pursuing you.)
After two months of Lucifer's harassment, of his blunt advances and teasing, his sinful hands and lips taking what he wanted from you, you snapped.
"Stop it!" You shoved him away from the kiss, eyes hard as steel. He rose a brow, somewhat surprised.
"Stop what, Saint?"
"Stop this! I'm not a play thing, Lucifer. I'm a nun, and you are the devil. I will not be tainted by you just so you can have some fun with the forbidden." You growled.
"Oh ho, feisty. I like that in a woman."
"Well it's too bad that you can't have me."
"...You know, I could restrain you and have my wicked way with you with a snap of my fingers."
"You could. But I know you won't. You want me willingly, to beg for it. I won't, so you're out of luck. Go back to hell." He vanished with a peeved expression.

Chuck - "You're...You're God?" It came to you as a shock. Then it sunk in when he snapped his fingers and his coffee appeared in his hand. You had been sleeping with God. You were in love with God. Chuck was God. All this time, you had been completely infatuated with God and practically gave your everything to him, only for him to be a lie. God was Chuck, and Chuck was God. You were in love with Chuck, and you didn't know how to process it all.
You didn't realise you ran away from the house until the sharp scent of river water hit your nose. You sat by the bank of cold water, wondering how the hell to take this.
You felt like you had been lied to, completely disregarded to knowing the truth.
"If you can hear me, God, I'm in love with Chuck. That's the man I knew that loved me. You aren't Chuck, not to me. So it's over. Find someone else's heart to play with."

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