Forgotten Files

By bandchick2000

7 0 0

This story is inspired by Janie's Got A Gun by Aerosmith, Too Bad by Nickelback (don't judge) and Fly From th... More

Three Act Screenplay

7 0 0
By bandchick2000

Scene 1
Set in Maple Park high school in Branson, Missouri. The high school rooms look mostly the same depending on the wing of the building that they're in. In this scene, they are in Ace Levi's first block class which is an English III class. He dresses in rather dark clothing and almost always wears a band t-shirt. He's on the skinny side with long brown hair.

ACE enters along with ten to fifteen other kids. The teacher is already sitting at her desk with her laptop in front of her and she's grading papers. The kids take their seats. ACE is seated in the middle of the room and is hit in the head once or twice with backpacks. He sits there annoyed but doesn't say anything. He pulls his laptop out of his bag and sets it on the table. The final bell rings and the class becomes silent.

November 16, 2017, 8:15 am

Teacher: Good morning class.
Students: Good morning Mrs. Perry

MRS. PERRY, who is a short and skinny black haired woman, crosses to the door and closes it as the announcements played over the intercom just as they did every morning. All of the students rose and said the pledge of allegiance in unison with the girl on the speaker. The sound of the chairs screeching on the ground drown out the announcements. Once they were done the students fell somewhat quiet again.

Mrs. Perry: Okay everyone, get out your laptops and open up to our lesson for the day

There's a dull roar of chatter as the students pull out their laptops and go to the assignment for the day.

Mrs. Perry: As you can see today we are going to start a new project.

All students groan at the word "project" MRS. PERRY walks to her desk which has a box full of books on top of it. She stands behind her desk.

Mrs. Perry: I know. I know. It's not as bad as it sounds. Don't worry. Our next book is In Cold Blood. I'm going to call you up by table to check a book out to you.We'll start with Andrew's table, then Maddison's, Abigail's and then Jack's. Alright, Andrew's table lets go.

ACE and the other students at "Andrew's table" got up to get their books checked out to them and then return to their seats as the next table walks up. ACE sit's back in his seat and flips through the book.

Mrs. Perry: Okay guys, chapters one through four is due Monday morning, first thing. We will have a test over those chapters and then a discussion. You need to take Cornell style notes as you did with our last book. All you need to take notes on is a quote that catches your attention. Write down the quote and the page number. Then explain how the quote makes you feel or why it stands out to you. Okay, now that that part is out of the way I'm going to assign you to your first project for this book. I want you and a partner to create a timeline for the book. You will create three different ones. The first one will be with the Clutter family, the second one will be with the detectives and the third one will be with Perry and Dick. It will be due once when we finish the book. I will give you a couple of built-in days to work on it. Go ahead and choose your partner and then you have the next thirty minutes to read. Once the thirty minutes is over you will begin your project.

ALL STUDENTS look around the room and pick partners all except for ACE and another girl who don't even bother to look but instead begin reading. Time passes and then MRS. PERRY speaks again.

Mrs. Perry: Alright the thirty minutes is up. Now click the link that's on your daily agenda and begin working with your partner. You can move or do whatever you need to do. Let me know if you have any questions.

Several of the STUDENTS get up and move seats. ACE and the girl from before stay in the same place. The girl looks across the room to ACE shyly and then gets up with her book and her laptop and walks over to him. The girl has long blonde hair and is dressed in all black.

Girl: Excuse me, Ace, right?

ACE looks up at her and nods, slightly shocked that someone knew his name but the shock doesn't cross his face.

Girl: Sorry, it's just, I noticed that you didn't have a partner. I don't either. Would you mind if we worked together? (smiles)

Ace: Sure. Alice, right?

Alice: Please, call me Ali. (takes a seat next to ACE and opens her laptop that has stickers covering the top of it)

Ace: So, where should we start?

Ali: Well, where did you get to?

Ace: I finished the first two chapters. What about you?

Ali: I'm about done with the second chapter let me see... (she opens her book to reveal a homemade bookmark that has all of the members of Shinedown on it)

Ace: Nice bookmark. (grins)

Ali: Thanks my best friend made it for me for my birthday. Shinedown is my favorite band.

Ace: Really?

Ali: Yeah. Is that surprising?

Ace: Not really. They're a close second for me. Linkin Park is more my thing.

Ali: They're pretty good. What happened with Chester is so sad.

Ace: Yeah, but at the same time I couldn't blame him. He was suffering. Anyways, what's your favorite song by Shinedown?

Ali: Oh, that's a hard question. I like their older stuff better. I guess maybe Crow and the Butterfly. That one or maybe Sound of Madness was the first song I ever heard by them when I was about nine. What about you?

Ace: Those are both good ones. One of the things I like about them is that they have a song for pretty much any mood you're in. I find some of them apply to my life pretty well too. I think my favorite one though is probably, Yer Majesty.

Ali: I feel the same way. I've never heard that song before though.

Ace: Really?

Ali: Yeah. (She giggles softly. ACE pulls the song up on his laptop and they listen to it through his headphones) that's actually really good.

Ace: I thought you might like it. So what other bands do you like?

Ali: Well, how much time do you have? (giggles softly then so does ACE)

Ace: (looks at the time on his laptop) well about half an hour (smiles)

Ali: Well let me see. Shinedown and Linkin Park you already know. Then there's Black Veil Brides, Green Day, Three Days Grace, Marilyn Manson, Nickelback, Bon Jovi, Queen, Poison, Journey, Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin, Def Leppard, Guns N' Roses, pretty much anything that's at least somewhat gothic or 80's music. What about you?

Ace: That's a lot of bands. I like most of the ones you said. Nirvana, Foo Fighters, and Metallica are a few others that are pretty good.

MRS. PERRY had been walking around the room checking on everyone's progress. She then approaches ALI and ACE.

Mrs. Perry: Are you two partners? (looking at ACE and ALI who both nod) Alright, how are you two doing?

Ali: Yeah. We're just talking about how we want to set them up.

Ace: Yeah.

Mrs. Perry: Oh, Alright. So what are you thinking about doing?

Ace: Well, in our Clutter family timeline we have the suspected time of death overall. On the detective one, we have a few different ones about the stuff that they've seen so far and the information that they have discovered.

Mrs. Perry: Alright. Do you have any questions about anything?

Ali: I think we've got it. Thanks.

Mrs. Perry: Alright let me know if you have any questions. (smiles and moves to the next pair of students)

(it's now time for the students to leave they all pack their bags and leave once the bell rings)

Scene 2
It is now 9:45 and it's their second block. ACE and ALI have second block together but they never really realized it. ACE'S second block is a writing class. The room is rather plain with individual desks. The walls are white except for the one at the back of the room. The wall at the back of the room is light blue. The teacher is a middle-aged man who always dresses in a white button-down shirt and tan or navy blue pants, except for on Fridays. On Fridays, he wears a black leather jacket and jeans.

ACE takes his seat at the back of the class, opens his laptop and begins to write as other students come in and take their seats. ALI takes her seat along the wall a few seats up from the back.

Mr. Coleman: Alright guys you have thirty minutes to write and then we'll dive into the lesson I have for today. (walks across the room to shut the door as he speaks and then walks back to his desk at the back of the room.)

STUDENTS chatter as they pull their laptops out and begin to work. ACE scans the room as he's thinking about his writing. His eyes fall on the now familiar blonde hair.

Ace: (whispering) pssst Ali.

(ALI turns to see him and smiles. ACE pats the chair next to him indicating her to move next to him. She grabs her things and moves.)

Ali: Hey, Ace.

Ace: Hey. I never realized we had this class together too.

Ali: (giggles) Yeah me either. So, what do you think of In Cold Blood so far?

Ace: It's alright. I'm not really much of a reader. I prefer to write.

Ali: Really? I love to read. (opens the lid of her laptop)

Ace: It's just never really been my thing, I guess.

Ali: That makes sense. It's just weird to me because most people who write love to read.

Ace: Yeah. I know. I've heard that a lot. So, what are you working on right now?

Ali: It's a fan fiction piece. I write a lot of fan fiction.

Ace: Oh, that's cool. Who's this one about?

Ali: You'll laugh.

Ace: Try me. (smiles)

Ali: Alright, alright. It's about Shinedown. Specifically, Brent Smith in his younger days.

Ace: I'm not surprised. What's the storyline? 

Ali: Well have you heard the song Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide?

Ace: I think so.

Ali: Well, I took that and turned it into a story. Brent meets this girl at a concert and they're like perfect for each other. At least, she comes off that way at first. But then once Brent gets to know her she's a lot crazier than he bargained for. She ends up trying to kill herself and nearly does it but Brent takes her to the hospital soon enough so that she doesn't die and he goes through the recovery process with her.

Ace: Wow. It sounds interesting. Do you usually get inspired to write by listening to music?

Ali: I usually get ideas for scenes from music and what goes on around me. Every once in awhile I get ideas from songs themselves.

Ace: That's really cool. Maybe I should try that. (laughs)

Ali: Hey if it works, why not? (laughs back)

(MR.COLEMAN walks to the front of the room)

Mr. Coleman: Alright guys find a good stopping point and we'll get started here. (grabs a stack of papers from a shelf at the front of the room and begins to hand them out) Okay so, the paper I just handed out to you has a list of items. I want you to create a story that uses all of these items in discrete ways. There's no limit on how long or short it has to be. I just want you to play around with it and see where you can go with it. It'll be due Friday night and you have a workday tomorrow. Alright, you may use the rest of the class time to write. Let me know if you have any questions. Don't forget that we have a workshop on Monday.

(MR. COLEMAN goes back to his desk and all of the students think about what they want to write about.)

Scene 3
It is now the end of the school day, 3:30. Students are pouring out of all of the exits as they leave to go to their cars and load onto buses. Some students are standing around and talking. Others are goofing off and chasing each other. A few teachers come out amongst the students. ACE is sitting on the edge of one of the benches, that is to the right of the sidewalk, as he waits for his mother to come and pick him up. A red car pulls up and you can see dents on the side of it. There's smoke coming out of the driver's side window. The woman sitting in the driver's seat looks rather angry.

Woman: (Honks twice and then honks again but louder and longer) COME ON ACE! LET'S GO!

The honking yelling of Ace's mother caught the attention of MR. COLEMAN as he was walking out of the building and to his car. ACE walks to the car with his head down.

Ace: (Quietly) Sorry, mom. I didn't see you.

Mom: How can you miss a bright red car? What do I need to do paint a target on it and put bright lights on it so you can see it? You need to pay more attention. Why can't you be more like your brother? I never had these issues with him.

Ace: I'm sorry mom. I'll try to do better.

Mom: Don't sass me! I'm your mother!

ACE and his mother sped off with his mother yelling at him still. MR. COLEMAN's face showed anger and sadness as he heard the conversation between the mother and the son. He walked to his car and got in. MR. COLEMAN grabbed a sheet of paper from his bag and wrote down what he heard in order to report it in the morning as he had to.

Scene 4
ACE and his mother are back at home. She gets ready to go to work and leaves without saying anything. It's now 5:30 pm. ACE is sitting on the couch that is made to look like a bed. He has headphones in and is working on his homework. The house is rather dark. All but the lamp beside ACE and the light over the sink are off. A little girl who looks to be about six or seven years old comes out of a room and shuts the door then approaches ACE.

Girl: Bubba I'm hungry.

Ace: Ok JJ let me finish this question and then I'll make us a snack. Mom will be home in a few hours.

JJ: Okay. (She sits next to him) What are you working on Bubba?

Ace: Homework.

JJ: What kind of homework?

Ace: Janie stop it. Go play.

JJ: (with a sigh) Okay. Will you play with me when you're done? (sliding off the couch)

Ace: We'll see. Depends on if you don't bother me so I can finish.

JJ: Okay. (she goes back to the bedroom)

After a few more minutes ACE begins to cook their dinner.

Ace: JJ come here, please.

JANIE leaves her room remembering to shut her door as she leaves. She walks over to the stove and puts her hands on the counter and stands on her tiptoes trying to see what ACE is doing.

Ace: Careful JJ. The last thing we need is for you to get hurt. (He pats her back as he passes her) Would you like mac and cheese with hotdogs or with sloppy joe?

JJ: Hotdogs!

Ace: (Smiles softly) Alright. Do you mind to cut them up for me, while I make the mac and cheese?

JJ: Okay.

ACE sets a cutting board in front of her and a butter knife and then sets four hot dogs in front of her. He then begins making the food. He looks back at his younger sister every once in awhile to make sure she's doing okay. Once It's all done he fixes them each a bowl and set it on the table for them.

Ace: JJ do you think you can be careful?

JJ: Of course Bubba. I'll be very careful.

Ace: Would you like to sit on the couch and watch a little bit of TV while we eat. Mom shouldn't be home for a couple more hours.

JJ: (Excitedly) Really? (ACE nods) YAY!

Ace: But you can't tell mom I let you watch TV or sit on the couch while we ate.

JJ: Okay Bubba. (She hugs him. Her arms barely wrapping around his waist. He smiles pats her back.) Thank you.

Ace: You're welcome. Now go sit down and I'll bring you your food.

(JJ sits on the couch with her legs crossed. ACE moves a table in front of her and sets her food and a drink in front of her. He then moves another table beside JJ's table and sets his food and drink down and goes to clean up the kitchen. Once he's done he takes his place next to JJ.)

Ace: Be very careful not to spill anything JJ.

JJ: I will Bubba. Can we watch Wild Kratts?

Ace: (With a laugh) Sure. (He stands up and walks to the TV and grabs the remote off the top of the TV. The TV was one that their mother had purchased at an antique store and had her boyfriend at the time repair. ACE hits a sequence of buttons to get the TV to turn on and then a few more to change the channel.)

JJ: Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (In her excitement she bumps the table and spills her drink. A flash of panic and fear comes across ACE's face. JJ looks scared.)

Ace: Don't worry. I'll clean it up. You have to go eat at the table now.

JJ: No, please. I'll be good. Can you give me another chance?

Ace: You know what mom will do if she finds out. We can't upset her. I'm sorry JJ. I'll keep Wild Kratts on for you though.

JJ: (Picking up her bowl and cup) Thanks, Bubba. (She walks to the table and sets her bowl and cup down then climbs into the chair)

(While ACE is cleaning up the mess JJ made a pair of lights shine through the window of their apartment. ACE and JJ exchange a worried look. ACE begins to hurry to make things look the way she left them. He turns off the TV and puts the remote back on top of it. He puts his table away and makes it look like he made the mess so that JJ doesn't get in trouble. They hear the door unlock. ACE continues to try to clean the carpet up as his mother walks in.)

Mom: Hey. I'm home.

JJ: (Excitedly runs over to her and hugs her) We missed you.

Mom: Missed you too sweetie. Did you get your homework done? (Looks at ACE as if she asked him)

JJ: Yes mommy.

Ace: JJ don't you have a little more to do?

Mom: If she says she's done with her homework, then she's done with her homework. Why are you so mean? What are you doing? (Noticing that he is cleaning up something.)

Ace: Oh, um I spilled my drink and I'm cleaning it up before the stain sets in.

Mom: You can't do anything without making a mess, can you? Why is it that everything you touch you mess up? You can't do anything right. (sighs) So much for getting our deposit back when we leave this dump. You've messed the place up so bad. (ACE stands looking at his feet, feeling defeated)

JJ: Mommy please don't yell at him. It was my fault. I was sitting on the couch and I spilled it.

Mom: Aww look at that Ace. Even your little sister is better than you. JJ it's okay sweetie. You don't have to cover for your brother.

(ACE finishes cleaning the spill.)

JJ: But mama--

Mom: Go play in your room for a little while sweetie. Then you need to get ready for bed.

(JJ follows her mother's orders but looks sad. Their mother approaches ACE. ACE stands to face her and we see that she is shorter than him. She grabs him by the shirt and pulls him to her face.)

Mom: Clean up your mess. When you're done I want you to clean the rest of the living room and the kitchen.

Ace: Yes ma'am.

(She releases ACE's shirt with a push causing him to stumble backward. She sits in a chair that's by the couch and begins to smoke.)

Mom: Ace get the remote for me.

(ACE springs into action and does as he's told then goes back to cleaning.)

Scene 1
It's the next morning in MR.COLEMAN's class. MR. COLEMAN is very relaxed unless someone is sleeping in his class, which ACE is currently doing. Because it is a writing day for the class and it is a nice day, they are outside in the front of the school. They are spread out. Some students are sitting at the four concrete students others in circles under trees. A few sit alone, among them, is ACE who has fallen asleep against a tree. ALI isn't there that day.

MR. COLEMAN approaches ACE, leans down, lays a hand on his shoulder gently and shakes him to wake him.

Mr. Coleman: Ace, buddy. You need to wake up.

(ACE wakes up with a gasp and rubs his tired eyes. His eyes are somewhat red.)

Ace: Sorry, Mr. Coleman. 

Mr. Coleman: It's alright. Are you okay? (Noticing his eyes)

Ace: Yeah. (Pauses) I just didn't get enough sleep last night.

Mr. Coleman: Is everything okay at home?

Ace: Yeah. Yeah. Everything's great. My mom was just in a bad mood and I had to take care of my little sister.

Mr. Coleman: I hope I'm not being too nosy, but I notice that you never talk about your dad. May I ask why that is?

Ace: Oh he left when my sister was a baby. Can't say I blame him either.

Mr. Coleman: Oh? Why's that?

Ace: My mom-- she isn't always the greatest.

Mr. Coleman: I understand that. You know, I've been there too. If you ever need to talk or anything, I'm here for you.

Ace: Thanks, Mr. Coleman. I'm managing everything alright now though.

Mr. Coleman: I know. I still know how hard it can be to deal with the stress of it all though.

Ace: Can I ask what it was like for you?

Mr. Coleman: (With a slight smile, takes a seat next to ACE and begins to remember his childhood) I was kind of the opposite of you. My mom was never really around. My dad was an alcoholic and a workaholic sometimes both. (Chuckles) I pretty much raised my younger brother. He's five years younger than me. We still get along really well. So that was a plus side of it. How old is your little sister?

Ace: She's six. Her name's Janie. My mom named her after the song Janie's Got A Gun by Aerosmith. Little did she know how true it was. (Smirks)

Mr. Coleman: Is your mom abusive to the two of you?

Ace: No. Not to both of us. She loves my little sister and my older brother. She just doesn't like me.

Mr. Coleman: Why do you think that is?

Ace: I think she's just stressed and I'm the only one she can take it out on. I'm okay with it. I'd rather it'd be me than JJ.

Mr. Coleman: JJ?

Ace: Janie. I call her JJ.

Mr. Coleman: Ah okay. It's sweet that you care about her so much. I was the same way with my little brother, Gabe. I still am.

Ace: I probably always will be with JJ. She's so sweet. I can see why my mom likes her more.

Mr. Coleman: Don't listen to what she says, Ace. She doesn't realize what she's doing to you. You're just as great as JJ.

Ace: (with a smile) Thank you, Mr. Coleman. This actually helps a lot.

Mr. Coleman: Anytime, Ace. If you ever need anything just ask me. Why don't you come see me at lunch and we can talk more?

Ace: That would be great.

Mr. Coleman: (Starting to get up) I'll see you then. I gotta go round everyone up so we can head back inside.

(ACE gathers his things and stands up and starts to walk towards the door. MR. COLEMAN walks around to all of his students.)

Scene 2
It's now third block and it's lunchtime for all of the classes on the floor of MR. COLEMAN's class. ACE has made his way to MR. COLEMAN's classroom and he knocks on the door. As he does MR. COLEMAN, who was standing at the whiteboard at the front of the room, turns to see him and smiles.

Mr. Coleman: Ace. Good to see you. Come on in.

ACE walks in.

Ace: Thanks again Mr. Coleman.

Mr. Coleman: It's no problem. Have a seat.

They each take a seat in the front of the classroom. ACE is sitting with the bar of the desk beside him. He turns as far as he can to face MR. COLEMAN. MR. COLEMAN sits in the seat next to him. He sits in the desk sideways to face ACE.

Mr. Coleman: I need to ask you something. Normally this is something that I have to do but since you have a little sister I wanted to ask you first. Being a teacher I am a mandated reporter. That means when I see or hear a child being abused or neglected in any way I have to report it. Do you want me to do that with your situation?

Ace: (Looks at the floor his eyes shifting back and forth pondering the question.) As long as JJ and I can stay together through it I don't care. We need each other. I don't want her to leave me. I have to watch over her.

Mr. Coleman: Okay. (smiles) I'll take care of that later today. If you change your mind, let me know. I want to help you in any way I can.

Ace: Thank you. I've never really been able to talk to anyone about these things. My parents were a lot better when my dad was around. My mom was a lot happier. Janie-- she doesn't really remember a time when my mom wasn't this way. I feel bad for her because she's had to grow up so quickly.

Mr. Coleman: And I'm sure you've had to grow up quick too.

Ace: Yeah

Mr. Coleman: Do you ever hear out of your dad?

Ace: Every once in awhile. He calls us from time to time.

Mr. Coleman: Do you think he'd ever want to see you and your sister?

Ace: Nah. He's too busy in St. Louis. He got a job up there working with an old friend of his. He works on cars.

Mr. Coleman: When was the last time you heard from him?

Ace: About a year ago.

Mr. Coleman: Do you ever try calling him?

Ace: No. He doesn't keep a phone. He says he can't afford one. He uses the one at his office most of the time.

Mr. Coleman: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you could convince him to come and see you and JJ.

Ace: I'd love that but he's always too busy.

Mr. Coleman: Ah, I see. That's too bad. I'm sure he misses the two of you.

Ace: (With doubt in his voice) That's what he said a year ago.

Mr. Coleman: But you don't believe him?

Ace: Not really, no. It's hard to believe that he loves us and misses us when he's miles away, doesn't call that often, and never sees us. I mean I barely remember what he looks like.

Mr. Coleman: I know how hard that can be. I remember trying to explain things to my brother about what happened to our mom. It's tough. I know you can make it though. You're a smart kid.

The bell rings signaling that lunch is over.

Ace: Well I guess I had better get back to class. I'll see you tomorrow. (smiles)

Mr. Coleman: See you then. I hope you have a great day. (smiles back)

They part ways and the scene ends.


Scene 1

November 25, 2017, 6:00 pm

It's Thanksgiving day so ACE and JJ are out of school. The house smells of pumpkin pie, turkey and other things that have been cooked for their Thanksgiving meal. ACE and his mother are busily working in the kitchen. ACE is doing more than his mother and she's yelling at him as usual. JJ is sitting in the living room trying to tune it out by watching the parade on TV.

Mom: Damn it Ace. I told you to do it my way. Why can't you do anything right? Now you've ruined it. Just let me do it.

Ace: I'm sorry mom. I didn't know what you meant.

The two squabble over the better way to make mashed potatoes. Ace's mother is obviously just trying to pick a fight with Ace. They get the table set up. ACE calls JJ in and helps her fix a plate. He then lets his mother get whatever she wants and then fixes his plate. They all go back to the living room to sit down and eat.

Mom: Ace can you go get me another plate of food?

Ace: (gulps down the bite of food that was in his mouth) Yes ma'am. What would you like?

Mom: Just get me a little bit of everything. Grab me another beer while you're in there too will you?

Ace: Of course. (He leaves to get her another plate of food and another beer when he comes back he hands them to her then sits down to begin eating again)

JJ: Mommy?

Mom: Yes baby girl?

JJ: Can we play a game?

Mom: When you're done eating you can. Maybe you and Ace can go play in your room.

JJ: Okay.

After dinner ACE and JJ go and play a board game in her room. A few minutes into the game their mother comes in and begins to yell at ACE for not doing the dishes like she had asked him to do. He apologized but she keeps yelling at him. He grabs the keys to her car and leaves. He drives out to the highway and listens to music at a high volume. He begins talking to himself about what's going on in his head.

Ace: Why am I not good enough for her? Why wasn't I good enough for my dad? Why did he leave us? Why does mom hate me so much? I've never done anything to her. I've done everything I could for her. (Begins to cry) Why can't I do anything right? Everything I touch I mess up. (Yer Majesty by Shinedown begins to play on the radio and he starts to sing along)

So you wanted to be free from everything you've done to me?

And you wanted to be known so you wouldn't feel so alone?

And you wanted to believe that you steal our integrity?
And I'm sorry you're on your knees, but you can't blame me, yer majesty

Let's take a moment
I need to spoil who you are
I played your game once
You sold me out with no regard
I come so you can know me
I'm here to make you proud
I come to wreck and guide you
I'm here to voice out loud

You know I'm coming for you
Cause I got nothing to lose
And now I'm still on my way for the pay

In ACE's understandable fit of anger, he loses control of the car and goes off into a ditch. He screams out in pain a couple of people pass him then one guy pulls over and calls for help. He gets out of his car and goes over to ACE.

Man: (looking into the window of the car only seeing ACE) Hey kid I've called an ambulance and help is on its way. Are you alright?

Ace: Thank you, sir. I think I might've broken my leg. I can't tell.

Man: Okay don't move. What's your name?

Ace: Ace.

Man: Okay, my name is John. I'm going to stay here with you until help comes. Just try to stay calm and don't move, okay?

Ace: Okay. Thank you. Oh, God, it hurts so bad. How much longer will it be?

John: I'm not sure. They're on their way, though. Just hang in there. It'll be alright. Keep your mind on something else. T-tell me about your family.

Ace: They're not much worth talking about. (winces in pain)

John: How old are you, Ace?

Ace: I'm seventeen.

John: Ah, seventeen. I remember when I was seventeen. That was a long time ago for me. I assume you're still in school then?

Ace: Yes, sir.

Sirens sound in the near distance.

John: I think I hear them coming. It's going to be okay. I won't leave until you want me to.

Ace: Thank you, sir.

The EMT's and firemen work to pull ACE out of the car. JOHN does what he can to help but mostly stays out of the way. They get ACE in the ambulance and begin to get his vitals under control. JOHN follows the ambulance to the hospital and waits to hear something from the doctors. After about twenty minutes of waiting ACE's father shows up shouting at a nurse demanding to know where his son is and what happened to him. JOHN stands and approaches the man cautiously.

John: Excuse me sir, but were you looking for Ace?

Man: Yeah. Who the hell are you?

John: My name's John. I saw the whole thing happen. I'm the one who called the ambulance for him.

Man: In that case, thank you. My name's Chad. I'm his father. I came as soon as I got the call. Where's his mom and sister?

John: I don't know. It's nice to meet you Chad. Your son drove into a ditch. I think he broke his knee. He should be alright though. He seems like a smart boy.

Chad: He is. Or so I've heard. I haven't exactly been in his life the past few years. I had to see him though.

John: I don't want to get caught in the middle of anything here I just wanted to help if I could.

Chad: Thank you for that. Who knows what might have happened if you hadn't stopped to help.

A nurse comes into the waiting room and asks if anyone is there to see an Ace Levi. JOHN and CHAD both stand and follow the nurse to the room that ACE is in. They have his leg wrapped in a cast. He sits up when he sees his dad walk into the room. He has a look of shock on his face.

Ace: Dad? What are you doing here?

Chad: I came to see you, son. How are you feeling?

Ace: I-- I haven't seen you in nearly seven years. What are you doing here now?

Chad: I've been wanting to see you and Janie for a long time. I just couldn't ever get away from work. I heard you were hurt and I came as quickly as I could. Is that okay?

Ace: Why did you leave? You knew how bad mom was.

Chad: Ace, it's hard to explain. I was stupid for leaving you. I realize now that I need you in my life. I hope you'll allow me back in. I don't blame you for being angry with me.

John: I hate to interrupt. I just wanted to say, Ace, I hope you heal up soon. I'll leave you two alone now. (he exits)

Ace: Thanks again John.

Chad: Should I call your mom?

Ace: No. I'm sure she got the same call you did. They should be here soon.

As the words leave his mouth his mother and sister show up in the doorway.

JJ: Mommy who's that man?

Mom: What man? (She looks) Chad? What the hell do you think you're doing here? Get--

Ace: Please mom let him stay.

Mom: Shut up Ace. You don't know what you're talking about.

Chad: Sarah don't you dare talk to my son like that ever again. He doesn't deserve it. (He stands up straighter and turns to face her with his fists clenched at his sides)

Mom: Who are you to tell me what to say and do with my children. You don't even know them. You're never around.

Chad: That's why I'm here I've wanted them to be a part of my life for a while. I couldn't get away from work long enough to come down here. Sarah, I want my kids back.

Mom: (with anger in her voice) No. You can't just pop up out of the blue and take my kids from me.

Chad: Can we start small then? Let me see them once a week. Let me be in their lives again.

Mom: No

Ace: Mom, please. I need a dad in my life. I need dad back in my life. Give him a chance. Please?

Mom: Fine. But just so that you can see how wrong you are Ace.

Chad and Ace: Thank you.

Ace: JJ you wanna come meet our daddy?

JJ: (looking at Chad) Are you our daddy?

Chad: (smiling) Yes I am. It's nice to meet you, Janie. The last time I saw you, you were only a couple of months old.

JJ comes and sits by her brother. SARAH takes a seat at the edge of the room letting CHAD and her kids talk. They a couple hours later they release ACE. They go back to their mom's and gather a few things to stay with their dad for the weekend. JJ and ACE now have a brighter outlook on their future as they ride back to their dad's place. 

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