Darkness, Magic and Mischief...

By The_Undertakers_pet

518 6 0

The curiousity of the young Earl and the meeting of a mysterious young woman set the scene for a strange tale... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

26 0 0
By The_Undertakers_pet

Elin stood in the cold, quiet back room and took a deep breath, a self-satisfied smile on her face as she finished up her work. "There. all done" she said softly as she pulled a sheet over the pale body infront of her.
"Such beautiful craftsmanship" came a familiar voice as a figure moved across the room towards her. "I think I better keep an eye on you... I just might be out of a job" the Undertaker grinned as he rested an arm around her shoulders.
"Oh, I'm not that good. not yet anyway" she giggled, glancing up at him.
"That's a matter of oppinion my love" said Undertaker proudly, ruffling her hair playfully. "Now, I have a rather special customer arriving shortly an' I'm a little short on a few essentual supplies. Be a dear won't you and pick up a few things for me" he said and handed Elin a small piece of paper.
"Of course" she replied, smiling.
A dark figure stood hiden in the back of the shop, just out of sight, watched as the Undertaker followed Elin towards the door.
"Remember love, tell 'em that the Undertaker sent you and make sure that chap at the medical supply place gives you the decent stuff. Bugger pulled a fast one last time. That batch 'e gave me was useless" he said. Elin nodding as he opened the door. "And dooo be careful" he added, kissing her gently on the cheek and hurrying her out.
As the Undertaker made his way across the shop floor he felt an all to familiar presence. "Back again sooo soon butler? It's not often I see you round 'ere without your young Master" he said loudly, a smirk on his lips.
Sebastian emerged from the dark corner he was hiding in. "A shamefull display if ever I saw one" he said tauntingly.
"There's no shame in love" said undertaker with a shrug. "So, what can I do for you?" he added.
"Actually, it was miss Elin I wanted to see" replied the raven haired man. "So if you'll pardon me" he said politely and headed out the door.
"I've got my eye on you butler" said the undertaker as the door slowly closed.

An odd feeling crept over Elin as she made her way across town. A constant feeling of being watched. The odd feeling continued as she collected the last item on her list, quickening her pace as she made her way back to the shop. "I don't like this.. not at all" she thought to herself, a slight feeling of relief as the shop front came in to view.
"You seem a bit flushed love? Are you alright?" said Undertaker as he stepped away from the door, letting Elin inside.
"I'm fine. Got a little spooked is all, got the strangest feelin' I was being followed. O'course.. there was nobody there when I looked. Just got meself a bit wound up" she smiled, handing him the basket full of goods.
"Hmmm.. The streets of London can 'ave that kind of affect on people sometimes. Come, I'll make a drink.. It'll ease ya nerves" said Undertaker, taking a descrete glance out the window as he ushered Elin towards the back room.

The young Earl stared at the tall dark haired butler as he stood there infront of his desk. "You spent a whole twentyfour hours watching her and you're telling me you found nothing" he snapped angrily.
"Nothing unusual my Lord. Miss Elin simply went about her normal daily work. Sorry if this disappoints you young Master but I'm afraid it's true" replied Sebastian, giving his master a bow.
"Bloddy useless" huffed Ciel, banging a fist on the desk as he stood up. "I'm going to end this game of ring around the rosie once and for all. No matter what, I will prove to you that I'm right!" he snapped and stormed out of the room.
Sebastian sighed and shook his head. "Oh really.. Children are always such stubbern creatures" he said as he followed the young Earl outside.
"Master Ciel! Master Ciel!.. please wait!" cried Mey-rin as she chased after them, stumbling as she reached the waiting carrage.
Sebastian reached out, catching the maid before she fell. "How many times...." he sighed, shaking his head in disapointment as the maid stood tidying herself and turning red with embarrassment.
"What is it Mey-rin?" Ciel groaned, climbing in to the carrage.
"A message Master, you were sent a message" she said excitedly.
"And what, pray tell, is that message, Mey-rin?" said Sebastian, stirnly.
Mey-rin looked at him, a panicked look on her already blushing face. "Oh eh.. The message was.. eh.. Oh that's right, the message was 'There's been another one' Yes it was" replied Mey-rin, clapping her hands.
"Another one? Did they say where?!" Ciel demanded, staring at the maid.
"Oh.. eh.. Briskem... No.. eh, Brixton.. yes, Brixton road.... that was it. Eh, Master.. another one what?" said Mey-rin awkwardly.
"Never mind that now, just get back to work" said Sebastian as he climbed inside the carrage.
"Ooh.. of course sir" Mey-rin replied, giving him a small bow and scurrying back inside.
"Shall we?" said Sebastian, glancing at the young Earl as he pulled the door closed.
Ciel looked at him and rolled his eyes, giving a small nod.
Sebastian knocked on the roof of the carrage. "To Brixton road my good man, quick as you can please" he called out to the driver then sat down opposite the young Earl.

The sun slowly began to set over London as Ciel stood there watching the police lift the body up in to the cart. "How many is that now?" he asked as he glanced up at the tall dark haired butler stood beside him.
"I do believe that's seven now Master" Sebastian replied quietly.
"What have you found out about him?" Ciel asked as he watched the police cart rattle off up the road.
"Mr Johnathan Barkley. aged 53. Un-married... and a retierd part time mortuary technician" replied Sebastian, giving the young Earl a nod.
"Let me guess, at Kings. Yes?" said Ciel and shook his head.
"Indeed my Lord" said Sebastian, gesturing for them to take their leave.
"Seven different people in seven different locations.. But all connected." said Ciel and scratched his head, thinking for a moment.
"Indeed, it would seem the victims all had something in common." said Sebastian, nodding his head.
"Not just the inccident. Think about it, from Birdcage Walk all the way to Herne Hill, there is one thing running right through it all." said Ciel, smirking as he glanced up at the butler.
"I believe that would be the train line. Well spotted Master" said Sebastian with a smile.
"Don't patranise me Sebastian, I'm well aware you already knew. Any how.. minus the change of a train or two, that line conviniently run's all the way up to the hospital. The very hospital that the victim's are all connected to" added Ciel.
"So we now have a starting point, a way of access and escape, a mode of transportation and a possible motive but still.." said Sebastian as he watched the young Earl.
"But how do we make the last connection" said Ciel, turning and begining to walk away. as he walked along, something caught his eye. He looked across the road and saw an all too familiar figure making her way off up the road. "Elin?" he muttered and head off after her. "Where is she? She was right infront of us.. I could see her" he said, panting as he tried to catch his breath.
Sebastian looked around them, spotting the shapely figure now stood on the opposite side of the street. "Over there my Lord" he said, heading across the almost empty road, the young Earl close behind him.
The two made their way down the darkening street in hot persuite Ciel stopped suddenly "Wait... Where did she go?.. She was right there" said Ciel, stamping a foot in frustration. Sebastian turned around to see the young woman now stood behind them.
"Persistant little thing ain't ya?" she teased, giving them a wink.
"How the hell?.. You were.." Ciel stuttered, staring at Elin. "What is going on? Just what the hell are you?!" He damanded as he glared at her.
Elin smirked at him. "Wouldn't you like to know" She giggled and turned her back to them.
As Elin went to walk away Sebastian dashed forward, stepping in front of her. "I think young lady, it's high time we had a talk" He said as he took her arm firmly.
Elin glared at the butler. "Release me this instance!" she growled.
"He'll release you when you start telling us the truth" said Ciel as he walked up to them, banging his walking stick on the floor firmly.
"Yaknow little Lord.. She's alot stronger then you may think" Came a familiar voice. Sebastian turned to see the silver haired reaper approaching them. Elin smirked again as she pulled her arm from Sebastian's tight grip.
"What are you doing here, like I knew to ask.. and what do you mean?!" Ciel barked, frowning at the reaper.
"Still haven't worked it out, have you little Lord. I'm rather dissapointed" said Undertaker, watching the young Earl, an amused look on his face.
"Then perhaps you'd be so kind as to explain" Said Sebastian as he grabbed Elin, his arm now wrapped tight across her chest, holding her arms down stopping her from escaping.
A dark smile crept across Elin's lips as she slowly lowered her head. Undertaker looked at her then at Sebatian "Oh I'd think twice about that if I were you, butler" he said smirking.
Sebastian looked at the Undertaker, raising an eyebrow curiously "Oh, wh..." he began, stopping suddenly as a sharp pain shot up his arm. Elin sank her teeth deep in to his arm, causing the butler to let go. She giggled, wiping a tricle of blood from her lips as she ran over to Undertaker
"Oh, didn't I mention?.... She bites.. hehehe" he grinned as he held Elin's hand tight in his.
The young Earl stared at Elin as she grinned at him. "Her eyes.." he muttered, a look of shock on his face.
Sebastian stood beside Ciel, holding his arm in pain. Glancing down at the young Earl as he heard him. The raven haired butler looked over at Elin, as he stared at her he saw the bright-luminous gold rings now shining round the edge's of her dark blue eyes.
"Still not worked it out?" she teased, giggling.
Undertaker pulled her tight againt him then stared at Ciel. "Well, I did tell you she wasn't a normal human... didn't I?." he smirked.
"You're.... you're a..." Ciel stuttered and took a step back.
"A reaper!" said Sebastian, watching the young woman as she grinned at him.
"'alf reaper, actually." said Undertaker, gently stroking Elin's cheek.
"B..but... you're alive. You're... human" Ciel stuttered, a stunned expression on his face.
"In a technical sense, I guess.." Elin smirked, giving a little shrug as she giggled.
"But I didn't think it possible!" Said Sebastian, suspitiously.
"Noorrmally my amusing butler, you'd be quite right. But under the right sircumstances... " Said Undertaker, waving a finger.
The four of them stood there for a moment in silence, simply staring at each other. None of them noticing the dark figure now stood in the ally behind them.
"Hmm... and there I was thinking the fact you were courting a five hundered year old reaper was strange enough." Said Sebastian, shaking his head with a disaprooving expression on his face. Again breaking the awkward silence.
Elin and Undertaker looked at each other, then both burst in to a fit of giggles. Elin took a deep breath as she calmed herself. "Well, if you knew anything of love you'd know it knows no bounderies. Whether it be Age, ethnicity, gender... none of it matters." She said, smiling at the young Earl.
Ciel frowned "Tch.... So this is the big secret you've been keeping all this time?!" he said, sounding a little disapointed.
"You're the one who convinced yaself I was your killer.. Not my fault if the Queen's guard dog decided to go chasing his tail" replied Elin, shrugging.
"If that's so, then why are you here?!" snapped Ciel, glaring at the young woman.
"If ya must know, I'm quite friendly with the owner of the local pub. 'Is wife buy's quite alot of my goods... Guess it's more a case of wrong place wrong time" she replied in a snide tone, crossing her arms.
"Then why did you run?" said Ciel, giving her a suspicious look.
"'Cos I knew if you saw me you'd go jumpin' to conclusions.... again" said Elin sarcasticly and frowned.
"If this is all true miss Elin.. don't you think it would have been much easier if you'd just been honest with us in the first place.. Things being the way they are, I'm sure the Master would have understood." said Sebastian, glancing at Ciel as he glared at him.
"Well, now you know.. Happy?" said Elin, turning her back to them, still frowning.
"Not really. It means I've spent the last two weeks waisting my time." the young Earl growled.
"Hmmf... Your fault not mine." said Elin shaking her head.
"And at that, I suggest we go our seperate ways." said Undertaker, taking Elin's hand as he began to pull her away. "I do believe we had an evening planned... Oh and by the way little Lord... do feel free to stop by with that butler of yours... I can always do with a good laugh.... heheheh." He continued, laughing as he led Elin away.

"Damn it!.. I was sure..." Ciel grunted as he turned round, heading towards the waiting carrage.
"It would seem we're back at square one, Master." said Sebastian as he followed the young Earl.
"I'm glad you're finding it all so amusing" said Ciel sarcasticly.
Sebastian stopped suddenly, turning round looking back at where they'd come from.
"Sebastian.. What are you.." Ciel began, stopping mid-sentence as he saw the butler lift a finger to his lips.
"Ssshh." he said quietly then pointed ahead of them. The two watched as a dark figure emurged from the ally, slowly heading down after the strange couple.
Ciel nodded to Sebastian and the two followed.

Elin looked up at Undertaker as they walked along, a smile on her face. "Well.. that was an interesting reaction. Not quite what I was expectin'" she said softly.
"If you ask me my love, the little Lord seemed a tad disapointed" Undertaker grinned.

"Things really do go in circles, don't they." came an unfamiliar voice.
Undertaker turned to look as a cloaked figure walked towards them.
"That was quite a bold statement to make back there. I do believe your grandmother said something similar... just before the village idiots killed your grandfather." He continued, lowering his hood as he looked at Elin.

"Do pardon me for askin' but, who might you be?" the silver haired reaper asked, staring at the tall auben haired man.
Elin stared at him, a shocked look on her face. "No... It.. it couldn't be..." Elin muttered. Undertaker looked at her curiously.
"Dad?.." she said softly, taking a step away from him.
"Dad?!" wispered Ciel as he quietly watched them.

"Ahh my mischevious little pixie...look how you've grown." he smiled, looking the young woman stood infront of him up and down.
"Don't you call me that!" Elin growled, glaring.
"It would seem the gentleman is miss Elin's father?" Sebastian said quietly, a hint of suspition in his voice.
"Lorcan Mckenzie" Said Ciel, watching him.
"Indeed my Lord" replied Sebastian as he moved a little closer.

"Elin, please..." said Lorcan as he attempeted to approach her.
Elin nuzzled back as Undertaker pulled her tight in to his arms, comforting her. "All these years... you've been alive, all these years and never not once 'ave you bothered to contact me?!... Your own bloody daughter?!" She shouted angrily, tears begining to stream down her cheeks.
"Elin, I...." he began. looking down at the ground shamefully.
"And mum.... you didn't think to contact her?!... Do you even realise what you did to 'er?!. You... you destroyed 'er!..... You left us... left me, to struggle... to suffer!... You just took off.... without so much as a bloody word!" she snapped. then turned, burrying her face against Undertakers chest.
Undertaker rested his hand on Elin's head, looking over at the strange man.
"You're wrong." he replied as he watched the silver haired reaper gently stroke her head.
Elin lifted her head, looking at him. simply staring.
"There were reasons.... and your mother.. your mother knew. You have to believe me sweety.. I had no choice!!. It was the only way to keep you safe.... Well.... some good that did huh?" he said as he looked away from her.
"Wh.. what do you mean?" said Elin, looking at him.
Lorcan sighed, shaking his head. "You're all grown up... I guess it's finally time you knew the truth.. You have a right after all" he said, looking back at her.
"I'm listening" she replied as she wiped her tears away.
Lorcan took a deep breath. "It was so long ago now... almost twentyfour years. You were still such an innocent little thing." he said softly, his eyes now looking straight at Elin's.
"Ya'see, I often headed down to the pub after work.. to sort'a unwind. One night I was sat there by meself and just out of chance, I over 'eard a group of local drunks talking... Or should I say plotting, to come after you're mother... and you... Some dribble about witchcraft. Guess the bastards didn't realise I was there... I 'eard it all. Naturally I was straight on defence mode... a good husband... good father should protect his family right?" he said, looking down at the ground again.
"Go on" said Undertaker, watching him closely.
"At the end of the evening I stood outside, waited for 'em... approached 'em as they walked along.. made it clear I knew about their little plan. Of course, it all turned in to a fight and already being angry... and a little drunk, I lost it. A side of me came to the suface that I'd done my best to keep tucked away. By the time I came to me sense's... all three men were dead. Unfortunatly it had all been seen, police had already been alerted and everything. So.. I panicked" he said, a look of true shame on his pale face.
"You went and did a runna, didn't ya?" said Undertaker.
"I 'ad no choice.. I couldn't stay there.. they were lookin' for me... the police.. the local folk... if they'd found me... if I'd just gone 'ome.. they would 'ave... 'sigh' I.. I couldn't let anything happen to me girls.... so I said me goodbye's... and..." he said as a tear ran down his cheek.
"And you left us.... without a hint... without a wisper that you were still alive... Nothing!. My mother just couldn't cope.... barely sixteen and I was left all alone, left to fend for meself!" she said as Undertaker gently wiped her tears away.
"Not as alone as you might think, love" said Lorcan, watching Elin.
"What?" she said, feeling a little confused.
"I might not have been there beside you pet... but I was still there.." he replied.
"Care to explain?" Undertaker asked as he felt Elin tense up in his arms.
Lorcan looked at him then back at Elin. "The extra bit of money your mum always seemed to have at the end of the month... I sent it to her. That expensive looking dress you got for your twelth birthday, but ya mum refused tell you how she could afford it... It was from me. Every time I got paid, I sent 'alf of it home. And that letter..." he said, a smile on his lips as he saw the shocked look on her face.
"Letter?.... but.... that was from mum... she left it for me.... I found it after I..." said Elin, her voice trailing off.
"No... it was from me.. I told ya mum to give it to you, when you were old enough... I didn't count on... well.." he sighed.
"You knew... everything that happened to me..... you knew.. and you did nothing?" said Elin a hint of anger in her voice.
"I wouldn't say that." said Ciel as he approached them.
Lorcan began to back away from the young Earl.
"Why the bloody hell are you still 'ere?... And more to the point... What do you mean?" said Elin, frowning at the Phantomhive boy.
"Care to explain Mr Mckenzie? Or should I?" said the young Earl as he stepped closer.
Lorcan looked at Elin, a sad expression on his face. "Please... forgive me..."
"I knew you were involved somehow Elin... " said Ciel with a self-satisfied smirk.
Elin stared at Ciel. "What?.." she asked as she looked over at her father, a sudden feeling of realisation slowly sinking in.
"The man before you miss Elin, is the very man we've been searching for, all along." said Sebastian as he gave her a some what simpathetic nod.
Elin stared at her father. "Tell me he's wrong" she said, her eyes welling up again.
Lorcan looked at Ciel "Surely you understand... those lunatic's.. those.. those monsters!!. What they did.. to my little girl. They.. they deserved to be punished" he growled.
"So you hunted them all down, one by one. Women and men and you killed them... using herbal methods in an attempt to make it seem natural." said Ciel.
"Quite the smart young lad aren't you?." said Lorcan, a dark smile on his lips.

Undertaker watched him, his arm tight around Elin as he slowly began to pull her away. Elin looked up at him, a confused look on her face.
"Don't much like the look of this, love" he wispered in her ear.
"I'd think you of all people, would understand.... Phantomhive. Seems that beloved queen of yours, really does have a tight lead on you.. little guard dog." Lorcan smirked, taking a step towards the young Earl.
Sebastian stepped forward, blocking his path. "So you're admitting it?!" he said as he carefully watched the auben haired man.
"I denie nothing... nor do I regret it. I just wish my daughter hadn't been so caught up in it" he replied, a smirk on his lips as he looked at the butler.
"Then it's over." said Ciel, a smug look on his face as he tapped his walking stick on the cobbled floor.
"Oh I beg to differ." said Lorcan as he reached inside his cloak.

"Don't do this.. please.." said Elin, staring at her father as she pulled away from Undertaker.
Lorcan glanced back at her. "The day you were born I promised your mother I'd always protect you.... no matter what. I will not break that promise!" he replied as he drew the long blade out, his eyes now firmly on the butler.

"How incredibly noble of you. Although rather inacurate don't you think" said Sebastian, the shiney silverwear gripped tightly in his hands.
"Not that it's going to help you now." he continued, a dark smile on his lips.
"Scary talk for a mere butler... or should I say, demon!" Lorcan replied, his eyes now a luminous green glow.

"So you're the reaper... " said Ciel, staring.
"Half reaper to be precise." said Sebastian, smirking. "Well then... lets see if you're as good as a 'real' one" he continued, a hint of sarcasum in his voice.
A look of anger crossed Lorcan's face as he launched at the butler, the blade pointed straight at him. Sebastian dodged him, flinging a knife at the auburn man as he moved.
Elin stared. "No.. stop! please....." she began, her cries muffled as Undertaker gently rested his hand across her mouth.
"It'll be over soon." he said softly as he glanced up at the nearby roof. Tears began to run down her cheeks as it all finally sank in and as she turned to rest her head on Undertaker chest, she noticed the shadowed figure dive off the roof, landing behind them.

Lorcan dodged and swung, swinging his sword as the butler ran past him. The blade catching his arm.
"Not a bad aim." said sebastian, holding his now bleeding limb. He ducked as the auban man swung again, attacking from behind.
Lorcan cried out in pain as the sharp blades hit him deep in the back, he turned, thrusting the sword hard at the butler. The long blade penetraiting Sebastians gut. He looked at Elin as he hit the cold cobble stone floor. "Elin... I... I... please..... forgive m..." he said as he passed out.
Elin ran over shoving Sebastian over as he stood there pulling the sword out. She knelt down, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You.... you fool!" she said softly, looking up as she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry sweety." came a familiar voice.
Elin looked up to see the tall, red haired reaper stood beside her.
"It's time." said Grell as he reached his hand out, helping Elin to her feet.
"I... I understand." she said, looking at Grell "I'm.. I'm glad it's you" she wispered as she hugged him tight.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ciel snapped, glaring at the red-head.
Grell smirked at the young Earl "My job, obviously" he said sarcastcly, rolling his eye.
"C'mon love.." said Undertaker as he took Elin's hand. "Ya don't need to see this." he said as he began to lead her away.
"Wait.." she said quietly, glancing over at Sebastian.

Elin walked up to Sebastian, paying no attention to Grell as he grinned, running his sythe straight through Lorcan.
"Miss Elin.. I.." Sebastian began, stopping suddenly as Elin's hand colided hard with his face. he stood there, a stunned expression on his face.
"What the hell was that for?!" Ciel snapped, staring at her.
Elin glared at him "He knew... He knew and yet he allowed it to come to this!" she growled.

Ciel stared at the butler. "Is this true Sebastian?!" he asked as he looked at the raven haired butler.
"Indeed it is, master." said Sebastian, moving closer to the young Earl.
"Explain yourself!." Ciel snapped angrily.
"You see my Lord, I put the peices together some time ago. The odd connections, the locations and of course miss Elin's somewhat colourful past, all led to one conclusion. The location's all of which, not far from the very hospital miss Elin worked in... the very hospital she.. 'died' in. Each victim connected to the that very hospital and each and every one of them connected to each other by a specific inccident... both inccidents, matching the discription of miss Elin's. and then of course the missing father. It was all quite clear." said Sebastian, smugly.

"And you didn't think to inform me?!" Ciel snapped, glaring at the butler.
"My appologies Master, but I had to be sure first." he replied then looked at Elin. "And you too miss... I'm sorry that it came to this, but I had no choice. He was your father, yes... but he was also a dangerous killer." he said, giving Elin a small bow.
"I.. I know.." she said softly.
"Such a shame... A good man and a loving father... who simply lost his way." said Grell, his blood soaked sythe resting on his shoulder.
"His cinematic record..." said Ciel, looking down at the body.
"Hmm.. I supose, in the begining it was understandable... But he let all the anger and hate consume him, and slowly became the very thing he was fighting against. Too bad, shame really. He would have made a good reaper." said Grell with a shrug.
"Speaking of which sweety, they are always looking for new recrutes" he added smiling as he looked at Elin.
"I'll think I'll keep it on the maybe list for now.. If that's ok with you" she replied with a small smile.
Grell grinned at her then looked over at Sebastian "Well my beloved bassy, I'm afraid I must leave you.. Such a busy day ahead and all" he said and winked.
Sebastian rolled his eye "Oh good grief" he muttered as he made his way past the red-haired reaper, towards Elin as she turned to walk away. "Leaving so soon" he said as he stepped infront of her.
"I think she's been through enough for now, don't you butler? Being accused of being a murderer, sharing information she'd rather not have, finding her long lost father and then witnessing him die... Show at least a little simpathy hmm?" said Undertaker as he stepped between Sebastian and Elin.
"Perhaps he's right.. for now" said Ciel, gesturing for the butler to come to him.
"You alright love?" said Undertaker as he pulled Elin close to him, watching as the young Earl drape Sebastians long coat over the body.
"Do I really need to answer that?" replied Elin as she reached up, gently running her fingers through his long silver hair.
"Why don't we go find something to eat, leave young Phantomhive to clean up his own mess" said Undertaker as he slipped an arm around her waist, leading her away.

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