Through Clove's Eyes

By CatoxClove_Forever

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Clove went to the Games to win but, will a certain District 1 tribute get in her way. Could he lead her to he... More

Through Clove's Eyes
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

203 4 1
By CatoxClove_Forever

"You're doing well." Says a guy from my prep team. Yeah no shit Sherlock, I'm from District 2 and I have received treatments like waxing and exfoliation before.

But, he is in his first year as a prep team member so, I smile and thank him for the compliment. I've only been in the remake center for an hour and I'm almost ready to meet my stylist. They finish moisturizing my skin and leave to get my stylist.

I sit up and put on my robe. My stylist walks in and he kind of freaks me out. He has bright blue hair, white painted skin and gold colored lips. I feel freaked out even more when he smiles at me. His teeth are all sharpened to look like fangs.

How can anyone think this looks good to look like this? "Hello Clove. I'm Livius your stylist." He says professional and extending his hand out to me. I shake his hand and say, "Hello nice to meet." Even though it really isn't nice to meet him.

He smiles at me again. I really wish he will stop doing that.

"So, I have been collaborating with your fellow tribute Cato's stylist, Calpurnia, about your costumes. We decided to dress you and Cato in gladiator attire to show your district's strength." He explains to me. "Sounds good." I say with a smile.

It really isn't that bad. I'm happy I won't be naked. Last year our tributes were naked and painted to look like stone. I felt sorry for that girl last year because she did not look comfortable with her stylist decision.

I probably wouldn't have been either to be quite honest. I get in my costume and the only thing I don't like about it is the head piece. It has these obnoxious feathered accents on the sides of my helmet. But, other than that I don't look half bad.

Livius dismisses me after giving me the okay. I go out to the stables to see Cato sitting on a crate. It takes every fiber in my body not to laugh. He is wearing a head band with even more obnoxious feather accents than mine.

"Nice head band Hermes." I say remembering a lesson on ancient cultures and deities from school. He does look like Hermes, the Greek messenger God. He gives me a look of shut up or else but, I just stand there and smirk at him.

"Shut up. I know my head gear looks stupid. Just stop making fu… I'm gonna go over there." He says then sprints off. I look to where he is running and see the girl from District 1 has shown up.

I see Cato flirting with her and she is returning the same behavior back to him. I roll my eyes and smile. I am standing there when I hear a voice addressing me, "Hi."

I look and see the boy from District 1, Marvel, standing next to me and smiling at me. "Hi." I say confused and raise an eyebrow at him. "You're Clove, Clove Crassus right?" he asks. "Um, yes." I reply a little nervious.

He remembered my name from the reaping. "Well, I'm Marvel Valor. You know you are so much prettier in person." He says and kisses the back of my hand and winks at me. My mouth is hanging open and I feel a blush on my cheeks.

I don't know how to react. Just then Cato comes in and says, "Buddy, can I talk to you for a second?" Marvel smiles at me then says, "Sure. I'll be right back Clove." I can hear their conversation. "Hey, what's up?" Marvel asks.

"It's about Clove…" he starts and Marvel interrupts, "She is gorgeous. Does she have a boyfriend?" "Just be careful with her, one wrong move and bad things will happen." Cato warns. "Like what?" Marvel asks curious.

"Look, one time 2 years ago this guy Apollo tried to kiss her and well… Do you really want to know?" Cato asks his voice still laced with disbelief by the memory. "Tell me?" Marvel asks intrigued.

"Okay she beat the crap out of him and tried to castrate him with one her knives but, a trainer stopped her before she could though." Cato says up front. "Tell me all you like. I am not changing my mind." Marvel says.

"Okay, it's your life not mine." Cato says then goes back to talk to Glimmer. What was that? First of all the story was true but, in my defense Apollo had it coming. He flirted and groped every girl who had a pulse.

He was a huge womanizing asshole. But, I guess Cato was just doing it for me because, he and I look out for each other. "I'm back." Marvel says with a smile. Oh that smile almost made me melt. Everything about him is perfect.

"Yes you are." I say with a smirk. He smiles wider. "Marvel, why are you doing this? You say I'm pretty and I just want to know, why me?" I ask because I am curious. He smiles at me. He called me pretty and gorgeous in the last 10 minutes.

"Well, you're different. All the girls from my district are superficial and shallow. You seem natural and real. You also have this mystery about you that I want to figure out." He tells me with a genuine smile.

I am about to reply when, the trumpets sound to start the parade. "I'll talk to you after this alright." He says then, I nod in understanding. We load up onto our chariots and start moving.

I am indifferently waving at the crowd like Cato but, I look to Marvel in front of us waving and smiling at the crowd. Glimmer is trying not laugh but, I can see her slip every now and then.

The crowd loves it. Until the District 12 tributes come out on fire and suddenly we don't exist. I see them holding hands and their costumes ablaze. I am so angry this is supposed to be our show not the all about District 12.

Once the chariot pulls in Cato and I both stomp away. "Cato, Clove where are you going?" asks Brutus. We ignore him and we hear him screaming at us but, we don't care.

We ride the elevator up to our floor and Cato and I go into our separate rooms. Once inside I start swearing and I punt my helmet across the room.

As far as I'm concerned those tributes from 12 can both die slowly and painfully for showing us up. I start breaking things and then I hear a knock on my door. I stomp angrily toward the door thinking Brutus was there.

I open the door and shout, "I don't want to…" Then I feel someone kiss me. I open my eyes to see Marvel is the person kissing me. I melt into it. It is my first kiss because, I have never bothered to ever have a boyfriend or pursue one.

Besides all the boys back home are too scared of me to want to date me anyway. Marvel pulls away and says, "You ran away." "I was upset." I say to explain myself.

"We can get her in the arena don't let it get to you. I'll see you at training tomorrow." He says and kisses me one last time. "Goodnight Clove." He says and kisses my hand and walks back to the elevator.

"Night Marvel." I call to him." He smiles at me then walks into the elevator. I go back into my room and crawl into my sheets trying to process what just happened. Okay so, I got showed up, I got mad, and Marvel kissed me.

He kissed me? I can't believe it. But, it happened and for some reason I feel… I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm confused and happy at the same time. I can't wait to see Marvel tomorrow morning. Let the Games begin.

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