Fear, Love and Snow

By paris_girl22

45K 1.4K 411

Stiles Stilinski isn't your ordinary boy. Some may call him a freak, others may call him a monster or cursed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

2K 66 24
By paris_girl22

Theo yells out in surprise and pain as his claws bounce straight off the icy Scott figure, the rebound sending him to the ground, his body sliding along the ice. Hearing the commotion, Stiles stops crying, opens his eyes and turns around and screams in horror at the sight in front of him.

"Scott!" Stiles cries out, sounding heartbroken as he gets to his feet and rushes around to the front of Scott to see him. Before he can fully check on Scott, he hears a groan and a growl from behind him and he sees Theo starting to get up, in his werewolf form. "I don't think so, you asshole!" Stiles practically snarls in anger and narrows his eyes at the traitor and sends a wall of ice towards Theo, smashing into Theo, knocking him out. Stiles then turns back around and focuses his attention back on Scott, his heart breaking and his stomach diving into the depths of hell as he gazes at Scott's terrified, yet determined frozen expression.

"No... Oh god, please no..." Stiles whimpers as he shakily reaches his hands out and caresses Scott's icy face in his hands, making this feel all the more real for Stiles. Stiles' total focus is on Scott now, not noticing how Lydia runs over to the two of them, a hand over her mouth to contain her sobs, tears in her eyes. Lydia keeps a bit of distance though, not wanting to upset Stiles further. Lydia just can't believe what she is seeing. They were only just a tiny bit too late.

Stiles looks over Scott's icy figure again, trying to find any part of him that isn't ice, but of course, no such luck. Even if what Theo told him just before was a lie, Scott is definitely dead now, his body forever to be an ice statue, staring worriedly and bravely at nothing.  "No... Scotty... You can't be gone... Please don't be gone..." Stiles whispers as he gazes back into Scott's frozen eyes again, his once beautiful eyes that will never see the light of day again. "What have I done?" Stiles asks shakily in a quiet whisper, tears continue to fill up Stiles' own already red and puffy eyes, blurring his vision.

"I need you, Scott. I love you so much, please don't leave me." Stiles cries as he basically collapses onto Scott's frozen form, sobbing into Scott's icy cold shoulder. Stiles cries and sobs harder as he realizes that he really did kill his best friend, the person that he loves, the person that has always been there for him through everything, no matter what. Stiles wishes with everything that he has that Scott could just hug him back and reassure him everything will be okay right now... But he can't. This makes Stiles sob harder.

"I love you..." Stiles continues to cry, his tears dropping down onto Scott's icy shoulder. Lydia hates the sight that is playing out in front of her. Lydia's heart breaks for Stiles, seeing how upset and broken he is over Scott. If only Lydia had gotten Scott to Stiles a little sooner, then maybe they wouldn't be in this horrible situation right now. Tears pour down Lydia's face, blurring her visions and she barely stifles her sob. At least she knows that Scott died for something worthwhile. He saved Stiles' life. Scott would have to be happy with that, Lydia is almost 100% certain of it. Lydia looks down at the ground and closes her eyes tightly, trying to block out the awful world around her, listening to Stiles' heart wrenching sobs, wanting this nightmare all to be over.

Stiles continues to cling onto Scott as he sobs heavily, his tears continuing to drip down onto Scott's body, never wanting to let go of his best friend. This is Stiles' fault. All of it. "I'm so sorry, Scotty..." Stiles whimpers between his sobs. Each second is worse than the last as Stiles hugs onto Scott's ice statue tightly, wondering why the hell Scott would ever die for him. Stiles nuzzles his face into Scott's cold, icy neck as he continues to sob in despair, his body shaking rapidly, his throat sore from all the sobbing and crying while his face is soaked with horrified tears as well as his tears of pure pain and grief.

Unknown to Stiles and Lydia, as they aren't looking, the middle of Scott's chest starts to thaw out and slowly unfreeze, returning to normal. The thawing process slowly begins to spread out from Scott's chest to the rest of his body. Lydia looks up for a moment to see this happening and gasps in shock, clearly not expecting to see this happening. Her heart feels like it is in her throat as she continues to watch as Scott keeps thawing out, the ice melting and fading away while Stiles still sobs into Scott's neck, completely unaware of what is going on. Lydia sniffles and wipes away her tears, hope starting to rise up inside of her again. Lydia's heart is beating extra fast as she watches the ice disappear, bringing the real and alive (she hopes) version of Scott back again.

"Stiles..." Lydia whispers, her voice cracking slightly as she starts to walk forward, knowing that she should get Stiles' attention. He doesn't seem to hear her, still caught up in his own world of grief.

"Stiles!" Lydia tries again, louder this time, sounding breathless as Scott continues to heal until there is no more ice, causing Scott to stumble and move a little bit from the desperate defensive and protective position he was in to protect Stiles from Theo just before. Scott gasps, taking in his first breath after thawing out, blinking in shock and confusion.

Stiles finally notices the warmth and the movement of the 'statue' that he is clinging onto desperately as well as hearing Lydia calling his name, so he slowly looks up in confusion and hope to see Scott alive and well, the color returning to his skin, his hair brown again (not even the small white streak that had been there for years remains) and he is most definitely not a block of ice anymore. "Scott?" Stiles asks, a smile appearing on his face as he quickly gets to his feet, still holding onto Scott, his eyes still filled with tears. Stiles waits with baited breath, not quite sure whether or not believe that this is real.

"Stiles," Scott replies breathlessly with a warm and happy smile on his face, glad to see that Stiles is okay, not really caring that he was an ice statue just moments before. Stiles lets out a relieved and joyful cry and then pulls Scott into a tight hug, sobbing into his now warm shoulder, his body shaking in relief. Scott hugs Stiles back just as tightly, closing his eyes and sighs happily, not wanting to let go, afraid that he'll lose Stiles again.

"Oh my god, oh my god, you're okay! You're alive!" Stiles cries heavily into Scott's shoulder, overwhelmed with joy and relief.

"I thought that I killed you!" Stiles adds, his voice breaking a bit as he continues to sob.

"It's okay. You're okay. I'm okay, Stiles. I'm here. I'm here with you." Scott says softly, rubbing Stiles' back comfortingly, a single tear falling from Scott's eye. Eventually Stiles pulls away from the hug so he can take a look at Scott, his eyes still very puffy and red from all the crying. Stiles cups Scott's face with his hands, to make sure that it's real. Feeling its warmth and softness almost sends Stiles into another wave of sobbing, but he manages not to.

"You sacrificed yourself... For me?" Stiles asks, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I love you," Scott admits simply and truthfully, causing Stiles' heart to skip a beat for a moment and then melt a little bit.

"I love you too, Scott." Stiles replies, letting out a shaky laugh of relief, happy tears still falling from his eyes. Scott smiles in response, taking Stiles' hands from Scott's face and squeezes them gently.

"An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart," Lydia says with a smile, repeating the words she heard Derek use about trying to heal Scott when she was back at the school with the others.

"I told you that he loved you, Scott." Lydia adds with a satisfied smirk, drying her eyes once again as she walks over to the two boys, who are still crying silently in relief, not letting go of each other's hands. Lydia chuckles as she notices the both of them blush. Lydia suspects that the act of true love that saved Scott was shared between the both of them, the first part being Scott leaping in front of Stiles to save him while sacrificing himself, and the second part being Stiles crying and grieving in despair while hugging onto Scott, feeling lost and helpless without him. It might not have worked if one of those two parts were missing. True love should be a two way thing anyway, in Lydia's opinion.

"Yeah, yeah, okay Lydia." Scott mumbles, obviously a little embarrassed.

"And I'm really sorry for not realizing that the person that I am really in love with and want to have by my side for the rest of my life was right there in front of me the whole time. Well, when you weren't locked in your room, of course. Still, that doesn't change the fact that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just wish that I didn't have to work all of this out by crushing on Theo. You were so right about him. I'm so sorry." Scott apologizes to Stiles with a sheepish smile. Realization finally dawns in Stiles' eyes, a bright smile appearing on his face. He takes a step back and pulls his hands out of Scott's looking at them in amazement.

"Love... Of course." Stiles laughs, feeling silly for not seeing it before.

"Stiles?" Scott asks in confusion while Lydia frowns curiously, wondering what is going on.

Stiles doesn't answer, but he does lift his arms up in the air, looking hopefully at the ground below him. Stiles thinks of his happiest memories and of everyone who he loves, including Scott, his dad, Lydia, Malia, Kira, Liam, Deaton, Melissa and so on. He thinks about how much he loves those people and instead of thinking about the possibility of hurting them, he focuses on the loving part and how grateful he is to have them in his life, using it as a positive tool instead of allowing fear to turn love into a weapon.

Scott and Lydia gasp in surprise as the ice and snow on the ground starts to melt and starts to be lifted up into the air, along with the snow and ice on all of the buildings and trees all throughout Beacon Hills. Scott, Lydia and Stiles all watch in fascination as the snow and ice continues to melt and all starts to gather up in the air, forming a large snowflake. Stiles then spreads out his arms, causing the large snowflake of snow, dark storm clouds and ice to dissipate into nothing. Stiles sighs in relief, finally not feeling afraid for the first time in a long time. He's finally gotten the hang of his powers. He brought back spring and stopped the stormy winter threatening Beacon Hills.

"Wow," Lydia comments in amazement, surprised at how there isn't a speck of snow left. The town looks exactly like it did before Stiles lost control of his powers a couple days ago at his party.

"I knew you could do it." Scott says proudly as he turns to Stiles. The boy in question blushes in response and smiles bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes widen in surprise as Scott leans forward and presses a light, quick and gentle kiss to Stiles' lips. Scott grins and bites his lip slightly as he pulls away, wondering what Stiles' reaction is going to be. Of course, Stiles is surprised, his heart rate speeding up and he blinks rapidly for a moment after the kiss, trying to process it. Scott giggles a little, finding Stiles' response cute. In the next moment, he stops giggling as Stiles gently grabs the sides of Scott's face and pulls him in for a longer, deeper, more passionate and loving kiss, which Scott happily melts into, resting his hands on Stiles' waist as he closes his eyes and enjoys the kiss. Stiles hums happily and kisses Scott deeper, closing his own eyes, still caressing Scott's face with his hands, appreciating the fact that it isn't frozen anymore.

Lydia smiles proudly at the sweet sight happening right in front of her eyes. Lydia nods a little in satisfaction, happy with how everything turned out. She's very happy that she proved Scott right, but she's even happier to see that both Scott and Stiles are alive and okay, totally in love with each other, allowing them to be happy again for the first time in a long time.

After another 30 seconds of watching the two make out, Lydia decides to interrupt them before it goes any further. Lydia fake coughs very loudly, definitely gaining Scott and Stiles' attention. They pull out of the kiss and look at Lydia with surprise, almost as if they forgot she was there for a moment. Lydia rolls her eyes and shakes her head in amusement at the two oblivious boys standing in front of her.

"I hate to interrupt your oh so sweet and tender moment together, but Stiles just unfroze Beacon Hills, and everyone knows about his powers now. I'm sure that is going to be a tough thing to talk about with the rest of the town, convincing them that you're not a danger." Lydia says, going back into serious mode, worrying for Stiles' safety again. She didn't like what she saw Chris text Noah, saying that there were hunters going after Stiles.

"I know, but I'm just taking the moment to appreciate the fact that we're all alive and that we're all safe." Stiles answers Lydia, sounding at peace. This is the first real bit of peace he has had ever since he first accidentally struck Scott with his powers all those years ago. Now, he can worry about that a little less, since he has control of his powers now. Besides, Scott's streak of white hair is gone, so there is no painful visual reminder for what Stiles did either. It also helps that Scott knows about the accident now and forgives Stiles for it, not blaming him at all.

"We're all alive," Stiles repeats, marvelling over that fact.

"Yes, we are." Scott agrees with a beam in return. Suddenly, the teenagers hear a groan from behind them. They turn around and watch as Theo starts to regain consciousness and wobbly gets to his feet, shaking his head slightly to recollect himself. "You son of a bitch! I'll kill you! I'll stick you in an ice block forever!" Stiles hisses, narrowing his eyes at the werewolf that attempted to kill him, betrayed Scott and left Scott for dead, so he starts to rush towards Theo to attack him, but Scott holds Stiles back. Stiles gives Scott a confused look, while Lydia stares angrily at Theo.

"Let me handle this." Scott gives Stiles a reassuring smile and gives Stiles' hand a gentle squeeze to calm him down. Stiles relents and goes back to stand next to Lydia, the two of them watching as Scott walks up to Theo.

"Scott? How are you... But he froze your heart." Theo stammers in confusion, gesturing at Stiles for a moment, which only causes Stiles to scowl at Theo angrily. Lydia puts her hand on Stiles' arm to try and help keep him to stay calm. Meanwhile, Scott stares calmly at Theo, his expression not wavering.

"The only frozen heart around here is yours, Theo." Scott informs the other boy matter of factly while Theo just stares at him strangely. Scott turns to walk away, but suddenly spins back around and punches Theo square in the face, sending him to the ground, making a small noise of pain before going completely silent, as he goes unconscious again.

"Well, well. I'm impressed, Scott." Lydia smirks, folding her arms across her chest. Scott turns back around to face Lydia and Stiles again, who both look surprised, but happy at what Scott just did.

"He deserved it. He left me to die and he almost killed Stiles." Scott shrugs, not even seeing the need to mention about Theo's clearly bad intentions with taking away Scott's pack for his own.

"Hell yeah he deserved that, and much more. I hope he rots in jail forever." Stiles adds, still upset with the fact that Theo hurt Scott and betrayed him. Stiles knows for a fact that he would never ever do that to Scott, and even makes a silent promise to himself that he will never even think of doing anything like that to Scott, including simply pushing him away out of fear again.

"I'm sure he will get the right punishment." Scott remarks, glancing down at the unconscious boy for a moment before looking back up at Stiles and Lydia. As Stiles and Scott make eye contact again, Stiles rushes forward and pulls Scott in for another tight and comforting hug, both of them enjoying the feeling of being together again. Stiles will never shut out his friends or family again. Stiles glances over to see Lydia standing a foot away, gazing at him and Scott proudly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Come on, join the hug. I've missed you too, you know. You helped Scott get to me in time, and I'm forever thankful for that and everything else that you have done for me, Lydia." Stiles says as he offers out a hand for Lydia. The banshee hesitates for a moment before tentatively reaches out and takes Stiles' hand. Stiles then grins and quickly pulls Lydia into the hug as well, which now becomes a group hug.

"I'm just glad that everything is okay now." Lydia admits quietly as she closes her eyes, holding onto her two friends tightly.

"Me too. I think we all are," Stiles adds, letting out a long breath, allowing himself to relax in Scott and Lydia's hold.

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