The Tutor And The Punk

By Vperder

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Kagamine Len is your everyday school nerd at Vocaloid H.Q Academy. He never had any interest in girls until... More

How I met her/Rin secret! (Edited)
Rin's Side. [NOT EDITED]
Tutoring. [NOT EDITED]
Rin's Past & Len's Past [NOT EDITED]
New partner! [NOT EDITED]
Enemies To Friends? [NOT EDIT]
Revealed!?! [NOT EDITED]
New Friend!
Festival Miracles part 1
Writers block
New pets!
Festival miracles part 2
Blue Star one-shot
Memories & Doubt
Ranking? (Not a chapter)
The new kid/project
REI IS WHO?!?!?!
The past.

Reveled once more.

81 2 0
By Vperder

Len's P.O.V

I woke up out of my dream and I was panting heavily. I was saturated in sweat and my covers were sprawled all over the floor. I looked up and saw Saki sitting on the very edge of the bed chuckling to herself. How sadistic. She looked up at me and we had a mini staring contest. After a couple of seconds, she started laughing. Then I started laughing. Why are we laughing? What is going on? Well if you think we stopped............nope! We kept laughing. 

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally stopped. Nothing happened though. There wasn't a sound to be heard; until Saki stood up and walked away from the bed. It was 3:00 AM. The "Witching Hour". (A/N: Before you think I believe in the witching hour, I'm going to tell you right now, I DO NOT believe in that.) I looked out my window and saw Gemini up in the sky. I smiled. Gemini reminded me of Rin and I. Why? Well, that's simple. Gemini looks like 2 people holding hands. What a warm feeling it is. Lovers. (A/N: I know Gemini is supposed to be twins, but I like to see it as lovers instead. Don't judge. Please.)

I smile and fall back asleep. Before I do, I hear the very faint voice of Saki down in the living room. 

"Kokoro kiseki. What fun. Tee-hee", I hear Saki chant. Over and over again. Whats wrong with her?

I just shrug it off and slowly drift off to sleep. My dreams were blank and pitch black. Eh, the Baku must have eaten it already. Dumb Baku; elephant thing. 

---------- NEXT MORNING ---------

Rin's P.O.V

I wake up to a sore back and a stiff neck. After getting my neck back to normal, I inspect the place I slept last night. No wonder my back was sore, I slept on my desk. My rock-hard, gelid desk. I rub my eyes open completely and drag myself off the desk and end up landing on the floor with a huge thud. My face turned completely red as I scream an irritated scream. I get up and storm out of the room and into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and start to undress. Once I'm done, I jump into the shower then jump right back out. The water is freezing! I look at myself in the mirror and whine. I hop back into the ice cold water and take an extremely quick shower. Once I get out, I wrap a towel around me and scurry down the stairs and into my room. I took off my towel and put on my regular school cloths, which was a big yellow bow, plain yellow sweater, a short frilly skirt, orange and black patterned socks that go all the way up to my thighs, and simple brown strap-on shoes. Once I'm done, I look at the time. 8:49. I'm late to school I guess.

I simply shrug it off and start walking to school. On the way there, I couldn't help but notice the wonderful scenery. There were pink and yellow blossoms flying around everywhere. All of them reminded me of the school festival. Wait, the school festival! I almost forgot! I started sprinting towards the school, when suddenly a car zoomed right pass me and through an enormous muddy puddle, causing the water to splash all over me. It saturated my cloths, and made it wrinkly. I stopped in my tracks and screamed my head off. People turned their gaze towards me, but immediately looked away when they saw my face completely red with burning with fury. I stomped my way to school.  The walk, or should I say stomp, to school was full of branches falling on my head, birds sitting on my shoulder, me tripping multiple times, my hair & socks & skirt occasionally snagging on random things, and my bow being taken off my head by . I am ready to kill myself when suddenly I remember the school festival. With that, I started running to school, ignoring all the stuff that was happening to me. As I was running, a few thoughts came to mind. Felix has been acting up lately, and I have no idea why. Maybe it's because we are closer to finding him. Before I continue, let me explain what I'm talking about. That's right, story time! Ok so it all-wait. I HAVE TO GET TO SCHOOL! With that I started sprinting even faster than I ever had before. I'll save the story for later.

I reach the school gates and take a deep breath. I exhale heavily and start walking into the school and into the hallways. Such ugly hallways. I quickly take a glance at the clock on the wall and see the time. 9:45. Yep, I'm screwed. I power walk down the hallway until I see my classroom. I stop in front of the door, a little hesitant to open it, for I know hell awaits me on the other side. I sigh heavily and burst open the door with my foot. The door flung open and collided with the wall, causing a huge BA-BOOM to echo throughout the classroom. Girls gasped at my appearance while the guys chuckled. I mean, who wouldn't. My appearance was indeed horrible. My bow was missing an "ear", while the other "ear" was torn in a few places. My hair looked like I had just come out of a tornado. It had some twigs, leaf's, and feathers sticking out of it. My shirt lost its pure white color and is all wrinkly. My socks had enormous rips in a few places and were scrunched up. My shoes were faded of their color while the straps were slightly damaged.

Mrs. Meiko had concern written all over her face, but that concern soon turned into fury. I could see her face light up the color of red. I looked around the classroom to see students showing me faces of pity and fear. From this I knew something bad was going to happen. I swallowed down any courage I had and dared to look at Mrs. Meiko. She looked, but instead of yelling at me first, she narrowed her eyes at me and scanned my appearance. Then......she yelled at me.

"MS.KAGAMI! IF YOU THINK I WILL EXCUSE YOUR TARDY BY TRYING TO MAKE ME PITY YOU, YOU CAN FORGET IT!", she screeched. Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard when she screams. I rolled my eyes and responded to her.

"Ya know, for a teacher, you're extremely vacuous. Only someone like you would think such an ignorant thought.", I taunted her with a smirk.

I heard light giggles from the girls and mini chuckles from the guys. I knew this was a sign that I was winning the battle. But was I winning the war? Well, I better move my pieces carefully or else my king will be put into checked-mate.

"Ms. Kagamine, please, just go take your seat.", Mrs. Meiko said, sighing in defeat.  

I smiled in triumph and headed over to my seat. I always knew Mrs. Meiko's king was easy to check-mate. After all, she never watched carefully as to where she placed her pieces. Anyone who doesn't watch carefully will have their king in check-mate. If that happens, its game over. I can see through everyone in this school, no matter if its good or bad. For example, Miku looks like a nice girl who wants to be everyone's friend on the outside, but on the inside, shes filled with jealousy and sorrow. I can't say I blame her though. Kaito has really been treating her like trash lately. And I'm going to do something about it. 

I break out of my thoughts and start paying attention to class, for once. Mrs. Meiko starts writing the words, "Festival Plans", on the board in huge, curly letters. She turns back to us and starts scanning the classroom for any absent students. No one was absent, so we went on with our day. 

"Ok class, as you all know, the school festival will be held tomorrow night at 6:00 PM sharp! So today, we will be decorating, cleaning, and practicing for the festival. I will assign each group a job.", Mrs. Meiko announces with a clap of her hands. 

With that, everyone got up and went to their groups. I simply turn my head to face Len. He does sit right next to me after all. So there was no reason for me to get up. I wait for him to snap out of his thoughts so we can get started. While waiting, I look around and try to spot Neru. After a while, I see Neru running up to me like a wolf being chased by a hunter. She stopped right in front of my desk before crashing into it. It seems she misplaced her pieces. Shes about to walk right into check-mate. Hee-hee.  

"Sorry Rin, I was texting on my phone and got distracted.", Neru explained.


"Its fine. Who were you texting anyways?" 

"Oh, just my boyfriend."


"Oh. What is his name? Does he come to this school?" 

"His name is Rinto. And yes, he does come to this school."


"W-WHAT! BUT, RINTO IS MY BOYFRIEND!", I heard some girl scream as she was holding onto, who I believed to be, was Rinto. 

I could see Neru's face pale and her legs turn to jelly. She turned around and saw Rinto and, who I believed was, Lenka arm's linked together as Rinto caressed Lenka's cheek. The sight of this was upsetting. Men. Why can't they be like Len? 

"R-R-RINTO! W-WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!", Neru screamed as she ran out of the classroom. 

Lenka and Rinto simply laughed and walked away with smirks while flirting with each other. 


I sighed and look over to my side to see a disapproving Len glaring at me. We stared at each other for a while. Suddenly, Len got up and walked away, leaving me in a room with a bunch of people chit-chatting with their peers. Wow, for once I fell lonely. Pssh, what am I saying! I can't fell loneliness even if I wanted to. Thats just how I work. Why? Not even I know. 

I look around and wait for Len or Neru to come back. After 5 minutes, I could already tell, they weren't coming back. I sighed and got up to see what my group was supposed to do before they ran off.

"2nd floor cleaning"

I nodded and went to go get cleaning supplies. Once I got there, I also saw Miku's group rummaging around threw the supplies. I went up to Miku and tapped on her shoulder a bit. She jerked up in surprise and turned around to face me. Her dull face soon turned into a joyful smile. 

"Oh hi Rin! What do you need?", Miku asked while cocking her head to the side. 

"I just needed some cleaning supplies to clean the 2nd floor.", I explained. 

"Wait, what about the rest of your group?", Miku questioned. 

"Well, Neru ran off after learning that Rinto was cheating on her, and Len got mad at me. I didn't even do anything!", I answered her. 

"Oh, I see. Well, would you like to join us? We were also assigned the 2nd floor.", Miku cheered with glee. 

"Sure.", I reply. 

With that being said, we grab the supplies and head on up to the 2nd floor. We start to wash the windows, floors, and walls. We clean in dead silence. Its very uncomfortable. I start to scrap the windows when suddenly, I hear a crack. All of watch in horror as the crack gets bigger and bigger. We tried stopping it, but the wind outside is adding pressure, causing the crack to get bigger and bigger. We all start to panic and try running out of the hallway, but before we can, a huge wall of steel drops down, causing us to run the other way. Once we reach the end of the hall, we turn around, and see the huge piece of steel coming towards us. I have no choice. If I don't do this now, everyone will be squashed. 

"Kaito, just in case we don't make it, I want you to know that I love you!", Miku blurted out as she pulled Kaito into a strong embrace.

"I love you to, Miku Hatsune.", Kaito responds lovingly as he plants a kiss on her lips. I can see tears forming at the corner of her eyes. I sigh and get ready.

"Black Star power, make-up!", I yell. I then transform right in front of everyone. 

Once I'm done, I look back to see everyone with shocked looks. I smile and chuckle. 

"Don't worry guys, I'll get you out of here.", I reassure them. I look back at the huge piece of steel and scowl.

(1)"Shinde sakebu!", I screech. With one huge blast, the steel is gone. 

I feel someone tackle me with a hug as I fall to the ground laughing. I look up at the others and see faces of relief and joy looking down upon me. Sure Blue would get mad at me for reveling my identity, but then again, I don't think he would care. Not with his bullcrap attitude. I sigh and focous on the girl who is chocking me to death. Miku. I smile and hug her back. After a while, we get up off the floor. I'm about to leave, when suddenly I remember something. 

"Hey guys, please don't tell anyone about my identity please. It must remain a secret. For the safety of others.", I ask with a pleading smile. 

"Of course. Your wish is our command.", Miku says with a servant like voice. We all laugh and giggle. 

"Wait, Ri-I mean, Black Star. Won't Blue Moon be upset if he finds out you reveled you identity.", Luka asked concerned. 

"Eh, Blue will have to deal with it.", I respond with a shrug.

 The others just giggle. I pretend to zip my lips as a reminder not to tell anyone about me. They all nod and giggle once more. With that, I smile and jump out a window and bounce my way home. The bounce home was peaceful. The wind was flowing threw my hair as I bounced. Once I got home, I saw a strange figure standing in the middle of my room. It didn't take long to figure out who it was though. Two words: Blue Moon.


(1) Shinde sakebu-Screaming dead.

Hey guys, Vperder here. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had a sever case of writers block. Sorry for such a bad chapter. And please don't as why I'm posting 1:52 in the morning. Anyways, that's all for now. Until next chapter, this is Vperder V-ING out! Bye!             

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