The Ruivin Fantasy

By dingdongxiaoman

12.9K 187 68

Rui En and Elvin Ng has always been deemed as the perfect on-screen couple. But what happens when reel life b... More



1.4K 15 2
By dingdongxiaoman





Upon reaching my hotel room, the very first thing I did was to nosedive into my bed. I was dead beat and exhausted as I had practically started filming early in the morning today from 4am till 8pm. Many always mistakened the entertainment industry to be full of glitz and glamour, not knowing the enormous amount of hard work as well as sacrifice all artists put in. Even for just one short scene, there is a large amount of detail needed to be paid attention to -- from every word to every action. I made myself comfortable as I took off my contacts and wore my spectacles, pulling the covers over my legs. I reached out for a magazine before reading the script, for some simple relaxation and happened to chanced upon a review a reporter penned for his trip to the Maldives in 'TIME' magazine. The pictures he took were indeed spellbinding, with all of it looking so surreal. The pictures and his descriptions of the clear turquoise-blue waters and the scorching sun with the "burning hot sand that would always get stuck beneath my toes" made me immediately fall in love with the article. My dream vacation would be to visit the Maldives, where I could enjoy seeing the turquoise blue waves crash onto the sandy golden beach and against the rocks, creating a natural symphony. Those are one of the few sounds in the world that could make me feel at peace, and let me relax. I could spend a whole day just staring at the waves with the clear blue sky, almost a reflection of the sea itself, although I would never swim. Since I was an actress, I tend to have a highly overactive imagination and would always think that a shark would find me particularly attractive enough to devour me whole or even a tsunami approaching the island, causing me to drown and die. And trust me when I say I like to die as a whole and the cause of it being natural death. Another dream "vacation" of mine would be to stay and laze at home all day, either catching up on the movies and dramas I missed or even just to sleep. I could literally stay in for one week without having to step out of my house at all. Everything is at home, and I must say I am content. But there was just the lack of sleep. Sleeping is something I valued a lot after entering the entertainment industry. However, I know that a break was out of question. My schedule was already packed and I was to film Unriddle 2 right after Code of Honour.

Speaking of which, I am excited to film that drama. I missed filming with my best friend in the industry, or should I say my only trusted friend in the industry, my ZHDD. She was a veteran and had lots of experience which really makes me feel in awe of her. Since she started her career when the entertainment industry just started, she had to film in many harsher conditions as compared to now. I enjoy listening to her stories and they also make me feel thankful that the entertainment industry has become so advanced nowadays and I would never have to experience what she has experienced, which I highly doubt I will be able to go through. But I must say though, that was not the only reason why I wanted to film Unriddle 2 so much. XiaoMan was not as perfect as she seemed to be in Unriddle, thus making her seemed more humane and a more realistic character wise, as everyone makes mistakes and nobody is ever perfect. And also the fact that they will probably add more action scenes for me. I always loved the challenge of stretching myself beyond the limit to constantly improve myself. Meanwhile, there will also be a few addition to the characters, mainly Elvin, who would be my all time rival cum lover in the show. His role would be to prevent me from making ruthless and despicable actions just to to win. However, the only reason why 'I' had such a competitive nature was due to the fact that 'my' mother had extremely high expectations for me since young therefore 'I' would try my best in order to please her and gain her approval. In a sense, you could say that Xiao Man was actually a victim. She was a victim of her past, where she was not able to step out from her mother's shadows. With the increasing amount of pressure that was in a way, a burden to her, Xiao Man slowly changed her perspective on what was right and and what was wrong, slowly changing towards the "dark side" where she even fabricated evidence to ensure that her ex-professor was given the punishment he deserved for deceiving her as well as went out if control after knowing that her mother was kidnapped by her university junior, a psychologist.

"Ding dong, knock knock, ding dong"

The sudden ring of the doorbell and pounding on the door made me snap back into reality. Who could that be? Didn't that person know that I hate to be interrupted during my rest time?And he/she was so rude too. Fancy making such a din at such a late hour. "Coming! Just a second!" I shouted. I left my spectacles on the dressing table as I slowly made my way to the door. I opened the door lazily, ready to give that person a piece of my mind before I realized that the person was wearing a Santa Claus costume. Slightly startled and amused, I squinted and started analyzing the get-up. It was rather unattractive and that scarce looking mock-up white beard was not any help to the costume. I mean, if you want to dress up, at least put in more effort....right? A kid at a Halloween party could have done better than this. Hands down even, I swear. The suspicious yet hilarious looking person held up a takeaway box in a plastic bag to my face, and that was when I thought that perhaps Elvin had "kindly" ordered takeaway from some kind of christmas store or a store with Santa Claus as it's mascot or something. That would be very typical of him, as he loved searching or doing things that would make me unable to react. One example which I would never forget was when he asked me to take a picture with the mascot clown from Mcdonalds, in which the foolish and naive me thought it was just a statue and agreed to the seemingly innocent request. But my kindness backfired and I soon ended up at the mercy of the statue turned real human being that started singing happy birthday loudly in my ears despite it not being my birthday. He even started to to swing his chalk-coloured hair all over me, leading to me getting different coloured chalk all over my clothes. The end result of this prank was me being so terrified that I refused to take any pictures with statues for a month and even abstained from macdonalds for three months. Meanwhile it resulted in a hide face embarrassing moment for me but a memorable account for him. Basically, that childish boy likes seeing my "startled and rabbit-in-headlights" face.

"Hohoho, thank you for dining at Happy Claus Restaurants. We hope you will enjoy your meal. Hohoho." Wait a minute. Why does that voice sounds sort of vaguely familiar and strangely comforting? Where have I heard it before? Could it be an advert in a advertisement? way I haven't watched the television for a while now...maybe on the radio? Yes, that must be it. I must have heard it on the radio when going to work on the bus...

"Excuse me Ma'am, could you please sign here?" I took the pen he had offered me and looked at the piece of paper clipped to the clipboard. Yet on it read " Code of Honour ". Wait..was this some sort of joke? I looked at it carefully way that is the script for today's filming scene on the bed! Oh no, don't tell me that that is -- I stopped and looked back up. His eyes and nose shape...those eyes. Yes of course it was him. I would have realized at first glance if I had paid more attention and if I had my spectacles on! A series of smacks soon followed on his chest. " 无聊啦! 无聊,无聊!" Groans and moans could be heard from underneath the 'beard'.

"ELVIN NG CHOON SIONG. I have never seen a more ridiculous and childish man like you. Wait no. You don't even deserve to be called a man. You are much worse than a three year old kid. That kid would have had more common sense then what you would ever possess in your lifetime then you. Didn't I tell you to never come knocking at my door at this time, especially when you're uninvited. You are really driving me crazy..wasn't the previous times an enough punishment for you? I don't even look presentable enough to be in front of you..."

"Oops, I guess you got me this time. If I had know you were going to guess it was me so early, I would have chose a thicker costume, like a bear or even a pillow case. I swear you can change profession as a boxer if you ever quit your job." Elvin said jokingly.

"Hmph. Maybe I will become a professional boxer. And I will make you my personal training weapon. You can let me hit you to improve my skills then." I said, with a slight hint of sacarasm in my words. "Also, don't forget that I will be fighting you for a scene in Unriddle 2? With my skills learnt from Code of Honour as well as my natural "boxing" talents, you definitely won't stand a chance against me." I sneered at him.

"You will only win if I let you," he smirked, "I wouldn't want you to get hurt." He whispered in a slightly softer and gentler tone.

Did I just hear that correctly? Or am I still in Ou Kelu's daydream state?

"Uh, I mean, I wouldn't want you to get hurt for fear of your fans hurting me." He quickly changed his statement, but it was too late. I had already heard that. Plus he knows my fans won't do such a thing. To make things less awkward, I decided to make a joke out of it. "Obviously. And I am sure you would feel afraid because I have so many fans that will be more than willing to beat you up for me for free. You would stand no chance at beating them at all." I said, with a smug look on my face, arms folded.

"You really don't have a single ounce of gratitude in you at all. I specially bought your favourite chicken rice and this is how you treat me? I feel so hurt." Elvin said, teasing me a little. " You see, smell it. Can't you smell the fragrance of the rice? This stall's chicken rice is supposedly the best in this area. I had to queue for half an hour for it. Don't you feel a least bit grateful?" He said, waving the tantalizing smell of chicken rice in front of my face.

"Hmph fine. But it's only on the account that you are already here and the fact that you've bought my favorite chicken rice. Why don't you come in for a seat? If you do not mind the messiness of course. I mean, uh, if you want to, I wouldn't mind but just don't go poking around." I said,while I looked up towards him, our eyes meeting for that slight moment. Without my heels, I seemed quite a bit shorter than him, but with a height difference of 12cm, we were actually quite matching...maybe that's why we were so often 'shipped' by by our supporters. We were different, but we were comfortable with each other. Our chemistry is something that we are unable to explain. It just comes sort of, naturally? He was extremely understanding and caring and knew when to approach me and when not to, giving me enough personal space. He could respond quickly when he saw that I was trying to add something in the script to improve it and even at small moments like these, even at a time like this, he didn't try to just trudge into my room, like some would. He would wait for permission and was sweet and sincere in everything he did, even sharing concern for me that time I felt sick when filming By My Side. I guess this was why I started to crush on him a little, though I tried not to show it.

"Hey, I'm inviting you in to my room. Is that not being grateful enough? And....I will never say no to chicken rice. So you can either come in or leave empty handed. Up. To. You. " I stepped exactly three steps closer to him, trying to show that it wasn't me who was going to be the one who was losing out at this deal. However, my action caused Elvin to step back nervously, frantically even and caused him to fall head first, backwards... And thus making my chicken rice fly out of the take away box too...

-2258 words- :D

---- End of Chapter 2 ----

Thanks for reading another chapter of The Ruivin Fantasy. Really hope you guys will continue reading out little story and finding delight in the ruivin scenes that you've read, since there isn't any ruivin pairing for a drama currently. Do votement! (Vote and comment) Or simply leave a little comment at our Instagram accounts :) @ruien_luff and @rangel_ruien .It really is these little simple actions that give us the inspiration for these stories (as well as from pics and shows of course) Hope you enjoyed this chapter and do look forward to the next one. Thanks!

Much luff,

YT and KX *muah muah*

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