Protector: Book 1 *NEW DRAFT*

By TheDowny

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After failing the training her elite warriors' society expected her to master, Jade abandons everything she k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

577 58 15
By TheDowny

Phantom ran ahead, very much living up to his name. If she did not have such a strong connection to him she would have never known he was there. When he sent her a warning of a human scent up ahead she pulled Chance off the road and left the mare behind. She continued the rest of the way on foot, stepping silently and carefully with the hood of her cloak pulled over her head.

Jade crouched some distance away and closed her eyes. She reached out to Phantom, feeling the connection and then solidified it. The sensation was strange, almost as though she felt her own thoughts leave her head and jump into Phantom's. There was no training for this. Jade just did what felt right.

There was a moment of darkness and then Jade was seeing through Phantom's eyes. The darkness melted away and the shadows were brighter. His nightvision was incredible. She saw the scout who was left to watch the road. He sat underneath a small shelter made from branches and leaves. A cloak was wrapped around him and he started in front of him, half asleep.

Relief flooded through Jade. If there was a scout then Viper's men were still here. Phantom kept his body low to the ground, his paws spread before he took the next step. Completely silent, he slipped past the scout and made his way toward the campsite. Jade was amazed how his ears turned, picking up every small sound of the forest. He ignored the normal sounds and instead picked up on voices and horses.

Jade sent a warning to stay away from the horses. If they caught a whiff of a wolf their panic would give them away before they ever showed up. Phantom moved around, cutting to the other side of the camp. The wind was coming from the opposite direction, which meant the horses shouldn't pick up on his scent over the smoke of the fires.

He crouched low to the ground and looked at the clearing. It was much the same as when Jade had left. The wagons where she had been tied hadn't moved and the cage was still open on the back of the cart. When Phantom saw the cage Jade could feel the darkness that he felt toward it.

She counted the men and refreshed her memory on the layout of the campsite. Any and all information would be useful when they went back and reported to Lander. Jade didn't see Viper, but her tent was still pitched and glowing from the inside. The same darkness Phantom felt seeing the cage now resided in Jade when she saw Viper's tent.

Jade never thought she'd hate anyone so purely. She hardly knew the woman but it was enough that Jade wanted to see her fall. Phantom pulled away after he'd seen everything he could and returned to Jade. She left his consciousness while she waited for him to return.

Her thoughts came rushing back into her own head and the world spun a moment. She rested her hand on a tree to steady herself. Her head pounded but it did not recede and a familiar feeling spread throughout her body as her gut tightened.


Jade pressed her hand to her mouth, but the pain dropped to her gut. She pressed her other hand to her stomach but there was no point. Her inside twisted and churned, as though blades were piercing her organs. Her lungs struggled to breath through the pain and Jade coughed violently as her lungs heaved.

She tasted blood and gagged from the force of the next cough. In the back of her mind she prayed that she was far enough away from the scout and that the wind would mask her coughing. She prayed would not be discovered or heard by anyone else at the camp.

Breathe. Just breathe.

Phantom's panic rushed over her but she pushed his thoughts away as she fell to her knees. She bit down on her fist as to not cry out. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Jade coughed until she was on the verge of passing out. Then, as quickly as it had come, the pain left without a trace and her lungs took a deep clean unhindered breath of air.

Jade crawled backward until her back pressed against the trunk of a tree. She sat there, dazed and out of breath. She spit, but the metalic taste of blood never left her mouth. Phantom was nearly upon her when she told him to go back and check on the scout. She had to make sure he hadn't heard her. He resisted a moment before turning back around.

She sat in the darkness alone. The wet earth soaked through her pants but she didn't move. Jade simply focused on breathing and took the moment of silence to gather herself. She didn't reach out to Phantom or feel for his connection. She felt ashamed and angry and desired to be alone. Her hands curled into fists and she silently cursed herself.

You're useless and weak. You're not fit have Dryden blood in your veins. You're not fit to have a wolf by your side.

Jade hated herself for being angry at something she had no control over. But, Jade also hated herself for being weak and sick. She hated the attacks that had no explanation. Sitting there on the damp ground she hated everything.

She took a slow, deep breath and refocused her emotions and thoughts. Being angry had never solved anything. This was beyond her control. Phantom confirmed that the scout had not been alerted, they were safe. Nothing had been spoiled. She hadn't ruined the plan.

She got to her feet as Phantom approached. He licked her hand nervously and pressed himself against her until she took the time to comfort and assure him that she was alright. He licked her cheeks and chin until he felt better and together they made their way back to Chance so she could report to Lander what they had seen.

When Jade finished reporting Lander gave orders to the men. They would attack in the darkest hour of the morning. When the camp would be most unaware and hopefully most asleep. "Get some rest if you can," he ordered and the men dispersed.

"You too, Jade." Lander looked at her. "You've done well. I'll wake you when the time comes for us to move."

"You can take my tent for yourself while Lander and I make final preparations, " Merek offered.

"Very well," Jade conceded. She was tired and after her attack in the woods she felt more drained than ever. If she wanted to be sharp for a fight against Viper, she would need as much rest as she could get, even if it was only a few hours. Jade collapsed onto Merek's bed roll and pulled off her boots and weapons. Phantom waited until she was settled and then stretched out beside her and yawned widely, showing off his large tongue and sharp teeth. She curled her fingers in his fur and closed her eyes, willing sleep to come quickly.

Merek came to wake Jade a few hours later. He stood outside the tent and called her name until she opened her eyes. "Hmm?" she asked, disoriented. Phantom licked her cheek, bringing her to consciousness faster.

"It's time," Merek said. "I need to grab my sword, are you decent?"

"Yes," she said sitting up. Merek ducked through the flap of the tent. Apparently it had started raining again because his dark hair was sleek with water. It beaded off his clothes and onto the ground.

"What time is it?" she asked, grabbing her boots.

"A few hours before dawn," he answered, grabbing his sword. He took off his cloak and went on buckling it to his waist. Jade stood and also worked on securing her weapons. In the tight space of the tent neither of them had much room to move and Phantom wasn't helping. Jade grabbed her cloak from where she had used it as a pillow. "Jade?" Merek placed a hand on Jade's elbow and she paused. She looked up at him, realizing just how close they were and suddenly she was very aware of the fact that they were away from the eyes of anyone in camp.

She swallowed. "Merek?" she asked softly.

He took a breath and spoke in low tones so he would not be heard over the rain. "I just wanted to say that I think you're the bravest woman I've ever met. I'm honored to have gotten the chance to know you. Given any other circumstances I might have asked you to join me for a drink." He looked at his hand on her elbow. Merek wasn't one to look nervous, in fact he wasn't one to show much emotion at all, but he was nervous now. Phantom could smell it, which in turn meant Jade also knew. "I just wanted to tell you, to assure you, that you don't have to risk your life. No one would blame you if you wanted to stay behind. I know you won't, because I've seen your resolve, but I still had to say it. None of us want to see you hurt...or worse."

Jade squeezed his hand and then kissed his cheek. His eyes went wide with surprise. "Thank you," she said. "That's about the nicest thing anyone has said to me. Perhaps after all of this we can all celebrate together and have a drink. But, you're right, I won't stay behind and let all of you fight while I stand idly by. I can't."

He nodded his head. "Well, I'll let you finish here." He gave her one of his rare smiles then turned and left.

The opening of the tent flapped in the wind after he'd gone. Jade let out a breath and looked down at Phantom. He watched her silently. "What?" she asked. He tilted his head and yawned. "You're no help," she muttered and pushed her way out of the tent, pulling the hood of her cloak up as she went.

Jade was surprised to find that the other men were already awake and seeing to their horses and weapons. They made any last minute preparations that were needed. Jade squinted through the rain and darkness, it was hard to see anything so she strengthened her connection with Phantom and used his eyes to adjust for her lack of vision. It was different sensation, keeping her own eyes open but also seeing through his. It was using a mirror to see herself and then moving accordingly.

"You let me sleep in," she accused to Lander when she found him.

"You needed the rest." He offered no apology. "Merek is seeing to your horse, we'll be ready to ride shortly." He pulled his glove on tighter, moving his fingers to make sure he had a full range of motion. The gloves would help his hands from slipping in the rain. "I need to know something before we go," he said. "I need to know that you won't do something foolish. These are my men and their lives are my responsibility. I cannot risk them if you're about to pull something because personal feelings. I need your word."

Jade expected Lander to approach this subject sooner. She wasn't surprised by his inquiry, just the timing of it. "I will not risk you or your men. You have my word, on my honor." Lander nodded once and did not question her again. All he had wanted was a verbal confirmation of what she assumed he already knew. Jade would do her duty as any Felkorian would.

Merek came and handed Jade the reins to Chance. He said nothing to her, but offered a small nod. "Alright men," Lander called. "You know your orders." Jade pulled herself into the saddle and brushed the rain from her cheeks. The wind made the rain feel as though God were simply sneezing in her face.

They rode in silence even though on such a night an attack would be nearly impossible to predict. Even for Phantom, the wind and rain together muddled his sense of smell. The regiment stopped without a word and Jade swung off her horse and moved on in silence. Disappearing into the woods like she had earlier. Phantom led the way and once again she followed behind and used his eyes to guide her. They stopped not far from the where the scout was seated. They had switched watchers and this man wasn't asleep at his post, but he was curled up inside his cloak against the weather.

Jade pulled her knife free. Stay here and watch my back. Phantom tucked himself closer to the ground, ready to spring forward at a moments notice if there was trouble. Jade moved slowly and took her time with each step.

When she and Phantom entered the woods she had scooped a handful of mud from the road to conceal her face and arms. Even on a stormy night, she did not want to risk eyes being drawn to her pale skin. The scout never saw or heard Jade, not until it was too late.

She slit his throat and kept a hand over his mouth until she was sure he was dead. She pulled back his cloak to make sure nothing was amiss and then signaled to Phantom. The wolf dashed away to alert Lander and Merek that it was safe to approach. Jade moved forward toward the camp. She would keep watch until the men were ready to attack. If something changed or the camp was alerted Jade would signal Phantom to pull everyone back.

Jade lay on the wet earth and watched. Lights flickered inside a few tents, casting strange shadows from the wind. A few fires still flickered, dying from the rain and wind. The horses huddled together to keep warm while they slept with their heads low. But her focus was on Viper's tent, she watched it transfixed. She would not put Lander and his men in danger, but Viper was her target the moment the signal was sound.

Phantom appeared sometime later and crouched next to Jade. She placed a hand on his fur and confirmed that Lander and his men were in their positions around the camp. It was almost time. Jade licked her lips nervously and took a shaking breath.

Focus. Think of nothing but the task at hand.

A horn blew, signalling the attack. Jade pushed herself forward as Phantom sprung with her. The horn continued to blow as Lander and Jade and the men poured into the clearing. Jade unsheathed her sword and ran straight for Viper's tent. Men appeared out of their tents, disoriented and confused at the sight of soldiers charging into their camp.

A man appeared to Jade's right, swinging an axe. Jade dove forward, the ax missed over her head. She rolled onto her feet and turned, blocking the next blow aimed toward her legs. The man wasn't wearing a shirt or boots, he looked as though he'd woken from the middle of his sleep and had grabbed the first weapon within reach.

Jade pushed back against the axe, digging her boots into the earth and using her strength to push the man off balance. His feet slipped in the mud and the moment he moved to catch his footing Jade pushed against him again, sending him flying backward on top of a tent.

The tent collapsed from his weight and he was quickly tangled in rope and canvas. Jade turned and ran for Viper's tent, annoyed by the distraction and delay. She wanted to be the first one to reach Viper.

Jade sliced through the tent flap and stepped inside, sword raised and ready for an attack. Phantom stood beside her, crouched and ready, but one quick sweep of the tent told Jade that it was empty. "Shit," Jade cursed loudly and noticed the slice in the back of the tent. It was the one she'd created when she had escaped and stole Viper's sword. "She must have used it to escape, come on," she told Phantom unnecessarily.

Phantom jumped through the hole first and Jade followed. "Viper!" Jade shouted running into the woods behind Phantom. He was following a faint scent, but the wind and rain made it difficult to track anything. "Come and fight you coward!"

Someone yelled behind Jade and she turned just in time to see one of Viper's men bearing down on her. "Find her!" she ordered Phantom and pulled up her sword. Jade blocked then attacked. The man took a step back and blocked. "I." Jade swung and the man jumped aside to miss her blow. "Don't." She swung again and he blocked with his blade. "Have." He swung again and sparks flew from the force of the blades. "Time." Jade swung again, not giving the man time to recover. "For this." It was a slice from the side, Jade swung with all of her strength and the man tried to block.

The blades of the swords connected but Jade's cut clean through the other man's steel. Without resistance her sword continued to travel halfway through his body before she pulled it free. He collapsed, dead before he ever hit the ground. Jade glanced down at the sword, she could feel the slight vibration in her hand, could feel the magic in the blade when it touched blood.

She shook her head, there wasn't time to think about that now. Quickly she turned and tore into the woods. Following Phantom's connection was hard in the dark, she had to dodge branches and roots with a sword in her hand. But, she had to find Viper. She had to find her now. A howl came from ahead.

Jade ran faster and then suddenly the tree's broke away, revealing a trail. She stumbled and then found her footing. It only took her a moment to realize that it was the same trail she had taken through the mountains with Viper and her men, she was further south of the camp that she realized.

Phantom stood not far off. The fur along his back was stiff and straight and his tail was out behind him. His legs were planted sturdily underneath and he growled low and deep in his chest. Jade approached with caution.

He was a giant of a man and one she didn't recognize from Viper's original group of men. Jade wondered briefly if Viper had hired him from somewhere on the road or if he was one of the northmen who stayed behind. He wore thick leather armor and wielded a spear in each hand. He must be covering Viper's escape. She must have left him here to fend off any pursuers.

"Fuck you," Jade said under her breath.

The man hefted one of his spears and let out a animal like roar. He threw the spear at Jade. The power behind the toss gave the spear incredible speed. Even in the dark the man had a precision Jade could never hope to achieve. Any other time Jade would have admired his form, but now she cursed it.

Jade was lucky she was fast and well trained. She rolled to the side just in time to feel the air move by her ear as the spear barely missed her head. It landed somewhere behind her. Phantom started moving forward.

No! Stay back. He would be no threat against this man if he attacked on his own. We work together. She sent him his instruction and he ran into the woods, disappearing into the dark.

If this man got his hands on Jade she would be snapped in half before she even had time to blink or beg for mercy. She needed to be fast. She needed to be smart. The man charged with a war cry, when he got within striking distance Jade rolled again and quickly recovered her footing. His reach was far longer with the spear. Jade couldn't hope to fend him with her sword for very long.

Phantom howled and growled from close by and the man turned slightly, expecting to see a wolf attacking. Jade ran and dove by the man, slicing the back of his leg open. He screamed with rage and lunged out with his spear to attack Jade's retreating figure. Her opponent approached quickly, despite his injury. He held the spear ready but didn't throw it. He wanted to get within striking range. He was catching onto Jade's tactic.

Again Phantom howled from nearby but in a different place. The man wasn't distracted this time. Jade knew she was in trouble. She would have to engage him. She had to act immediately or die. There was only one rule in the game of survival—survive. Jade turned to face her enemy just as he was baring down on her.

The spear didn't impale Jade as her opponent had wanted. He was unable to put his weight on his leg so he was off balanced when he struck forward. Jade struck with her sword to counter the spear. She knocked it off target but there was simply too much brute force behind the attack that she was unable stop it completely. What should have killed Jade instantly, only wounded her.

It bled clean the moment the spear sliced her skin. Jade grasped her right side with her left hand out of instinct. She choked back a cry as she felt the blood pour through her fingers. She fought to keep her grip on her sword. A snarl and then Phantom appeared, leaping from his hind legs he vaulted toward the man's neck in a flurry of teeth.

Jade released her side and grabbed the shaft of the spear with her left hand and pulled it toward her while the man took a step away from the attacking wolf. While Phantom struck the man's throat, Jade swung her sword at his legs, cutting them out from underneath him beneath the knees. She heard his gurgling as he choked on his own blood where Phantom had tore his throat and then his body went still. Phantom backed away, breathing heavily, his fur bristled with anger. She felt oddly disconnected as she held her side and looked at the dead man.

"One more left," Jade said to the wolf, far less energetic than before. "Let's go get her."

Phantom took off down the trail and Jade followed, wincing as she held her side and forced her legs into a run. She didn't know how bad or deep the wound was, only that it was bleeding profusely. The wind howled around them and Jade couldn't hear the sounds from the camp or any other signs of life. She hoped Lander and his men had secured the camp without trouble. As they ran Jade noticed that the rain had stopped and that the clouds moving over their heads were thinning and glowing with moonlight, giving them a little more light to see by.

Phantom stopped suddenly and growled. "Well. Well. Well," a familiar voice cooed.

Jade stopped next to Phantom, only barely able to make out Viper's form leaning against a tree at the edge of the trail. "Give up, Viper. You've lost."

Viper chuckled. "What have I lost? Tell me exactly."

"You've lost this game you've been playing." Jade's voice was tight with pain and anger.

"Have I?"

"Yes." Jade swallowed, her mouth had gone dry.

Viper stepped into the path. She wore all black, her leather boots were laced to her knees and the leather armor she wore conformed to her body and curves. The leather had been molded and sewn together like scales. Her hair was pulled back tightly against her skull and some sort of oil had been run through it to keep it in place. She smiled at Jade. Two long knives were strapped to her legs and Jade noticed the two coiled whips attached to each side of her waist. This was not a woman who had woken from a sleep with surprise, she looked dressed and ready for a fight.

"You expected the attack."


"So why let it happen? Why come back here and put your men at risk?" Jade demanded.

"I suspect the same reason you came after me alone, child," she said. "We are very similar, you and I. Both resourceful and stubborn and unwilling to be stepped on. You got in my way and you've stolen from me. I will not forgive that. In the end, it's all that matters. New men can always be hired and money can always be acquired. But moments like this? They only come around once in a lifetime."

Viper straightened her shoulders and placed a hand on the handle of one of the whips at her waist. She moved like a snake snapping the whip forward in the air. It cracked like a strike of lightning. Phantom yelped and jumped back, Jade felt the sting of his wound as though it were on her own skin. Back! Phantom was no good against Viper's range. She was fast and he'd never get close enough to her without sustaining major injuries.

Jade wished she had her bow or one of the man's spears from earlier. She needed something with range to break Viper's defenses. Jade cursed, her fingers conformed around the hilt of her sword and instantly she felt the tingling through her fingers. She pulled the blade free and spun it in her hands.

Viper's mouth turned into a smile, she could see the flash of her white teeth. She saw the woman's shoulders shake with amusement. Jade took a breath and stepped forward. Viper unfolded her second whip and attacked. She kept herself in the middle of the path so that if Phantom tried to flank her she'd not get caught unaware. The woman moved with grace and speed but Jade was ready. Instead of dogging away Jade turned the sword in her hands, arching the blade in front of her body. The whip curled around the blade instead of striking Jade's flesh.

Jade didn't hesitate, as the second whip came toward her she stepped to the side and pulled back on the sword, bringing the hilt to her hip bone. The sharp blade sliced through the braided leather cord as if it were nothing more than a piece of string. Viper snapped her second whip back to her side and looked at her other, now useless whip with surprise.

A normal sword would not have been able to slice through the corded whip like that. Not with the way it wrapped around the blade. But Jade knew that somehow her sword was far different than any she had come across, she felt it.

Jade sprinted forward to take advantage of an offensive attack and Viper back stepped and turned to the side to avoid the well-aimed strike. Phantom tried to attack, to counter from the other side while she was distracted. But, as Viper turned she struck with her whip, slicing through Phantom's fur and opening flesh. He yelped with pain and Jade screamed for him to back away and stay there. She could not bare to see him harmed. Jade adjusted for a defensive counter and twisted her wrist, using the momentum of her first strike to turn back toward Viper's stomach.

As Viper back stepped again she dropped her useless whip and unsheathed one of the long knives strapped to her leg and blocked Jade's sword. Again Jade's sword sunk partway through the knife before it stopped. Jade was using both her hands to wield her sword and Viper's defense was not perfect. The knife quickly began to move closer toward Viper's body as Jade applied more pressure.

Jade was only inches away from Viper now. The woman twisted the whip in her right hand and brought the bottom of the handle down across Jade's exposed forearm. Jade jumped back with a hiss before she lost the grip on her sword.

She looked at the cut and took a sharp breath. The handle of the whip had a hidden tip shaped like a tooth, meant to be used exactly as Viper had executed. Immediately, Jade felt like her blood was burning and it slowly spread fire up her arm.


"Careful," Viper called, sounding far calmer than she should. "I've heard Viper's are venomous." She struck with her whip and Jade moved. It cracked next to Jade's ear causing it to ring. Viper attacked with the whip relentlessly, forcing Jade to keep backstepping as the poison numbed Jade's arm entirely. Phantom kept trying to get around to attack but each time Viper struck, forcing him back.

Jade had been foolish to underestimate Viper, had been foolish to come after her on her own. What had she thought to accomplish? She should have taken the camp and then Lander and the men could have hunted her together. Viper could not have hoped to fight a regiment, but instead Jade had come alone.

"Shit," Jade cursed as sweat began to drip down her forehead. She rolled away from another crack of the whip, barely missing its sting. Jade tried again to charge and get close to Viper or catch the whip with her blade but Viper was wise to her attempts and pulled back on the whip before it caught. She's trying to outlast me while the poison works. Jade moved back from Vipers reach and caught her breath. I need to end this fight and fast. The wound on Jade's forearm was numb now, when the burning and fire receded it left a numbness in it's wake.

Phantom was still nearby, he'd been hit twice by Viper's whip, but he seemed mostly unharmed. His thick fur had saved him from worse. Get Lander and his men. Phantom resisted the order. He was bonded to her and was again everything inside him to leave Jade when she was in danger. You must get them, Phantom. Please. They need to catch Viper or this will all have been for nothing. Please.

He snapped angrily and then dove into the woods, running as fast as he could back to the camp. She hoped Lander and his men would be quick. An idea formed, it was reckless but she had no other choice. If she continued to wait the poison would spread and she'd be helpless to fight and she would lose. Jade would not, could not let that happen. Jade sprinted toward Viper and instead of dodging the crack of the whip as Viper expected, Jade turned and allowed to whip to strike her already numb arm and continued to advance.

Viper's eyes widened as Jade approached and she lifted her knife, ready to defend herself against Jade's sworn once again. Jade didn't swing her sword, she threw it. It was a sloppy toss, the sword was not made for throwing and Jade was at a disadvantage with one arm but Viper had not expected it. It took her off guard and it was enough. Viper reacted on instinct and dropped her knife. She dove to the side as Jade's sword landed behind her.

Jade tackled Viper. With the momentum and weight, the two of them fell hard and Viper lost her grip on her whip. Viper struggled for the extra knife at her waist and Jade struck her elbow down into Viper exposed body and then pulled her own knife free and drove deep into Viper shoulder.

Viper screamed and bucked violently. Unable to keep herself balanced Jade rolled off and scrambled for her sword in the dark. She found it and spun to face Viper. The woman gripped her whip again but her one arm hung uselessly at her side. "Do you yield?" Jade asked blinking through the fog that had begun to creep into her vision. The fire was was spreading into her shoulders but the numbness it left meant that Jade didn't feel the wound at her side anymore.

The woman laughed and cracked the whip toward Jade but Jade was out of its reach. Jade charged Viper again, expecting the have the advantage since Viper was wounded. Viper however, was more skilled than Jade gave credit. The whip cracked in rapid succession, the first strike hit Jade's hand that gripped her sword. Out of natural reaction Jade's hand released the sword and it fell to the ground. Before Jade could recover it the whip kissed her neck, the blow slowed Jade as her reeled back from the force and sting. The third strike wrapped around Jade's ankle and pulled her fully off her feet. The wet ground did nothing to help Jade keep her footing.

Jade's back hit the earth and knocked the air from her lungs. She rolled to her stomach and blinked the tears from her eyes. She tried to stand, but the whip cracked again and struck Jade's lower back where the poison had not reached. It sliced through her tunic and split her flesh apart like butter. Jade cried out but Viper struck again, and again, and again, and again.

It seemed that the world went silent. The only thing that was heard was the crack of Viper's whip and Jade's cries echoing around the woods. The numbness of the poison did not spare Jade the pain of all Viper's lashes and it was unlike any pain she had experienced before. She fought to remain conscious.

"Do you yield?" Viper asked—mocking the words Jade had spoken only moments before. She struck again with her whip. Jade vision blurred, her heart rate slowed and she knew couldn't fight much longer.

She'd lost, Viper had beaten her.

"I....will...never..." Jade breathed as the whip struck again, though this time Jade felt nothing. Not the kiss of the whip, the wound in her side, or the poison filling her blood.


She felt nothing. 

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