Fear, Love and Snow

By paris_girl22

45.1K 1.4K 411

Stiles Stilinski isn't your ordinary boy. Some may call him a freak, others may call him a monster or cursed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

1.5K 60 9
By paris_girl22

Stiles continues to pull and tug on the chains, desperate to escape, having a sinking feeling that Chris won't be able to convince these hunters that he should be able to roam free with his powers this out of hand. Well, at least not all of them. Suddenly, Stiles hears a weird sort of cracking noise, so he looks down and gasps, watching as layers of ice start to coat the chains and handcuffs that are binding his wrists, tethering him to the wall. Stiles starts to concentrate on the ice, hoping that if the metal is cold enough, that it will just break, giving Stiles more of an opportunity to escape. He can hear voices and footsteps coming closer, so Stiles knows he has to hurry.

Just as the footsteps reach the door, Stiles hears a final crack and watches as the chains and handcuffs break open, allowing Stiles to pull his hands free and he watches as the chains and handcuffs fall to the floor with a loud clang.

"What was that?" He hears someone yell from the other side of the door. Stiles spins around to face the door, ready to defend himself if he needs to and fight against the hunters to get out of here. He doesn't want to hurt them, and he will try not to, but Stiles is allowed to defend himself in this situation. Stiles raises his hands in front of him, prepared to use his powers against whoever opens that door.

Finally after the sounds of someone fiddling around with the key, the door opens to reveal the familiar faces of the hunters Stiles saw up at the cabin in the mountains. Stiles still doesn't know how they were able to either follow him or track him down to that location, knowing where he was. That doesn't matter now though. They all look outraged when they see that Stiles has broken out of the chains.

"Stop him!" One of the men cry in outrage and they all charge into the room, ready to attack Stiles, but he's ready for them. He uses his powers to hold them against the wall by using a barrier of ice that goes up to their waist. He does that for three of the men while the fourth one has enough time to duck around Stiles and kicks him in the back, sending Stiles to the floor. Stiles cries out in pain, but somehow rolls out of the way just in time before the guy tries to kick his head in. Stiles jumps to his feet and glares at the guy, who has now brought out a knife.

"Just let me go! Me staying here will only put the rest of you in danger!" Stiles exclaims exasperatedly before he creates a huge pile of snow and dunks it on the last hunter, completely burying him under the snow while his friends call out angrily in protest. Stiles continues to make the snow pile grow larger until he's satisfied that it'll be enough to buy him some time. Stiles rushes around the hunters and starts hurrying up the stairs until he sees another hunter appear at the top of them, holding a gun. Stiles freezes in his tracks, his eyes widening in fear, preparing for the worst.

Suddenly though, before the man can fire, someone rushes up behind the man and places a suspicious looking cloth over his mouth until he passes out and collapses to the floor. Stiles realizes instantly that it was Chris that just basically saved Stiles' life. Chris glances down at the unconscious hunter before gazing back up at Stiles.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Chris hisses urgently. Stiles doesn't wait to be told twice, rushing up the stairs and stepping over the body.

"Wait, you didn't kill him, did you?" Stiles asks as he and Chris run out of the house.

"No, of course not. He's just unconscious. He's fine. He will be out for about half an hour, which gives you plenty of time to get out of here. I'll make sure no one else follows you while you do what you need to do to try and stop this storm." Chris explains as the two continue to run outside head first into the blizzard.

"Have you seen Scott? Did he make it back okay?" Stiles asks Chris, shouting over the roaring wind.

"No, I haven't seen him since your party!" Chris shouts back. He hasn't been to the school, where most people have probably already hauled up. He's been too busy dealing with the hunters that were thinking that the only way to stop this winter was to kill Stiles.

Dread starts to course through Stiles' body, his heart beating faster. He's suddenly nervous and panicked, needing to know if Scott is okay. Stiles hates the thought of how he hurt his best friend again. He just hopes it wasn't too serious and that Deaton could have healed Scott easily. The least Stiles can do is check up on Scott and see how he's going before Stiles probably runs away from Beacon Hills forever. It's clear he can't get help here, it's too dangerous. Stiles doesn't want to leave his friends and family forever, but he knows that he has to protect them in any way possible, especially Scott. He can't let the person that he really loves get hurt again.

"I have to find Scott!" Stiles shouts to Chris, the panic seeping into his voice a little bit.

"Alright, go ahead. I won't be too far behind you, unless I have to deal with one of the hunters." Chris replies with a nod. Stiles nods back before turning around and running off into the snow, having no idea where he's going, especially since he can't see much through the snow, but he knows that he has to try.

"Scott!" Stiles yells out over the wind, even though it seems pointless. Stiles holds onto the hope that Scott may be able to hear him somewhere, even in this treacherous storm.

Meanwhile, back at the school, Theo bursts through the school's entrance breathlessly, along with Liam at his side. Finally, someone had found him and brought him back to the high school, informing Theo of Scott's condition. They rush inside, everyone looking at them with surprise and curiosity as they rush past. Theo brushes off the snow on his clothes as he hurries down the hall with Liam, wanting to find Scott. Liam and Theo run into Melissa, the Sheriff, Lydia and Kira first though.

"Scott? Where is he?" Theo asks, sounding breathless and worried.

"Thank god you're here, Theo. You need to save Scott's life." Melissa sighs in relief.

"What? How?" Theo asks in shock.

"You really didn't explain everything to him on the way here?" Kira asks Liam, raising an eyebrow.

"No. I think I must have forgotten to mention that part... Besides, telling him that would have put a lot of pressure on Theo." Liam answers sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Where is Scott?" Theo asks the group, wanting to move the conversation forward.

"Here, follow me." The Sheriff says as he starts walking down the school corridor, so Theo quickly follows after him. Lydia stares after Theo with a small frown. Something doesn't feel right here, but she just can't put her finger on it. Like a number of others, she's not sure if Theo will be able to heal Scott's frozen heart. Lydia suspects that someone else might be able to, but they aren't here, so the least that Theo can do is try. Lydia would hate to see Scott die and become an ice statue forever. She can't even imagine how broken and devastated Stiles would be if he ever found out. Lydia bites her lip nervously as she watches the Sheriff and Theo walk off.

"Lydia? Are you alright?" Kira asks, turning to her friend worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just hope Scott will be alright." Lydia answers after a moment, snapping out of her wandering thoughts.

"We all do, Lydia." Melissa sighs sadly, her heart aching for Scott, wishing with all her might that the kiss will work and that Scott will be completely fine.

Noah continues to lead Theo down a hall until they come up to a classroom. Noah stops, and so does Theo.

"Scott is in there. I'll give you two some privacy." The Sheriff smiles softly at Theo before walking away, the smile immediately dropping off his face. He's still extremely worried about Stiles. If Scott couldn't bring him back down from the mountains, then who could? How are they going to help him control his powers and fears? The Sheriff runs a hand over his due to stress as he walks back down the hall, deciding to distract himself with handing out extra blankets to people.

Meanwhile, Theo continues to stare at the door for a few moments, wondering if he should go in. He then takes a deep breath and quickly pushes open the door, rushing into the room. He sees Scott lying on a temporary camper bed, blankets wrapped around him as he shivers and grows colder and weaker.

"Scott!" Theo gasps as he runs over to Scott. The true alpha opens his eyes and looks up to Theo, his heart leaping with joy a little, confident that things will be okay now. He starts to sit up and smile happily at Theo. Some of the blankets fall off him, but Scott doesn't care. He should be on the mend soon anyway.

"Theo..." Scott says in a relieved voice as he reaches out and grabs onto Theo's shoulder, pulling him down so he's sitting on the small, temporary bed too.

"What happened to you?" Theo asks gently, running a hand over some of Scott's almost completely white hair and feels how icy cold Scott's pale skin really is.

"Stiles... He struck me with his powers." Scott explains weakly.

"I thought you said he would never hurt you." Theo frowns.

"I guess I was wrong." Scott says before wincing in pain, his whole body feeling painful and cold. It's one of the worst feelings in the world.

"He froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me." Scott adds as he looks at Theo desperately in the eyes.

"What, so you're thinking a true love's kiss could heal you?" Theo raises his eyebrows at the dying boy right in front of him.

"Yeah. Theo, you have to kiss me..." Scott nods eagerly, still holding onto Theo's shoulder tightly. Theo smiles softly at Scott and caresses his face with both of his hands, starting to lean in closer to Scott. The dying werewolf starts to lean forward as well, his eyes fluttering to a close, prepared to kiss Theo, but the kiss never comes. Theo smirks at how vulnerable and gullible Scott is right now.

"Maybe that would work... If someone actually loved you." Theo says coldly before pulling away from Scott and standing up. Scott opens his eyes and looks up at Theo in surprise and confusion, having no idea what is going on.

"What?" Scott asks in a quiet, shaky voice.

"Wow... I never would have believed that you were so easily fooled if someone told me so. You were so desperate and lonely, you decided to trust me and were willing to be my boyfriend just like that. You made this all so easy for me." Theo continues with a smirk on his face.

"I don't understand... What are you saying?" Scott shivers again, wrapping the blankets around him much more.

"I'm saying that I never really loved you, Scott. I never wanted to be with you in that way. I was only doing it so I could get close to your pack. You see, lone wolves can never survive on their own. I came here looking for a pack, but I never wanted you in it. Everyone else in your pack could have a dark purpose if they're with me. You on the other hand are just too good to break. Not to mention weak." Theo begins to explain to Scott, whose stomach feels like it is sinking into the ground, tears forming in Scott's eyes as realization sets in.

"But unfortunately, someone decided that they didn't trust me. They were obviously a lot smarter than you were. Anyway, I knew that I couldn't have them around. They could ruin everything. I knew that I would have to kill Stiles before he could destroy my plans, but then he went ahead and doomed himself. All that I have to do now is kill Stiles, and I'll be seen as the hero of Beacon Hills, who got rid of this horrible winter." Theo continues to explain, his expression darkening more and more by the minute.

"No... No, I won't let you get away with it. My friends won't let you get away with it. They'll see right through you." Scott replies in a determined voice.

"Will they? I'm a great manipulator, Scott. Besides, you won't be around to warn them. Speaking of which, thank you for going ahead and getting Stiles to kill you. It makes me have to kill one less person, so less work for me." Theo adds with what seems to be genuine gratefulness in his voice, which makes Scott feel sick.

"You'll never get away with this. Someone will stop you." Scott scowls, his voice sounding weak as he glares up at Theo angrily.

"Oh, Scott. Don't you see? I already have." Theo chuckles before turning off the mobile heater by Scott's camper bed, opens the windows and walks out of the room, closing the door shut behind him, leaving Scott in the freezing cold room. Scott shivers again and pulls the blankets more tightly around him as his body continues to grow weaker and colder. He doesn't know how much longer he has. Scott blinks back his tears as he gets up from the bed and starts walking towards the door, but before he gets there, another wave of pain and coldness overtakes him, sending Scott falling onto the floor, the last of his hair finally turning white. Scott continues to crawl to the door, some of the blankets falling off him, but he doesn't care. He rests himself up against the door, trembling slightly, feeling to weak to stand up and open the door. Scott closes his eyes and slowly starts to fall to the floor again, only two of the blankets still wrapped around him. Scott lies on the floor, curling up into a ball, regretting many of his recent decisions, finally giving up hope on everything. A few tears drip down his cheeks, but before they can fall to the ground, they freeze to Scott's face. Scott has never felt so hopeless as he does now, and Scott has never felt so sure that he's going to die.

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