The Angel's Tear (Complete)

By KEHolts

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Kaylyn lived a normal teenage life, just like her parents had hoped. That is till she met Emett, that's when... More

The Angel's Tear
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 33

Chapter 32

766 24 4
By KEHolts


The journey back to Rosie’s houses seemed longer this time. Renee was so worried she hadn’t stopped crying since we started heading out. I knew it couldn’t be good for her and the baby to stress so much.I did what I could to try and keep her calm, I just kept telling her it was ok and that he would be fine. I just prayed Titus wouldn’t make a liar out of me by dying.

The thought of losing my best friend had my stomach tight with nerves.  I had to stop myself from running all the way there. Not that I would have been able to anyway, my body was to weak from my near death experience. I couldn’t risk anymore of those, I was afraid next time I wouldn’t come back. But some part of me was happy because I got to meet my parents and knew now more than ever that I needed to find my sister. She needed me.

I felt Emett wrap his arm around my waist pulling me into his side. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

We where almost there now the house was in view and there was no stopping Renee from running to it. I followed as quickly as I could, not prepared for the wailing sounds of my sister from inside.

That’s when I froze right outside the door, could it be…had he died? My blood ran cold and Emett’s grip tightened in a comforting notion. I breathed in a ragged breath closing my eyes praying that it wasn’t what I thought. I could see Renee’s faint blue light letting me know she was trying to heal him. But was it a hopeless gesture if he was already dead? I couldn’t bring myself to walk in there and watch Renee weep over the love of her life, my best friend.The one I killed with my own hands.

I felt my body quivering and I turned into Emett’s chest, he brushed my hair reassuringly shushing me speaking calming words in my ears. I allowed the tears to flow cursing myself for my weakness, no matter how much I tried to stay strong I just wasn’t capable of it. I was a cry baby.

I shuttered when I heard more of her cries but these sounded different less desperate. I turned to the door and finally forced myself to go in so I could comfort my sister. As soon as I walked into the room my legs almost buckled under the relief I felt. I was so grateful Emett was behind me so I could lean against him. I smiled as I stared at Renee and Titus.

She was lying on his chest her head tucked into the crook of his neck. Titus was weak his face pale and sickly, but he lovingly wrapped his good arm around Renee pulling her impossibly closer. I could see the tears in his eyes when he looked at me. He mouthed the words “Thank you” I nodded and smiled mouthing the words “I love you” he smile and nodded “You to” he whispered. My eyes welled up with tears of joy that I would be able to keep both the love of my life and my best friend. He motioned with his hand to come here.

I did as he requested and dropped to my knee in front of him and next to Renee. “I am so sorry for what I did to you.” I cried. He shook his head.

“Don’t be you brought her back to me you did exactly what I wanted you to. Thank you.” He whispered as I wrapped my arms around him and Renee careful not to brush against his wounded arm.

“Please don’t thank me its so wrong to thank me for doing what I did to you.” I whimpered as I pressed my forehead against his.

“Kaylyn I would never want to hurt you but I had to do what I needed to get Renee back. Just as you did to protect Emett by cutting off my arm. I hold nothing against you. So please don’t feel bad. Your my number two girl.” He kissed my cheek and smiled.

“Number two! So I have been demoted for your girlfriend over here? What a jip.” I faked hurt barley managing to keep the smile off my face.

He smiled “Yup sorry number three if we have a little girl.” He beamed.

“OUCH I guess Ill get over it.”I laid my hand on my heart and smiled at my best friend and sister. They would be such good parents. The fact they where so young doesn’t change how much they love each other. I don’t know how mom and dad where going to take this. At least I wasn’t the one that would have to deal with them.

Renee put her arm around me which for some reason threw me off. I guess I expected her to hate me or something for what I did to him.

“Forgive me Renee.” I whispered in her ear.

She nodded and kissed my cheek “I understand don’t worry, I love you sis.”

Her words finally gave my heart a little peace. I couldn’t believe how much she was growing up. We hugged each other for a while before  I let them have some time alone.

Emett and I where out on the porch talking to Barbus explaining to him what had happened and how we had killed Natis. There was a look on his face that made my heart stop. He shook his head.

“Sorry guys its not that easy to get rid of Natis. He will be back.” I didn’t believe him I saw him I killed him, and it wasn't easy! I wouldn’t let Barbus tell me other wise.

After the heavy conversation we moved on to lighter things as Rosie cooked dinner. Renee helped Titus to the table taking a seat next to him. Barbus sat between Rosie and I Emett was on my other side. I looked around the table at all the smiling faces. What an odd family I had acquired here in Alderyn.

I smiled to myself and gripped Emett’s hand under the table, he looked at me with loving eyes. I wished this could be it. I wish we didn’t have to take him back to his parents. I knew he wouldn’t allow them to marry him off so one way or another we would be together. I fought back the feeling that told me it couldn’t be that easy but for now I would just enjoy his touch and closeness.

I rubbed my foot across Fates back as he laid under the table. Who knew that meeting him in the woods would lead to this. It was all such a long time ago now. Or at least it seemed like a long time ago. I sighed feeling content in the moment. Soon it would be perfect I would have my twin sister by my side and finally my family would be complete.

We stayed with Rosie for two more weeks gaining back some of our strength. My chest was constantly aching where the dagger had sank into me. I wondered if it would ever go away. Titus was struggling to adjust to life with one arm and I felt horrible. But he still had a smile on his face because he had Renee. I was so happy that they had fallen in love.

I was sitting outside under one of the giant tree’s in Rosie's yard when I heard a chanting that was like dragging nails down a chalkboard. I winced as I saw the whole group heading my way with a cake and some candles.

“Happy birthday to you!” They all finished and I cracked a smile as everyone sat in front of my.

Emett took his seat next to me while Titus helped Renee and her growing belly to her knees joining her. Barbus held the cake as Rosie sat next to him. I smiled at everyone “Thank you guys!” Fate laid next to me with something in his mouth. I ran my hand through his thick fur.

Everyone was smiling with presant in hand and I felt giddy. I couldn’t believe it has been a year since all of this started. This birthday was so different than the last one. I was actually dreading it not because I was turning 20 but because I didn’t want everything to fall apart like it did last year.

Barbus beamed and set the cake down “Mine first” I rolled my eyes. Barbus was like a big brother to me and I loved it. “Alright” I said holding out my hand eagerly.

He laid a poorly wrapped gift in my hand it was long and I could feel the coolness of steel through the paper. I ripped it open being careful because from the look of it I could already tell it was a dagger.

My breath caught when I removed the paper. Not only was it a dagger but it was the most beautiful and elegant dagger I had ever seen. The blade was long and slightly curved with an intricate engraving  of a tree similar to the one I saw my parents under in my death state. I had told him about it and I felt a tear in my eye that he had remembered. The hilt was a pale and elegant pink like the blossoms on the tree with silver accents.

“Oh Barbus !” I screamed jumping at him being careful not to stab anyone with my knew weapon.

He laughed and hugged me tight.

“I love it! Thank you so much!” I pulled back and sat back next to Emett who was grinning at me like I was crazy.

“You better it was a lot of work to make.” Barbus smiled and my mouth flew open again.

“You made this!?” I screamed again, he laughed and seemed almost embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his neck nodding.

“Barbus thank you so much I love it really I do!” I didn’t think my smile could get any bigger.

“Alright alright its our turn now.” Titus motioned for Renee to hand me their gift. It was a small box and I eagerly opened it.

My eyes watered up again. Jeeze I really have to stop being such a cry baby. I pulled out the bracelet in the box it was a silver chain and a dark green stone with silver writing. “Best Aunt.” I smiled.

“You guys this is great I love it. I can’t wait to meet my little niece or nephew. ” I hugged them both as Emett helped me put it on my right hand.

“My turn!” Rosie chimed I laughed she had kinda taken on a grandmotherly role for all of us here and she would always have a special place in my heart.

“Yay” I clapped like an idiot loving the attention and gifts.

She handed me a bigger box and I couldn’t wait to unwrap the beautiful ivory wrapping. I gasped as I pulled out the brown leather travel bag. On the front was the carving of the same tree on the dagger and as I recalled a shiver went up my spine. It was the same tree that was on my leather chest plate that once belonged to my mother. Could it be the same tree? I wonder if it is real.

“Oh Rosie! It is so beautiful!” I ran my hands over the soft leather admiring the beautiful bag.

“Thank you.” My cheeks where starting to hurt from all the smiling.

“You welcome hun.” She said with a  proud smile.

Fate was nudging me and I looked at him. He looked at me and I held out my hand so he could drop what ever was in his mouth in my hand. I recoiled a little when the little red tube fell in my hand.

It was a dark red and I knew what it was, Blood.

Why in the world would he give me a vile of blood? I looked at him he laughed obviously aware of my confused expression.

“It’s wyvern blood.” He smirked his chest puffed up and proud sitting by my side as the wind blew through his silver fur.

Understanding dawned I wrapped my arms around his neck squeezing the life out of him. “Thank you Fate.”

“Kaylyn your choking me” He coughed.

I laughed. “Sorry” I whispered a little embarrassed.

Fate wanted to take me to get the wyvern blood before I left to fight Natis and I was to weak to fight it after we returned I wonder how he got it.

I opened the vile and held my Angel’s tear I tipped the vile over it allowing a small drop of blood to fall on the beautiful blue jewel. It absorbed it immediately and I felt a knew power surge through me.

“The wyvern will be a hard one to control but you are strong and I think you can handle it.” He said pride filling his voice.

“Thanks Fate I know I can control it if I have all of you teaching me.” I motioned to Emett, Titus, Barbus and Fate. I had the best teachers . I was actually excited to start training it.

I looked around at everyone and their smiling faces, what a great birthday. I turned to Emett who had been acting strange all day. I smiled waiting for his gift he held out his hand and I took it as he brought me to my feet.

Everyone else stayed seated and I looked around for my gift.

Emett cleared his throat and I looked into his beautiful green eyes. A nervouse smile played on his lips. What was he up to I giggled to myself.

The giggling instantly stopped as my breathe caught in my chest. My heart was skipping several beats as Emett dropped down on one knee still hold my left hand in his as he turned to look at Titus who threw him a small Royal blue velvet box.

I looked around at everyone who seemed to be smiling wider, Renee looked like she was on the verge of tears. I turned my attention back to Emett., I could feel him shaking in my hand. Or it might be me shaking I couldn’t tell. Emett opened the little box and inside was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my life. It was white gold with a deep blue purple stone set in the middle with smaller white diamonds  framing it.

“Kaylyn we have been threw a lot. But I knew from the first day I saw you that I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. When I was away from you it was like losing the air I needed to live. I had always known that I love you, but when I almost lost you…twice.” He smirked at me with sad eyes and I couldn’t breathe.

“It made me realize how precious our time together was, and how I never want to be without you even for a second. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Kaylyn will you marry me?” Emett’s eyes focused on mine.

I couldn’t have answered any quicker.

“Of course I will!” I launched myself into his arms pulling his face to mine so I could kiss his beautiful lips.

His face exploded into a full blown smile, he threw his left arm in the air as he kissed me in triumph. It only made me smile harder and everyone was cheering and clapping. I finally pulled away from him and allowed him to place my engagement ring on my shaky hand. I couldn’t believe that the man of my dreams just proposed nothing would ever out due this birthday.

“Best present ever!” I screamed before launching myself at him again.

The rest of the day was just as perfect we ate the amazing cake and just enjoyed each others company we all went to the lake and enjoyed the coolness of the water. I never wanted to leave, I wished this day would last forever.


BAHAHAHA So Kaylyn & Emett are engaged woohoo! :)) Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter the book is coming to a close there will be about 1 or two chapters left. Then we will continue on with her twin sisters story.

Make sure to vote and comment! Let now what you think & make sure to check out  The Travelers Tear for her sister's story. :))

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