The Damned Holies (The Fallen...

Por bitysmith

4.4K 228 17

Angels. Cute, little Heavenly beings, right? Wrong. The angels, all sixteen of them, have been exiled... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One


130 10 1
Por bitysmith

Reven and I, hand in hand, visited Lucien and Human Aimee in Hell. They were, of course, in the modern mansion that was supposed to be in the Caribbean. They weren’t surprised to see us at all.

I kissed Lucien’s cheek and hugged human Aimee. “You look well.” Lucien smiled.

“I love the wings, they’re very beautiful.” She said.

“If you don’t mind, I would love to speak to Aimee alone. Not that I don’t enjoy talking to you, Lucien, but I’m sure you and Reven have lots to talk about.”

“Do we, brother?”

“Of course. Shall we talk outside? You know women.” Reven grinned when I flipped him off. They left.

Aimee and I decided to chat in the hot tub on the roof. She changed in the closet and I just did my usual thing, making my clothes appear on me.

Once we were in the hot tub, I asked, “So what have you two been up to?”

“Crazy shit you wouldn’t believe. Psychopathic demon tried to kill me because she wanted Lucien to love her.”



“I’ll have to ask more about that.”

“So how about you?”

“Crazy shit you wouldn’t believe.” I laughed. “Obviously, I’m full angel now. I went crazy and almost killed all of the angels, including myself. Good news is that we were all accepted into Heaven.”

“So Reven has wings too?”

“God was trying to teach us a lesson. And, well… Lesson learned. Everyone found love. Mom and Dad are back together, up in Heaven.”

“It must have been amazing, seeing all of this.”

“It was spectacular.”

We watched Lucien and Reven wrestle each other on the beach. Their laughter floated up to us on the wind. This was the first time they had ever seen each other in person.

“They look so much alike.”

Aimee laughed. “Twins for twins.”

“Very attractive twins.” I winked.

“So why are you here?”

“I wanted to see if you were truly happy.”

She looked out to the boys. “Lucien is everything I need; of course I’m happy. How about you?”

“I have a family, love, and friends. Everything is perfect and I couldn’t ask for more, but…”

“But what?”

“Honestly, I miss Lucien.”

She sighed. “I miss Reven, too.”

“I would joke around about sharing, but I don’t want to complicate things. It will be better if I don’t come back again.”

Aimee nodded. “Even seeing him hurts.”

“Same for me. I’m glad you understand.”

She hugged me and I let her touch my wings. She was me, after all. I could make an exception for her.

That night, we all had a bonfire and Lucien suggested a toast.

“To the Aimee’s! Kicking serious ass for eternity!” I yelled and we all clinked our champagne glasses together. I picked Aimee up and flew into the air and Reven did the same with Lucien.

We flew together, enjoying every moment of it. I did twists, turns, dives, and loops with my human soul, daring Reven to keep up. We raced each other, hurling nasty insults that we didn’t mean back and forth to each other and purposely running into them and cutting them off.

“You boys are so slow.” I yelled behind me.

“No fair. Lucien weighs more than Aimee.” Reven huffed, complaining.

“No excuse. Don’t be a bitch.”

Morning light came and went because nothing could end our fun.

“I can’t believe I turned into one of the Damned Holies without me even knowing.” Aimee said and everyone laughed because it was true.

My life never really did turn out like I thought it would. My mom always said I would aspire to do great things, but I never believed her. What child ever does? Maybe she was the reason I tried so hard. I knew I had changed, finally. Life was about learning from your mistakes, right? I certainly have made quite a few. I wasn’t a little girl anymore; I had matured after all the hardships I’ve been through and I even turned into an angel. After all, how could I have planned dying multiple times, being stuck in Hell, my soul tearing in two, being human, or being an angel?

Life never really did turn out how you expected it to. It was almost as stubborn as me… Almost.


Story continues in "The Holy Damned: The Fallen Wars Two" and a prequel, "The Strayed Saints: The Fallen Wars Genesis"

If you liked this story, please check out the others! (:

xoxox, bitysmith

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