The Damned Holies (The Fallen...

Por bitysmith

4.3K 228 17

Angels. Cute, little Heavenly beings, right? Wrong. The angels, all sixteen of them, have been exiled... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twenty-Eight

71 5 0
Por bitysmith

-Aimee, Hell-

I was a man that was once a terrorist. I was in the desert, in the Middle East. The sun blazing down, my throat burning for water, bombs spewing sand and pieces of human beings into the air. Bullets pierced through the wall of sandbags and the noise was deafening. Suddenly, pain exploded in my gut. I looked down. I had been shot. Blood darkened and spread across my shirt, dripping into the sand. I was shot again, in the shoulder.

Then, I was a woman that had been a witch. I had practiced dark things in my life. But this was a good memory, not a bad one. I was in a meadow, having a picnic with my beautiful daughter. It was a gorgeous summer day; a nice breeze, blue sky, pretty wildflowers, and warm bread. I could feel the sun warm my face as I held her hand. She was telling me a funny story about a girl in her class. We wore dresses that said we were from an older time.

And then, I was a man who… Wait. I was not a man, nor a witch. I was… Oh, God. Who am I? I’m a girl. Memories tried to push me away from my own thoughts, trying to make me forget.

“Don’t fight them.” A voice said.

Emily. It all came back. Everything did, but suddenly, my memories were not my own. They spread out to every soul, overpowering any other memory. Now they all knew every feeling, every action, every memory I had. They knew me. They understood. I was forced to see memories filled with sympathy.

So, that was how they spoke.

“Interesting… I had no idea. Aimee, the things we could do to him…” Emily was overjoyed.

“What do you mean? Who?” I could barely string the words together. “Make it stop!” I cried. I was going insane.

“Just enjoy the memories. I’ll be back soon, if there’s anything to come back to…” Her voice disappeared, along with my sanity.

I tried to fight the memories, but they were so strong. It was a formidable wave of sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and emotions. I was slipping and trying to grasp at anything of my old self.

I was Aimee Chevalier.

I was Nephilim, half angel and half human.

I was dead.

I was in Hell, lost.

I loved Lucien, my husband.

I was Aimee Chevalier.

I was a spy. I was in service to the Soviet Union. I just arrived in France. The mission I was tasked with is very important. I must complete it no matter what. Adrenaline was pumped through my veins by my heart and my palms were sweating. The job wasn’t tonight, it was a year from now, but I was still excited. It would take time to gain the trust of the French. The sky was clear and the stars were bright, it was a beautiful night.

No, that wasn’t right. I was Aimee. I loved Antonio, ever since we first met at the market. I was selling Papa’s cattle and Antonio was in line waiting. He was Hispanic, as was I. My skin was darker than his because I worked in the fields all day. My family was poor, but he came from a pampered background.

Antonio was so handsome; deep brown eyes, thick, dark hair, and soft hands.

No, I loved Lucien. I was Aimee and I loved Lucien. Lucien was perfection in my eyes. I forced my memory of when I first met Lucien out to the souls. He grounded me, completed me. Where was he? Why wasn’t he saving me? He must be so angry at me for leaving…

“Why do you love him?”

“Where did you go?”

Emily ignored me. “He’s cruel, heartless, and cold.”

“He loves me.”

“Love is not in his nature.”

“I’ve changed him, I think.”

“You can’t change a person’s nature.”

“Are you saying he doesn’t love me?”

“He can’t. He may adore you, but only as a toy. He will discard you once he’s bored.”

“That can’t be. You’re lying.”

“Why would I lie?” She asked, her voice dripping sugar.

“Because you’re a creepy bitch, that’s why. Lucien!” I screamed his name. “Lucien!”

She laughed. “Shut up! He can’t hear you anyway.”

There was something I was forgetting. Something that could help me. Memories flooded back.

A star.

A planet.

An ancient statue of a woman in flowing robes.

A puppy.

How could I have forgotten? When Lucien was talking to Reven, they had said Venus was a Hellhound. Lucien said Venus was there to protect me when he was gone. I haven’t seen Venus much at all lately. She scared me, but I suppose it was for the best that I didn’t see her. But now I needed her.

“Venus!” I screamed. “Help me! Venus!”

“Who’s Venus?” Emily asked. “Wait…” I felt her pushing inside my brain, prodding my memories. I heard her scream in rage. “Damn you, Lucien!”

Some of my sight was regained, but flashes of other memories still clouded my vision. A black blur crashed into Emily, who was standing a few feet away. It was like watching a movie. I felt the bitter winter wind from another memory. The memory felt more real than this. Emily threw the black blob off of her, revealing a nasty gash down her cheek. It exposed bone, muscle tissue, and gleaming white teeth. Blood dripped onto her nightgown, ruining it. Venus ran at her again, a huge paw and shining claws slashing out.

Emily grabbed her and I heard something tear. Black liquid spurted out onto the ash. Emily threw back her head and shouted something I couldn’t understand. It sounded unnatural and demonic. It was the opposite of Angellican; where Angellican was ringing notes and streaks of lights that pulsed through the air, this was too deep, gravelly, and had streaks of pure darkness that ripped color and warmth from the air.

It made me grind my teeth together as my hair stood on end and bumps tightened my skin.

Then, Lucien was there. “What was you done?”

“You can’t possibly love that pathetic girl.” Emily pointed at me.

He clenched his fists. “This is the last straw, Azazel. Stop at once and you will be left alone.”

“How can you love that… That thing? A mess, emotional, and crazy.” Emily -- Azazel -- growled. “But you can’t love me? We are the same! Two pieces of a whole.”

“I will never love you. We are nothing alike.”

Azazel started to grow and change into… A monster. It was so hard to describe. It was made out of shadows and fear; I could make out horns, claws for hands, and a tail that looked like it was made out of black flame. It terrified me so much that I wanted to dive into the other memories, but I couldn’t.

Lucien looked at me. “I’m so sorry you have to see this.” Then he changed into something that looked almost exactly like Azazel.

I think I screamed, but all I could do is watch as they fought for what seemed like forever, screaming things I couldn’t and didn’t want to understand. Pieces of dark matter were ripped, clawed, and bitten off, flinging everywhere. Their screams echoed throughout Hell and the souls didn’t notice a thing. They kept walking and sharing memories. Venus started helping Lucien, but soon she wasn’t the only one attacking Azazel.

Multiple Hellhounds had shown up and started racing around Lucien and Azazel, randomly attacking her and dancing away. They kept attacking Azazel over and over while she was busy fighting Lucien. Lucien finally said something in a human language I could understand but his voice sounded different; like when he was sentencing Jeremiah. After everything Lucien has done to make me less afraid, it didn’t do anything for this. I was paralyzed in fear, half stuck in another memory and watching as the only person I had left fought for his life. Actually, his existence.

“You’ve always been stronger, but I’ve always had more friends.” He grunted.

“Talking in English for your little pet? How sweet.” Azazel’s voice wasn’t as deep, but it rang in my ears and made me cringe. Then she disappeared and I instantly felt claws pressing into my neck and stroking my hair.

I couldn’t move and I couldn’t do anything to protect myself. Her talons played with my hair and I started crying. Lucien returned to human form and reached out for me.

“Don’t cry, little soul.” She patted my head and jerked us a step back from Lucien. “Don’t come any closer or I’ll end her.”

“You can’t kill me.” I mumbled stubbornly.

“So stupid… I could make you wish you were never born. Maybe, if I was feeling generous, I could end your existence. Poof! Gone!” I heard her laugh.

Lucien clenched his fists and hung his head. I watched his broad shoulders move with every breath he took. He had lots of gushing wounds that were caked with gray ash. He looked scarily powerful and at ease in a place like this. After all, this was his home. The Hellhounds paced like caged animals behind him, snarling and sniffing the air. I finally got a good look at them. They had no identifiable features, just black, but they had shape. I could point out legs, a head, and a tail. They were about the size of elephants.

“If you let her go without harming her, I’ll break your seals and set you free to Earth.” He looked up at us, determined.

“No!” After everything I’ve worked so hard for? There was no way in Hell, literally, that this monster was going to be set loose to Earth.

She shook me. “Quiet! Tempting offer, Lucien. Once, I would have let her free in a heartbeat. I do really want to visit Earth… Think of how Hell would overflow with souls!”

I felt like I was going to throw up. I pressed my hand to my mouth as all the different images flashed involuntarily through my brain; mass graves, giant mountains of bodies, blood that ran like rivers, and people running, fearing for their lives.

“What are you doing?” Azazel asked.

“I’m going to be sick.” I whispered and promptly vomited on what I think was her feet.


I tried to move away but she grabbed me again. “Like I was saying, I would love to, but not this time. I wanted to take your heart, but since you gave it to her; I’m taking her from you.”

“Azazel! Please, just stop!” Lucien fell to his knees, pleading.

I felt her talons scrape across my skin, tightening and cutting into my throat. “Too late,” She whispered, squeezing the life out of me. I saw blobs of color in my vision and Lucien racing towards us, transforming again.

“Goodbye,” I tried to choke out, but the darkness snatched me.

This was the end. Finally, the end. So many times I had thought it would be over, but I had always come back, one way or another. Now I knew what I had always wanted, even if there was a twinge of guilt.

The end was welcomed.

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