Black Widow

By kaylaferreira_

535 26 1

Amelia Woods is a senior at Eastwood high. She's a very popular girl, she's head of the gymnastics team and a... More

Cast for Black Widow
Chapter 1: How it all started
chapter 2: how it all started pt2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
chapter 10

Chapter 8

29 3 0
By kaylaferreira_

After meeting the sweet new boy in town I decided to go check on Dean and Steve after I ran for a bit longer. When I was walking into the room I noticed that the lights were off. I was confused at first and then I was grabbed from the back. I quickly bent a little lower so I could flip the person forward. It worked obviously. I heard them groan and the lights turned on. I looked down again to see Dean holding his head.

"Wtf Dean! you scared me, you ass!" I exclaimed helping him up.

"Well, at least we know you are ready if someone was to randomly come at you from the back," he chuckled. I gave him a lopsided smile before walking to my bag and grabbing my hoodie.

"Where's Steve?" I asked since it seems that he isn't in here.

"Went to his next client, some kid around our age," he said trying to think of the rest of the info. I nodded and walked to the door. Steve didn't like giving us too much information.

"I'll go sign us out and you go get the car," I said before leaving the room.

I wonder who the new client is? Must be a good fighter to have Steve coach them, well besides me. Unless the person isn't a fighter since Steve is also a regular trainer. I got to the desk and sign me and dean out. As I was turning around I bumped into someone, dropping my hoodie in the process. I went to grab it and when I looked up I saw that stupid smirk.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there Woods," Damon said looking down at me.

"It's okay, when did you start going to this gym?" I asked a bit confused. I've never seen Damon here or anyone from our school for that matter since its a pretty far away gym.

"I just got a membership, coach says I should go to an actual gym and get a trainer," he said with a shrug. Oh, he must be Steve's new client.

"Your trainer doesn't happen to be named Steve?" I said putting a thinking face on and rubbing my chin. He laughed and I did too.

"Yeah actually, how did you know?" he asked a bit confused.

"He's mine and Dean's trainer, I started after you know what," I said with a small smile. He nodded.

"Well I don't want to be late so I'll see...." He was cut off when Jason approached to sign out and he gave me a wave.

"Hey Amelia, thanks again for helping with the treadmill. See you at school," He smiled as he signed out and walked out the exit. I waved and smiled. When I looked back at Damon he was no longer sporting his smirk, but a scowl?

"Who was that guy?" he asked quickly changing he expression to emotionless. That's not normal.

"Oh him, his name's Jason, he's new in town and he's starting at our school next week. Why? You jealous your not the only guy I talk to?" I said with a smirk poking him in the chest. He looked surprised for a quick second but covered it up in a second with a smirk.

"I can't blame him, you're hot and I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted you as bad as I do," he said as he turned around and walked into the private room. That caught me off guard and thank god I didnt blush in front of him. I quickly walked out towards our car and got in to see Dean fixing his hair. Boys and their hair.

But what Damon said wouldn't leave my mind, "I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted you as bad as I do."


The next few days after that weren't bad. Jason ended up becoming apart of my little group. He's so sweet and funny, he got along really well with Dean and Jordan. Isabella isn't complaining. Damon hasn't bothered me that much though. I guess since Jason is around he doesn't try and flirt with me. But what he said was still going on in mind and I need to confront him soon. Jason and I had gotten really close, not to the point of telling him that I'm a street fighter but telling him about my past.

Today is Friday and school had just ended. Dean and I were at home having a small dinner before we had to go to the Underground.

"Hey, Dean do you think we could just order something?" I yelled from the kitchen. The fridge was half empty, meaning we had to go grocery shopping soon. Plus the only things in here are salads and fruits.

"No, you need to eat healthy before your fight" he responded. I groaned it was worth a shot. I grabbed a pre-made Ceaser salad and an apple. I sat at the table and started eating the leaves with dressing. Dean walked in with my gloves and my mask. I hated wearing that mask it was so itchy, but it keeps my identity a secret. I would only wear it when I'm fighting other than that I wear my normal clothes and be myself. But when I'm in the rink I'm Black Widow.

"Your gloves are wearing out, you're gonna need new ones soon," Dean said as he placed them in my bag and sat down at the table. It was true, I did need new gloves.

"I'll buy new ones with the money I gain from tonight," I said with a smirk. Then I shoved another forkful of leaves in my mouth and smiled. Dean laughed and shook his head.

"Well hurry up and eat fast we have to go in 5," he said getting up and putting his jacket on. "Did you ask if Issy wanted to come?" Did he just call Isabella, Issy? I made a face and then Dean's cheeks started to heat up. OMG Dean likes Isabella!

"OMG, you Like Isabella!" I exclaimed and his face reddened. I can't believe this. I'm so happy right now. To the point where I stood up and hugged him.

"Shut up and you didnt answer me," he said pushing me away.

"Well of course she is, she is my best friend," I said with a smirk.

"You aren't gonna tell her, are you?" he said with fright evident in his eyes. I shook my head and laughed.

"Don't worry I won't, now let's go and pick her up," I said grabbing my jacket and my apple. I was gonna eat it.....later.


We got to the Underground and I was in the bathroom changing into Black Widow. Dean was talking with some of the guys from our school who know about this place and Isabella was in here with me. Okay not in my stall, but at the mirrors freshening up.

"You almost done in there? Dean just messaged me and said you're up in 5," Isabella said knocking on my door. I put my mask on and walked out of the stall.

"How do I look?" I said walking like I'm on a runway. I was wearing black high waisted leggings with mesh running down the sides and a kinda revealing black sports bra with my custom "Black Widow" jacket Dean got me last year for Christmas.

"Super hot, did I mention that I love Black Widow," she said with a smirk linking arms with me. I laughed and we walked out of the bathroom. Dean was at the bar and we walked up to him. When he looked at us he shook his head. Most likely because of my choice of top. I smiled and unhook my arm with Isabella.

"You ready Black Widow?" Dean asked. I nodded. When am I never? I said hi to the guys Dean was talking to and then we headed to the fighting ring. We stood there looking as confident as ever. I looked to the side and I lost my breath, I started to cough.

"Wow, are you okay?" Isabella asked as she handed me a water. Dean looked concerned and I pointed to the side. I took a sip of water as Dean and Isabella looked to where I was pointing.

"What the hell?" Dean said confusion evident in his voice.

"I..What is he doing here? He never came here before, I didn't even know he knew about this place?" Isabella rambled. I couldn't believe my eyes. There he stood looking at the current fight with his friends Corey and Kai.

We were looking at non-other than Damon Mickelson.

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