Children of the Water (Yander...

By Cloakedranger

559K 28.6K 10.7K

It is told that a monster lives in the abandoned ruins by the village of Watergrove. Children are warned not... More

A/N: Responses to Comments/Questions
Village by the Ruins
Night Whispers
Beneath the Pools
Watering Inquiry
Some Clarity
A Walk in the Water
Dire Duty
Partner in a Deal
Key Findings
Night Escape
Bonded by Metal
New World
Staying Covered and Close
Advance into Darkness
Close at Camp
Second Arrival
Rough Ascension
Top Overlook
Onto the Third
Abandoned Shadows
Near the Heart
Placing the Pieces
Warmth before the Storm
Snow Covered
A Strike of a Smile
Upon a Rumored Tale
A Court with Pixies
Bargain Struck
Screeching Halt
Smoke Filled Night
Smiling at Reluctance
Delicate Flower
Cold yet Warm
Conversation's Clue
Fish in the Water
Discovering a Reaction
Night's Taste
Falling Catch
Hidden Pages
A Mark of Fear
Runaway Fish
Risk with a Bet
Concealing Retreat
Last Chance
Unconscious Return
Angered Relief
Loosened and Restrained
Caught at Night
Out by the Water
Upstream Quiet
Falling Stars
Snow Pixies' Trouble
Sorrow of Tails
Dreadful Awakening
Coming to Council
Something Disclosed
Something Stolen
Bring to Save
Future Circumstance
A Spy's Spy
Strike and Fly
Around the Water
Hidden Views
Nearer to the Edge
Down into the Abyss
A Surprise of Warmth
Dancing Waves
Dangerous Exit
Covered View
A Dreadful Display
Careful Steps
Execution's Break
Going to the Main
An Undesirable Lesson
Magic's Arrival
Dual Dislike
Water Run
Final Opportunity
Published Copy!
New Cover

Life or Death

12K 552 214
By Cloakedranger

A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Despite the vast notes that he had taken, she knew inside that she wouldn't be able to ever accept having a child only to die when they turn two. She made a deal, and she would stick to it if she lost, but she still had a chance to win the bet. Even though he had accumulated substantial evidence, which demonstrated that there wasn't a way around not dying when the child turned two, her mind went back to that absent phrase in the five author versions. That had to be the key to living past the child's second birthday.

On top of that, she was reserved about marrying the man in the library with her and bearing him a child. They had been living in the same house for two weeks, but she didn't appreciate how restrictive he was. Even with the deal in place, should she mention going beyond the house, he would appear as though he would murder her if she spoke of it again. Thankfully, he never kept up with the promise of that look, or she would be long dead.

Glancing over to Tarhuinn, she jumped a little as he was gazing directly at her. She gave a small smile before she returned to peering at the piece of parchment in front of her. (F/n) could feel his gaze on her still, and it gave her the same unnerving feeling of when she would be trying to fall asleep at night. Why did he just have to stare at her?

Muttering a few curses in her head, she pushed the piece of parchment aside. She had looked at enough notes, and she couldn't push her mind from that missing phrase. Not having their life energy anymore, what could it imply? (F/n) tapped her right fingers against the surface of the desk. Was there a way to get their life energy back? "I'm guessing that the authors of those five versions are deceased."

"Yes. Why, did you wish to visit them?" he asked, a warning look appearing in his blue orbs.

"Well, it would be nice to ask them why they left the phrase out. Maybe, we ... I mean you could ask their successors and see if they know why."

"Kelremm usually don't invite other kelremm to their homes. We meet in the market area, and that's the extent."

"Then, you could find them there and ask them."

"All we know is the families' last names. It would be strange for me to ask around for specific people. Either you have met the kelremm before, or you haven't. If you haven't, you don't go searching for them. Despite my trading my crops with other kelremm, I have never met anyone with those names. Why are you so obsessed with that phrase?"

"It might mean the difference between me living and dying in the next few years."

"You think that one line can invalidate all of my work?"

"I believe that it might save the human partner from dying when their child turns two. It might imply that there's way for the human partner to get their life energy back, which makes me suspicious as to why someone would want to leave it out. That's why it's important to find their successors."

"You're saying that there's a possibility that these five wished to keep the secret of a kelremm's human partner living longer to themselves? Why would they desire to do that? They would want their own human partners to live longer."

"Maybe, there's only a fixed quantity of whatever gives this extra life energy, and they wanted to keep it to themselves. It would also help if we knew who wrote the no-author version, but that's unlikely to happen."

"(F/n), it might also be that they just found that phrase to be unimportant. Those two books, which mentioned the same thing, might be right."

"It's still a possibility, Tarhuinn. I want to find out the solid reason for why it was left out."

"So, are you saying that I lost the deal, then?"

"No. Unfortunately, you found evidence that well proves why your culture is the way that it is. Those accounts that you gave were proof enough that the human partner will die when the child turns two, and it makes sense to teach the child everything about the household before the parents die. The whole eighteen age limit was also well supported. In those respects, I do accept your culture.

"It's just that this missing phrase's implication is too important to ignore. If there is a way for my life energy to be given back to me, we both can raise our child for longer. Wouldn't you prefer that?"

"I would, but ..."

Cutting him off, she continued, "But what? This possibility exists, and that's what matters. I'll marry you. I'll give you a child if that's what you want, but we still have time. Instead of having me cooped up here for the next months, we can see if this extra life energy exists. I'm still abiding by the deal and accepting your culture by doing this. I'm only seeking to improve it so that we may live longer."

"Are you, though? It's customary that the human partner remains here and learns over those few months. I suppose that I could search for the facts on this possibility, but it would be odd as I mentioned before."

"I've already learned enough about the farm. Besides, I can work with it more after we return from searching for the answers. With regards to learning about your kind and culture, I've read so much in the past weeks that I think it qualifies for enough. Additionally, I'll be learning as we seek the answers to this. I can read countless books, but I won't really learn everything about the culture unless I interact with it more. Meeting other kelremm can help with that learning experience, and, during the whole process, I'll make sure to stay by your side. Please, allow me this, Tarhuinn."

A heated gaze touched his eyes, but he seemed to be considering her words. "I'm not fond of the idea of you going past the walls of this house, and I've made that clear enough, but the possibility of you living longer is tempting. You promise, though, to marry me and have a child with me?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Fine since I'll trust your feeling on this left out phrase, I'll agree to search for answers on it. On one condition, though, and that condition is that you marry me before we head out. Otherwise, I'm not letting you leave even if you're with me."

She really didn't want to marry him right away. It would've happened eventually, but this was too quick. Then again, he probably wouldn't give her another option, and if she stalled for too long, he might revoke his offer. If that were to happen, she would never get out of his home, and she desired to explore the area around them. "Alright, you have another deal. When are we to be married?"

"A week from now," he answered, getting up from his chair. "Let's go get something to eat, though. We'll head to bed afterwards." He went over to her and held out his right hand to her.

Taking it, she let him pull her up. She would've walked without holding his hand, but she knew better than to pull away. Besides with all of the water paths in the library, it made walking around and through them easier. As they left the area, she asked, "Tarhuinn, would it be possible for me to wear pants and a shirt when we leave? It would be easier for me to move around in, especially since we don't know how far we'll have to travel to find the answers."

"I suppose that I could trade for some when I go to request for an officiant. It would help if I took your measurements beforehand, though. You wouldn't mind, right?"

"Can I take my own measurements and tell you them?"

"I suppose that will work as well. I'll get you loose fitting clothes, though. I don't need others eyeing you when we leave the house."

"Well, I wouldn't like tight fitting clothes, either. Besides, it will be a nice break from these corseted dresses. I'm tired of being bound up like this," she muttered, pulling at the tight bodice of the dress.

"It's very flattering on you, though, but I wouldn't want others to see your curves. That's only for my eyes to view."

Heat dashed across her cheeks lightly, and she glanced away from him. That was a concern of hers, though. Would he try that after they were married and before they left? She hoped that wouldn't be the case. After all, she desired privacy for some time still. Not only that but also she didn't wish for the possibility to have a child in her womb while they were searching for answers.

Hopefully, Tarhuinn would respect her wishes. Pushing the heat away, she headed into the kitchen with him. Once again, she was assigned to the tasks that didn't include a knife. Regardless, she was thankful that she would get the opportunity to possibly extend her life out some now.

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