Colorful Twists

By SaucyOneCurious

407K 16.1K 790

Seth didn't expect to receive a bundle when he went grocery shopping, but he did. He makes the decision to ta... More

1. The Gain is Greater
2. The Request
3. Blink of an Eye
4. Preparing
5. Introducing
6. Reaction
7. See You Later
8. Settling
9. Initiating
10. A New World
11. Locking
12. Pairing Up Part 1
13. Pairing Up Part 2
14. Bittersweet
15. Sweet Meddling
16. Sweet Flavors
17. Jubilant
18. Breathless
19. Elated
20. Joyful
21. Induction
22. Origins
23. Enticing
24. Nectarous
26. Swirling
27. Charming
28. Static
Father's Day
29. Tug of War
30. Competitive
31. Twister
32. Anticipation
33. Explosive
34. Fireworks
35. Impasse
36. Definitely
37. Infinity

25. Thunderbolt

8.6K 341 18
By SaucyOneCurious

Here's the next part!!! Enjoy! :) And thank you for reading!


Mutually making the decision to no longer talk about the possibility of Scarlett being Danny’s mother, they spend the rest of the day cuddling listening to music and watching tv. When they get hungry they move to the kitchen to prepare their meal together. Most of it they eat while preparing it. They end their special day by showering, which isn’t only showering much to their satisfaction. Once dressed, they head out to Seth’s house. Before entering the house, Nathan grabs Seth and gives him a passionate kiss leaving Seth breathless.

Leaning his forehead to Seth’s forehead, Nate whispers, “I enjoyed our weekend.”

“I did too, thank you.” Seth says with hint of a blush.

Nate smiles. I love it when you blush.No need to thank me. I like spoiling you.”

“You did a lot of that this weekend. I’m going to get too spoiled.”

“You deserve it.”

“But then I’ll be expecting to get spoiled all the time, especially on my birthdays.”

“I plan on it, especially on all of your future birthdays.”

He plans to stick around.

Seth responds by giving him a gentle kiss. Detaching himself from Nate, but holding his hand he says, “let’s go see what crazy Karla is teaching Danny this time.”

Nate lets out a chuckle, “don’t let her hear you say that.”

“She knows I love her. That’s who he gets his prank ideas from though. I have to keep her in check.” Seth says opening the door.

Entering the house, they find Karla, Danny, and their friends in the living room all playing cards.

Noticing them, Danny asks, “dad, Nate, do you both want to play?”

“Of course! I wouldn’t miss the chance to beat Karla!” Seth exclaims.

“Like you could!”

“I did beat you once!”

“That was just luck.”

Seth responds by sticking his tongue out.

“Someone’s in a very good mood.” Robert states. “How was your birthday with Nate, Seth?”

“It was great.” Seth responds trying not to blush.

“Hmm, I think someone got some.”

“Robert! Don’t say such things in front of the kids.” Seth reprimands.

“What I was saying someone got to spend their birthday having fun.” Roberts responds innocently.

“Sure you were.”

“I was right, Esteban?”

“Yes, love.”

“Someone is whipped.” Eric coughs trying to disguise it.

“Hey, I’m not!” Esteban exclaims.

“No, you’re not baby.” Robert says pecking Esteban’s lips.

“Enough playing around, let’s get on with the game. I want to beat Seth!” Karla exclaims.

“So impatient to lose.” Seth grins.


Once Danny is in bed, and their friends have taken Adrian to show him the town Karla and Seth seat in one of the bean bags. Karla secretly hopes they don’t scare him away. Seth begins telling her about his assumptions concerning Danny.

“You’re saying that she might be his mother?!”


“You want her to meet him?”


“You want her to be part of his life, especially if she is his mother?”


“What if she hurts him?”

“She won’t.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Nate said she’s been searching for her son.”

“But that doesn’t mean much. What if she doesn’t treat him right? What if she wants him? What if she wants custody?”

“She will and as for custody I haven’t thought of it.”

“You have to think of it. Would you share custody with her?”

“I don’t think I want to mess with it.”

“But you have to give it some thought. She might want it.”

“I just want Danny to have her in his life. I don’t want it to become some fight.”

“If she cares for him, she will have to face the reality that she will be part of his life, but not have custody of him. Seth, I think you should make that clear when you both talk to her about the possibility.”

“Yes, you’re probably right. I’ll have to talk about it with Nate.”

“If it’s true how are you going to introduce her to Danny?”

“I haven’t thought of that, but I think first just introduce her as Nate’s sister. Spend time with her and then, I will broach the subject with Danny about his mom.”

“Sounds like a good plan as any. I don’t know what else to say. These things only seem to happen to you.” Karla says with a hint of a smile.

“Apparently, but then we wouldn’t have Danny if I hadn’t gone to the grocery store that afternoon.”

“Yes and this is just a lot to process if it’s true. I still can’t wrap my head around the possibility.”

“I know it is. I don’t think I have either. I’ve just a bit longer to process it.”

“When is she visiting Nate?”

“Late summer, she will be working during the summer at her college, so she won’t be visiting him until late July or so.”

“Seems like everything is happening so quickly, first meeting your parents and now this all in such a short time span. Are you really alright with everything?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Okay. Let me know when she’s actually visiting. I want to be here for you all.”

“I will and thanks.”

“You don’t have to thank me. When do you plan on meeting your father?”

“Next week. I think I’ll tell them both about my sexuality, especially now that I’ve been dating Nate for months now.”

“You are ready and even if they don’t react positively initially, they will accept you. They have been waiting for you to want to build a relationship with them, so they will accept you.”


“You’re welcome. Where are you all going to meet?”

“We’ll make the trip to San Padre Island--their home.”

“You will have to let me know how things go.”

“Of course I will, you’re my best friend. And what is going on with your friend, Adrian?”

“He’s just a friend and we work for the same company. He wanted to visit when I told him that I was coming this weekend for your birthday.”

“Aww, I think someone likes someone.”

“Don’t get any ideas, Seth.”

“I’m not getting any ideas.” Seth says innocently.

“How was Nate’s birthday present?”

“You knew about it, so I’m assuming you know what he planned, so I’m not telling you about it.”

“Seth don’t be mean!” Karla whines. “You just told me you’re my best friend.”

“It doesn’t mean I have to tell you everything!”

“Tell me what he planned. He didn’t tell me! He just asked if I could watch Danny during the weekend, so I made sure I would have the weekend off to make it here.”

“Aww, you’re so committed.”


Chucking Seth says, “all right, you’re such a whiner!”

“I’m not.”

“He blindfolded me, so I wouldn’t know where we were going. He took me to his house. He had set it up for a romantic dinner with candles and white lights.”

“Something you would like.”

“Yes and the dinner exactly what I would like. It started with dessert.”

“Aww, he remembered then. I’m assuming you mentioned it in passing.” Karla says.

“Yes, he did.”

“And he broke his diet.”

“Yes. Afterwards, we decided to watch a movie. We watched it and fell asleep. You know the rest.”


“And, what?”

“So did ya’ll do it?”

By his blush Karla receives her answer.

“Aww, you’re blushing!”

“I’m not!”

“Yes, you are! Stop denying it, so how was it?”

“I’m not talking about things like that. That’s one thing I won’t talk to you about.”

“Aww, so you admit that it happened.”

“Yes, it did.” Seth admits giving in.

“Aww, I’m happy for you Seth. It’s about time you get to have someone.”

“Thanks and you too. You should follow your own advice.”

“Don’t throw back my own advice.” Karla whines. “But I will try.”

“Adrian seems like a good guy.”

“He is.” Karla responds with a hint of a smile.

“Want to stay to watch a movie or just go to sleep? When is your flight? You haven’t told me.”

“It’s in the afternoon. Let’s watch a movie.”

Both of them end up falling asleep and are awoken when the guys return. Eric leads Adrian to the guest bedroom. Karla starts questioning the rest of the guys.

“So how did the outing go? What time is it?” Karla asks while turning to look at the clock. “It’s two in the morning. Where did ya’ll take Adrian?” Karla asks her mind swirling with different ideas.

“You have nothing to worry about. It’s not like we forced him to do anything.”

“He’s drunk, where did ya’ll go?”

“We just took him to the bar. We needed to test him and he passed with flying colors.”

“Test him on what.”

“His fidelity of course!” Robert says with such fierceness his eyes lighting up.

“Robert!” Karla reprimands. “Remind me to never let you take out any of my friends without supervision.”

“Hey, I don’t need supervision and besides Esteban, Eric, and Nate were with us. They were also there.”

“Hey, do not get me involved in your discussion.” Nate says walking towards Seth.

“Nevermind there’s no use in this.” Karla concludes.

“And he wasn’t scared or he would have ran already!” Robert assures walking to Karla patting her head.


“Okay, no more petting.”

“Esteban you better take your Robert before he loses something precious.”

Esteban chuckling grabs Robert and takes him to the chair seating him in his lap. Robert leans onto Esteban ending the conversation.

“So what were ya’ll doing?” Nate asks sitting next to Seth.

“Nothing, we fell asleep and we would have been asleep if Robert’s racket hadn’t woken us up.” Karla responds.

“It wasn’t actually him. It was Adrian who bumped into the table.” Nate chuckles. “Hence Eric taking him to the guest bedroom. He might have had a bit more to drink than I thought. He’s a lightweight.”

“He doesn’t drink much.” Karla states.

“We’ll we should all go to sleep it is late after all. Are ya’ll sleeping here?” Seth asks.


“Well, you know where the blankets and pillows are, so you can go get them.” Seth responds.


This time they are making the trip to Seth’s parents home. They left Danny with Caleb’s parents. Seth’s nerves are sky-high. He can’t stop thinking of everything that could go wrong when he tells his parents his sexuality.  Nate in an effort to steady Seth’s nerves tries to keep him distracted, but it only works somewhat. They arrive at his parents’ house. Nate turns to Seth giving him a smile trying to assure him no matter what happens he is there for him. Nate pecks Seth’s lips before leaving the car to open Seth’s door meanwhile Seth takes a deep breath. Stepping out he smiles and keeps a hold of Nate’s hand until they reach the door. He brings his hand to knock on the door his heart slamming against his chest. The door is open by his mother.

“Good morning, Elizabeth.”

“Good morning, Seth.” She responds hugging him.

Surprised, it takes Seth a few seconds to responds to the hug.

“Good morning, Elizabeth.” Nate says.

“Come here. We greet each other with a hug.” Elizabeth responds. “Come inside, did you both have breakfast?”

“No, we haven’t.”

“Then that works great! We’ll have breakfast before we head off.”

Following her inside, they hear noise coming from the kitchen. Seth’s heart accelerates knowing that the person in the kitchen is his father and he is seconds away from meeting him. Nate gives him a light touch when Elizabeth is not watching trying to ease Seth’s nervousness. They walk into the kitchen.

“Emilio look who just arrived.”

Turning around Emilio gives them a smile and says good morning. Seth stays by the entrance of the kitchen Nate behind him. They both respond and Emilio not seeing Seth walking any further into the kitchen takes steps to ease the nervousness he is sure his son is feeling. Seth sees the resemblance his mother told him about; the same shade of eye color and skin color.

“Come here, Seth give me a hug. I’m sure your mother told you that we greet each others with hugs.”

“Yes.” Seth responds walking towards his father.  

At the embrace Seth relaxes a bit. After greeting his father, Seth introduces Nate to him. Once the greetings are over everyone takes a seat at the table. Seth and Nate sitting across from his parents. They maintain a conversation and once they have finished eating Seth and Nate wait for them outside. They decided to go to the mini golf course. One of Emilio’s favorite pastimes. Seth admitted during the conversation that he had never gone golfing. His dad wouldn’t have him not even give it a try when it is one of his favorite pastimes.

“I think I’m going to embarrass myself.” Seth voices.

“Hey, don’t be pessimistic about it. You can play soccer, so I’m sure you’ll be fine with golf.”

“But I’m not that good with baseball. You have to have a good arm for golf too.”

“Hey, stop it, you’ll be fine and besides it’s supposed to be a fun family activity. It doesn’t matter if you’re great or not.” Nate responds brushing his arm.

He wishes he could ease Seth’s nerves with a kiss, but he can’t risk it.

“We’re ready.” Elizabeth announces as they both walk out of the house.

“Do you just want to take one car or take separate cars?” Emilio asks.

“Let’s take separate cars.” Seth quickly responds.

“Okay, just follow us then.”

They all get in their respective cars.

“You wanted us to ride separately, so that if something happens we don’t have to ride in the same car.” Nate states.

“Yes and I want to spend time with you. I’m sorry that we can’t be open around them.”

“Is that the main reason, Seth?” Nate asks smiling.

“Well, you’re right.” Seth admits.

“Hey, don’t think of all the negative scenarios. Think of the positive one.” Nate says grabbing Seth’s hand.

“Yes.” Seth responds.

In no time, they’re standing at the golf course. Emilio goes first. He makes it. Now it’s Seth’s turn and he hits the ball, but it doesn’t make it to its destination. He tries another time, but it doesn’t go in. His mother goes next, she misses the first time, but makes it the second time. Nate makes it on the first try. Seth gives him a suspicious look. His suspicion is confirmed as they continue to play. Nate makes all the shots as well as Emilio. Seth eventually gets the hang of it after some embarrassing tries. He also becomes much more relax with how easy going his father is. Seth’s parents share stories about their childhood. He enjoys seeing his parents, especially witnessing their love for each other. He wonders how it would have been to grow up with them as his parents. Growing tired they all decide to not start another course and go for ice cream to relax a bit. It’s a good surprise for Seth to find out that his dad shares the same love for ice cream as he does. They choose to sit outside to continue enjoying the weather.

“I didn’t know you were such a good player, Nate.” Seth comments starting the conversation.

“I didn’t know either. It’s the first time I play golf.”

“You’ve got talent, Nate.” Emilio compliments.


“Seth’s skills must come from Elizabeth’s side of the family.”

“Hey, he’s your son too.” Elizabeth responds playfully smacking Emilio’s arm.

“I know, love, but you have to admit that it took you a while for you to get the hang of playing golf remember.”

“Yes, I remember, how could I forget that you got the pain of that learning experience.” She responds grinning. “I also remember you were trying not to cry.”

Chuckling, Seth asks, “what exactly happened?”

“Well, it was our first date. I decided to take her to the mini golf course. Neither of us had played golf before, so I thought it was something we could both try. I have always been able to pick up anything sports-related easily, but with Elizabeth it was another story. She kept missing the ball and on a swing she hit me where it hurts. She kept apologizing and telling her that I was fine wasn’t helping, so I kissed her and that got her quiet. It took me a long time to convince her to try again, but that time I stayed out of range.”

Nate and Seth are trying to contain their laughter.

“Emilio, you didn’t have to add that part of how you got me to calm down.” Elizabeth adds slightly blushing.

Like mother like son. Nate smirks.

Like Nate always calms me. Seth thinks fighting a blush.

“It’s relevant to how you got over your fear of hurting me and learned how to play golf.”

“Sure, so Nate what do you do? Are you also a teacher as Seth?” Elizabeth says.

“I’m a coach and we met when Danny was enrolled in soccer. We became best friends after he helped me plan the end of the season celebration.”

“That’s nice and how is Danny doing? I want to meet him soon.”

“He’s doing well. He’s spending time with Caleb today. You will meet him soon--this summer.” Seth confirms.

“They never spend much time apart. Do they?” Elizabeth asks.

“No, they’ve become best friends. Did I mentioned how they met?”

“No, you never told us.”

“They met at the beginning of the school year, Danny stood up to the bullies that were bullying Caleb. Caleb is small for his age. Danny started teaching him soccer and then invited Caleb to come with us the following Saturday. I’ve become close friends with Caleb’s parents too and we spend time together, since our kids have grown so attached to each other.”

“That’s a beginning of long friendship it seems.” Elizabeth comments.

“Wonder what they’re going to do if they fall in love with the same person.” Emilio adds.

“Don’t even say that. It’s too soon to think about him getting any older.”

“What if they fall in love with a person of the same gender?” Nate asks.

Seth’s smile falters. He can’t believe Nate is asking them now, he isn’t prepared. Emilio’s eyes widen the slightest and his smile slips from his face and Elizabeth’s eyes lit up. She finds gay couples the cutest. She secretly hopes her son is gay. 


Let me know what you think, so that I may post the next part!!!

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