Grand Scheme of Life

By Jade4568

607 10 7

Have you ever loved anyone so much, that even though you know they're hiding something bad from you, you let... More

Grand Scheme of Life

607 10 7
By Jade4568





It was so short.

It could be over before you know it.

It was so fragile and could slip easily through your fingers.

One wrong move and it could cost you.

If you don't take care of it, you'll lose it.

Little things can harm it. People can go crazy.

And that's what causes death.

Death is a form of relief.

It frees you from the pain of life.

Death frees you from the stress that you have to live through in life.

It frees you from all the ties that you have.


Some people say it's bad

Some people think it's stupid and worthless.

But others agree with it.

When your life is horrible, why live it?

It would be better to live in a world where you won't have to deal with the pain.

A place where people won't look at you with pity or assume you've gone crazy.

But is that really possible?

Suicide is a sin.

And people who commit sins get the worst part of the deal.

They committed a sin to get rid of the pain, and if that's what they didn't want, it's what they will get.

They won't be rid of the pain.

Me? I used to be part of the people who thought it was stupid.

But now? I think I deserve to live free of pain.

What did I ever do to deserve such a horrible fate?

That's right. Nothing.

Bliss. That's what I needed. Even if just for a second.

I would be sure to savor it and never let it go.

I couldn't have the pleasure to become numb. The pain was a constant sting.

Just when I thought the cut healed, I was reminded of it and it opened up, fresher than ever.

And it was to much for me to take.

There was no reason to live.

I was a fool. I was a fool to fall in love.

Love. It was the biggest sin of all.

Suicide was just a form of escape.

Escape from love.

If there was no love, people wouldn't be so vulnerable.

And if they weren't vulnerable, they wouldn't have a reason to commit suicide in the first place.

But they are stupid fools, ecstatic to feel something new.

But it never lasts. And the pain is so dreadful, it kills you.

Slowly on the inside and allows you to take the final kill.

Love is a form of torture.

It's a disguise.

The ecstasy is so pleasant; you choose to ignore the truth.

What it really is.

Do I regret falling in love? Maybe.

Do I wish it never happened? Never.

Letting my gaze glance over the ashen black blade, I came to my final decision.

Love was destruction in disguise.

And either way, in the end, you'll always get to feel relieved.

To be free.

A tear slid down my cheeks and I closed my eyes.

And then, I thrust the blade through my chest.

Ending the pain once and for all.

Right between the door of life and death, I heard a door slam open.

And more than one voice gasp.

"NO!!!" But it was that one word that made me realize I had just made a big mistake.

Because it was the person who yelled it.

The reason I was in pain, the reason I just ended my life.

Sage Beaumont.

The boy I fell in love with.

My name is Ally Winters, and this is my story.

Okay! Here it is!

Please tell me if you like it!




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