The So-Called "High Life"

By Nico_Solace

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Nico di Angelo, Prince of Malavita, has known his whole life he was going to have to marry the Princess of Ca... More



1.2K 54 52
By Nico_Solace

If anyone knows of a picture of royal!Nico or what you think would be a fitting cover photo for this story, please send it my way! I'm looking to change the cover but I can't find a good picture to use.

A huge thank you to nocturnal_writer for always listening to my bitching about this story. Thank you for editing and pushing me to get this stupid chapter out even when I was convinced I wouldn't ever be able to get it written. You're honestly one of the few reasons I've kept writing the past few months.


Enjoy :)

- Nico_Solace



"It's not that Nico and I are uninterested in the political alliance of Malavita and Carray, we are simply uninterested in that alliance coming through marriage." Thalia speaks eloquently, smiling at the invasive interviewer.

"Yeah," I added. "We are all for our nations' continued support of each other through military, finances and other things of the sort, but we have simply come to the conclusion that marriage between us is not an option."

The interviewer nodded, a fake smile emphasizing his smile lines. He clearly wasn't satisfied with our answers. "Do you believe the change in allied arrangement will affect the effectiveness of the treaty? I mean, how can we, as Malavitans, be sure Carray will not turn their back on us? Without the marriage there isn't the secure guarantee."

Thalia and I both chuckled to each other before I took the question. "As your future King, I can assure you no such thing will happen. Thalia and I have spoken in-depth about this and worked out as many of the technicalities as we could with Malavita's best political and war advisors. The two of us are solid in our agreement."

The interviewer nodded, his smile once again tight. "Do you really believe it is in the best interest of both nations to end the marriage agreement, though?"

I plastered a smile across my face, already fed up with this interviewer's constant pushing. "As I mentioned before, Mr. Clarkson, Thalia and I spent time with the nations best strategists and advisors to see how this alliance would pan out without a marriage. We agreed it was in the best interest of both of us with no harm coming to the alliance or either nation."

"It just seems rather reckless that you two would make such a big decision without the consent of both King Hades and King Zeus."

Before I had a chance to answer yet another insulting question, Thalia jumped in. "Excuse me, Mr. Clarkson, but it sounds like you are implying Nico and I are not taking our nations' best interests to heart and that we would blatantly ignore the advice of our Kings."

"Oh, no. That's not what I was meaning at all." He replied, his voice sounding anything but sincere. "I was merely intending on pointing out how huge it is for you two young royals to end a centuries-long alliance all because of a drunken statement by the Prince."

My smile dropped clear off my face. How dare he accuse us if being irresponsible because of our age and my sexuality. "Ah, I see. Mr. Clarkson, all due respect, but I must say that is entirely unprofessional of you to say. This interview is over. You have continued to disrespect me, Thalia, and - by default - both Malavita and Carray. Thank you for inviting us onto Good Morning Today, but you will no longer be receiving interviews from the Royal court."

I stood and Thalia followed my lead. Before he even knew what was happening, we were off of set and the show went to an unexpected commercial break.

Thalia walked off toward Will, Elena, and our bodyguards. I turned to follow her before I felt a firm hand on my elbow. I looked down at the hand holding my elbow only to realize it was the gray-haired man who interviewed us.

I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow as a clear warning. "Mr. Clarkson, I suggest you take your hand off of me."

The man released my elbow like it was a fire burning his palm. "I hope you know what you're doing... Highness."

He bowed his head slightly before walking away from me and over to his makeup artist for a few touch ups.

"Hey what was that about?" Thalia and Elena approached me.

"Yeah, Frank was about to jump the guy. Did he threaten you?" Elena questioned me.

"I'm fine. He's just pissed off about the marriage being cancelled and me being gay."

"I think everyone is still in shock about that announcement." Will commented as he walked up. "I hate the break up the party but Nico, Jason won't stop blowing up my phone. You need to call him."

"Dammit. He's going to kill me."



Through all of the insanity of getting everyone back in their cars to head to the palace, Nico's friend and I ended up the only two in one of the sleek, silver SUVs.

"I don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Will, Thalia's personal assistant." I held my hand out to her.

"I've heard a lot about you, Will." She grinned, taking my hand and shaking it. "Mostly about your eyes, but I've heard."

"Oh really? Who from?"

Instead of a reply, the strawberry blonde simply smirked.

"Alright, well, I don't think I caught your name."


"It's nice to meet you. Nico speaks highly of you."

"That's a miracle," she said with a laugh.

"Why do you say that?" My curiosity spiked.

"Oh, Nico and I go way back. I've known him most of my life."

With my question not entirely answered, I raised an eyebrow. I could tell Elena wasn't one for sharing family history but I was hoping to weasel it out of her, even if it took me a while.

She rolled her eyes before saying, "We went to the same private schools all the way until we graduated. My parents are nobility here in Malavita."

"Your parents are nobility? Why do you live in the city in a tiny apartment, then?"

"I like my apartment."

The way she said that final reply made it clear she was finished with the conversation.

After a few minutes of complete silence, my mind wandered to her first statement to me. She had heard about me but she said she had heard about my eyes, mostly. I wondered who she could have possibly heard about me from. Thalia wouldn't speak in depth about my eyes; she and I simply don't have that sort of relationship. God knows Jason and I haven't gotten to know each other on that level. Not to mention he is married. The only other people I have had interactions with are Nico and his sisters. I suppose it would have come from one of them.

With a smile to myself, I hope it was Nico.



"You handled the interview very well today, fratello." Bianca said.

"Thank you, sorella." I replied quietly. I'm surprised she said that; the interview was a trainwreck.

"That interviewer didn't even try to hide his distaste of Carray." Bianca snorted. "He was practically glaring at Thalia the whole interview."

"Harold Clarkson is a horrible man and I couldn't wait to get away from him." I sighed dramatically spreading out across my bed.

"Really? You seemed so calm and collected."

"I was raised by Maria di Angelo. Do you really think I would be bad at my 'royal face'?"

Bianca laughed unabashedly. "No I suppose not. You handled him as well as any of us would've. I'm sorry it ended the way it did."

"Thank you." I said for the second time. "I'm sure this wouldn't be happening if you had been the one to come out and cancel a wedding. Everyone would be celebrating you."

She remained quiet for two long beats. "Maybe you're right, but we'll never know. I'm sorry you even have to deal with the press right now, Nico. Really I am."

I didn't answer, the two of us lapsing into a comfortable silence. The two of us were laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. She and I aren't good at sharing our feelings with each other; we often find ourselves in this position when compliments or insecurities are offered between us.

"I am proud of you, you know." Bianca's voice became smaller.

I stared at the ceiling for a few more moments. "Why?"

"Because," she paused for a moment, breathing deeply. "You knew you didn't want to marry someone you didn't love - especially a woman - so you made sure it wouldn't happen."

"I was drunk, Bia. It's not like I consciously decided to out myself to my whole kingdom. Not even Jason could sue my way out of this."

"You spoke up, though. Even with dad you didn't back down on your desire to cancel the wedding and move on with a purely political relationship between our kingdoms."

I turned my head to face Bianca, but she still continued to stare at the painting on the ceiling above my bed; a painting she and I memorized long ago. I couldn't believe Bianca was being so encouraging about this. She usually took every opportunity she could to belittle me and remind me of how unprepared I was to rule a nation. Yet, here she was complimenting my courage in coming out and standing up to our father.

"I'm sorry I've been so closed off and harsh with you, Niccolo."

"I forgive you, Bianca."

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